Indian Wife in the Prison of Spring Ch. 02


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He gently pushed her off. But didn't go to the bathroom to clean up like always. He pulled his naked wife into an embrace.

"Where did you learn that?"

" it online." she blushed.

"What else did you learn?"

Mansi smiled, and turning her husband over on his stomach, started licking his back.


Dutt had advised Reena to wait a week or two. She waited ten days. And called Mansi. This time the young housewife answered.

"Look who found their phone." Reena sarcastically said.

"Sorry aunty, I didn't feel like talking." Mansi said in a flat voice.

"So what changed? Let me guess. More expenses at home, more demands from the daughter, more meals at fancy restaurants."

Mansi didn't say anything. Reena aunty was partly right. It wasn't like she really needed the money. But she wanted the money. She had called up Dutt a couple of times, but he had politely brushed her off saying he was busy and traveling.

"Have you calmed down by now? Ready to meet and talk?"

"About what? About how you make money by pros.."

"Hey! Hey!" Reena interrupted. "Not on the phone. Come and meet me at the hotel in an hour."


An hour later Mansi was sitting in the lobby of the hotel where it had all started. The receptionist had told her that Reena ma'am was in a meeting, and she would call for her when she got out. Mansi picked up a newspaper and browsed it absent-mindedly.

"Is that you, Miss Meerut?" she heard a man's voice say.

She looked up. It was a young man in a suit. He looked slightly familiar.

"Don't you remember? A few months ago, we were talking in this very hotel." he said, sitting on a couch across from her.

"Oh...were we?" Mansi started remembering a little.

"Absolutely. Who will forget a face like yours?"

That's when a second young man walked up to them staring at his phone. She vaguely remembered him too. he saw her and smiled. Then he turned to his friend.

"So dude, the lunch meeting got postponed."

"Hmm. Remember Miss Meerut?" he pointed towards Mansi.

"Who will forget a face like hers?" the other guy chuckled and sat down next to his friend.

There was an awkward silence as Mansi started remembering the awkward conversation they previously had. It was right after a white woman had complimented her sari. She remembered getting a creepy vibe from the guys then. And she was feeling the same way as they checked her out in a barely hidden manner.

" to meet a "friend" again?" he put air quotes around the word friend.

"Yes." she said and hid her face behind the newspaper hoping they would take a hint.

"We can be your friends too, you know." he said and giggled.

"Please leave me alone." she said.

"Come on, sweetheart. We are just asking."

"And what exactly are you asking?" Mansi lowered the newspaper and scowled at him.

"Just asking...if we wanted to be your friends...we would be really good friends. Really good. We are investment bankers. We live in London. We make good money."

"He is asking how much you charge." the other friend getting impatient said in a casual way that only investment bankers can say stupid stuff in.

What the hell...Mansi thought. Had she now started giving off a whore vibe? Getting randomly propositioned like this? But then she remembered that he had made a similar suggestion even all those months ago. She had not realized it back then, but now she did.

She just threw them a dirty look and got up.

"Name your price, darling. You are worth the annual bonus and more." he said as she walked away.

That's when the receptionist beckoned her over and told her Reena was ready for her in her office. As she walked towards the office, she saw that the two arrogant guys were still laughing and looking at her. But then she thought about what she wanted to say to Reena and forgot about them.

"Before you say anything." Reena herself had prepared a small speech. "I am sorry I kept you in the dark. I am sorry if you feel violated or manipulated or used. But like I said before, you had a good time on the way. And you made good money too. If I had told you what I was...recruiting you for, you would have stormed out. So I decided to let things play out slowly. And they played out well. So if you want to throw a fit and yell at me, go ahead. But remember that in this arrangement, everyone has benefited. And your daughter's college fun looks a lot healthier."

"I still feel betrayed." Mansi frowned.

"And I am sorry for that." Reena nodded. "But you are here, so obviously, you are not retiring from the game."

Mansi didn't say anything for a few moments. Then she spoke.

"When is Duttsahab coming back? I called him a few times but..."

"He brushed you off? Yes. I know. Forget Duttsahab. He has moved on to another woman."

"So to him I really was just a..."

"A whore? Yes. If you want to keep using that demeaning word. I prefer escort or companion. Remember Mansi, it's not like you are turning tricks on the bylanes of Kamathipura. You provided company to a rich gentleman. You had mutually enjoyable sex with him. You made a good amount of money."

