I Saw You Too


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He is a charmer I see. I remember his comment from the paper and try to oblige. In my best, smoky Bardot accent, I answer, "Bien sûr. Merci beaucoup, j'essaierai le rouge, s'il vous plaît." Then I smile back and ask, "How was that?"

He nods his head appreciatively and we clink glasses.

"I wasn't kidding about Brigitte Bardot. That scene in The Vixen where Claude Pairot presses her up against the door while his wife and family are in the next room? I think that was burned into my mind from some time when I was like 7 or 8 years old. My mom had a lot of videocassettes of French movies from the 50's, and I remember looking up the word "vixen" in the dictionary before I watched it."

"Hmmnn sounds like some little boy had a crush."

He chuckles and nods, "Yeah probably. Well it's all way before my time, but as I said, my mom kept a lot of old movies and European film posters around the house. I'd forgotten about it all for years, but then, a few weeks ago, I saw an old video for the Bonnie and Clyde song that I mentioned to you in the I SAW YOU. I love that song, but I didn't even know there was a video for it. Honestly, I didn't think they made them back then, but they sure did....Have you ever seen it?"

I'm enjoying watching Nathaniel's little obsession unfold, but as I haven't ever seen this video, I shake my head, "no." He kind of just watches me then for a moment, gauging my reaction with a game look. I'm really turned on by his bold attention, and quite flattered by his association between myself and one of the sexiest Frenchwomen ever.

"Anyway, there's a scene in there where Brigitte Bardot is playing Bonnie Parker. She has a tommy gun resting across her lap and she's, well...adjusting her garter belt. Anyway, let's just say that REALLY brought all the childhood stuff back for me. And then when I saw you, Monday, and I heard your accent, well, I couldn't help thinking making some kind of connection."

With that, he mimes a little cupid shooting an arrow, and I smile at his coyness.

Just at that point, a guy comes over and taps Nathaniel on the shoulder. Nathan apologizes for being interrupted, then leans his ear down so he can hear the guy over the crowd behind him. The guy has the air of a promoter and I guess that he's the one putting on the show tonight. I wonder if he's asking Nathaniel to move the table or something. But as the man speaks, Nate just slowly nods his head like there's more to it than that. The guy, straightens up then, and pats him again on the shoulder. He extends his wrist in front of Nate and indicates "two," before he makes to leave. Nathaniel grabs his arm though and steers him back to the table. He looks across the table, then, and speaks,

"Frank, this is my date Lisette. Lisette, Frank. She is a French exchange student, and I met her here a few days ago."

Frank extends his hand to me, and smiles like a man who's just been let in on a secret.

"So you're the one he's been obsessing on all week. Well, I can see why now."

We shake and then he politely withdraws.

As he turns, he repeats the "two" to Nathaniel. I look a bit bemused by all of this, I'm sure. Suddenly Nathaniel pushes his chair back and leans across the table. It seems to have gotten terribly loud all of a sudden. He leans across and touches me softly on the back of my neck as he speaks in my ear,

"I'm sorry, I don't have as much time to explain as I thought. I'm opening a show here tonight for my friend's band, Naked Lunch. I wouldn't normally invite a stranger to a show, but to be honest, I'm pretty much infatuated with you and I was afraid you wouldn't call me, so I decided to suggest we meet instead. After you didn't call, I didn't think you'd show either. I was really bummed, but I figured 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' and all that."

He leans back and looks me in the eye before he continues. My feelings are kind of in a jumble. Is he really about to leave me here alone after we just met? But instead of reacting against him, I feel a strange sense of peace and comfort with the situation. Strange as it is. And frankly, I can't deny how incredibly attracted I am to him at this moment. He is very close to me as he continues,

"When I saw you come in just now, I was stunned. Absolutely fucking stunned. You can't feel it, but my heart is pounding like a wild animal in my chest. It's not because I'm about to play 10 songs in front of a group of strangers. It's because you're here, and you're looking so incredible and now, I really am kind of nervous about playing. My band isn't here, but the bass player is showing up for two songs in the middle. I'm not sure what else to say but that since I saw you on Monday, I haven't had a thought in my head about Brigitte Bardot. Please don't judge me to much on that childhood obsession. Don't take this as too sudden Lisette, but I think I've got you got under my skin. If you're still here when I'm done, I promise we can go somewhere else more quiet."

And with that, he leans in and kisses me on both cheeks. Just as he would if we were in France.


Nathaniel is up on stage. He has played almost all of his ten songs. Most were covers of 80's pop punk bands like Violent Femmes and the Dead Milkmen who I believe are from this city.

During two songs, a stunning girl with bright red pigtails came on and played bass while he played electric guitar. Being in the fashion business, I know a hot girl when I see one and she was smoking! She was wearing a white tank top, and long pants. Between the heat in the room and the fact that she was obviously not wearing a bra, no one could help but stare at her perfect, b-cup breasts and her large pink nipples that you could see right through the thin top.

