I Cream for Jeannie Ch. 01

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A genie, an unusual wish,and an odd and lighthearted romp.
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The alarm clock roused Lindsay with its shrill whine, and a fast moving hand bashed the plastic box with more force than was probably wise. Muttering a muted curse at the fury of the inanimate, she groggily threw herself out of bed before the mild energy the alarm imparted faded back into the warm embrace of sleep. She stumbled to a standing position, and stretched with a yawn, vaguely tossing the blanket back on to the bed. Stepping out of her negligee, she grabbed a pair of clean panties from the drawer, and slipped them on. She snatched a bra from the drawer above it, and walked into the bathroom, her balance vaguely improving. She slipped the black covering over her firm Cs, and handled the dozen and one beautifying tasks that had filled the first fifteen minutes of each of her days for the last decade.

She walked back into the bedroom, and grabbed the tortoiseshell comb she joking called "The Precious." Running in through her hair over and over again, she let each lock drop down her chest after the Precious smoothed it, relishing the pleasant sensation as the long auburn strands landed on her thighs. When she reached the hundredth stroke, she sighed appreciatively, smiling at the results. She threw on her long terrycloth bathrobe. Darting down the stairs, she opened the front door to pick up the morning mail. Two newspapers awaited her, six letters, and, much to her surprise, two packages. The first was amazon.com box—Harry Potter, Lindsay was sure—but the second was entirely an unknown.

Lindsay picked up the mail, and brought it in, tossing it on the kitchen table. After a brief glance at the envelopes—nothing more urgent than Publisher's Clearinghouse—she greedily snatched the mysterious package, freely indulging her curiosity. She ripped off the packaging tape, and sniggered as she saw yet another, smaller box inside, this one with a folded note on top of it. Reading it, Lindsay's sense of adventure was piqued rather than satisfied. "To the Recipient," it cryptically began, "According to the last will and testament of my employer, who furthermore instructed his anonymity to be respected, this address has been selected at random to received the enclosed bequest." Lindsay's eyebrow arched. She noted the legal office's letterhead adorning the top and bottom of the sheet, and the language vaguely reminiscent of the Publisher's Clearinghouse on the table.

Dropping the letter, Lindsay slid her hands into the box and retrieved the smaller package, eyeing the Russian dolls on her mantle with a wry amusement. She ripped off the tape—again—and stifled a gasping laugh as what appeared to be a giant gold dildo fell to the table with a thunk. Gradually, her will failed, and a rising chuckle escaped her lips.

The phallus wasn't particularly intricate or accurate—just cylinder with mushroom-shaped head, with a little slit at its end, and a small divot in the side of the head, presumably representing the frendulum, the 'sensitive' underside of the organ it imitated. Picking it up, still grinning at the humor, even as the wheels began to turn, contemplating its source, she noticed both the weight of the dildo, and, even more curiously, writing on the shaft. Quizzically squinting, she recognized a dozen different alphabets represented, as another channel of her brain began to entertain the notion that she was actually hefting gold. Rotating the cock with a care subconsciously emanating from her growing concern for the value of the piece, she found a bloc of Roman letters. The third that her eyes caught here English, and she burst out laughing as she read it.

"For a good time, rub me."

Lindsay sat down, chortling, and paused for a moment to wonder at who could or would have sent the object, and continued to mull over the concept of its composition. She grinned, and, as if to complete the joke, licked the understand, and burst out laughing, just in time to get hit in the chest with a blast of white smoke. Lindsay felt the breath get knocked out of her. She sucked in a lungful, and restored her equilibrium just in time to see a tawny beauty coalesce on the kitchen table.

A naked, tawny beauty.

Her skin looked like the fine sand of the beach, her hair, curved around her ears, like the blackness of a desert night. Her soft breasts, two small mounds—little more than A—topped by two tiny dots of crimson, with the most minimal of red halos around them. Lindsay's mind whirled for a moment, afflicted by the sort of vertigo that only witnessing the impossible can engender. Before she could gather herself, a low, enticing voice murmured "To whom do I owe the pleasure of my company and service?"

With a laugh now tinged more with worry and fear at the sudden interloper than it was with amusement at the situation, Lindsay sputtered "The genie of the cock? What the fuck? Going to grant me three orgasms now, are you?"

The blue eyed stranger grinned. "If that is what you wish for. But wish carefully—you only get one."

Lindsay's disbelief was quite thoroughly suspended by now. "Not three?" she queried, almost by reflex.

