It's Complicated Ch. 02


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As I strip off my shirt, I tell myself I have no intentions of letting this go too far, but then thinking back that's what I said when Mandy and I were together as well.

Unlike that time though I have leaned to plan for the unexpected. I bought something this afternoon with no plan to use them, but at the same time an ecstatic feeling knowing I might need them. With River.

As I go to unbutton my slacks, I remember what's in my pocket. Reaching into them, I pull out a lacy pair of blue silk thongs that almost exactly matches the dress she was wearing. I can't help myself, I lift them to my nose and breathe in deeply the rich scent they hold.

Only the cool night air has me not standing at attention when I strip off my underwear and step into my swim trunks.

I open the door to see her stepping into the pool. Unlike the one at her birthday party, the bikini she's wearing this time is more than a little revealing. I have to wonder, as she sinks into the water if Granny even knows she has it. I grab two towels from the shelf by the door and walk to the steps.

"Oh God, this feels wonderful," she tells me as she swims back over beside the steps.

As I walk into the pool, I have to agree. The cold water rises up my legs and cools the hot ache I've been feeling for half the night. I see her eyes on my stomach as I step off the last step and into the pool. My feet still touching bottom I walk more than swim to her side.

River lays her arms around my neck and kisses me. Feeling a little self-conscious about the dark windows behind me I kiss her back hesitantly.

"You don't have to worry," she tells me softly. "I heard Dad snoring when I went past their room." Her legs stop scissoring and wrap around me. I catch her weight as she stops swimming and pull her to me. "Besides he said I was free, white, over eighteen, and that I belong to my mother."

I chuckle at that. Sounds just like something Jack would say.

I try to keep us in the shallower end of the pool as she goes back to kissing me. My hands were caressing the soft skin of her back. After a bit my legs start to get tired and I move us over to the steps. Siting down she turns in my arms till she's leaned back against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and pull her tight to keep her from floating away. She turns her head towards my face and I bury my lips in the small of her neck. I kiss lightly just under her ear till she shivers.

Looking at her I see her grinning.

"I don't know how long I can keep myself from wanting to take that step you mentioned. I want you right now." She moves herself against my crotch. "I can tell you feel the same."

I hug her tight to me, pulling her ass down against the bulge not even cool pool water could make go away.

"I'll wait till your ready. Till you're sure. There is no rush even though we both want it. If anything the waiting for it is making it all the sweeter."

"You sure?" she asks me softly. I nod. She pulls loose and turns around till she's sitting astride me feel her body press down against me. I know from what I'm feeling that only a bit of cloth and her virginity are keeping me from being inside her. My hands settle on her hips the fingers sped across her ass.

Her lips lightly touch mine. Soft kisses that linger then vanish. Only to reappear seconds latter. She leans her forehead against mine.

"I love you," she says softly. "I always have."

"And I love you, my beautiful River." I look up into her eyes, far bluer than the waters of the pool.

"This has been the most wonderful night I've ever had. I've felt like a princess. Like a real woman. A woman in love."

"You are all of that," I tell her in a whisper.

The underwater lights to the pool come on. I look to the door hearing it open softly. I look a bit shame face as Granny walks out in her nightgown and robe. She comes over and kneels down on our towels next to us. She leans in and plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I hate to be a killjoy but it's almost one I the morning and if Jack comes down and finds the two of you like this he might be get a bit hot and bothered and I need my rest." She's grinning at me.

I chuckle and nod.

She smiles.

"Now kiss her good night." She looks up at River. "And you kiss him goodnight and get to bed."

"Yes ma'am," River says blushing a little.

Chuckling, Granny gets up off our towels and makes her way back inside. She doesn't turn off the pool lights though I notice.

River leans down and places a hard kiss on my lips. I pull her tight as I kiss her back. Her lips, after a minute, slid off mine and across my cheek.

"You're going to be my fantasy tonight." She tells me in a soft whisper. "Will I be yours?" She sits back on my lap looking at my eyes.

I nod.

She gives a little shiver and grins at me wickedly. She slides off me and walks up the steps, water running off her body. It glows in the lights of the pool. I turn in the water and watch her dry herself off. The way her body moves as she rubs herself with the towel is so very sensuous. She looks at me looking at her and grins. Wrapping the towel around herself she blows me a kiss and walks to the backdoor. She looks back at me as I walk up the steps and brush water off my skin. She reaches over and turns off the pool lights when I pick up my towel.

