I Remember Mother


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She moved higher a little, then she began to suck. I discovered this side position made her lips glide over my cock in the same orientation as screwing into a pussy would. It was a more natural and stimulating angle to my dick than a straight on approach. So, I closed my eyes and let myself fantasize about it being my mother's pussy I was screwing, instead of her lips. The translation was an easy one to make and drifted off into a dream-like state of consciousness

I have had quite a few girls perform felatio on my penis, but it was never as pulse pounding as those fabulous floating moments; they seemed to stretch out in a timeless extension of utter sensual contentment. And best of all, it was my mom doing it, the love object of my whole life! Her mouth was at once both a ring of energy surrounding my obelisk of lust, rising and descending in a rhythm like waves lapping at the beach; and yet a sublime enveloping softness of velvet, then satin - sliding into silkiness, the enfolding of pure sensory excitement.

It was an out-of-body moment, save for the supreme member of my physical self, which was being ministered to by the angel who was my guide to rapture. Then, I began to slip into the moment of transcendence. It began without warning and grew exponentially like a time-lapse flower blooming in a few short moments to be fully revealed.

The pulses of my orgasm were like the klaxon of a fire horn going off in my head. My loins quivered, my balls were jumping as if there were bullfrogs hopping in them. My back arched, my ass cheeks clenched, my asshole jerked back into my body and the fire-hose my mom had in her mouth began to erupt hot magma of cum. Surges of splurges and spasms rocked me and my lungs were drawing raggedly for more oxygen as everything exploded.

I floated down, totally drained of energy, fully disconnected from any intellect, spent of every speck of sperm; and filled to the brim with love for this special woman, my mother, who would give such a spectacular sucking to her son. She had indeed repaid me for the afternoon's adventure between her legs. I motioned for her to kiss me and words were beyond me still, my breathing still more sobs than panting. She drew her face up to mine and our mouths met in a mash of lips and a swirl of tongues. Then my eyes just seemed to roll back and I passed into a deep sleep, a smile upon my lips that couldn't fade even in unconsciousness.


The next morning we snuggled in bed together, a pair of lovers in no hurry to leave the comfort of the covers or each other's company. We hugged and kissed and stroked one another in sweet contentment. Mom was cradled in my right arm and my left hand explored her curves. I fondled her nipples making them stiff and erect. Squeezing first right tit, then left, I marveled at the soft skin and spongy texture of a mature woman's breasts. My hand soon was sliding down to the devil's playground, the triangle of temptation. Mother's pussy was already slick with excitement.

Mom was not idle. Her torso was slightly turned toward me permitting her free right arm to make caresses of its own. She rubbed softly on my chest in a soothing fashion. Occasionally, her hand made a detour southward to flutter over my blood-flooded dick. This was an interesting tease which the male monster alert but not over-stimulated, allowing for a lengthy time of tingling without needing to conclude in climax. Her kiss began to get wetter and mom's tongue played in and out of my mouth also in a titillating and suggestive way.

My finger did some walking in her pubic hair, then like a big comb I fluffed it up, gently pulling at the kinky strands make mother suck in a gasp now and then. Then, with just the tip of my middle finger, ever so lightly I began to massage the slit of her seeping crack. First from clit to base, reversing at the base and drawing the moisture on to her nub, then lower and back to the joy toy of femininity. At the high point were little circles and the dips went a fraction deeper each stroke. Mom's knees opened to give me full access. She began to draw sharp breaths and her hand stopped moving coming to a stationary spot on my member.

As my digit danced in her depths and thumb made merry strumming mom's clit she broke free of the chains of passion's spell which had hypnotized her. She sat up and looked at me with a wild expressing of wanton glee. Mother's hair was flying out at odd angles. Her face was flushed, nearly the color of her nipples. The eyes sparkled +with mischief promising me that in moments we would be engaged in another of mom's special surprises. She paused for effect and the called out the number like it was the winner at a bingo game. "69!"