The genie smiled even more broadly. "I am Val'din, or, as you put it, the genie of the cock. Not the lamp. You get one sexual wish, and then I get to flitter off and do whatever it is I want to for the rest of your life. And when that lovely period ends, I get sucked back in, and the process repeats itself. It's really quite simple." She seemed quite pleased with herself as she explained this, and, as if to further emphasize the point, she uncrossed her legs. Lindsay, through sheer force of will, did not look.

"Bullshit." She replied. Cynicism restored itself to her mind, as her left hemisphere spun into action, seeking a rational explanation with all of its vigor.

"I gave Helen of Troy the cutest little nose, and you know what happened. Give it a whirl," she lazily replied. "Results are guaranteed. Wish right, and you can have anyone inside you."

The impossibility of the situation continued to resonate in Lindsay's mind, her left hemisphere continually coming up empty. "Oh, really? Anything I want?"

"Absolutely," the genie purred. "Anything."

"What did the last guy have?" Lindsay blurted, her left brain at last coming up with a logical query, a toehold in the rational realm. A question that demanded an answer that would, in the reaction it induced, reveal some shred of information, uncover a liar.

"You're not the first person to ask," the Val'din grinned. She raised an eyebrow, and, grabbing the golden dildo from Lindsay's hands, thrust it between her legs, and moaned "An eight inch, perfect cock." Sliding it slowly out, she brought it to her mouth, and licked it lightly. "Why, do you want one, too?"

Lindsay's brow furrowed, but before she could even contemplate the response, Val'din continued, "More than one of my liberators has wanted at least a taste of the other side's pleasure."

Lindsay recovered herself. "I've had more than my fair share of tastes. From both sides," she boasted.

"But you've never had your own cock sucked," Val winked with a smile.

Lindsay scoffed "Of course not."

"Don't even want to know what it's like? Eight inches sliding down a wet, warm throat… feeling hands grip your butt, wanting to taste you?" Val cackled with fiendish glee, and continued licking the dildo.

Lindsay grinned wryly. "I'd also like to boink people who don't have a fetish for that sort of thing," she responded, and, for reasons not even she fully understood, stuck out her tongue.

Val giggled gleefully, abruptly shoved the dildo into her mouth, then darted it out. She licked her lips, and softly said "Oh, it needn't be out all the time. I told you, I can do anything for you."

Lindsay opened up her mouth for another retort, but caught it. Cautiously, "An eight inch cock, whenever I wanted it? That's just biologically impossible. Where'd I put it?"

With a bored sigh, still licking her lips from the taste she'd just had, Val responded, "A five-two naked genie pops out of a seven inch dildo heavy enough that you know it's solid, and that's your complaint?" She smiled, and continued "From clit to cock as easily as extending your middle finger."

"And back again?"

"And back again. Fully functional. Come all over your lover's breasts. Or," Val reached out, and brushed a hand against Lindsay's bra, at the firm nub visible through the black fabric. "Or maybe all over your own. They're really quite lovely. It'd be a waste of a wish to get me to bridge the gap between them and perfect."

Lindsay paused. "Could I have a test period?" she asked.

For the first time, Val was taken aback. "A what?"

Lindsay, sensing the advantage in the conversation for the first time, felt the predator in her take over. "A test period. A day or two to see if you can really deliver what you promise on this score."

Now Val's brow was the one to furrow. "One wish. If you only want it to last two days, I can do that. If you want it permanently, I can do that. No take backs."

Lindsay did not let up. "You're asking me to trust your power. How do I know you're really able to do what you promise? I want assurance that I won't get screwed. In the bad way, I mean. Or is even that beyond you?"

"Don't try to bait me. On my last free life, I saw Disney's Aladdin, too. That shit doesn't fly."

"Do what I say, or I won't wish for anything at all. I'll shove you back in your cock, and leave you there. Hell, I'll toss you off a boat. Did'ja see Titanic, too?"

Val didn't quite blanche, but she certainly sobered. "So it's going to be like that?"

"It's going to be like that. As you said, I already have nice tits. I don't need anything . You do."

Val's gleeful smile became a thoughtful one. "I'll give you two hours for your test to accept it, or change it. But only the once."

"Deal." Lindsay extended her hand.

"Deal," Val agreed, and shook. "Strip," she demanded.

Lindsay's brow arched. "Why?"

"Trust me. I'm a doctor."

