I Should Have Listened to my Mother


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He shuttered and jumped a bit. All he could muster was "Oh my God!"

"Get back to work mister. Fuck me some more!" and back to work he went. Back to work my fingers went too. I had 3 more orgasms just like the first. They were intense! This, without a doubt, was the best anal sex I'd ever had. After my second orgasm, with my head turned to one side on the mattress, I told him "I want you to fuck me in the ass all night long Jordan . . . don't you dare pull out of me when you cum. Get as deep inside me as you can when you blow . . . cum inside me Jordan . . . cum inside me . . . fuck that ass big man!

He shifted my hips to one side and threw his left leg over my left hip and drove deep. It felt as though he sank 2 more inches inside me and I gasped and my fingers went wild on my clit. He pumped it two or three more times like that and then held deep and let out a loud, long groan. I felt his penis begin to throb. My third orgasm hit. He shot another massive load just like the one 30 minutes ago in my mouth. (Yes, I could still taste him). When his orgasm stopped he pulled almost completely out of me and then sank it once again deep into my bowel. A great sloshing sound was made. It sounded so wonderfully nasty and we both let out a moan of pleasure at the sound. He did it again. Oh, it was magnificent! I was some completely lubricated and loose. There would be no problem at all for 3 others just like him to step up and take a turn tapping my ass. But Jordan was as exhausted as I was. We were covered in sweat. We needed a break. We needed a shower.

We smoked another bowl and had a cocktail. We made our way to the bathroom and took a candle with us. We took a long, hot, sexy shower together by candle light. After the shower we hit the pipe once again and called room service. Mere minutes later, a cart with champagne and fresh strawberries and warm chocolate was wheeled in. The man delivering simply turned and left without saying a single word. Jordan wheeled the cart to the side of the bed, poured us each a glass and we climbed back into bed. We drank some, we ate some, we laughed and giggled and kissed. Lori was so very correct when she told me what a wonderful and gentle person he was. Once refreshed, I told him "I'm so sorry Jordan, I'd love to lay here and eat strawberries and drink champagne with you all night, but I have a class to teach." And I batted my eye lids at him kind of cartoon like.

I promised to give him some pussy eating pointers and told him to show me what he had. I opened my legs and Jordan went down. I soon found out what he was talking about. He was right; he wasn't very good at it. But he was eager to learn and learn he did. When we parted company the next morning he was an exceptional pussy-eater. I told him I wanted a full report on the next woman he went down on. He agreed with a huge smile.

He was a man of his word. All night long he took me anally. Never once did he get back into my vagina. (He did with his mouth, but not with his cock). It was my mouth and my bottom that saw all the action. Jordan was an amazing lover! He lasted so long! I can only imagine that he snuck a Viagra or two when I wasn't looking. I don't remember exactly, but he must have cum five or six times. Twice in my mouth, the rest in my ass. Me? I have no idea how many times I came. I completely lost track of them.

The next morning we had our last shower together, packed our few things and headed out for some breakfast. We told each other how much we enjoyed ourselves. I told him I was no longer interested in selling myself to him. I told him though that when he was in town again to look me up. I'd definitely be up for another get together like the previous night. In the parking lot he kissed me like an uncle would kiss his niece. Once in the car he bent over and said "Here, this is simply a gift from me to you." And he laid another envelope in my lap. One more kiss on the cheek and he turned and left. That envelope contained another $5,000. That was almost 10 years ago.

Jordan and I have seen several such encounters in that time. He has also proposed to me twice in that time. My roommate Lori (Jordan's niece. Not a blood relative by the way) and her family all know about Jordan and I sleeping together. They're delighted about it. Every time I go over there, the subject of his proposal always comes up. It really makes me uneasy when they get like this too. I'm delighted to say that Jordan did finally get married last year. To a wonderful woman too! They love each other dearly. His wife's name is Nancy. I hate to bring this up again, but she too is a very unattractive person. Her body is smoking hot though! She's a professional tri-athlete. Jordan met her because of his sponsorship of her team. The 3 of us were out to dinner a few weeks before their wedding and Jordan told her I was the woman he had told her about. Huge smile comes to Nancy's face. It seems that Jordan bought her a copy of the movie "Deep Throat" and Nancy found she was a natural at it. She had been a virgin in the anal sex department too. It took much more time than it did with Jordan and I, but eventually she was able to take all of him and she too became a huge fan of anal sex.