We swung around being careful not to poke elbows into eyes. With me on the bottom and mom over me, we made the connections of lips to labia /orifice to penis. I could see her brown hole clearly, a thing of beauty I had had never contemplated before so directly. Mom's mouth moved over my manhood milking it like she was a hungry calf. I nibbled on the dangling dainty delights of her nether parts as if I were some short-necked giraffe reaching for a succulent leafy meal with a pink berry as an extra special treat. I stretched my tongue, and while not as elongated as the African animal of the plains, it served to stimulate the pleasure bud amidst the folds of my fun.

Murmurs and moans were all the sounds we made as we munch on each other's genitals. Happy tones which signaled approval and guided each other to do just the right thing and to keep at the activity that was taking us closer to climax. The morning's foreplay had primed the charge about to explode with both of us. Mom started first, her hips pumping involuntarily as the paroxysm over took her. I grabbed her ass cheeks and mashed my face into her crotch, my mouth and tongue a machine slathering her privates, careful to not let teeth tear the tender flesh. Her anus winked several times at me as the spasms washed over her whole being.

As she came down from her cum high she renewed her swallowing, managing somehow to deep-throat me right to the root as she had last night and I could feel the constriction of her throat around the head of my hard-on. Her oral digit seemed to actually spiral around my member and the suction was incredible like a vacuum cleaner stuck on my cock. Like one of those oil wells blowing a new gusher, my goo was a geyser of white-hot cream. In one single moment, I erupted and emptied my supply of love lotion as my mother swallowed my full load of passion potion. Then she rolled to the side and whooped in joy and exaltation at our mutual gratification.

After that, we rested for some several minutes before rousing ourselves to start the business of the day. We did shower together, a quick no nonsense hop into the spray . . .well there was a little tickling - but we were quite satiated by the earlier frolic. We finished the ablutions and toiletry necessities with the nonchalance of the comfortable level of intimacy we had come to even in so short a time. Dressing casual in fresh outfits, we set off for the campus and getting the remainder of my registration and settling in done. This took up much of the morning.

After consuming a pizza at a decent hangout I knew of, we decided to sunbathe by the motel pool. I made much of putting the lotion on mom. She had a bikini that showed off her sexy figure. While I couldn't do all that I wanted to out in public in plain sight of the other guests, I make her shiver and gasp at some of the more daring touches I boldly made when I was sure nobody might see. I stroked the pout of her breasts. I slipped up the inner thigh and put a finger into her pussy withdrawing it quickly to make it seem as if I were merely making sure the back of her cheeks wouldn't burn. She wouldn't be quite that naughty but did some nice massaging of my shoulders and the small of my back. Very sensuous still, and so very nice to have her hands on me in any fashion.

At the local diner where we went for dinner, I saw Fred again and his steady girl, his date for the evening I knew. Fred came over to introduce - as he put it, 'his old lady'. I indicated that my partner was a new romance, and that while she might not be a young lady, she was a hot one. Mom choked on her water at my lack of discretion. But Fred said he thought that dating a grad student was very cool. Then he urged us to come the party that evening that it was a pre-school bash not to be missed and he hoped that I would let the rest of my friends meet my new chick.

When they departed, Mom started to laugh hard. I asked why.

"Oh! Honey, I think it's so funny that your buddy thought I was your generation. You know if I can pass both Fred and that other friend's, Jack was it? Pass both their inspections, do you think I could pull off being your date at the party? I'd love to go, I haven't been to a college bash since I graduated myself. Could we go? Please?"

"Christ, mom - I don't know . . . "

"Well if you don't want to risk them knowing that it's your "old lady", I guess I can understand - still I was hoping. I think it would be great fun."

"It's not that mom, just . . . well there's likely to be some pot and making out at these shindigs. Maybe you would feel uncomfortable with stuff like that going on."

"Not at all babe! I haven't tried pot, but the bacchanal doesn't sound all that different than the bashes when I was your age. We had whiskey and goofballs, there was necking and some used the bedrooms for getting it on. Let's go, at least you can get bragging rights for dating a grad student; we just won't tell them the year I did!"

