I Was Mom's Sextoy


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Talk about a shock. We were both awakened by our uninvited guest. He was standing over us; we were incredibly lucky that he had not used that bat in his hands while we were asleep and defenseless.

Mal: "My, what a lovely sight to behold; coming home and finding my wife being ravaged by her tiny brained no-good son. Just a recording of that could get me a fabulous divorce settlement, let alone have that son put away. They would book you for assault, forcing your attentions upon a weak and helpless woman, your own mother no less. Of course, I could just club this impotent beach boy with this bat; no jury would blame an irate husband for that."

He made some playful swings and then pulled back for what appeared to be a real aimed swing for my old noggin. I sprang up from the bed and grabbed the bat. He looked on in amazement as I used all of my weight-room strength and broke that bat. I grabbed him by the lapels and pointed him to sit quietly on the seat by the window. He scurried to it like a scared child, head bowed.

What finally transpired was the oddest interrogation in history. Mom and I were both naked, still dripping the juices of each other. Mom told me to flex my powerful muscles to let him know who was boss.

Mom: "Ok, Mal, now that I have the [muscle] power in this house, you have to let me know, what happened to my family business, family money, and you and that homely fleabag secretary?"

He looked down again, ashamed and embarrassed. He then stared at me; I menacingly flexed my bulging right bicep, letting him know that he might get off with a reprimand today...or maybe something more serious.

Mal: "The truth is, I put $2 million into a Swiss bank account, $1 million into the Sandwich Islands, and $2 million down to the Caymans. I blew about $1 ½ million on football and basketball bets. I gave that little unfaithful tramp a Corvette if she would 'hang out with me' here and in Vegas, but even that wasn't enough for her."

Mom was furious, but concealed it. She came up to me [we were still naked] and moved her moist pussy lips against my eternally erect cock. She cooed that I was her man, her hero; since he was going to brain us with a bat, couldn't I justifiably do the same to him?

It was tempting. Instead of making war, I chose love. I lifted her onto my cock, pinned her against the wall of the bedroom as he looked on, and pumped another heavy load of life-giving seed deep inside of her. She kissed me right in front of him. I whispered for her to have my baby.

I put her down and we confronted him, still both naked. I told him to give me the bank account numbers and the security passwords. He smiled and shook his head. Mom looked at me angrily, wondering how I was going to solve this peacefully. I went to the weight set and brought in one of the six foot solid iron bars that made up the barbells, minus the weights. Like the circus strong man, I proceeded to bend the bar with a grunt as the metal made an eerie high pitched groan. He knew that those muscles would be directed at him next.

He quickly yielded up the account numbers and passwords. I ran to my computer and was delighted that I could effect a transfer of $5 million USD while sitting naked in my mother's room. Luckily for us, he hadn't transferred the Vette to his jezebel, so we got that too. With a quit claim on the house, we were finished with him. He agreed to a no-fault divorce with pre-arranged property settlement.

We always wondered why he had been so accommodating, even with the specter of a serious beating from me in prospect. We later figured out, between his stealing money to squander on bets or adulterous assignations that he thought he might not fare well in court. We also thought he might have squirreled some other money away. As it turned out, he had. Of the missing $2.5 million, he had given his law firm $500,000 for their efforts and their international connections out of New York. The final $2 million was safely set aside in Bahrain, of all places.

Leaving his hotel after flying into Bahrain late the previous night, he approached the big bank building. Around the corner, away from the hustle and bustle of the street, he caught a glimpse of another one of those faceless women passing by, covered in wool burqas. However, this one opened her body length covering, flashing the most incredible figure he had ever seen. On pure impulse, he walked off the street to the alcove where she was. All of a sudden, he felt himself in the clutches of a powerful brute. His wrist was grasped and it started to be turned.

Me: "Fancy meeting you here. We went thru your paperwork and found all of these checks to a law firm. We went to them, reminding them that their world class reputation wouldn't be improved by disclosures of money laundering. Oddly enough, they immediately started to cooperate, and we learned about this little nest egg. We even had a birddog of their firm track your movements. When she said you were packed and leaving, we were ready and took a flight out here. So now you have the choice of giving me all of your ID and the passwords, OR have your wrist get twisted into a pretzel." [I gave him one partial turn...he broke down and gave me tons of ID. Best of all, his passport and driver's license were from the same source as mine, of course. I used mom's eyebrow tweezers to switch photos and my ID was complete. I turned his wrists over to mom; to his amazement, all of her hard work for the businesses paid off; she easily maintained the wrist hold. Hell, she was twice as strong as he was at that point.]

