Ice Hockey 101 Ch. 02


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He'd carried her into her bedroom and as she looked around, he was toeing his shoes off. She laughed and did the same, barely getting them off before Josh hauled her onto her bed with him. They tumbled onto her already messed up bed together and suddenly Josh's hands were everywhere. She gasped as he slid his palm under the hem of her sweater, touching her already burning skin with a feather light touch.

She reached down and cupped her hand around his cheek and his eyes lifted to her face. She grinned at him and he responded in kind, lifting himself over her to press his lips to hers. The kiss was hungry and his hands didn't stop moving on her. She arched into his hand as he slid it further up over her stomach.

"God, Rebecca," he muttered against her lips and lifted his head.

She gazed into his eyes with a smile, pleased to see that he looked as foggy as she felt at that moment. Lifting her head, she brought their lips together again. She did her best to keep the kiss light, sweet even, but he was desperate for more. She thought it might frighten her but she'd never felt more alive. Josh made every cell in her body sing.

Before she knew it was happening, he had her sweater off and his mouth was on her chest. She was heaving, gasping for breath as he gently pulled one of the cups of her bra down. Then his lips slid over her skin and his breath found her puckered nipple. Her fingers tightened on his shoulders an instant before he kissed her there, gently drawing the tip between his lips.

"Josh!" She gasped, squirming beneath him and twisting her legs together to ease the ache that had been building between her thighs since she first saw him at the pub that night.

He lifted his head and she looked down, meeting his gaze. He grinned at her, that sideways, impish grin and it completely undid her. His hand moved over her bared breast, gently cupping her and squeezing. Her breath caught in her throat as he lowered his head to suck on the sensitive tip, all the while never taking his eyes from hers. He was so intent on her, so intense that she felt a trembling begin in her arms.

As though he sensed it, he released her nipple and rose to meet her lips with his again. For a long time, he simply kissed her, sliding his lips across hers, his tongue just lightly teasing hers. He slid his hands beneath her body, holding her close and pulling their bodies together. She felt every rigid inch of him, from his muscular arms around her shoulders to his firm thighs pressed to hers. Then she felt the hot weight of something pressing into her lower abdomen and she moaned, realizing what it was.

She opened her mouth, sliding her tongue against his. She wanted to dive inside him; she wanted to cover herself with every inch of him. Her kiss was desperate and she felt him let go, swallowed his groan as he surrendered. It was as though he'd been holding back until then, letting her take the lead. The realization made her eyes sting and she blinked them rapidly, gazing into his sky blue eyes, dark now with desire.

"I want you so badly, Rebecca," he murmured, his breath stirring the errant hairs around her face. "I want to be inside you."

She swallowed, feeling her belly clench at his blunt words. "I want that too," she managed to say, not surprised when her voice came out strained.

He grinned and kissed her again, his hands moving once more on her body. He rolled so that she ended up on top of him. His hands slid up her back and he yanked roughly at her bra, trying to undo the clasp. Lifting her head with a light laugh, Rebecca reached back to take care of it for him, biting her lip at the hot gaze he raked over her naked chest when she tossed her bra away.

He sat up, his arms going around her waist and he kissed her bared collarbone. She held him there, breathing hard as his whiskers tickled her heated skin. Her fingers slid from his head down his sides until she grasped the end of his shirt. She gave it a good yank and he made a sound of annoyance as he leaned back to help her undress him.

Then she was left with the sight of his bared torso. She'd always known he was muscular and built; she'd felt his strength every time they hugged. But to actually see it, to be able to run her palms across the smooth surface of his broad chest, to wrap her fingers around his toned biceps... it was almost more than she could handle at this point.

Josh let her explore his body for a minute, watching her with shadowed eyes. Finally she met his gaze and bit her lower lip at the look in his eyes.

"Do I meet your standards?" he asked, his voice husky.

She giggled and nodded, feeling so light-headed and hot all over. "You'll do," she agreed and shrieked as he moved under her, throwing her onto her back on the bed.

