In The Woods

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The red dragon returns.
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The Red Dragon Returns


It was a hot sticky July morning and by the time I arrived at the state park I had been driving five hours. I pulled into park and excitement ran through me as I climbed out of my old truck. "Four days with nothing to do but enjoy nature!" I thought about my boss telling me to get out of town for a few days and he told me of this place telling my I would love it here. I began to laugh as I hurriedly gathered up my backpack and started down the trail. "Oh hell ya. You don't have to tell me twice!"

I had walked about the six miles into the woods he had told me about and began looking for the spot he had told me look for in the big tree's. I found it and turned off the trail. The trail was hard at times as I headed into the unexplored part of the forest but I loved it as I walked away from any of my worries. "God it is beautiful out her." I said to no one as I took a sip from my canteen and really began to enjoy the birds and wild life as I walked.

I had munched some fruit bars as I walked and had not been paying to much attention to time not really caring one way or another about it when I walked around a large bush and out of the forest and into a small valley that had been made by the creek my boss had told me about. It was running fast up the hill just above me but slowed and widened out to about 10 feet wide where I had came out of the woods to find it. The water looked to be 2 or 3 feet deep before it entered a big Beaver pond that looked to be deep much deeper and cool.

I climbed up and sat on a rock that was right at the waters edge. It was the size of a VW and flat on top and as I sat looking around I looked up at the sky noticing how low the sun was getting. I pulled off my hiking boots. "Dame Man it's going to get dark soon and you haven't even thought about setting up camp." I cursed my self for loosing track of time as I looked around at my surroundings. I liked the spot I had stopped. "Well this will do just fine old boy." I started to laugh as I realized I was talking out loud. I though I could hear other people laughing! I sat up strait and looked around again. Not seeing any one I shrugged my shoulders. "Who cares you fucking nut job? There is plenty of water and no one for miles." I moved over to my backpack. "Just what the doctor ordered." I said to no one. "Yes sir but," I dropped my pack. "A swim might be nice."

I looked around as I began to strip. I didn't know why but I felt some one there with me and even though I knew I was very alone I checked for any one that might be looking. I shook it off as I dropped my under wear knowing that I was just being stupid.

I took off running for the pond; screaming like a little kid as I rushed out into the cold mountain water. I was splashing and thrashing as I ran out into the water until I was in up to my waist, then howling like a Coyote I fell back letting the water cover me. I was

Laughing like a little kid as I floated the cool water.

I drifted around for about ten minutes then turned and swam back to my little camp. I didn't bother with cloths as I sat up my little one-man tent and then built a little fire ring.

I got a small fire started to heat some water for my pouch of dehydrated food and was just pouring in the water when I noticed butterfly's out over the far side of the pond.

I had never seen any thing like them in my life and watched in wonderment as their wings changed color in the setting sunlight. They changed to every color in the rainbow and some colors I was sure no one had ever seen before as they flitted around dipping down to just skim across the water leaving little rippling waves behind them as they went.

It was funny because as I ate I thought I could hear laughter and again looked around, seeing nothing I turned my attention back to the water. I watched the bugs doing a kind of dance over the water until it was finally to dark to see them any more and with a relaxed sigh I crawled into my tent. I fell a sleep quickly and slept that night the sleep of a man that needed badly to get away.

I dreamed I could hear the sound of voices. They were laughing happy sounds and I could here girls whispering to each other then more giggling and laughter as I watched those wonderful butterflies.

The next morning when I woke and was stretching in my sleeping bag when I was suddenly wide awake. The fire was crackling out side! I slipped out of my tent and sat up quickly looking around. "What the fuck?" There were fresh flowers growing all around my tent flap and the fire was burning in my fire pit. "Well Bucho, you really have lost it." I said to no one, as I stood there naked in the morning light looking around. The sun was warm on my back but I saw no one as I looked around. "How the hell did this fire stay up all night? I am sure it was out when I went to sleep." I looked around again and the only thing I saw was a deer up the side of a little hill and just five, no six butterflies floating in the air one the other side of the pond. I looked at the flowers growing around my tent. They were pink and blue Daises and the air was thick with their sweet smell.