The law firm I work for: Jordan is the #1 partner. Yes, it was him who gave me my first job after passing the bar. I've been working here ever since. One last observation before I close this confession.

Being in the same room with more than one person I've had sex with is very uncomfortable for me. Last month Jordan was in town and called me to a meeting. Of the five men there, I had had sex with four of them. Had they talked about their encounters with me with each other, compared notes as it were? I have no idea. I couldn't stop thinking about it the entire meeting. I was my complete slutty self with all four of them and at the time of the meeting I was completely embarrassed by it.

Chapter 5

The passion in my life: Well that's all pretty current actually. I was in a sexual lull there for quite some time. As far as sex goes, I've always loved it. Some is better than others. Some has been pretty lame. All in all though, it's my erotic history. I think every person can tell a true, passion filled story no matter what the circumstances are. When I look at humanity I see sex as its roots. Something that always makes me smile is this observation: We are ALL the products of a porn movie; the only thing missing was the camera. Our parents had hot steamy sex, dad ejaculated semen inside of mom, and mom had an egg fertilized, and a baby was made. There was foreplay involved, kissing and fondling, nakedness, penetration, orgasm. Granted, some of the baby making sex that has happened wasn't all that great. Woman laid there and spread her legs, man got on top, mounted and penetrated her, in and out, cum, done. Still . . . that need for procreating was alive and well in that moment.

We humans are ingrained with a primal desire for sex. God made us that way! Society dictates how we react to this ancient urge; this lust. There are those of us who try and repress this lust, pretending it doesn't exist. I feel so sorry for those people. The human species goes to both extremes in our outward expressions of so many things. From Adolph Hitler to Mother Theresa. From Jim Jones to Jesse Jackson. From Linda Lovelace to Mom Brady. But you know what? Every single one of these people had something in common: At least ONCE in their lives they experienced an orgasm and most likely loved it.

My mother Lillian and I? We're best friends. Mother was born and raised in Yorkshire, England. She and my father met when he was in the service. He had that "I love the English accent" thing people love. Personally, I hate English accents. It sounds so hoity-toity and uppity to me. I tease her constantly about it. I can impersonate it spot on and do so regularly just to tease her with it. "Hip-hip, cheerio and all that rot!" My nickname for her is Mary Poppins and she absolutely hates it! When I was a child, Mary Poppins was my very favorite video for a while. I watched it 2 or 3 times a week until I was about 10 I think. It drove her crazy!

Chapter 6

I think I told you that my dad died when I was 5. Mom never remarried, but continues to date to this day. She's 62 and takes really good care of herself (unlike me). She's beautiful and still sexually active. I found out at the start of this summer a big secret she'd been keeping from me. She claims she was NOT keeping anything from me. I pride myself on being very observant and can't believe I missed this. I found out my mother has been bisexual her entire adult life. Even when dad was alive, she had female sex partners. Lots of those lady friends she had when I was growing up were in reality her lovers. She had lots of men friends too. Anyway, here's how I found out.

We've always had boats, mom and I. She and dad always had boats. The lake life has always been a big part of our leisure down time. We spend a lot of our time on the lake in the summer. Our camping isn't too rustic though. We like comfort. The boats we've had always had to be big and as many amenities as we can get. But they also have to be fast. We like going fast. Skiing and tubing, what a blast it is! And we like to take our friends to the lake. Mom more than me, I don't have that many good friends to take to the lake. The few friends I do have, none are really into it. When I was little things were different, lots of my friends went to the lake with us. As an adult? Not so much any more. Mom though, she usually always brings one of her friends, men and women.