The young woman nodded.

"And you will continue doing that if you cooperate with me. Duttsahab is gone. There are hundreds of other Duttsahabs."

"But will he..."

"Will he want you again? He might. Who knows. But until then, we have to think of the future. And fattening up that bank account even more. And living the good life."


" we go."

Reena turned her laptop and showed Mansi the screen. There was the picture of an old gentleman with a mustache and glasses shaking hands with Bill Clinton.

"You mean..."

"Hahaha no, not Bill Clinton. Although the next time he is in town, I could show him your picture. I am talking about the other guy. Mr. Reddy who is a bigshot in the media."

"Oh..." she looked at the face.

"If it looks familiar, it's because you have met him with Duttsahab at some event. He remembers you very well. Was quite taken by you. So in two days, in this very hotel. He has an hour free. He will pay five thousand. My standard commission is 20%, so that leaves you with four...what?"

"Just five thousand???" Mansi felt almost insulted. That's how much Duttsahab paid her for just going to an event.

"Not everyone is as generous as Duttsahab. Besides, you have to remember that you are starting off as a rookie. I know the ridiculous amounts you got paid, but that is an exception. Once you build up a reputation and a wider client base, sure, you can charge ten twenty even fifty thousand."

"Sorry, but that sounds too low." Mansi's middle class haggling side came out. "To sleep with a stranger and then I take home only five..."


"Excuse me?"

"You take home four thousand. My commission is 20%."

"You make one thousand for what?" Mansi said sarcastically. "Just making a phone call?"

"Mansi!!" Reena raised her voice. "Don't forget who you're talking to. I earn my commission. With me, you will get to meet the best..."

"I am sorry, but that amount is too low." Mansi shrugged. "Ask for ten thousand."

"Who the fuck do you think you are? And what do you think this is, haggling over a kilo of onion? I have been in this business for decades. Don't let Duttsahab's splurging make you think you are some hot shot. There are actresses and models who are okay starting off at that rate."

"Then I don't need you." Mansi said and got up.

"Mansi...MANSI!!" she shouted but the young woman started walking out.

Reena was about to follow her when her phone started ringing. It was an important client so she had no choice but to answer it.

Five thousand...what nonsense. Mansi was sure that the actual payment was a lot more. And Reena was just taking a heftier cut. What did she do anyway? Just sat on her fat as and made contact with businessmen. Mansi could do that herself. Hell, even a waiter could do it. She remembered how that waiter had offered to set her up. Surely he wouldn't charge 20%. In fact she herself had just been propositioned. Without any agent or middlemen. After all, she was someone who had just been paid 20,000 rupees each. How dare Reena try to undersell her?

Mansi thought about this angrily as she walked out of the lobby. She looked around for a cab and was about to hail it when,

"Hello again!"

About twenty feet away, were the two arrogant young men from before. They were standing there smoking cigarettes. She looked at them. They were lean well dressed guys. Not handsome but not bad looking either. Besides, they were young. She took a few steps towards them.

"Hello." she said.

"Already done with your...friend?" the other guy snickered.


"That was fast! Trust me, we will last longer." and he started laughing hard. His buddy gave him a high five.

Mansi waved the cigarette smoke away from her face. And then thought about it. They had said they were rich bankers of some sort from London.

"Offer still stands, by the way."

"What offer?" Mansi looked into his eyes and asked.

"To be your friend."

"For how much?" Mansi couldn't believe she just said that. Instantly she blushed.

The two guys stopped laughing and their faces got serious. So far they had been just having fun.

"Are you...are you serious?" he asked.

"Were you serious?" she asked him back.

The two guys nervously looked around to make sure no one else was listening.

"What is your standard rate?" he asked almost in a whisper.

Mansi remembered how bargaining was done at the places she usually shopped at.

"Fifty thousand rupees." she confidently said.

"Right now?"


"For one or for both of us?" the other guy asked.


"Both of us together?"

"That will be extra." Mansi realized she had a knack for this. "One lakh twenty five thousand."

"Shit!" the first guy stamped out his cigarette. "One moment."

The two guys came really close to each other and started whispering. Mansi stood there, feeling strangely confident. See, she didn't need Reena. If she had to sell her body for the sake of her future, then she could do it herself.