I had them wire our Zurich bank the full balance of $2.15 million less a check for $150,000. I came back out and had mom let him go. He was about to run away when I gave him the check. He looked in surprise at it.

Me: "Oh, it's good alright. That should be enough to get you by for a while. You were a horrid husband and a lousy business manager. But, maybe with that small head-start, you can find redemption somewhere in some way." [He left without comment. He later moved away and we never heard from him again.]

Mom was ecstatic. I had recovered $7.15 million of the missing $9 million, with the rest lost to gambling and other extravagances by her ex-. We felt vaguely uneasy celebrating in Bahrain and chose instead to fly to Paris.

In our hotel, not far from the La Place de la Concorde, I thrilled mom by calling the WATS line to our bank, letting her hear the balance. Materialistic, sure, but it was fun just the same. On the balcony, looking out over the 'City of Lights', we hugged, knowing there was no longer a useless 'old man' around to ruin our fun.

Mom: "You know sweetheart, speaking of that bat he was swinging at you; we've already tried twice to get it done; strike two. I just know that we swung and missed. How about trying for one more at bat, while we are still in Paris?"

I will never know why I did what I did. Perhaps I felt so manly, having bested him for his money and his wife. Whatever the reason, I wanted mom to feel herself in control so she knew that this had been a joint victory. We had worked together and would continue, hopefully forever.

As our passions rose once again, I lay on my back, my supersexy mom on all fours above me, facing away from me. She dragged herself back up towards me, feeling for my powerful tool with her hand. When she found that mighty weapon, she pushed rubbed it against the slavering lips of her pussy, dripping with anticipation. Then she put it in the middle of the opening and pushed up further, forcing it deep inside. Howling like a wolf, she looked to the ceiling and moaned in pleasure. For me, this was a new experience; I had never felt such a warm, tight, welcoming home for Mr. Johnson. I was happy about this position because mom could obviously control the action. I knew then that whatever needed attention deep inside her was getting it.

If love-making is an act of giving, then this was the zenith. So, as I stroked her shapely legs and gorgeous smooth feet to either side of me, mom was using my telephone pole to achieve maximum pleasure. Finally, I sensed from her actions that she was ready for me and was trying to get me over the goal line. I placed my hands on her dimpled bum. She collapsed heavily on top of me. She sang out in ecstasy at the exact moment that my cock swelled with power. I proceeded to clutter her fertile depths with a never-ending outpouring of potent seed. Fortunately, her cervix was prepared for housekeeping and suctioned all of that seed into her very fertile womb.

That night we celebrated with a quiet dinner on that very same balcony, the very fine room service of the hotel far better than any restaurant back home. Mom and I slept together, hand in hand, with my mammoth baby-maker still hard and safely lodged into her warm, welcoming pussy. And so we slept.

At 5:45 am sharp, we were both awakened by a street sweeper outside. The French are so meticulous about their capital city. We laughed, snuggled, kissed. Mom said she couldn't wait to do as I planned, using her restored maiden name to move back east and marry. Her last words before we fell back asleep:

Mom: "Seven million and change; a new Corvette; our own home. That's not a bad start. Now if we could only get started on a big family, say two, four, maybe six children, then we will have everything." [I agreed, with a warm kiss; we both nodded off. After she had said that, at the moment that we kissed, mom conceived our first child. Using her restored maiden name, we managed to find a state where we could marry and live as husband and wife. With time before she turned 50, we just managed to eke out a family...a family of six children.]

We forgot about our businesses, which still had a value of $1 million. It was not going to be easy to sell them, so my mother utterly stunned me. She suggested that we give them to the only person who seemed to know how to manage them: my step-father's slattern former secretary, Darlene. I said that I would handle it.

I went back to Oregon by myself as my pregnant mom settled in to our new Eastern digs. Mom and I were surprised that his secretary had accepted our offer to oversee the businesses during our European/Persian Gulf escapade. Now I was staying at the Hyatt Regency as a tourist and business traveler, summoning her to see me.

Sensing that she had to be at her best, Darlene took the previous day off from work and spent the day at beauty parlors, spas, and fitting rooms. She was transformed from dull-as-dishwater to a sizzling hot brunette.

She came to the presidential suite. She looked into the mirror on the elevator door, checking her coiffeur. She pushed her breasts up and then pinched her nips hard until they were erect as thumbs. She purposely had not worn bra or panties, only a tight, thin, wrap around dress and high Lucite slides with peek-a-boo see-thru soles.

