It Began at the Doctor's Office


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They held each other like that for a few minutes, while Ann whispered comforting sounds into her patient's ear.

Jack looked on as the two women held each other. His mother's naked breasts pressed against the doctor's chest above her blouse. The area was wet with Leah's cum, causing Leah's breasts the slide easily against the doctor's skin.

Soon, they were quiet and pulled apart from one another.

"Ann, I . . ." started Leah. Simultaneously, Dr. Swanson started to speak.

Both women paused. They were totally unsure of what to do.

Ann decided it was best if she continued to assume the role of physician.

"Leah, that concludes your vaginal examination. You appear to be quite healthy," she said, unsure of the doctor voice would continue to be effective.

It was.

"Oh good, Dr. Swanson. Thank you. It means so much for me to have a clean bill of health," said Leah.

It was clear that they were play-acting now. But it was also clear both women were okay with what had happened. It was quite unusual for a doctor to give a female patient a handjob while her son looked on. So it was important for both women to signal that they were feeling okay about things. After all, it had been immensely enjoyable.

"Just a few more tests," said Dr. Swanson, authoritatively.

She withdrew from the pocket of her white coat a triangular hammer. In spite of the fact that she was literally dripping with her patient's cum, she continued the examination.

"Please sit on the edge of the examination table. I need to test your reflexes."

Leah scooted forward. He shaved pussy was fully exposed between her thighs. And her large breasts sat prominently on her chest. The "examination" proceeded.

Dr. Swanson tapped on the front of Leah's knee and the knee reacted predictably. The same thing was done with the other leg. The doctor also took a quick look at Leah's feet and toes, and found nothing untoward.

"Excellent. Now please step down."

Leah stepped away from the table. She was mostly naked. Her paper gown gathered around her waist. It was bunched up and half of it was soaked in her ejaculate.

For a beat, Dr. Swanson was unsure if she should proceed. She caught her friend's eye, and she saw playfulness there, giving her the okay to continue.

Taking stock of the situation, Dr. Swanson looked around. Her blouse was soaked. She was incredibly horny. Her friend was basically naked, glowing after an amazing orgasm, which her son had witnessed up close. Jack sat looking up at the two older women, wearing a paper gown two sizes too small for him. He was extremely horny in his own right.

"Leah, thank you for taking part in what I feel was a helpful demonstration for your son. As a young man, he will certainly profit from the intimate portrait we provided of female sexuality."

"It was my pleasure," said Leah. "Would it be alright with you, doctor, if I stayed while you examined my son?" Leah asked.

"Of course," said Dr. Swanson. "A mother should be very familiar with her son's health. I only wish more mothers continued to take such an interest in their sons as they begin adulthood. Jack is lucky to have a mother like you, who gives so freely of herself and obviously cares deeply about his well-being. "

"Jack, please come sit on the examination table," ordered Dr. Swanson.

"Leah, I must beg your forgiveness. As a result of your examination, I find that I am somewhat compromised. Specifically, my blouse and bra have become soaked by female ejaculate."

"Yes, Dr. Swanson, it does appear that you are somewhat worse for the wear."

"Would you mind if I remove the clothes that have become uncomfortably wet, before I begin your son's examination?"

"Not at all. Please do," Leah said. "If you don't mind, I will also remove the remnants of this paper gown. It also has been compromised as a result of my examination."

"Of course, Leah."

Jack watched as his mom stepped out of the gown and Dr. Swanson took off her white coat, revealing a very wet blue blouse, which clearly showed the outlines of the bra beneath it. Dr. Swanson slowly removed the blouse, revealing a tight, flat abdomen. Jack could also see through the sodden lace bra, to see the outlines of the doctor's hard, brown nipples. Finally, Dr. Swanson reached behind her back and unclasped the bra, revealing the small, pointy tits.

"Leah, would you please do me a favor?"

"Of course, doctor."

"Would you please go outside and adjust the thermostat. I am obliged to conduct this examination without a shirt and would appreciate a few more degrees of heat."

"Certainly doctor. I would also appreciate a more comfortable temperature, as I certainly do not intend to clothe myself while I observe my son's examination."

With her own examination over, Leah was having fun adopting the officious doctor-speak that Ann had used during her examination.

"Perfectly understandable," said Dr. Swanson.

Leah walked out of the small examination room, entirely naked. She found the thermostat and adjusted it.