Lindsay laughed, but obliged. She stood up, and dropped the robe off. She shimmied out of her panties, and, with a deft move of her long arms, unhooked her bra. She stuck out the arms, and playfully tittered "You do the honors."

Val sighed lovingly, and tugged the bra down Lindsay's arms. Now that the tension had passed, she could appreciate the body that stood before her. The small breasts on Val were perfectly formed, their nipples pert and at attention. Her curves were soft but strong, her face the picture of patrician beauty. Finally daring a look between her slender legs, she spied an utterly bald expanse, with a pink slit formed by two bright read, symmetrical folds, with a noticeable ball at their zenith.

Altogether, fuckable.

Val kneeled down, and tutted at the light stubble of Lindsay's vulva. "This won't do at all." She stuck out her tongue, and pressed her face forward. Her tongue pressed against Lindsay's slit, and licked upward. The shocking sensation of a waxing hit her, but without the pain. It was peculiar, but not altogether unpleasant. When it passed, she looked down, and smiled at the expanse as bare as the one at which she had just gazed. Then, abruptly, Val licked again, and kissed lightly, this time a purely pleasurable meeting of mouth and slit.

Her clit hardened with the undue haste that foreplay always gave her. She let out a gasp as Val's lips wrapped around it, and a moan as she felt the genie's tongue touch it from within that warm damp cave. The moan became a startled cry as she felt her clit get pulled from her body, and looked to see a long red straw extending from the top of her slit to Val's mouth, which now hovered a distance away.

Val's mouth released her, and the little straw stood hard and erect. She was about to murmur protest that bearing a pencil was precisely the possibility for which she'd requested the trial, when Val's chest heaved. With a light kiss to the tip, and hard blast of air, an indescribable sensation of being caressed from within filled the length of breadth of her clit. Unexpected, unprecedented, and utterly pleasurable, Lindsay felt the rush of what she belatedly realized was a male orgasm inside her. Her first.

Val squealed with impish glee as a splash of white came at her. She opened her mouth and caught it, then darted her face forward, to take the head of the newly-made cock in her mouth. Through her tremors, Lindsay demanded "Don't swallow. I want to taste it." Val's eyes were downcast. "Okay… but can I have a little bit?"

Lindsay smiled. "Of course." Her legs stopped shaking, and she kneeled in front of the genie.

"Something tells me I'm not going to take you up on that trial I weaseled out of you," she grinned.

Val put her hands on Lindsay's shoulders, and pushed her down gently, lowering her to the ground. "If you hadn't, I wouldn't have inflated."

Lindsay laughed, then gasped as Val lowered herself, the genie's wet slit pressing down on her cock, then dragging her folds up its underside, soaking the shaft, and stroking her most sensitive parts. Moaning, Lindsay bit her lip as, with a flick of her hips, Val's labia slid overtop the new cock's head, and started sliding down, pressing against palm of the hand that Val had slid towards Lindsay's pussy.

Val's pussy came to rest at the newly bare skin of Lindsay's vulva. She could feel the dimple of Val's asshole resting against the head, suggestively. Two of Val's soft fingers slid up and down Val's lower lips, and she felt the most utter physical ecstasy any partner had ever imparted on her.

"Wait," she breathed between gasps. "Please… just finger me." Val looked torn. She hesitated. Lindsay continued. "I want to jack myself off… to feel what it's like," she continued.

Val looked crestfallen, but assented. She lifted herself off, and lay down perpendicular to Lindsay, on her side. Her one hand continued to stroke Lindsay's slit, while the other moved to her own, her legs spread, as Lindsay watched. Lindsay's own hands grasped her cock, and began to stroke it.

She gripped her shaft with one and, and started to pump up and down on it, the other stroking her head. Her eyes darted from her own long, beautiful cock—the nicest she'd ever stroked, Lindsay reflected through the haze of building orgasm—to Val's perfect slit, responding wonderfully to Val's own ministrations.

Lindsay cried out as two long fingers thrust inside her, and she tugged hard on her cock, attacking it as aggressively as she'd ever done in the hand jobs she'd given. She looked imploringly at Val, who understood the message. Still stroking two pussies, Val slid her mouth around Lindsay's purple-red head, as both her hands stroked her own shaft. She shuddered as fingers touched her g-spot, as a tongue circled her head, as hands stroked her cock… and as she watched Val masturbate.

She cried out again, and Val lit up, as she felt another jet escape her cock's tip. Exploding in Val's mouth, she felt the familiar feeling of wetness seeping from her hole, her pussy streaming as her cock detonated. Her nipples tingled with orgasmic pleasure, even though nothing touched them, as Lindsay's whole body lit up.