Shivering a little in the night air, I go to the pool house and get dry. My clothes feel strange on water-saturated skin. As I'm slipping on my shoes I realize her panties are still in my pants pocket. I smile wondering if she will ever ask for them back.

Or if I would give them to her if she did.

I roll the car out the driveway in neutral and crank it at the bottom of the hill. As I drive home, I slowly wind down and begin to feel almost like I'm shaking. To be worked up that long feels incredible. Knowing that, at some future date and time, I will be using all this nervous energy to bring her pleasure is a thought that brings a smile to my lips.

As I drive past the park, I see the old man sitting on the bench under one of the few lights. He watches me with a smile as I drive by.

I have no temptation to stop and talk to him in the dark of the night. Not knowing what I know.

I do after a bit though feel a sense of comfort settle on me. Knowing that River is being protected by such love.

Even from me maybe.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

The ringing phone wakes me.


"Hey, sleepy head."

"Good morning, River," I say sitting up on the side of the bed.

"More like good noon, sleepy head." It sounds like she's outside I hear the wind going across the mic. "Could you ...would you ... could you possibly come give me a hand."

"I'll give you any body part you want River, but I'll need a cup of coffee first." I get to my feet and blinking make my way towards my kitchen. "Where you at it, sounds windy?"

"I'm at a car dealership. I just found me a nice car." She sounds ecstatic.

"And you need me for?" I ask as I fill the pot with water and poor it into the coffee maker.

"To satisfy my every sexual whim, urge, and desire of course," she says teasing. "But for right now if you would I could use someone who knows cars better than I do to take a look at it before I sign for it."

I yawn holding the phone away from my face. When I bring it back, she's pleading.

"Oh please, please, please!"

"Alright, alright I'm coming just let the coffee finish while I get dress, and I'll be headed that way. Now your were exactly?" I ask wondering if the rest of our lives are going to be like this. After last night I know I can live with it if it is.

She tells me where she's at and I tell her I love her.

"I love you too. See you soon."

Stumbling back to my room, I pull some jeans from under a pile and hunt under the bed for my boots.

When I hear the coffee pot 'bing' I wonder if I could get it in an intravenous drip. I grab up an old pair of my scrubs and pull them over my head. The faded blue is marred with old grease stains that will never come out.

I sip my coffee as I drive to the car lot. I pull in and see her all but salivating over her choice.

A convertible. Why am I not surprised.

When I get out my car I see the salesman come out and walk towards us.

"Well you called in a real car doctor didn't you?" he says smiling at River. He holds out a hand to me. "Barney Teage, of 'Barney Teage Auto Sales' I must say that's a mighty fine ride your driving there yourself. If you don't mind me asking ...."

For the next twenty minutes I can't get a word in edge wise. I finally, after about five of them, just pop the hood on River's choice. The little blue Mazda Miata at first glance looks mint but the second and third glances start to show me a life time of wear without a knowing hand at the wheel. Luckily it's not too long of a lifetime. I know how to fix most of what I'm seeing in an afternoon.

I look at the white painted words on the front window. 'As is'. So ... Mr. Teage knows about them as well. I have River crank it for me while I watch the tailpipe. The salesman isn't too happy to see me doing this.

In the end, I get him to knock almost two thousand-dollar off the price. I then go in with her as she signs, something he also doesn't like. As she's signing the warranty he gives me a slightly disgusted look but I just shrug.

As we walk out to her car with the keys in hand, she is giggly with pleasure.

"Oh my wonderful man, you are useful." She gives me a hug by her car. I drop my hand on top of the door as she start to get in. She looks up at me puzzled. "What?"

I hold out my keys.

"You drive mine. I want to see if I was right about something. I felt a shimmy when we test drove it."

"That was me squirming my ass on those leather seats," she tells me grinning. She bounces my keys in her hands and looks back towards my car. "You sure?"

I inwardly cringe at the look on her face. Whispering a silent prayer for my gears I nod. The kiss she gives me is worth a few broken gear teeth. Hell, it's so hard it almost costs me a few of my own.