I let her in and we both gasped. She was blown away by the luxury of the suite; I was surprised that she actually was pretty hot looking. It did surprise me that she was 'all dolled up' even though she was married. But 'dolled up' she was, with nipples popping. She sat on the love seat across from me, a small slick of shiny something slowly flowing down one of her silky, bikini-waxed thighs.

I had prepared a lengthy sales talk that would culminate in telling her that she could manage the company indefinitely until we got the right selling price. I'm ashamed to say, seeing her shapely legs and gorgeous smooth feet, her toenails perfect with the deepest red polish I'd ever seen, I completely lost my train of thought. Stammering, my eyes locked on those gleaming showgirl legs and delicate feet, I let ten inches of my six foot two inch body decide.

Me: "Darlene, as you know, the wife of your former boss got full possession of these businesses. After a long discussion, we decided to give them to you." [She sat bolt upright, stunned by the revelation.] "Now having said that, we hope that should you sell them one day, you will give us back some of the money. We just didn't want to burden you with debt or any other concerns. So, how does that sound?" [With a wry smile, she jerked her crossed-over leg, sending the sexy shoe flying towards me. She then patted the love seat next to her.]

Me: "Umm, Darlene, I have to tell you...not only am I married now, but so are you. Just what do you have in mind?"

She still had that devilish smile as she proceeded to strip me down to nothing. She then undid two big buttons and her dress unwound, falling to the floor. Married or not, I had been a 'goody two-shoes' all my life, so I figured I had amassed a lot of good behavior points (like frequent flyer miles?) So, I could do this perfectly naughty thing and not exceed my limit. I picked up that married floozy and carried her to the lavish bed of that suite. Climbing between the glistening perfect legs of that bikini-waxed babe, I was committing adultery and, sadly, loving it. It was the first, last, and only time that I had cheated on my new wife. As I finished, I grabbed that married woman's pert behind, clutching her tightly as I jetted my gigantic load of baby-making sperm deep inside her fertile depths. Now THAT was a business negotiation. Oddly, such hotel encounters were not at all rare, I was later to learn.

With Darlene, a married woman, still dripping the very seed of life, sitting at the guest room's small table, I signed all of the appropriate papers over to her. She bent over and kissed me warmly, making me have second thoughts about leaving the Northwest. She whispered:

Darlene: "I don't know how I can ever repay you."

Me: "That's the whole point of why we did it this way; don't worry about it."

Darlene: "No, I didn't just mean the businesses...I'm not worried about paying the two of you back. Actually, I meant I didn't know how I could pay YOU back. I won't leave until you tell me a favor I can do for YOU personally." [She kissed me again; she was a damn good kisser. It was 'hard' to leave her.]

Me: "Okay, a favor...I have it. In the unlikely event you were to be put, umm, in the family way due to our fun today, I want you to keep that baby...to give birth and convince your sissy husband that it was HIS doing. Now THAT'S a favor!"

Well, to cross all the "T's" and dot all the "I's", mom never heard about Darlene and my little hotel tryst. Darlene did indeed call me on my cellphone six weeks later, letting me know that I indeed had gotten her pregnant. Months later she called to tell me the ultra-sound showed two fetuses, and both male. On the happy day of her delivery, I convinced mom that I wanted to see why the businesses hadn't sold. She accepted that. I flew out to see Darlene. It turns out she had been married only in common law and her boyfriend split when she turned up pregnant, the wimp. Now she was MY woman, having my babies. I held her hand every second of the process. The delivery was flawless.

I said before that that was the first, last, and only time that I cheated on my mom. That was true. I arranged for a governess to take care of all of the babies' needs and returned back East. I waited and waited for the right time, then finally broke the news to my new wife and loving mother. I had slipped up one time with Darlene, who now was burdened with all of those businesses and two of her (mom's) grandchildren. I could see her turning red-faced, but when I lucked onto the term 'grandchildren' she instantly cooled down.

While the nanny tended the newborns, Darlene managed the businesses. We got a broker to sell the companies at a nice profit. The money, and the kids, were hers now with no obligations. When given the option of coming to live with us, she couldn't say yes fast enough. The arrival of Darlene meant I now had the world's smallest, but finest, harem. She ended up having a half dozen of my babies, like my beautiful mother, giving us a combined family of a dozen wonderful offspring.

Mom's second husband had put us through-the-mill, costing us plenty. Still and all, I wouldn't have missed the fun and adventure of retrieving those missing funds for anything in the world.

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