When she returned, the doctor had finished taking Jack's blood.

"Thank you. I can already feel the temperature begin to adjust."

"You're welcome, doctor."

"Now Leah, as Jack's mother, do you have any particular concerns about his health?"

"No, doctor. He appears to be in good health, as far as I can tell."

"Very well," said the doctor and reached for the stethoscope.

"Except for one thing, doctor."

"What is it, Leah?"

"Well, doctor, I have become worried lately about my son's ability to interact with the opposite sex."

"Leah, that is a common worry for mothers of young men. What in particular concerns you?"

"Several things. For one thing, he has yet to bring home a girlfriend."

"That is a valid concern."

"I don't believe that he is unattractive."

"No," said the doctor. "He is a very attractive young man. What do you suspect is the problem?"

"Doctor, I don't know. Do you think you can help?"

"That's what I'm here for, Leah."

"Jack, are you a virgin?" asked the doctor.

"Yes," Jack said softly.

"Do you masturbate, Jack?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you look at pornography when you masturbate, Jack?"

"Yes, ma'am. I do."

"Please describe the kind of pornography that you watch when you masturbate."

Jack said nothing.

"Jack, it is very important that you be honest with me. I am a doctor. Both your mother and I are willing to do whatever it takes to help you as you develop into a man. Whatever it takes. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Very few young men have the kind of support that your mother and I may be willing to provide. But it is imperative that we know exactly where your head is at. We need to know what you need before we can help."

"I'm afraid, that mom might be mad with me."

"Honey," Leah piped up. "There is nothing. Literally nothing you could say that would make me mad at you. Just be perfectly honest and we will try to help."

Jack looked up at the attractive naked women in front of him. He felt light-headed. He was being asked to reveal his deepest secret to his mother and his doctor.

"Jack, when did you last masturbate?" asked Dr. Swanson.

"Last night, after I got home from a party."

"Were you looking at pornography?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Well sort of."

"Jack, enough with this evasiveness. Tell me immediately exactly what you were watching while you masturbated last night," Dr. Swanson commanded.

"I was watching my mother masturbate."

"What?!?" shrieked Leah.

Jack said nothing.

"Do you have video of your mother masturbating?" asked Dr. Swanson.

"Yes. I do."

Leah reminded herself that she promised that she would not be mad as long as her son was honest.

"How did you get that video?" asked Dr. Swanson.

Jack hesitated. But he knew the cat was out of the bag.

"I put cameras in her bedroom," he admitted. He looked at the floor. He was totally ashamed.

Leah felt terribly violated. She thought about her intense masturbation sessions in the supposed privacy of her bedroom. Her son had secretly witnessed all of them!

Then Leah looked at her son and she felt sorry for him. He obviously loved her. And while he had acted incredibly inappropriately, she doubted that he had intended to harm her.

"Did you, did you show anyone?" Leah asked.

"No ma'am," he answered. "I love you mom. I didn't want to hurt you. I wanted to keep the videos only for myself."

Leah was relieved that he had not put the video on the internet, although she didn't really think that was something he would do.

"Jack. That is not okay," said Dr. Swanson. "What you did is not only a violation of your mother's privacy, but it is also against the law."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Jack, please stay seated. Your mother and I need to have a conversation in private."

Ann and Leah left the room and went out into the waiting room, and shut the door to the exam room.

"Holy smokes, Ann."

"Come here, Leah. Have a seat."

Leah sat down on the couch in the waiting room, and Ann sat down next to her.

"I have to apologize."

"What do you mean, Ann?"

"Well, I planned this. I know you haven't been getting any lately. And I know Jack is a good-looking, 19-year-old hunk. I thought it might do both of you some good to, well, to get together."

"Why, Ann? Why did you think that I would want to, fuck my own son?"

"Well, to be honest, I thought that it would be good for you, umm, because it was great for me!"

"You mean . . ."

"Yes, Leah. I've been fucking my son for the past year and a half. It's been wonderful. I can't tell you how nice it is to have a fat young cock yearning for sex whenever I want it. The fact that I'm his mommy makes it so much more hot!"

"His mommy," repeated Leah. The mixture of maternal and sexual emotions was strangely erotic for her.

"How did it start?" Leah asked.

"I gave my son an anatomy lesson, just like the one we gave Jack. I masturbated for him and showed him what a female orgasm looks like."