I picked up my old coffee pot and watched the butterflies as I walked to the stream to get some water as they drifted around coming closer and then darting back. I smiled at my morning hard bobbing along in front of me as I enjoyed the feeling of the air on my naked body. I got the water and as I put the pot into the fire looked out at the butterflies.

"God you are beautiful!" I said to no one as turned away from the pond.

"Thank you." A voice said back.

I quickly turned back to the pond and suddenly three of the butterfly's stopped their dancing turned and came toward me. I fell back landing on my bare butt in shock as I watched them, stop and turn in the air and then come closer. They grew in size as the came and I suddenly realized that it was three naked women with wings! When they had almost reached the waters edge the center one dropped her toe into the water dragging it along making the calm water ripple and I realized it was what I had seen them doing the night before.

I wasn't afraid but still I didn't know what to do with this crazy hallucination so as they came closer I sat up Indian stile and watched them.

They flew to within ten feet of me and as they landed softly in the grass their wings folded around their waist covering their hairless woman hood little like a sarong would. I was totally mesmerized by them as I looked at their bare breasts. They were perfect and topped with little pink nipples making me smile.

I realized I was still hard as I looked at them and the one in the center spoke. "Do you fear us?" Her hair was a reddish blond and fell over her right breast as she spoke.

"No, how could I fear any thing as beautiful as you. Be sides your not real so why would I fear you?"

A slight smile came to her lips as she spoke. "Why are you here?" She waved her arm around pointing out to the pond. "What has made you stop in this spot?"

It was then that I noticed that blue and pink Daises were not only rapidly growing around her feet but were also blooming as she spoke. "I needed rest and this was a good spot. It is quiet and far from my kind."

"Walk with us, our Lady wishes to see you." She pointed to my little camp and the other two girls started packing it up and putting things away. "Sparkle and Venal will bring your things."

But my cloths, umm, I am kind a naked here."

Her wings unfolded and slipped behind her fully exposing the loveliest woman I had ever seen. "As are we. Now come along we must not keep Her Majesty waiting." She held out her hand to me smiling when she saw me hastate. "You may trust me, take my hand."

I stood and did as she asked. There was sudden searing white-hot pain through out my body and I must have blacked out. When I woke I was laying on a lounge in a grate big room with my head resting in the ladies lap. I was confused but I was still holding her hand as she gently brushed her fingers across my forehead. I was also hurting like hell. It felt like I had been beaten with a bat.

"He wakes my lady."

I looked over to see a lady with fiery red hair setting on a kind of throne. She looked to be in her fifty's and like every one I could see as I slowly looked around she was naked to the waist where she was covered by her wings. Her wings were different than the other's in that they were bigger and were a rich burnt red where they covered her woman hood.

"The feeling will pass young man." She smiled as she looked at the lady holding my head in her lap. "My daughter tells me you are the one. She tells me you are free in spirit and strong in will." Her smile widened. "She tells me you have a staff as mighty as the King." She laughed lightly. "We will see about that!" Her face softened as she smiled. "We ask that you stay with us here in our woods for a while in that we may get to know your kind and that you may know us. My daughter will be your constant companion in that she may keep you from wandering into unsafe places and protect you from the other men of our clan." She laughed again and it sounded like music to me as she looked from her daughter to me. "There are many that will not like that she has taken your hand so be mindful of all she tells you as you enjoy your stay with us." She rose and as she did every one in the room bowed but the lady holding my head and me. The Quean was at six feet tall and stunningly beautiful. Her full breasts moved like Jell-O as she stopped and looking at me. "What do they call you human?"

The girl squeezed my hand and it was the first I realized she was holding it and I spoke. "Mike."

"Well Sir Mike, I see no fear in your eyes. Perhaps my husband and daughter have chosen wisely."

She swept her arm around the room pointing at every one that had gathered around. "He is to be treated well by all! I have decreed it!" She smiled as she looked at the girl. "Bring him to my chambers at the dinner hour. Your father will be here and I want to get to know your human and see if he really is worthy."

The girl gave a slight nod of her head. "Yes Queen Mother."