We both laughed at that and it was agreed that we should change into suitable duds and party hardy that evening. But we also decided that we would be back to our room early enough to have our own make out session in private. I hoped that perhaps that night we might "do it". Could I get her tipsy enough? Perhaps a toke or two to help? Did I want to seduce my mom, even though I was pledged to honor her wishes that we not go all the way? Yes. This might be my last and only chance to accomplish the culmination of what we had been building toward, with all that we had shared this past several days. I would not take my mother against her will, but if she was willing, I was able and eager and ready.

At the house where Fred had given me directions to, even though we arrived at a relatively early hour, the party was well underway. Already the distinctive whiff of grass scented the place and dark corners were peopled with carousing couples. My new girlfriend and I made the rounds and I introduced the latest love of my life without any hint she had also been the first love of my existence as well. Mom had worn jeans and a tee shirt of mine and no bra either. She did her hair in a scarf, with sandals on her feet made her look like one of our hippie crowd. She passed easily, her youthful beauty timeless, in the dim she was 23 again. In her heart and in her lilting laugh she was 23 again too.

A beer in her hand was good, a start, but as we settled down to join in an impromptu rap session about the war and politics and bitch about professors, some body lit a joint and passed it around. When it came to mom I didn't know what she would do, but she was game and wisely took only a tiny toke, but held it in good for a bit. She held forth about the president being an asshole and the next drag was a deeper one. Go! Mom! She was observing the crew as they each took a hit off what was now a roach. Somebody produce a clip and when the marijuana went next by mama, she sucked and then drew air to drive it down into her lungs.

Suddenly I saw her eyes light up and she had a shit-eating grin on her face and I knew mom had caught a buzz. Mother had her first high on hemp, and was she happy! Now a pipe was being passed back and forth. This was a different draw and mom took too much and began to cough and choke and wheeze. "Happens to us all!" Shouted Jack from across the room where he was groping a blonde I had not seen on campus before. I helped her to recover, gave her a sip of cold beer and suggested she take it easy.

"Just caught me off guard . ." she squeaked still trying to catch her breath. Then she held out her hand for the pipe and took a perfect toke; the hit hit her with a rush. Her eyes closed and she swayed even though we were sitting. "I'm definitely one toke over the line." She sang the last of the sentence. I didn't know she knew that song. She got to her feet and I arose with her uncertain as to what she was wanting to do. Mom grabbed me by the belt and said in a not so quiet whisper, "Let's find a dark corner!" Then she lead the way to what was the den evidently, where in near darkness half a dozen couples were in various states of undress and at different stages of intimacy and all were definitely all but "doing it" in mom's phrase.

Mom found a couple of over-sized unoccupied and plunked down. I followed. Hardly before I landed, mom was putting my hand up her dress. "I see why grass get you horny!" She whispered with a giggle. "I feel like my skin is super sensitive and my cunt itches! Rub your baby, darling, get into my panties!" I obeyed. I stuck my hand down her little undies and proceeded to finger her clit and found her hole slick already. She reached behind her and grabbed the waistband of the undergarment and pulled them down to her knees, then to her ankles then off. I had no hindrance then to finger fucking her.

Mom used her hands to loosen my belt and undo my pants, the zipper sounded amidst the moans of the other couples kissing and caressing and carousing and cumming. She made me stop for a moment and shuck down my jeans to get out my hard-on. She then began to jack me as I resumed diddling her. I managed to get my other hand inside her tee shirt to paw her tit. The shirt lifted so high that both breast were exposed. Mother was so hot to trot that in made no never mind that we were in what amounted to an orgy, at least as close as I had ever been to one. Mom gave a shutter that indicated she had a small climax.

Just then, the thunder of a stereo blasted music throughout the place and kids began to dance out on the terrace. Mom looked startled, then she scrambled to her feet. "I want to boogie!" She exclaimed as she repaired her disheveled clothing. I struggled up, yanking my pants back on. I reached down, scooped mom's panties from the floor, and offered them to her. She snatched them with a flourish and tossed them into the other room. "Who needs them?!" She cried and grabbing my hand towed me toward the gyrating crowd that moved to the groovy music. We joined them and bopped and bounced and shook and shimmied to the rock blaring from the speakers.