"But how did you end up fucking him?" Leah asked.

"Well, after he saw me as a sexual being, it was almost inevitable. After the examination, I could feel his eyes looking greedily at me all the time. He started to take liberties by touching my ass and my breasts. And he asked to see another demonstration of an orgasm, this time at home, outside of the clinical setting."

"And then you fucked?"

"Well not exactly. That time, when I masturbated in front of him, I grabbed his head and pulled him to my pussy and had him eat me out."

"Oh Ann!"

"And he was such an energetic little pussy eater that I couldn't resist spreading my legs for him whenever I felt horny. After a stressful day at work, I would race home, sit on the couch, and pull up my skirt. My son was always there to give me pleasure."

"So you just used him to eat your pussy?"

Leah liked the idea of having a dedicated pussy-licking servant.

"For a long time, yes. Eventually, though, I took pity on him and gave in to his constant begging to fuck me. I was able to use the promise of sex to get him to do whatever I wanted. By the time he actually got to fuck me, he had straight A's and had done plenty of chores!"

"Oh, Ann. You are a genius. I love the idea of a mother using her pussy that way! One last question, though. Didn't you feel guilty?"

"I did at first, Leah. But it was a waste of energy. It has been wonderful. And I'm sure it has been even more wonderful for him than it is for me!"

Leah hugged her friend closely. Their bodies pressed together as they squeezed each other tight.

"I've wanted to fuck Jack ever since he turned 18!" said Leah. "He's videotaping me, but while I'm masturbating, I'm imagining fucking him!" Leah said, without breaking her hug with Ann.

"In that case," said Ann. "It's not really fair to make him feel bad about the videotapes."

"No, it isn't. I'm sure he's only responding to the vibes I've been giving off. I'm always so horny and I just can't help the fact that I've been dreaming about fucking my son."

"Well that settles it."

"Settles what?" asked Leah.

"It settles the fact that we have to finish giving Jack his examination!"

"Oh you are so dirty, Ann. I love you!" gushed Leah.

"I love you too, honey. Now let's go back to tease your horny son!"

"First, though, I have to do one thing," said Leah.

"Ok. But hurry, I don't want Jack to suffer too much agony in there."

Leah put her hands behind her friend's head, and pulled her forward. The two women kissed each other deeply, allowing their tongues to explore each other's mouths.

"Baby, that was amazing. And I can't wait to kiss you more. But right now," Ann said, switching to her authoritative doctor voice, "I have an examination to conduct!"

Ann grabbed Leah's hand and pulled her off the couch and towards the examination room.

Opening the door, the two women found Jack exactly where they left him, hanging his head while sitting on the edge of the examination table.

Dr. Swanson grabbed her stethoscope.

"Leah, please have a seat. I will be conducting your son's physical examination now. Please let me know if you have any concerns while the examination proceeds."

Leah sat down in the swivel chair. She was thrilled to hear Ann use her authoritative doctor's voice, and couldn't wait to watch how the sexy examination would proceed. She was also glad that she had already been able to have such gratifying orgasms, and was sympathetic with her son, who was now in the same position she had been in earlier. He had not come yet, and she knew he must be exceedingly aroused after having watched her examination.

Leah watched as Ann conducted the examination of her son's ears, eyes, and throat. She began to moisten again as she sat naked, turned on by her naked friend and her almost naked son. She could not wait to see how Ann would manipulate the situation.

"Breathe in. . . And out. And breathe in. . . And out. Breathe in. . . And out. One more deep breath. . . And out," the doctor directed as she moved the stethoscope around Jack's broad chest.

Ann then felt all around Jack's chest and even tweaked his nipples, which Leah knew was hardly medically necessary. Leah could see that Ann's own nipples had stiffened considerably. She must be getting quite turned on herself, Leah concluded.

After poking around some more on Jack's abdomen, Ann asked him to lay back. She pushed up the gown and revealed Jack's huge, throbbing penis.

Jack was in an entirely vulnerable position. He couldn't even see over the gown which was now bunched up at his waist, at least not without doing a difficult situp. All he knew was that he exhibited a throbbing erection. Meanwhile, his mom and his doctor sat at his feet. And he knew they must be extremely angry at him for having violated his mom's privacy.