I would say the Queen turned and walked away but I am not sure of that. All I know is that there was a lot of very fluid movement and she was gone.


"Rise and face me Sir Mike." Again I did as she asked and she looked deeply into my eyes. "They all know that I have chosen you and they all also know that if you were not the one the spell I put on you to bring you here would have killed you but you Sir are not safe." The girl did not let go of my hand and gave me a gentle pull indicating I was to go with her. "Do not smile as we walk please and as we walk if some one looks directly into your eyes look back, you much show no weakness."

I looked at the people from the corner of my eyes and they were all staring at me with grate interest as we walked slowly across the big room we were in. "OK, so tell me who she was, who your are and why I am here." I tried to let her hand go but she gripped it harder.

"NO! Do not let go!" She hissed. "It is showing that you are to be trusted and mine alone!"

The people we passed were all looking at me like I had horns or something. "Where am I and more to the point who are you? No amend that what you are!"

The ladies we passed all had wonderfully colored wraps covering their bottoms and I assumed they must have been using their wings as I had seen my escort do with hers. The men were all big and buff with wings that were more of a brownish color and they had also folded them to cover their groins.

That's when I realized I was still quit naked. "Shit lady it would be nice to cover my self to you know!"

She pulled my hand drawing me closer to her. "To these men it is a sigh of strength that you would walk with me as you are."

By this time we had reached what looked to be the town center and all of the 'people' we had passed along the way surrounded us as we stepped up onto a pedestal. She pulled my hand behind her so that my arm around her waist as she looked out over the crowd placed my hand on her hip. The warmth of her skin was soothing to my touch and I smiled at the feeling.

She smiled as she looked at me and then as she looked around at the crowd she raised her right arm and with her hand turned palm up waved it across in front of us.

As she began to speak little blue Daises began to float over the crowd before us. "People this is Sir Mark." She waved her hand across in front of my exposed cock. "He is the chosen one and his staff is mighty. I have seen his magic and no man other than my father the King is mightier." Again she swept her arm over the crowd and this time pink Daises drifted over them. "Fear him not, test him not, but do treat him well." She turned to face me and with a smile that melted my heat leaned in and kissed me. For just an instant her tongue danced lightly across mine and then she stepped back looking into my eyes. This time she spoke so only I could hear. "Do not fear sir. I will reveal all to you shortly. Turn and smile at them and wave your arm as you have seen me do."

I didn't know why but I trusted her completely and I did as she asked only to realize as I turned to face these 'people' her kiss had turned my cock as hard as stone! I smiled as I waved my hand across them and some how bright fire red and orange Roses with thorny stems rose up from the ground around there feet.

The people began to whisper and talk to each other but maybe no effort to move lest the thorn would stick them. Again so softly no one but I could hear her she said. "Now turn your hand over so the palm is up." As did what she said watching as the red roses turned black and the orange ones turned a dark blue. "Clinch your fist!" The flowers froze when I did this making them look like glass!

She reached out putting her hand on mine so that our palms touched and the roses melted. They turned back to red and orange and as they did the thorns softened and fell off. But the most astonishing thing was that pink and blue Daises began to grow up and bloom all around the roses. "WE ARE ONE!" she called and the people bowed to us.

The people around us began to laugh merrily as the clapped there hands for us.

Again she pulled on my hand and I fallowed her down from the pedestal and up a grassy path. This time every one we passed smiled and waved or bowed to us as we walked.

"Lady! What in the blue hell was that?"

"SHHHHH, we will talk at our layer, umm you would call it a house I believe. All will be reveled to you then."

Leaving the village we walked about another half mile in silence. But she never let go of my hand.


We stopped in front of a large tree. She lifted her hand and as she did a big ivy plant that clung to it's side moved to the side to revile a large low house made into the side of a hill. The front was made of adobe mud and there were four windows two on each side of the door. We walked through the ivy gate and as I watched it close behind us she let go of my hand. Making a tingling spark between us as she let her hand drop to her side

"This is my home." She looked at me as she spoke. "Our home I hope." We walked to a small table and chairs that sat on a patio by the door. "It's much to pretty to go in," This time as she looked at me I realized her eyes were so blue I could swim in them. "Let's talk out here." She reached to touch my shoulder as she lowered her head and there was a small blue spark as our skin touched. "If it pleases you Sir Mike?"

