I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 08


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"Someone's coming!" Duke who was standing by the podium said urgently.

Kenji and Joel had just walked out of the door when whomever it was that Duke thought was coming walked into the room by. Even though he acted angry about it, Andrew was relieved. He had figured something out about Kenji. In his own way, he was dangerous and that if anything happened to his woman or children; he would kill no matter the cost to himself.

What no one noticed was that there was an observer way in the back. Paul Mynt sat in the back-watching ready to intervene if things got out of hand and to serve as a witness if anything happened. As always, he admired Kenji's restraint and had a healthy dose of respect for Joel. It was hard to believe that he was the same fragile man whose hand had been broken by the same group that he now faced with Kenji.

Paul sincerely believed that Kenji would not have attacked if Patricia wasn't involved and quickly came to the same conclusion that Andrew did; Kenji was dangerous when anyone he cared about was threatened. He hoped that Andrew would realize that and back off.


Just as Patricia made her decision to go into the classroom, Joel and Kenji walked out. She took in Joel's disheveled appearance and ran over to them.

"What happened?" she asked.

"We will talk in the car." Kenji said taking her by the hand and leading her away.

"Joel, are you alright?" Patricia asked looking back at him.

"I'm fine." he replied as he glanced behind him.

"We are both fine." Kenji assured her as he pulled her along.

Patricia looked at Kenji, then back at Joel, and knew that they wouldn't like what they were going to tell her.


Ernie sat nervously under a tree in the front of the building and waited. He had done all that he could do short of becoming directly involved. He knew that Dr. Mynt and Kenji were friends and hunted for him until he found him.

"Dr. Mynt?" he called when he found Paul in his office.

"Yes?" Paul replied. He recognized Ernie and wondered what he wanted.

"Could I have a moment of your time?" Ernie asked nervously.

Paul invited him in raising his eyebrows when Ernie shut the door behind him. Paul assessed Ernie with cool eyes and waited.

"Umm sir, I'm Ernie...."

"I know who you are." Paul said tersely.

"I... I know that you're a friend of Kenji's and I thought that you should know that Andrew and the rest of them are planning on cornering Kenji and Joel after class today."

"Why are you telling me this?" Paul asked.

"I just don't think its right, all of them against two and... I wanted to help somehow."

"Thank you for coming to me, I'll take care of it." Paul said by way of dismissal.

After Ernie left, Paul put on his jacket and went to the dean's office.


It had been a long class for Ernie as he wondered what was going to happen now that he had told someone about Andrew's plans. He no longer sat with the group but on the opposite side of the room near the front. His grades were already improving and he missed the group less and less. He had even let go of his anger at Becca deciding that maybe it had been a blessing in disguise.

After class, he left with the other students leaving Kenji alone with Andrew and the group. After what seemed to be hours, he saw Kenji, Patricia and Joel walk out followed by Andrew and the group several minutes later. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one seemed to be hurt. He waited until Andrew passed him without saying anything and got up to go home. As he walked, home her thought that he saw Becca but he couldn't be sure because the woman disappeared into a store before he got a good look at her.

He continued his walk home his mind on what had almost happened not long ago. Andrew was about to have his ass handed to him on a platter and Joel had been no slouch either. Ernie was coming to the same conclusions about Kenji that Andrew and Paul were- he was dangerous but then so was Andrew. Of the two of them, Ernie decided that Kenji was the most dangerous; he had a wife and children to protect whereas Andrew only had his hatred.

Ernie thought back on his role in harassing Kenji and Joel and felt guilt. He had always considered himself a fair person and had always rooted for the underdogs but he had sided with Andrew against those he considered to be at a disadvantage. The one thing that he had never considered himself to be was a coward. His father had always taught him to stand up for what was right even though it wasn't the popular opinion. He now understood why he never talked about Andrew and the others to his parents, he knew what they would say and he knew that he was wrong to be a part of that group.

By the time he reached home, Ernie had made a decision.


Becca looked at the textbooks that would go to waste and felt a tear escape down her cheek. She wouldn't be able to return to school now and wouldn't even if she could. One of her friends stopped by the house one afternoon after running into her mother at the grocery store.