"How about...ten thousand?" the taller of the two confidently said.

"What do you think this is? Haggling over a kilo of onion?" Mansi used the same line Reena had. "The lowest I can go lakh together. Forty thousand each if separate."

"Is there...someone else we can discuss this with? Your...manager?" he said looking around.

"No, I am on my own."

They whispered some more. She even heard them chuckling. For a moment she felt self doubt. But then they turned around and said.

"Okay. One lakh. Done." he extended his hand.

"Deal." she offered her hand. He pressed it gently and chuckled.

The three of them walked back inside the hotel. Mansi hoped she would run into Reena aunty again, so she could rub her recent success in her face.

When they got out of the lift and opened the door to the room, Mansi noted how much smaller it was than the suites she had been in. It was still nice, but definitely smaller. Suddenly her view was blocked by the taller of the two guys.

"What's your name?" he asked, pulling her pallu down.

"Mansi." she said. "Yours?"

"Jay." he said, fondling her boobs.

She felt other other guy behind her grab her ass.

"And I am Veeru!"

The two of them, with Mansi sandwiched in between, started disrobing her as they pushed her towards the bed.


Mansi was too excited and horny to realize that they had given her fake names. The strong stink of cigarettes from their mouths was very off-putting for Mansi. So she tried to concentrate on the positives. At least she was having another threesome. After that afternoon with Bhaskar and Duttsahab, try as she might, did not achieve the same kinds of orgasms. What she wasn't prepared for was how clumsy and inexperience the guys were.

Their hands kept bumping into each other. There was no skill or finesse in the way they were feeling her up. The kisses they attempted were slobbery and skill-less. Once her sari, petticoat and blouse had been all but ripped off from her body, the guy calling himself Jay roughly shoved his hand between her legs and rubbed his pussy. No attempt to find her clit or to pleasure her. Just eager and inexperienced roughness. Veeru was struggling with her bra clasp. It took him almost a minute to get it off.

This really didn't feel as good as Mansi had hoped. Without an ceremony, her panties were pulled down. And she was thrown on the bed.

"Fuck man, she's hot!!" Jay said, taking off his suit jacket and unzipping his pants.

"Why do you get to go first?" Veeru asked.

"Because I talked to her first." He said, pulling down his underpants in a hurry.

His dick was average sized. Nothing to write home about. Mansi was on the bed, her legs spread as she played with her clit. She wasn't as wet as she would have preferred to be. She was used to the long foreplay from Dutt. This seemed more like what Amar did. Except there were two of them.

"Then she can suck my dick. After all, we are paying her extra for the two of us together."

"Cool." Jay said getting on the bed and grabbing Mansi's knees. "But don't you have to...make that call first? Remember?"

"Oh right, the call."

Mansi looked at the dick dangling between her legs as Veeru went off to the side to pick up his phone. Jay held her legs and spat on her pussy. Some of it landed on her fingers as she was playing with her clit. He looked towards his friend who gave him a small nod.

"So then Miss Meerut." Jay said in a sneering voice. "Want to get fucked?"

She nodded.

"Say it. Say you want to get fucked."

"I want to get... fucked." she said, hoping he would get on with it.

"You want to get fucked by both of us?"


The dick penetrated her cunt and the young man's chest was on top of hers. She had been waiting for it and let out a moan of delight. Although the guy didn't have technique like Dutt did, he did have stamina. He grabbed her hair and pounded her cunt hard as there were slapping noises filling the room.

"Nice, dude." she heard the other guy say. Her eyes were closed. When a thought popped into her head. Wasn't he supposed to be making a phone call?

She started turning her head to look at Veeru. But Jay kept his grip on her hair tight and held her face in place. Then he started kissing her roughly. This wasn't as enjoyable as with the older men. She felt the other guy getting on top of the bed and move next to her head.

"Hiiiiii Mansi." she heard him say in a playful voice. "Ready to suck my dick?"

"Yes." she said. Jay's grip had loosened as he was lost in the pleasures of fucking this incredibly hot young woman. The way her tight cunt grabbed his dick was heavenly.

Mansi moved her head to see two naked legs next to her. She looked higher, and a decently sized dick was dangling there. And then she saw something that made her throat go dry.