Lindsay felt light headed as she floated down from the climax, and closed her eyes briefly, wallowing in the joy. She felt the warm, wet mouth sink lower on her cock, enveloping it, the tongue stroking spirals around the shaft, playing with it like a beloved toy, and she reopened her eyes. Two inches from them, the wet perfect pussy hovered.

"Ohhhh…" Lindsay protested. "You fight dirty."

In reply, Val thrust her pussy onto Lindsay's face. She hungrily opened her mouth, embracing the vulva that sought her attention. She moaned into the labia as lips caressed the base of her cock, and moaned louder when she felt two hands tweak her nipples. "Mmmmm… oh, I don't want to waste all my cum at once…" she protested. She felt lips stroke her entire length, from shaft to head, then heard the reply.

"Oh, don't worry. I build things well. Especially if I intend to play with them, myself," Val snickered, then dropped her head back down, and pinched on Lindsay's nipples. Lindsay thrust her hips upward, as if to press her cock deeper down Val's throat, but couldn't except the genie's pin. She began to moan as she felt the inner quiverings of her cock's building orgasm, and greedily kissed Val's clit, as if to demand that the genie join her for the third coming.

She failed. The rush of fluid escaped her again, once more sending a load of wetness into the genie's mouth, as her nipples and cock cried for joy. Her pussy's flow became a stream, wetly sliding down her inner thighs, stroking her ass. As she spurted again and again into Val's mouth, she sucked in on the clit. She wanted the genie to come, more than anything, as she emptied herself into the kind mouth.

Lindsay's eyes bulged as she felt something touch the back of her throat. Belatedly, she realized it was a long, hard clit, slender as a straw, just as her own had been. As the let of her cum—from this orgasm, at least—emptied against the soft tongue, Lindsay blew, and felt Val's cock inflate in her mouth. Val's hips pressed into Lindsay's face, embracing the growthgasm, her back arching, sending Lindsay's hard cock waving in the cool air.

Lindsay drank down as the first squirts of cum filled her mouth. Her tongue teased against Val's head, squeezing as much milk as it could, as her hands moved to pinch the genie's nipples. She gripped hard on the nipples, feeling spurt after spurt slap inside her mouth, and slurped them down, lovingly.

"That was a good start," Val began, and slid her cock out of Lindsay's mouth. Lindsay's chest heaved, as she tried to catch her breath, realizing that this was what the genie thought of as foreplay. Val stood up, and began to stroke her own cock, a modest five inch one, with an upward curve. She frowned. "You couldn't make it any bigger?" she implored, but then shrugged.

She straddled Lindsay's belly, resting her cock in the woman's cleavage. "You look exhausted" the genie continued. "I'll give you some time to rest," she half-moaned, as she pressed Lindsay's firm arms against her own curved cock, and began to sway.

"You fight dirty," Lindsay repeated, as she reached around the genie's legs, and slid her hands to play, one with the asshole, one with the slit. Her arms pressed her breasts together, freeing Val's hands to play with her hard nipples.

"You're a fast learner," Val breathed, as Lindsay felt rivulets of wetness slide down her fingers, as that hand stroked the perfect, wet labia. Her other hands fingers tickled around Val's asshole, and Val's moans made clear that this was a welcome touch. Lindsay felt the first drips of precum escape her cock as she watched Val play with her own breasts, and felt the stroking of a cock between her breasts. She struggled to calm herself. She wanted to make the genie come alone—and then for them to come together.

"Come!" she demanded, and slide three fingers into the genie's tight, wet hole. Val cried out with pleasure, and pinched hard on her own nipples. She thrust deeply in Lindsay's cleavage, and, as the woman drew her fingers out, then thrust them back in, sent a white, creamy jet in an arc, landing in Lindsay's open mouth. Gurgling at the genie's aim, she hungrily accepted the next spurt, and the next, her fingers attacking the inside of Val's vagina.

As spurts fell short, making a white trail along Lindsay's neck, and petered out in a tiny puddle at the top of her cleavage, Val sighed with pleasure. She closed her eyes, briefly, embracing the pleasure just as Lindsay had, before standing up. The genie sat down next to Lindsay's head, and picked her up, lifting the woman, and pulling her on to her lap. The genie's cock curved up, hugging against Lindsay's slit, its tip resting against the bottom of her newfound cock.