He loomed over her, his face close to her own and she tilted her chin up to meet his kiss. But he moved past her lips, brushing the line of her jaw with his mouth and licking the sensitive spot just below her ear lobe. His breath was hot against her neck and she shivered when he licked her again, leaving a wet mark on her skin. His hands moved down her sides and tickled the space beneath her ribs. She gasped out a laugh and twitched under him but he wouldn't let her move. His body weight kept her pinned to the bed and she could do nothing but breathe as he continued to explore her body.

His hands skimmed the skin of her waist just above the line of her pants and she sucked in a breath, holding it for a long moment as he moved his fingers back and forth. Slowly, he moved his head until he was staring into her eyes again. She swallowed at the intense look on his face but didn't flinch as he undid the button at the top of her zipper. Her breath whooshed out of her as he slid the zipper down and pushed his hand inside to cup her over her damp panties.

"Rebecca," he growled her name, his fingers pressing against her.

She gasped and threw her head back, letting her eyes fall shut. The way he was touching her now, how he felt against her entire body was too much. She felt a trembling start in her legs and it traveled all through her, leaving her hanging weakly from his neck.

"Open your eyes," he whispered to her and she felt the exhalation with his words against her neck.

Before she did as he requested, she kept her head tipped up, allowing him to press moist kisses to the length of her throat. Finally his lips met hers again and she moaned into his mouth, her arms tightening around him. His fingers curled against her wet and aching center and she broke away from his kiss, sucking in a sharp breath.

"Open your eyes," he repeated, his voice a dangerously low again.

She obeyed this time, staring up into his blue eyes and opening her mouth on a silent cry as he slipped his finger inside her panties, touching her damp curls. He gently parted her and pressed a finger to that swollen bud.

"Josh," she moaned his name, her eyelids sweeping low again.

"Open them!" he growled at her and he coupled the words with a tender touch.

She did, breathing hard and erratically as she looked into his eyes. He stroked her again, slipping his fingers just inside of her as he moved lower. Her mouth fell open and she held her breath as he did it again, pushing a little further with each stroke. Then he added a stroke of his thumb across that spot above and she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

"God, you're beautiful," he whispered, his voice hoarse. "So...beautiful..." His voice broke on the last word and Rebecca smiled, feeling something uncoil within her.

He slid two fingers all the way inside her, coupling it with a stroke to her clit and she let go, jerking hard against his hand as she came. He held her, lowering his head to press kisses to her throat, to her cheeks, to her closed eyelids. He kept stroking her, turning her inside out and making her bones turn to liquid fire. Every part of her shuddered as she rode the crest of her orgasm.

As she was coming down, she felt Josh pull his hand out of her panties and then he was tugging gently on them and her pants. She wriggled weakly with him, trying to help as he slid them down over her legs, leaving her completely naked beneath him. He swept his eyes from her toes all the way back up to her eyes and it was such a blatantly hungry look that Rebecca felt the twinge all the way inside her.

He moved away momentarily and when he rolled back against her, she felt that he was naked as well. She reached out, suddenly wanting to feel more of him. She met a rough line of hair low on his abdomen, circling his navel and trailing lower. He grabbed her chin in one big hand and kissed her, his tongue sweeping inside to taste her again. She held her palms against his stomach as he kissed her, making her forget the purpose of her exploration.

Then she felt his thigh sliding between her own and rising until the coarse hairs of his leg brushed against her molten center. She opened her mouth further and moaned as Josh sucked her lower lip between his, nibbling lightly. His hand slid down her side and cupped her bottom, pulling her closer. She felt his erection press into her hip and made an inarticulate sound as his thigh flexed against her again.

"Josh, please," she moaned against his lips, gasping for air.

"What?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly again.

He kissed her again instead of waiting for a response. This kiss was more than the others; Rebecca could feel the desperate change in it all the way to her toes. She hung on weakly to the back of his neck as he moved over again. This time his thigh was pushing hers apart and then she felt his hard length sliding between her lower lips.

Her eyes flew open and she stared into his as he ended the kiss. For a long moment they stared into each other's eyes, searching, maybe looking for any sign of hesitation. When he found none in her gaze, he lowered his lips to hers once more. His kiss was soft, so light and tender that she felt her heart stutter within her chest. One of his arms held her around her waist and the other cradled her head as he continued to kiss her. He gently eased his mouth over hers, teasing her lips with his tongue as he moved his body against hers.