"You're filming this?" she shouted.

"Fuck yeah, we're filming this. For a lakh rupees, you should be giving us the DVD yourself."

The two started laughing in that arrogant way again.


Mansi started protesting, but by then the guy, still holding his phone in record mode, had shoved his dick in her mouth. She knew she would have to do it, but again, it initially felt weird. She gagged a little. But at that moment, the bigger concern for her was the filming. She tried to reach up with her hands and flailed for the phone. But it wasn't in her reach.

Veeru handed the phone to Jay who straightened and took a shot of her jiggling boobs before taking a close-up shot of her face with the dick in it. And then down to show his dick ramming her pussy.

"Fuck, I am about to cum!" Jay said. "Bitch is unbelievably tight for a whore."

He took a close-up of their entwined genitals. And the screen showed some semen oozing out around the shaft. Even Amar lasts longer than this, thought Mansi.

"My turn!!"

Before she knew what was happening, the dick left her mouth and was between her legs. Veeru did not care about the creampie his friend had left in there. He just rammed his cock in and let out a triumphant cry.

"You're right dude! This is one tight cunt!"

"Please don't film this." Mansi managed to say again.

"Shut up, whore!!" the guy spat on her face.

Mansi cursed herself for not laying down some ground rules. The news was full of MMS scandals all the time. How could she have been so stupid to not ensure that? She had done so much stuff with Dutt and Bhaskar. Neither of them had even attempted to take pictures. She just tried to put that problem out of her head and focused on the relatively bigger dick hammering her cunt. But again, there was no real pleasure in it.

Ten minutes later, Mansi was sprawled on the bed with a cunt full of cum, but no satisfaction. By now she had gotten used to the phone recording her. She just hoped the men were trustworthy enough to not post it on the internet. After all, they were in it too.

"Hey whore!" Jay said, cackling. "Get the fuck up. We both have meetings to get to."

Mansi pulled herself up off the bed. She went to the bathroom, and by the time she came out, they were both dressed and putting their ties back on. She went around the room gather her clothes and putting them on. Once again, Veeru fished out his phone and filmed the whole thing.

"What are you looking at, whore?" Jay asked as she stood around expectantly.

"Umm...the money. Do you have cash or do you want to send it via internet?"

They both started laughing and exchanging high fives.

"Via internet? That's precious. A whore who takes paypal." Veeru said.

He reached for his wallet. He fished out a thousand rupee note. Jay did the same. They held it up for her.

"Is this a joke?" she angrily asked.

"The joke, you slut, is that you think you can charge people one lakh rupees for sex. Who do you think you are? Sherlyn Chopra?"

"We had a deal!!" she shouted.

"Don't shout. And don't be stupid. Why should we pay you even a paisa? be thankful that we are giving you at least this much."

"Unless you pay me, I will call the cops." Mansi said hotly.

"And say what? I am a hardworking whore who did not get the agreed upon price?" Veeru said. "And before you make anymore threats, remember what's on my phone."

Mansi's heart sank. She felt defeated. From feeling so proud just a while ago for negotiating such a great price to this. And the sex hadn't even been good.

"Do you want this two thousand or not?"

Reluctantly, she took the money and put it in her purse.

"Now get the fuck out." Jay opened the door and pushed her out.


"Jay and Veeru?" Reena chuckled as Mansi sat in front of her, face in her hands.

She was doing her best not to cry.

"Haven't you seen Sholay?"

"I wasn't thinking straight."

"And really, one lakh rupees?"

"They said they were bankers from London."

"By now you should know that men will say anything to get a woman in bed."

Mansi nodded and looked up.

"Now do you see the value of the service I provide? Why my commission is worth it?"

She nodded again.

"I vet all clients. No one is going to force themselves on you. No one is going to stiff you on your payment. And most importantly, you stupid little bumpkin, no one is going to record you on film!!" Reena yelled the last part. "Jesus, I mean it's not even like we are in 1999 when no one knew that there are cameras all around. This is 2016. Everyone has camera phones."

Mansi finally started crying. Bawling, more like it.

"Do you at least remember the room number?"

Mansi nodded, and between sobs, said,


Reena picked up the phone.

"Hi Carol...who is staying in 434? Who? Okay, I see. And they are from...okay. Alright. When they come back, let me know."