After several numbered the exertion made us thirsty and we grabbed a couple of beers. Mom found the snack table and began to pig out. "God! Everything tasted soo goood!" Yep, mother had the munchies! She grabbed a roving roach that ran our way and we each took a hit. Then a slow dance began and I drew her back to the terrace for a close and cozy romantic sway to and fro. She rested her head on my shoulder and we were content to enjoy the tender moment together. When the music ended, mom reached for my crotch and rubbed my dick. She breathed in my ear, "Get a joint from one of your friends and let's go back to our place!"

I hooked up with Jack as mom went to pee. I made my request, Jack was always good for a doobie, and indicated I hoped to get luck - maybe. He gave me a fat joint "Primo!" He said. He also gave me a big wink and a wide smile, a thumb's up sign, and a thrusting of his hips and a knowing nod. I was sure that Jack wouldn't have minded taking my mother home himself. But she was my girl, my date, my woman and my mother, and my lover if tonight turned out right, now that my mom was turned-on. My hopes were high and so was she, and Jack's gift of grass might grant my wish to get my mom to go all the way!


When we got back to the motel, as soon as we got in the door we stripped. Clothes were flying every which way in our exuberance of freedom and anticipated frolic. I didn't know what mom had in mind for the events of our next erotic encounter but her eagerness was quite evident. She flung off the covers of her, rather our bed and sat cross-legged up against the headboard. "Where's the pot?" she queried getting right to the point. I brought over a thick rolled joint and ashtray with matches. "Wait! Wait!" She suddenly was waiving her hands to halt everything. For a moment, I thought she had come to her senses and decided that it was not going to be.

"We need to do it in the bathroom, so the odor won't be detected. We don't want to get busted!" So, we scampered into the bathroom, put a towel along the door on the floor and turned on the exhaust fan. I lit the grass and took a long drag, then passed it to mom. She sucked in a good toke and held it for a fair amount of time, then blew the blue smoke up toward the ceiling where the powered draft drew it out. For several minutes, as mom sat on the lid of the seat and I crouched in front of her, we pass the jay back and forth. Mom's nipples were stuck out like pencil erasers and she wiggled her hips from time to time. I could feel the buzz getting bigger in my brain and my erection lifted between my legs.

Mom stared at it as she puffed from the roach. I took the stub and snuffed it out to save the last half-inch for later. Mom smiled a toothy grin and said in a sultry voice, "I like being high. I love being stoned. I am so turned on! God, everything is so cool . . . look at how the chrome shines in the light! I know! Let's turn off the light for a minute and see how dark it is!" She flipped the switch. Instantly I was blind. I was careful not to move suddenly, so I could keep my balance in the unexpected darkness. I reached out to grab the sink to steady myself, but got a handful of mom's tit.

"My! What did you find?" She snickered and slowly reached forward until her fingers found my chest. The digits fluttered down seeking my fleshy flute and found my phallus. When our eyes adjusted in a few moments, the dim light from the bedroom provided enough illumination so that we didn't bump one another. In the gloom the groping got to be a game of seeking the hidden erogenous zones to touch each other and the stimulation was even more exiting for being in the dark, as if the secret desires that were running rampant were all the more naughty for being done clandestinely.

Mom broke of the playing 'blind man in the buff', and opened the door. She trotted to the bed. I followed, closing the bathroom door with the fan still on. Mother motioned me to be opposite her at the foot of the mattress. Now we were once again in the same position as we were the first night here. Was it to only be a mutual masturbation again? Surely we would do more our last night after having been all but all the way. Waste the high with just some hanky-panky? If so it would be a bummer of a cummer, not having the ultimate intimate experience while me and mom were so nicely buzzed on boo. The weed had fed my need to make it with mother. But I was not to be disappointed.

After a long moment, when she just gazed at me, in contemplation of our relationship and this extraordinary journey we had made together on this short trip where we had come such a long way. With so many cums for both of us in the uncustomary relationship between mother and son, having broken the most sacred of taboos and entered a realm in which the bonds were also of overpowering physical desire as well deep emotional ties. After the excruciating wait, my mother, the object of my heart's desire and my hard-on's lust, held out her arms and spread her legs and whispered in the sweetest tones, "Come to mommy!"