She felt his muscles tense and felt the solid tip of his cock slide against her opening. Her breath caught in her chest and she dug her fingers into his shoulders. His kiss remained gentle, as did his hold on her body. His eyes remained on hers as he flexed his hips and slipped ever so slowly inside of her.

Rebecca couldn't believe how slowly he moved, as though he was afraid of hurting her. He nuzzled her lower lip and dipped his head lower to slide his tongue along the column of her throat. As she sucked in another desperate breath, he slid further inside of her. He was burning her up by moving so slow and she wondered if she was going to dissolve into steam if he kept it up.

Then his kisses moved across her cheek and to her ear. It was then that she heard the raggedness of his own breathing and knew that he was struggling just as she was. She wanted him to feel as amazing as he was making her feel.

So she slid one hand lower, over the tight muscles of his back and down the slope of his waist to his perfect ass. She raked her nails lightly over his skin and grinned wickedly when his head snapped up again. He met her gaze and took in her smile before grinning in response. His eyes narrowed and he pushed in, all the way in this time.

"Oh," she breathed, her eyes widening as she felt all of him inside her, as she felt his hips resting so perfectly against her own. "Oh, Josh."

He dipped his head and kissed her, no longer gentle, no longer teasing. No, he plundered her ruthlessly, sliding his tongue under and around hers as he pulled himself out and thrust back in. Her fingers tightened on his ass and she felt him rubbing her just the right way, building her up yet again.

He moved his hand from her waist, sliding it up over her ribs until he was gently squeezing her nipple between his fingers. His other arm kept their faces close together, his hand lightly playing with her hair as it was splayed out across her pillows. He bit down on her lower lip, not hard enough to hurt but just hard enough that she felt a twinge in her belly. And all the while, his hips moved against hers, pulling back and pushing in with such agonizingly slow strokes that she thought she might pass out from the pleasure.

She lifted her legs and felt him slip deeper inside. He groaned at the contact and lifted his head to stare into her eyes. She was gratified to hear his harsh breathing as it matched her own. He lifted his hand from her breast and cupped her cheek before brushing another kiss across her lips. Then he thrust the hand between them and stroked her above their joined bodies.

A cry escaped her as that sensation snapped something inside of her and she was careening through another orgasm. Her legs and arms all tightened around him and she arched under his body, sliding and falling through her climax. As she began to glide down the other side, she felt Josh trembling all around her as he struggled to maintain his slow pace.

"Rebecca..." he hissed her name, kissing her desperately. "Rebecca, I can't... I can't hold back..."

She grinned against his mouth and this time it was her biting down on his lip. His eyes flew open in surprise before he kissed her back, his movements suddenly turning erratic.

"So don't," she breathed, moving her lips to his ear and sucking his ear lobe into her mouth. "Don't hold back. I want you to let go." Even as she spoke the words, she felt a blush spread all through her body but she didn't care.

She held Josh close as he moved faster, his mouth falling to the joint of her neck and shoulder. His arms went around her shoulders and their bodies slid together, sweaty and dangerously overheated. Rebecca sucked on the pulse point just under his jaw, her breathing rough and uneven as Josh brought their bodies together with jarring thrusts. He was so deep within her, so hot and hard and she wondered if he was ever going to lose control.

Then he did, between one breath and the next. His teeth grazed the skin of her neck and he made some low noise as every muscle in his body tensed up. She held him, her heart pounding and her blood singing as he pounded into her frantically.

After a long moment, his movements slowed and finally stilled. He lifted his head and planted a weak kiss to her lips. She returned it, cradling him close as the trembling in both their bodies eased.

At length, he pulled out of her and they lay together, not speaking, only falling fast asleep.


Sometime during the night, Josh woke her again, hungry to feel her body rising to his touch. It was softer this time, slower and somehow even more intense. Rebecca moaned, crying out as he brought her such pleasure and she straddled his hips with his guidance to draw the same sounds from his throat.

Then in the morning, they repeated the process, sliding together and tangling the covers around their naked bodies as they took pleasure in each other.