"Becca is it true? You're really married and having a baby?"

"It sure is!" Becca replied hoping that Susan who was probably her only real friend was buying the forced happiness act.

"Why didn't you say anything? We could have had a combination bridal/ baby shower!"

"I wasn't pregnant at the time." Becca replied and it happened so fast."

Susan looked at Becca and took her hands in hers.

"Bec, I know that I don't come from a rich family and that my clothes aren't of the latest style and I also know that you were nice to me so that you could prove that you weren't a snob...."


"Let me finish." Susan said interrupting her. "But Becca, I always considered myself your friend even though you didn't really consider yourself mines. I haven't said much well because... who listens to me? But I know that you were pregnant when you got married, that's the only reason for the quickness of it. I'm not judging but just saying if I thought that then so is everyone else."

"Are they talking about it?" Becca asked not bothering to deny it.

"No at least not that I've heard. Since you've been gone I've been demoted back to my previous status and wouldn't be included in on the latest gossip but that's not why I'm here." Susan said. "I'm here because you need a friend."

Becca stared at Susan and suddenly threw herself into her arms sobbing.

"I've made such a mess of things!"

"Tell me about it." Susan said softly.

Becca talked for two hours straight ending with the unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

"What are you thinking about doing?" Susan asked.

Becca looked around as if she was expecting to see someone standing behind her.

"I heard that there's a woman that helps girls in trouble." she whispered.

"Becca you can't! Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"I don't care! I don't want this baby!" Becca replied.

"You could die! Have it and give it away or something." Susan advised.

"Do you really think that he's going to let me give this baby away?" Becca asked.

"No but what you're thinking of doing is... don't do it alright?"

"Becca! I'm home! Come here and do what you do best!" Tyrone called as he walked into the living room with his cock in his hand.

"Oh fuck!" he said as he turned his back and tucked his stiff member in his pants. "I'm sorry; I didn't know that you had company."

"This is Susan one of my friends from school." Becca said. "Susan, this is my husband Tyrone."

Susan and Ty eyed each other, the dislike instant, mutual and intense.

"I'd better get going." Susan said as she stood up her gaze never leaving Ty's face. She knew what he was; her family had several of them. He was an abuser and if he hadn't started hitting Becca yet, he would even if it was after she had the baby.

"Thanks for stopping by." Becca said. "Maybe we could have lunch sometime."

"Sure, you just tell me when." Susan said as she hugged Becca.

Becca walked Susan to the door and hugged her again. As soon as the door closed behind Susan, Becca heard the sound of Ty unzipping his trousers and the rustle of them falling to the floor.

"Get over here and do your job." he said.

Becca didn't argue but she now hated the one thing that she used to love doing. She dropped to her knees, took Ty's cock into her mouth, and began to suck on it as the tears flowed. This was now her life. She knew that she wouldn't do anything to get rid of the baby just as she knew that as soon as this one was born, Ty was get her pregnant again.

When she was through, he helped her up and issued an order.

"I don't want that bitch back in this house now go make dinner."

Becca was going to protest but she saw the look in his eyes, she kept her silence and went to the kitchen.


"Will one of you tell me what happened?" Patricia asked.

"Kirei, it is nothing." Kenji replied stroking her hand.

"Kenjiro Takeda! Don't you patronize me! Wasn't it you that always said no secrets? Now tell me what happened!"

Kenji told her about what happened after class and waited for her reaction.

"They were going to attack you here at school?" she asked shocked.

"Yes Kirei. But as you can see we are unhurt."

"This time but what about the next time?" she asked.

"Then we will defend ourselves as we did today." Kenji replied.

"Kenji, stay away from him, they'll side with Andrew before they side with us."

"I know this but Kirei I will defend you and my family even if it means that I cannot attend school here."

The tone in his voice told her that he meant it and all that she could do was to hope that there would be no more confrontations between Kenji and Andrew.