She was just the brassy, oozing-sex-kind-of-girl that a shy girl always secretly envies and exactly the type of girl I wanted to be tonight. I was extremely jealous and honestly was getting up to leave until, when they ended the song, Nathaniel introduced her to the crowd as his sister. As the crowd erupted approval, he snuck me a glance and winked. They had just finished a very sexy version of "Add It Up" by the Violent Femmes. At one point, with her back to him, she straddled his thigh and they both did a solo as he twanged "add it up, add it up, why can't I get, just one fuck..." Even though I was fuming with jealousy, it was hard to take my eyes off of that.

Anyway, "Melanie," Nathaniel's sister, was now packing up her bass as he switched to an acoustic. He explained that she was only in town for the night and that she had a date. At that, the crowd again erupted. Nathaniel leaned into the mike then and smiled as he continued, "...and it's with a girl!!."

Well, pandemonium ensued for a few minutes as Melanie tried to leave the stage and thread her way out to the door. Sister or no, I can't say I was sad to see her go. She was just too hot.

The next couple of songs were like the first in that they were revved-up punk acoustics. Except these were Nathan's originals. They were witty songs with a hectic beat that actually had a few people in the crowd pogoing. Nathaniel was a master on stage. He had no rhthym section now, so the beat was pretty much just his strumming hand and what he could pound out with his one foot--which he did to amazing affect. A couple of times, he'd lock eyes with me as he sang some naughty bit about a character in his song. The effect on me was visceral. My own heart was pounding now, and as my soul turned to warm butter, I couldn't mistake the palpable air of hatred that was being directed at me by several cute young stage whores in the room. As he sang song after song directly to me, I could just feel their eyes burning into my flesh. I just smiled like a cat. What else could I do? For the first time in my life I even felt what you say in English, as "cocky." In my new outfit and with the best-looking guy in the room singing songs right to me, how could I feel any different?

Anyway, after about 40 minutes, Nathaniel announced it was time for his last song. Even though that meant we could now get back together, a part of me would have like to hear a few more of his songs.

"OK, thanks for the warm welcome. I know a lot of you from playing out, and I thank you for your patience with the whole singer-songwriter schtick. As you might guess, this is a lot easier with a full band. Anyway, I've got one more song I'd like to play. It's a slow one, so if you have someone to dance with and you can find any room feel free to grab them tight..."

With that, he strapped on his electric again and continued, "...this is one of my all time favorite songs by one of my all time favorite artists. I've gotta warn you though, it's a bit of a heart breaker..."

And with that, he stepped on his echo pedal and played the most beautifully sad version of Lucinda Williams' "Blue," that I have ever heard. I cannot well describe to you the effect of his voice, which on this song sounded like a cross between Randy Travis and, believe it or not, Stephen Tyler. Either way it hit me with the deep-longing of a forgotten childhood lullabye.

He was right that it was a heart breaker. I was so moved that for the 5 minutes or so as he played, almost all I could see were the fingers of his right hand picking out the melody of the tune. But mostly I just closed my eyes and let his music come to me.


I am pressed up against the wall in an alley down the street from my apartment. Nathan and I have just taken a cab back to my block, but we are so hot for each other that we can't even seem to get up the stairs and inside. We have been like two wild puppies for each other.

I think we were at the door a few minutes ago and I think I'm still holding my keys. I know that we had some drinks and that we talked a lot about our respective lives and families, but honestly, all I can think about is how incredible Nathan's fingers feel inside my soaked panties and his gorgeous soft lips on my neck. I've been out of my pants and just in my skirt for the last hour or two. I am so drunk with lust that I can't honestly remember where I took my pants off!!

It's been like this for every minute of every hour since we left his show at the cafe. First on the cab ride to a bar where a friend of his owed him some drinks, then in a booth at the back of that bar where I was straddled in his lap, practically fucking him in front of a small group of late night diners. Then into the bathroom where I actually did fuck him on top of a filthy toilet seat for what felt like hours as my hands smeared and clawed at the grimey walls of the stall. It was like one continuous orgasm for me the entire time. I kept moaning, yes! yes! yessss!!! in my dirtiest french whore accent. And I felt every bit just that-Nathan's little French whore.

When he finally came inside me, I didn't even think about pulling away. I just milked his wonderful cock for every drop it was worth. Flexing the walls of my pussy tight around his cock and milking his seed deep into my womb.

After that, I let him fuck me any way he wanted, which was basically hard against the wall again and again. I remember thinking that I'm not going to be able to walk for days, but somehow that just didn't seem to matter. At that moment, I'd probably have given up my ability to walk just so that I could fuck him forever--as long as his amazing dick never went limp.