So there it was; our first trip to the lake this summer. Nice warm night, the stars were shining bright. What a wonderful night to sleep outside! I was asleep on the bow of the boat which was run aground on a sandy secluded beach. We like to keep to ourselves when we 'camp' at the lake. Find a secluded place away from others, beach the boat, set up some lawn chairs, a grill, bring out the cooler and a shade awning, we're set up in 15 minutes. And some night mom will have a couple of pulls from the pot pipe.

This trip, mom had invited a friend of hers, Julie. Julie is not too much older than I. Late 30's or early 40's. Julie is married and has 3 kids. This was a ladies night out sort of thing and it was just the three of us. It was around 2am I guess when I woke up having to pee. As I started to get up, I heard a kind of loud moan. A lustful moan. "WTF?" I thought. I stayed in my laying position, rolled over and peeked over the railing. And I couldn't believe what I saw! There was my 62 year old mother, completely nude, laying in a reclining lawn chair, legs wide open and Julie was going down on her! Julie was completely nude as well, her ass was pointing right at me. I was maybe 30 feet away with a complete view of what was going on. I immediately ducked back down and froze. There were a couple of large canvas beach bags there by my head and I quietly repositioned them so my peeking would be more concealed. It was like a train wreck, I HAD to watch. Let's not forget what woke me up in the first place – I had to pee! And now I was about to burst. I lay still where I was at and let it flow. Don't worry, the boat is designed for liquid to make it wet, it rinsed out nicely the next morning. When I finished wetting myself, I peeked again. I watched for several minutes until my mom came. I ducked back down. I wasn't grossed out or anything; I've seen my share of porn movies. I was simply shocked, that's all. I heard the lawn chair creaking and peeked again. They were now standing and kissing passionately. They switched places on the lawn chair and my mother now began to go down on Julie. I watched a few more moments then laid back down and eventually fell back asleep.

The next day all of us acted as though nothing had happened. Not that I was caught watching or anything. They were just like really good friends laughing and enjoying each others company. That night when we got home and got the boat back to storage, I told my mom about what I had seen. We had a really long talk about the whole topic.

She and dad had gotten into the swingers lifestyle when they first got married. It was back in the 70's and was a pretty popular thing to do with sexually liberated couples. Orgies were pretty common place in the hippy culture of the day. Mom had her first lesbian encounter when she was in college and ended up really enjoying it. She told my father about it after they were married and she also confessed to missing the touch, feel and taste of another woman. They gave swinging a go. They enjoyed it. They more than enjoyed it though, they loved it!. And then I came along. For the longest time they feared I might be the product of one of their swinging encounters. That was laid to rest after I was born. I was the spitting image of my father. And even today when our photos are laid side by side, it's obvious that he's my real father.

Then the plane crash happened which took dads life. Mom inherited all that dad had built. His business, his money, his possessions, everything. Mom and I were set for life. Mom still adores him and talks about him often.

At one point in our talking about it, we did get to an arguing state. Mom said I was being "a fucking prosecuting attorney" (cheap shot!) and "how dare you judge me" sort of crap. I wasn't judging her sexuality; I was judging her secretiveness about it to me. We talk about EVERYTHING. I've pretty much told her about every man I've ever had sex with. She's always been my confidant in all things. But not her true sexuality. We finally worked it all out, cried and laughed about it. More importantly though, we forgave each other. We ended the conversation with her telling me "you're just like me honey, you love to fuck. There's nothing wrong with that, I don't care what anybody says. And the sex with other women thing – Don't knock it till you've tried it honey! Great sex is great sex. What trips your trigger? Who the hell knows? If it gets you off and it's not hurting anybody, I say give it a go!" A little over 2 months later, I 'gave it a go'. And I liked it. Well, most of it. Read my story "My First Time with another Woman" and you understand the part that wasn't so pleasant.