The little sports car cranks with a good sound. For a twelve-year-old car it is in decently good shape. I pull out the dealership and head towards her house. About a mile down the road, I turn us onto the highway. It's a longer way home, but I want to open the little car up. It responds well till I get up above sixty then that little shimmy shake starts to appear.

"Yep. The frontend's out of align. Maybe the backend too," I say to myself as I back it down a little.

My car comes past me like I'm standing still.

Shaking my head, I give chase to the off ramp. I can hear my stereo thundering out something it's never played before. I promise my car an oil change for the indignity. I make a 'turn it down' gesture to her as I pull up beside her.

"I've got to stop by the parts store. I'll be there in just a few." I call across to her.

"Oh, Okay!" she says nodding.

She cranks Lady Gaga back up.

Oh, my poor speakers.

With the backseat full of small boxes, I pull up the driveway. I see my car sitting looking all dejected. It won't even look at me as I park the little blue car next to it.

The garage door rolls up, and I see Jeff pushing out the tall, rolling, red box of tools.

He looks at the car and shakes his head. "She said she bought a Mazda. I figured you would want these."

Laughing, I pop the hood. He lifts it up.

"Looks two hamsters low." He calls from around the hood.

"Hey! No making fun of my car!" I hear River call from the side of the house as she comes walking around. She is in old worn looking clothes.

Jeff eyes her up and down.

"What are you going to do?" he asks with a quirked eyebrow.

"My boyfriend is going to show me how to work on my car." She slides up to me and wraps a hand around my hip. I smile down at her then look up to see Jeff looking at me. I stare him down.

He looks back at River.

"You could ask your big brother to do that," he says after a second.

"Nope." She shakes her head. "You clearly don't know anything about cars. You think they run on hamsters."

Getting the parts out the back I can't help but grin. I start handing her stuff.

"Okay what am I learning to do first?" she asks.

I look up to see Jeff popping the hood on Granny's minivan. He doesn't look at me.

"You're going to learn to change your oil." I hand her the filter and filter wrench. She looks at them for a second then looks up with the most vapid look on her face.

"And it needs to be changed why?" she asks sweetly.

I give her an evil eye.

"Because it's old," I say softly like I'm talking to a child.

She tilts her head and drops ten more IQ points.

"Of course it is. It's recycled dinosaurs"

"I am so going to spank you in a minute," I tell her smiling. She grins back at me. "Get under the car."

I roll the little blue car up onto the tire wheel ramps then we both crawl up underneath. I show her where the filter is and how to get it turned loose. We drain the oil, or more like we kiss while the oil drains.

I notice, as I crawl out from under the car, that Jeff is still not looking at us but, playing chaperon all the same.

I look at River as she crawls out all covered in oil and sweaty and wonder for a second if his being there isn't a good thing.

"Okay, what next?"

"Tune up." I start sitting boxes on the front to the car.

Over the next hour I never once get tired of the view of her bent over the inside of her car reaching deep into the inner places of her engine. She looks up once and catches me looking down the front of her top. She grins at me and winks.

It's strange I saw far more of her in the bikini last night but the sight of her lacy bra is so very forbidden I can't help myself.

"What's left?" I hear Jeff ask behind me. I turn to look at my Dad and pull a towel off the blue roll.

"Alignment. Both front and back I think." I hand River a towel.

"Thanks. How long will that take?" she asks. I can tell she's tired.

Jeff chuckles.

I smile at River.

"It will take the rest of the afternoon. But we won't be doing it." I assure her when I see her face drop. "You follow me down to Billy's shop. He has the tools it takes to do it right and in half the time it would take me."

She nods

"Let me go get cleaned up." She starts towards the side of the house but I call for her to stop.

Grabbing the bottle, I fill her hand with orange goop. She looks at it like I've just put live squid in her hands.

"I'll cut the grease." I put some in my hands and start to work it out to my elbows. I hold the hose by the drive way for her then vice versa. I notice Jeff's eyes on us the whole time.

When River heads around back to go finish getting clean I look up to see my Dad looking at me.

"Why are you doing this? Going out with her?" He all but gut punches me with the roll of paper towels. "You never showed any interest in her till after your Mom, and I divorced. Now you're all over her. What's the deal?"

I look down and calmly pull about three paper towels off the roll. Wiping the last of the water off my arms I calm myself.