On the cab ride back, I took his cock out and again coaxed him to life so that I could ride him all the way across town. I could feel the eyes of the cabbie, a black guy who stared at me with a cool approving look that seemed to suggest that he'd seen it all--but was still up for seeing it again. And for a few minutes, I did let him watch as I faced away from Nathaniel. When Nathaniel saw that I was putting on a show, he calmly whispered in my ear, "Do you like to be watched?" For those few minutes, it had been like a three way conversation with the cab driver seeing and hearing everything. But then, as I leaned back into Nathan's chest, I returned my attention completely to him. I leaned backwards and kissed him hard. I hot and all twisted around, but I couldn't stop fucking his cock into my wet, swollen pussy.

"...I like being watched when I'm fucking you."

Finally now, we are in the hallway of my apartment building. It's sometime after 3 and I'm guessing that my neighbors are all asleep. I give Nathaniel a long lusty stare as we stand there holding hands and swaying in a slow, almost drunken dance together, our eyes drinking each other in. Not even the gritty yellow light of the florescents makes him look any less beautiful to me at this moment. He is my drug and my god and I am going to worship him like no other before. There is no one in my life that has ever compared to him, and if he has someone, even a hundred little groupies, I am about to erase them forever from his memory.

With my hands against his chest, I press him up against the wall and look into his warm, exhausted eyes. I worry that I've warn him out, but then, as I slide my hand down and lower the fly on his pants I feel my hopes rise for like the tenth time this night. He lets out a long, pained groan, but I put my finger to his lips to shush him. I'm hearing none of it. I lean up into his ear and lay on the accent,

"One more encore, baby, please. It's been so long, and I've traveled all the way from Paris to see you tonight. I love all your dirty little songs and I can't take another night with just my finger and all my naughty thoughts of you. Please, I need that fantastic American cock of yours in me just one more time, please."

He smiles and leans back against the wall. Something about his posture signals a kind of surrender. And for the first time in my life, I feel something totally new and exhilarating--complete control of my lover's body.

By the time I lower down to my knees before him, his cock has betrayed him. He is swollen up and arched like a thick jug handle. I smile up at him with my sluttiest look as I kiss the length of his cock, from the hairy base out to the beautiful, huge mushroom head. He tastes like pure animal sex. My pussy, his come, my come--our sweat soaked into the soft, tightly stretched skin of his dick.

I wet him down with my spit and then slowly suck him hard again. I try to be as gentle as possible, since now, secretly, my own body is waking up again, and I know that very soon what I will really want is to fuck that thick cock one last time before we both go upstairs and collapse in my bed.

But I also want to suck him, and I'm torn between that--wanting to take him all in my mouth and throat right here, and an itch for the pleasures that could be just a few moments later. It seems like he is mine for the bidding...how you say..."putty in my hands." Should I just suck him off, or should I strip out of my useless panties one last time?

After a minute of what must be the best head I have given in my life, I feel his fingers on the top of my hat, then I feel him take it off and toss it onto the pile of mail by the door. I don't miss a beat in my slow worshipful sucking of his thick pole, even as I feel his fingers loosen the berette and my hair falls down, all around my face. I normally hate my hair in my face when I'm giving head, but it is obviously what he wants and that's all that matters to me right now.

Once I've got his cock standing straight up at attention, I lean back and stare up into those beautiful, milk chocolate eyes. He nods "yes" when I ask him, "Do you like how I worship your cock?". I slap it against my open mouth and ask, "...And do you want come in my throat again?" This time he shakes his head, "no."

Oh....He is being such a good boy for me now. But is he really doing it for me, or do we both just want the same things now? Either way, there's nothing wrong with few more moments of teasing is there? I smile and reward him by taking him almost completely into my throat. Then, as I suck up again to the head, I look up longingly--waiting for his signal as to what he wants next. The entire time I deep throat him, his palm rests on my cheek, stroking me gently as he fucks his cock into and out of my willing mouth.

And of course, the whole time, my pussy is getting that slick, warm burn that tells me it wants to be fed. As I kneel there before him, my head bobbing up and down on his pole, I feel how wet and loose I've become down there between my thighs. For the moment, the pain of being fucked for hours on end has magically drifted away, and thankfully, as I look up into Nathan's dreamy eyes, he agrees to my silent request.

Upstairs, in the perfect comfort of my bedroom, I straddle him one last time. His cock feels perfect inside my pussy. Perfect size, perfect curve. His head nudging against that up-inside spot that has me starting the long steady roller coaster of orgasm once again. It's just like that--a roller coaster when you're reaching the top of the long ascent and just as you start to roll down into the first turn. The huge, powerful pull of force that sends me down hard on top of him, then up, then plunging down again and again. He is my man. He is my dream. I am his woman and everything is perfect and incredible. I wonder, somewhere in the back of my mind, if I will ever stop coming?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Another chapter!!!!!

another chapter, please!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I think it needs another chapter

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