Andrew stomped off to his car humiliated and angry. He hadn't seen the hit coming and now his leadership was being called into question. He needed time to regroup and to come up with a way to catch the "jap" unawares. The only good thing that came out of it was that he now knew how to get under Kenji's skin. On the same token, it was the very thing that would turn him into a killer.

He had to leave the woman and the kids out of it for now but the Jew wasn't off limits and neither was his nigger-loving girlfriend. Andrew went to the diner and found several members of is group sitting in a corner talking amongst themselves. He already knew what the topic of discussion was. Him.

He quietly walked up to them listening as they went.

"I'm telling you," Milt was saying, "He's a mother fucking coward! He's scared of the Jap and the Jew."

Andrew realized that if he didn't do something, he would have a full-scale mutiny on his hands and Milt would be the ringleader.

"Am I now?" he hissed as he walked up to the table.

The table went silent as Andrew stared at each face before landing on Milt's.

"Yeah you are!" Milt said standing up. "Why didn't you drop his Jap ass or let us go grab his woman?" he asked the challenge in his voice.


"Michael my fucking ass!" Milt spat. "I'm betting when he finds out about this one, your ass will be kicked down foot soldier."

Milt was right and he had to be stopped before he went to Michael.

"I have a plan." Andrew said looking at Milt, "and the fewer people that know about it the better. I'll call you later and we'll set up a time to talk."

Milt eyed him suspiciously but then agreed, "I'll be home in an hour."

As much as he wanted to stay, Andrew left. To stay would have showed that he was insecure in his position and besides, he had plans to make. He had to shut Milt up.

Andrew drove home, slipped in the back, ran up the stairs to his room and locked the door behind him. He got on his stomach and pulled a box from beneath his bed, pushed it back and then pulled it out again. He sat on the floor for a long time looking at the box before he finally opened it.

The pistol, a Nambu type 14, hadn't been fired since the war. His father had taken it from the body of a dead Japanese officer, brought it home with him and had given to Andrew as a gift. Andrew lifted the weapon from the box and held it in his hands hardly believing that he was actually thinking about using the pistol against one of his own.

He sat on the floor for more than an hour weighing his options. After another hour passed, he had made his decision. Milt had to go. If he didn't, Milt would continue to undermine his authority and call attention to his courage, it would be only a matter of time before he went to Hathaway and that was unacceptable.

Andrew loaded the pistol, grabbed a jacket, put it on and put the pistol in his pocket. He opened his bedroom door and listened for any clue that his father was home. Hearing no signs that anyone other than himself was home, Andrew went the kitchen and called Milt.

"Meet me at the old abandoned nursery... yeah that's the one. It is? Ok then the old grocery store. See you in thirty minutes and remember to come alone. We can afford any leaks.

Andrew adjusted the weight of the pistol in his pocket and left.


Penny held Joel's hand as he relayed the story of the almost attack that had happened earlier in the day. Like Patricia, she was scared and told him so.

"I know but we'll be fine which reminds me." Joel said stroking her hands, "Be careful and make sure that you're never caught anywhere alone. Andrew was mad and if he knows about the kids then he knows about you. Don't trust anyone other than the people who you know feel as you do."

"You're scaring me."

"I know and I'm sorry." Joel replied, "But I want you to be safe. As a matter of fact don't you and Patricia have a class in the same building on Fridays?"

"Yes and I already know what you're going to say." Penny replied with a kiss, "You want me to wait with her."

"Please, I just have a bad feeling about this." Joel replied returning the kiss.

"Alright as long as you and Kenji promise me that you'll be careful."

"I promise." Joel said as he unbuttoned her blouse. He was no longer shy about touching her or making his needs known. He knew that in the not to distant future that Penny would be his wife but he had to help Kenji deal with Andrew Kelly before he thought about that.

He pulled Penny's bra down and exposed nipples that were already hardened in anticipation of his mouth.

"I love you." he murmured as he took a nipple into his mouth and began to nibble at it.

"I love you too." Penny replied as she forced more of her breast into Joel's mouth. She pushed up against him and ground against him.

"I can't wait to make love to you." she murmured as she ground harder against him.

Joel stopped moving and looked at her,

"I want that too and I wish that there was a way that we could." Joel replied.