"I love her, Dad. I always have I just haven't been able to do anything about it. Now that she and I aren't related ...well, that changes things." I toss the used paper towels into the trashcan on top of all the old car parts and empty boxes.

"Just seems a bit sudden to me," he says. I can feel him just steps behind me as I pull down the hood of River's car. "A little ... preplanned."

I turn to him. That our eyes are on level seems to come to a surprise to him. Maybe he still sees me as the little boy. Well, that's about to change.

"Kind of like your engagement to Suzy?" I say in a low harsh tone. I see his nostrils flare. Both our hands start to tighten.

The sound of Granny and River talking as they walk around the side of the house backs us off if not really calming us down.

"Oh it's cute!" Granny says after a long seconds look at the two of us. "How does it run?" she asks stepping between Jeff and me and turning me towards the car.

"Not bad. We need to run it down to Billy's and get him to fix the alignment but other than that it's good." I tell her trying to calm down. Her fingers tighten on my arm in understanding.

"He talked the guy down a whole lot too," says River all eager excitement and laughter in her eyes. If she noticed the exchange between my Dad and me, she's a very good actress.

"I didn't save you much. What I talked him down you're going to have to spend fixing it up. You need new tires in addition to the alignment." I pull loose from Granny and walk around to the driver side door.

"What was the warranty I signed for then?" River asks looking from me to her mom and back.

"In case the motor blows up, the transmission falls out, or the horn breaks." I tell her. Reaching in, I tap the horn twice 'Meep, meep' and she gives me such a look. Tossing her blond hair she walks over to my car and hops in. She fires it up with a roar that makes me and Jeff both cringe.

My poor cars going to be sulky for weeks.

I wave to Granny as I pull out and follow River as best I can. She quickly out steps the little sportster though.

My car has bigger hamsters.

Topping a hill a blue, black truck comes around me driving like mad. It shifts into my lane ahead of me almost taking off my bumper.

If this car had one that is.

About a mile further down the road at the bottom of a little hill my heart stops when that truck rams into the rear end of my car! It backs off and hits it again. Sliding to the side it comes in hard by the back tire making my car start to spin!

"Son of a BITCH!" I'm screaming as I drive the pedal into the firewall towards the boiling cloud of smoke and dirt where my car leaves the road. I see the truck stop, and four guy's hop out and run towards my car.

The fucked up alignment on River's car leaves four tire marks as I kind of side slide to a stop maybe ten feet from the guys. They look up seeing me as I open the door. "Fuck that's him!" I see Mike scream to his friends pointing at me.

I have two-second to see River crawling out my car before they are on me. Their fists start to come in at me faster than I can stop them!

But they however have no liking for the tire iron I grabbed off the seat of River's car. Left there, from when I checked the brakes, it's my only advantage.

I hear River screaming my name over and over as Mike and I tumble together off the embankment and into the drainage ditch. I hear his friends splashing through the water towards us. Somehow in the wild press of fists and knees I lose my grip and the tire iron falls into the muddy water with a splash.

As I feel tennis shoes slam into my side, I hear the sound of tires boiling under the full power of a car. I hope it's River getting away.

As I feel the hammer like blows hitting my ribs, I grab for the dropped tire iron but my fingers grope in the mud without luck.

Then they close on a rock!

Bringing it up with all my strength I send Mike's nose off towards his ear. I hear him screaming as I climb away and stumbling into the deeper water. His friends right behind me.

I spit mud from my mouth and try to stumble in a circle back towards the road. I feel two guys tackle me just as I reach the embankment. Turning, too slick with mud for them to hold, I hammer one in the ribs with the rock I haven't dropped. I feel something give under the impact.

I claw at the second guy only to catch a blow across my jaw that stuns me. I feel my boots slid on the gravel as I try to push us up the hill. Looking past him, I see Mike coming towards us, his face awash with blood but his eyes are horribly focused on me.

In his hand I see the tire iron I lost.

My boots catch purchase and I drive my left knee up into his friend's nuts hard enough to give him three Adam's apples. I pull myself up onto the road with a hand full of grass, gravel and broken glass in between my fingers. I stumble on an ankle that I have at some point twisted and fall to the black top. I see Mike make the top of the siding just as a tan minivan screeches to a halt twenty feet away.