Chapter 6

My First Time with Another Woman.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it." She told me. It kept resurfacing in my internal monolog time and time again over the next few days. As I pondered this piece of advice, I kept going over the list of men I've been involved with over the last couple of years. Thinking back when I began categorizing their sexual performance, it just made me want to cry. None of them were anything to write home about. Lame in the sack? Well, some; absolutely. A couple of them were just so-so. Wonderful lovers? Not a single one. But truthfully, in my whole kinky sex filled life there had only been a handful of truly wonderful lovers. Lovers that had sexual stamina like I do. Four of them actually. And at the time of this writing, I took the time to do the math. In my 33 years on this planet, I've had approximately 50 to 60 sexual partners. (Legally speaking, I adhere to this philosophy about "what is sex?" – If two people are in a room together and one of them has an orgasm: Then sex has happened. I've never had a jury disagree with this statement. (A cyber "chat" room does not count.) The national average for sexual partners in ones life is 5.5. Some are more and some are less; the average: five and a half. (I've never had sex with a 'circus freak' before, so I can rule out 'half' people.... Well, there was this one guy who was circus freak big, but that's another story.

Side-Bar please: This is my big issue; my total is way over the national average. Am I a nymphomaniac, or am I simply a slut? My mom says I simply like to fuck. I don't know, and I really want to. End Side-Bar.

So, there I am thinking about all my past lovers and how I'm usually not completely satisfied when the sex is deemed 'over'. I decided to listen to my mother and have a go with another woman. I looked within when I pondered what I wanted in a sexual liaison with another woman. I had a fantasy. A very old and much thought about fantasy. I wanted to be dominated by another woman. Master / slave sort of thing. Patten Leather, spiked boots, corsets and stockings. . . . Strap-on dildo, bondage . . . that sort of stuff.

You can't just sit around and wait for this sort of thing to just happen. If you really want something, you must go in search of. So I went in search of. I logged on to Craig's List. Answered a few posts. No matches to really speak of. I got a Face Book account, started looking there. In my searching, I found a very fascinating web site where people share their experiences in life. It's called Experience Project (dot com) and has over 6 million stories. I spent countless of hours reading other peoples issues and problems, all posted anonymously. Simply fascinating stuff to read. (Well, at least to me it is).

A few weeks later, well. . . I know what I just said about sitting around waiting for this sort of thing to happen. But that's exactly what happened. Rather than re-writing what happened, I'll supply you with the actual email I sent to one of my new Face Book friends.

I had dinner with mom and my uncle last night. I noticed a waitress who was very attractive. (NOT our waitress, some other waitress) She noticed me noticing her, if you know what I mean. We exchanged several glances and smiles. As we were leaving I went to the bathroom to pee and she was in there. She hit on me big time! She told me she got off at 11 and would I like to maybe meet for drinks. I told her I'd think about it and I might meet her in the parking lot at 11. Mom & my uncle drive me all the way back over here to the west side, I hop in my car and drive all the way back over there and arrived right at 11. We go to a little out of the way place she knew and ordered drinks. After one drink and some very intimate conversation I agreed to go back to her place. (She rode to work with a friend, so we were in my car). Out in the parking lot, she leans over and kissed me and ran her hand up my dress to my pussy. WOW, what a kisser she was!. . . Here comes the unbelievable part - wait for it; I still can't believe this happened!.... VERY nice apartment. We make out and do the petting thing and eventually got in the shower together. I told her what I wanted, that dominating thing and how I like it in thebutt... She ties me to the bed doggy style and blind folds me.

She straps on the mostincredibledildo I've ever seen and starts working me over and talking all this sexy stuff to me. And then she starts eating me. OMG, fan-f u c k i n g-tastic! I've NEVER had somebody lick and tongue my butt hole like that before! Severalorgasmslater I was as turned on like nothing ever before. I was begging her to please fuck me. I can't remember EVER being so turned on! She gets off the bed and picks up a tube of a new lubricant she'd picked up. (I later found out its called 'desensitizing' cream). She gets back on the bed behind me and put the cream on her hand and then to my butt hole. Keep in mind, I'm still tied and blindfolded. I thought she had poured molten wax on my butt hole! It was like lava! I let out a scream that I'm sure the entire complex heard! It's like 2am and I'm screaming like a blow torch had been put to me. She starts screaming, jumps up and runs to the bathroom and grabs a towel and soaks it with water and comes running back to me.


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