"What do you suppose Kenji and Patricia do?" Penny asked.

"I don't know but there are condoms... they're made out of rubber...."

"Can you get some?" Penny asked.

"You're alright with us making love without being married?" Joel asked.

"Joel, I love you and let's not kid ourselves, we're going to get married sometime so yes I'm alright with it but for now, finish what we started."

Joel took a nipple into his mouth and started over while Penny reached between them and unzipped his slacks, reached in and pulled out his erect cock. She pushed Joel onto his back, sat beside him and began to stroke the length of him.

She stopped stroking him, stood up, undressed and stood before Joel completely naked.


A few minutes later, Joes was naked and laying on his back, his cock pointing up at the ceiling. Penny stretched out on top of him, opening her legs so that Joel's cock was sandwiched between her vaginal lips and began to grind and slide her clit against it. Joel grabbed her ass and held her in place as he thrust between her lips using his cock to rub against her clit. Penny moved so that her nipples were at his mouth and offered him one by touching his lips with it.

The combination of rubbing and sucking was enough to send Penny into orgasm. When Joel felt his own pending orgasm approach, he rolled to his side and pulled his cock from between Penny's legs. Before he could touch his cock, it was in Penny's hands and it was spouting his seed on her stomach.

They lay together for long minutes each of them thinking the same thing; they needed to find some method of birth control.

Joel left Penny's house sometime after one am and drove to Abby's house. The first thing that he was going to do as soon as the stores opened was to find some condoms.


Kenji and Patricia put Ralph and Marie to bed and then went to their own room even though it was early. She was frightened and was trying not to show it.

"Kirei come here." Kenji said after he closed the bedroom door behind him. He met her halfway, took her into his arms, and kissed her. "Try not to be frightened, I won't allow anything to happen to you or the children."

"I'm scared for you." Patricia replied hugging him tightly, "You hate violence."

"I know but if I have to use violence to protect you then I will and I will be alright with it as long as you are safe."

"Will this ever end?" Patricia asked as she laid her head on Kenji's chest.

"I hope and pray that ends soon but all we can do is to continue to love and trust each other and those who are our friends and family."

"I know." Patricia said, "But I'm still scared and I want to go back to our house."

Kenji hugged her tighter; this was too much like before the war ended when they had to hide.

"It will be over soon." Kenji said as he kissed the top of her head. "I haven't tasted you in quite sometime." He said.

"What do you mean?" Patricia asked, "It was just the other night."

"That is too long ago, get ready for me."

Getting ready entailed a quick shower and the insertion of the diaphragm. When Patricia left to get ready, Kenji peeked at the children and made a quick phone call to Nick.

"Are you alright?" Nick asked when Kenji finished relaying the events of the day.

"We are fine but I just wanted to keep you informed." Kenji replied.

"Good and while I have you on the phone, Goodman is still in prison but that could change at any time. I want to get together with everyone to talk about an escape plan and about the possibility of buying another safe house. What are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing that I am aware of." Kenji replied.

"Good, come over here on Saturday around three... we'll cook outside and really begin to plan. My gut is telling me that our time is going short."

Kenji didn't disagree with him. "I'll tell Patricia."

"Tell Patricia what?" she asked from behind him as he hung up.

"That we are going to my mother and Nick's house on Saturday. Nick wants to discuss a few things.

Patricia didn't need to ask what the discussion was going to be about, she already knew. Lawrence Goodman and now Andrew Kelley. She didn't want to talk about any of it anymore tonight; she wanted to make love until she was exhausted. Kenji held out his hand and led her to Abby's room.

The memory of their earlier physical relationship flitted across his mind making him laugh.

"What's so funny?" Patricia asked.

"I was remembering how we used to calculate how much time we had to make love before Abby returned." Kenji replied.

"Do you realize how long ago that was?" Patricia asked laughing.

"In many ways it seems as if it was a long time ago but yet the memory is as fresh as if it was just yesterday." Kenji replied. "It doesn't seem possible that we have been married for seven years. Kirei, do you have regrets?"