"Jack, I will now begin the examination below the waist. I will allow your mom to observe and participate. I would give you the choice to request a private examination. But I believe that would be unfair because I allowed you to observe your mother's examination, and also because you have recently invaded your mother's privacy without her consent. Is that understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Jack. He felt his cock throb and tingle. He could not wait to finally come. He hoped that the doctor would give him a handjob and give him some release.

He felt the doctor's hands guide his legs to the stirrups.

"Umm, is that really necessary?" he asked.

"Jack, I am the doctor and I will tell you what is and what is not necessary. You are not in a position to question my methods, young man."

"Yes, ma'am. I understand."

Leah watched, fascinated. She loved the idea that her son was exposed like a woman, unable to control the situation. For her, it felt like revenge for him having spied on her with video cameras.

Leah watched as the doctor began to massage Jack's testicles. She closely examined each one.

"James, it is important that you closely examine your testicles. Even young men such as yourself can be susceptible to testicular cancer or other diseases. Do exactly as I am doing, and feel gently around each of your testicles for any irregularities.

Leah looked on with intense interest. She stared at Jack's penis, taking in its shape and imagining its feel, imagining how good it would feel in her mouth, or in her pussy. She expected that Ann would soon stop touching his balls and would begin massaging his cock. Maybe, she thought, Ann would fuck her son.

Ann stood up and took hold of the penis. She pressed and prodded, and spread open the tip. She also trailed a finger under the head, where the skin is most sensitive.

"Jack, I want to examine your ability to ejaculate. I asked your mother if she gave her consent prior to manipulating her clitoris. I extend the same courtesy to you. Do you consent to me manipulating your penis to collect the semen for examination?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jack said quickly.

"Very well."

Ann grasped the base of the young man's penis. It was hard as steel, and wide enough around that the doctor could not quite wrap her long fingers around it. Ann then removed her hand and Jack heard the sound of a squeeze tube. Soon the hand returned, coated with a slick lubricant.

At first, Ann's hand went up and down achingly slow. With each stroke, Jack was certain he would come, but somehow he didn't. Meanwhile, his cock became harder and harder.

Finally, the doctor gave in, and started to move her arm vigorously up and down the thick stem of the young man's penis. She felt it begin to pulse and quickly reached for a small plastic cup on the table beside her.

The first spurt of semen hit the cup with so much force it almost knocked the cup out of Ann's hand. But she caught the full extent of the ejaculate, and she continued to milk Jack's cock until he was entirely spent.

Leah looked on in wonder as her son filled a small cup with his milky discharge. She loved to see the white goo spit from the angry cock, and she involuntarily licked her lips. It had been years since she tasted semen. And she was definitely in the mood.

"Well, Jack. The amount of semen you produced is certainly quite healthy. This is probably two or three times the ordinary amount produced by a man," said Ann, holding the cup up for inspection.

"What do you think, Leah?"

"I agree. I don't believe I have ever seen so much cum, er, I mean, um, ejaculate produced by one man."

"Does that mean you have seen that much produced by multiple men?" teased Ann.

"Umm no. I haven't. That is more than I have ever seen at once."

"What do you think of the smell and the texture?" asked Ann, handing the cup to her friend.

Leah took the cup, hesitantly. She could not believe that she held her own son's load of cum in her hands. She had the overwhelming urge to do something very dirty, like slurp it up or rub it on her breasts.

"Umm, well the smell," Leah said, as she passed in under her nose. "The smell is nice. It really shows that Jack is eating his vegetables," she joked.

"And the texture?" asked Ann.

Leah dipped her finger in and rubbed it against her thumb.

"Quite viscous. I would say it has ideal thickness."

"That is good. It means that your son's reproductive system is very healthy," Ann said, without any medical basis.

"One final test. I want to test it for taste. Jack, please sit up. It is often quite enthralling for a man to watch a woman swallow his semen."

Jack sat up and watched as his mom held the cup of his semen in front of her. He could see the hunger in her green eyes. She was truly eager to eat his cum. It was enough to make his spent cock stiffen once again.

"Go ahead, Leah. Please taste the specimen."

Leah did. She poured half of the cup into her mouth and let the load settle on her tongue. She closed her eyes and reflected on the fact that she was tasting the semen of her very own son. Eventually, she swallowed it, as a wicked sensation traveled up her spine and through her brain. She was a truly nasty mom, she thought to herself.