When at last Josh felt reason return, he smiled into Rebecca's deep blue eyes and lightly ran a finger over her lips. She mimicked his touch, easing her fingers over his mouth. He parted his lips and nipped at her fingertip, drawing a delightful giggle from her.

"Are you sorry you skipped your class this morning?" he asked, not that he was worried about her answer; the way Rebecca had responded to him all night made him fairly sure of her response. He just wanted to hear her say it.

"Not at all," she replied and cupped his cheek in her hand.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he turned his head and planted a kiss in the center of her palm. She shivered in his arms at the contact so he did it again, feeling his body stir yet again. She felt it too and her eyes widened innocently. He gave her a sheepish grin, thinking he must seem like such a hound dog to her.

"I hope I didn't hurt you at all," he said.

"Oh, you didn't, Josh," she replied quickly and lifted her head to kiss his chin. "You didn't do anything but make me feel amazing."

"Well, you should. You are amazing."

She blushed and he watched it spread up her neck to her face. He leaned down to trace the path of color with his tongue. She made a breathy sound that he recognized already as her surrender. So he surrendered too and they started all over at the beginning.


A few days later, Rebecca leapt to her feet with a scream as Josh angled past the opposing team's net, the puck ricocheting off his stick and over the goalie's shoulder. The buzzer went off and the entire arena went insane. He'd done it again; scored a short-handed goal, something Rebecca was coming to understand was his specialty.

Turning, she high-fived Amelia and the other woman sitting around her. As the crowd settled down, the announcer came over the loud speakers to announce the goal and Rebecca remained on her feet to cheer for him. Her eyes easily found him sitting on the bench with his teammates, his eyes gazing up at the jumbotron hanging over center ice. Then his eyes dropped slightly and she knew he was meeting her excited gaze.

He winked and Rebecca felt it across the space between them and all the way down between her legs. Shuddering, she plopped back into her seat and pressed cool hands to her suddenly hot cheeks. Beside her, Amelia nudged her playfully and she knew there was no hiding her expression from the other woman.

Later, Rebecca loitered outside the locker room with the other wives and family members as well as several media people. She gazed around herself with interest and thought that Josh had been right, as well as Amelia.

There was nothing like live hockey and she didn't know how she could go back to watching the games on television now that she knew what it was really like. Her ears still rang with the screams of the crowd and the staccato knocking of the puck against sticks or off the boards. Her body recalled every one of the hits and she didn't need to close her eyes to see the smooth moves each athlete made as he moved across the ice.

She grinned as she thought about her first 'lessons' with Josh all those weeks ago. Since she was an experienced student, she felt confident in saying that she'd passed Hockey 101. Now she was ready for Life With a Hockey Star 201.

Shaking her head, she was distracted as the door to the locker room opened. Her face split into a grin as she saw Josh, her favorite of those athletes she'd just watched. He ignored the media who tossed questions at him as soon as he appeared and moved right through them all until he was lifting Rebecca into his arms. She laughed and hugged him, congratulating him on the win.

"You're my good luck charm, Rebecca," he told her, sounding serious. There was a glint in his eyes that told her he was teasing. "I think you're going to have to come to every game from now on."

She laughed and kissed his cheek. "Yeah, right. You easily won games without me for a long time."

Gently he set her back on her feet and cupped her face in both his hands. The look in his eyes shifted from playful to something more, something deeply intimate. She felt a blush stain her cheeks and lowered her lashes shyly.

"But now that I know what it's like to win with you sitting in the stands, I don't ever want to do it without you again," he said softly, for her ears only.

Her blush deepened but she didn't care because Josh was kissing her and his hold on her was firm, and warm and she was falling so hard for him she didn't know which way was up anymore.

It was terrifying but more than all right.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sweet but the drama seemed manufactured.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Thanks for sharing ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh, yeah. Time for Ice Hockey 201…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Well-written and delightful!

Highly recommended! ~ 5+ ~

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I really enjoy your stories and they're hot, but I wish your characters had more depth. What social science is Rebecca studying? Why is she studying it? All your hockey players do is play and have sex. They don't have any hobbies? One of them's not into woodworking or something else, or has a quirk like loving punk rock or classical music?

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