"Yes by all mean, but you have to tell me what is going on!" I looked around and felt a little fear for the first time. "Where am I? Please!"

"Come sir." She let her hand slid across my back and the sensation was wildly erotic as the tingling her touch caused moved with her fingers. We sat and she slid her chair over so she was right in front of mine and as we sat down our knees touched. The tingling began again as she spoke.

"MY name is Ivy and you are in the land of the Red Dragon. I am the daughter of the Red Dragon Queen and the White Wizard. He rules all Magic in the land you know while my mother rules all that you see here. We are a clan of Dragons Fairies. "I sat quietly listening as she spoke her eyes never leaving mine as she spoke. "It was my father that sent you here."

"Ok now wait." I said as I leaned forward and picked up her hand. When our skin touched I realized I missed the feel of her touch. "I was told of the pond by my boss at the Mill Work's not by some magical guy floating around on brown wings. I mean I have went along with all of this but how much do you expect me to believe?"

Ivy just smiled as she looked at me. "You do not believe and still as deeply as I look into your eyes I see no fear. Father told me it would be this way." She put her hand on my thigh making it tingle and as a slight smile she slid it up my leg. "Would you have me?"

My all ready half hard cock sprang to life growing to its full ten inches faster than I had ever felt it. "God what power is it you have over me?" I asked as Ivy stood and turned so that I could look at her.

"Do you not think me beautiful? Do you not want to touch me, feel my flesh under your fingers? Sir Mike I ask you again, would you have me?"

"That would be nice Lady Ivy but your power over your people will not work on me. Look this is the craziest dream I have ever had. When I wake up you will be gone and all I will have is a hard on. So you see because I am in control I have no fear and because you are not real you have no power."

"You truly are the one my Lord!"

Ivies wings opened fully exposing her tender hairless pubic mound to me and as she stood before me with her feet at shoulders width apart I could see just the pink tip of her clitoris sticking out from between her full puffy lips. She moved over me putting her legs astraddle of mine and tiny little sparks jumped from her fingers to my cock as she took it in her hand. The sensation was almost over whelming as her lips touched mine. As her tongue danced with mine she slowly began to set down on me moving very slowly as she began taking me into her belly. I had only slightly entered her when she reached a point where I could go no farther. I watched her face as wrinkles grew in her forehead from the pain of trying to take my cock I realized I was her first. She gasped, "Ohh!" As she rose and sat back down harder forcing me past her virgin ring.

"AHHhhaaaaa!" she cried as the tip of my cock penetrated her virgin opening then slipped into her warm wet womanhood! Her nostrils flared as she sucked in air through her nose as she rose up so that she just held the tip of my manhood at her entrance. This time she would not be stopped and when she sat back down she took me all the way deep into her belly.

The heat inside her was so intense I thought I would instantly explode but I caught it and held her close to me as she leaned into my chest. Ivy was making little whimpering noises and sat very still as she adjusted to my girth. Slowly she wrapped her arms around me pulling me deeper into her until I felt it as my cock hit bottom and I was deep in her womb.

Ivy put her head on my shoulder as she began to tremble in my arms. My cock felt as though it was the size of a tree in her and as her breathing quickened she slowly began to move her hips over it, milking it slowly as with a groaning gasp for air she came. I held her ass cheek in my hands as she cried and whimpered into my neck shaking like a leaf in the wind. She came again crying softly as I held her to me.

There were golden flames in here eyes as I lifted her off of me and turned her. Her hair sparked with electricity as I pushed her to the table and bent her over it. She looked back at me over her shoulder as I mover behind her I could see just a trickle of blood seeping from me braking into her virgin pussy. "Easy Sir!" She said as I put my steal hard rod at the entrance of her woman hood and pushed! She let out a hiss like I had never heard before as I slid balls deep into her feeling them as they slapped into her blood filled clit.