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Putting her hand on his shoulder she pushed back firmly until Jake relented. Exhaling deeply, she looked at him incredulously, but her body was betraying her. Her nipples were rock hard, a flush creeping up into her face. Jake could see how his mother was affected, and a devious smile spread across his face.

"Sleep tight, mom," Jake said, pulling his arms behind his head. Linda stared at him openly for a moment before getting up from the bed. She opened his door, took a last, long look at him, then stepped into the hall, the door clicking closed behind her.

Leaning heavily against the wall, she plucked at the robe, fanning her overheated skin beneath. Hearing the television from the den she hurried into her room.

Jake slept fitfully, his dreams haunted by his mother and everything that had taken place, plus more that he wished had happened. In a hundred ways his mother came to him, each ending with them making love, or outright fucking. He woke several times, his aching hard on crying out for attention. He refused though, his instincts told him that he shouldn't waste his load.


In the morning Jake made his way to the kitchen table. He was well below his usual energy level and he was not alone. Linda poured a bowl of cereal for her son, her hair wild and unbrushed gave her an unkempt look that Jake still found sexy, in an odd way.

"Dad keep you up all night?" he said jokingly.

"As if," his father's voice suddenly boomed from behind. Jake froze in fear. "She tossed and turned all night, damn well nearly kicked me to death."

Jake's apprehension lessened and he smiled knowingly at his mother, who shot him a challenging look, which only made him chuckle.

"Well, I'm off," Jerry announced. "I will be back next Tuesday." Jake suddenly noticed the luggage next to the couch in the living room. His father was off on a business trip, five whole nights he'd be gone. "Give me a kiss, baby," Jerry said and pulled his wife close as they stood in front of Jake.

Linda offered her cheek, looking at Jake over her husbands shoulder as he pulled her close, hugging her tightly. Jake could hear the smack of lips and then Jerry let go, heading toward the door quickly.

"See you champ, you're the man of the house while I'm gone." It was his father's usual goodbye, but this time it felt completely different.

"Mom?" Jake said after his father was gone, his voice filled with false worry. "I'm not feeling so hot, maybe I should stay home from school."

Linda nearly laughed out loud, composing herself before she turned to face her son. "Need to stay home and get some mothering?" she asked with a sultry tone. Jake nodded, almost pathetically. She placed the back of her hand against his forehead, feeling his temperature for a moment.

"Nope," she announced cheerily. "You feel fine to me. Get your ass to school young man." Jake gaped, surprised at his mother's reaction. Finishing his cereal he dumped the bowl in the sink before heading upstairs to finish getting ready.

"See you tonight, slugger," Linda said to him as he bounded down the stairs towards the front door. Jake stopped dead in his tracks as he saw his mother leaning against the wall in the kitchen entry. Her robe, pulled open just an inch, revealed the swell of her breasts. "I'll be thinking of you."

"Me too," he croaked.

School dragged for Jake, his mind was captivated by images of his mother and what he imagined she might be doing at the moment. More than once he found himself completely lost in class when he was finally brought back to reality. Three teachers commented on his day dreaming, admonishing him to pay closer attention.

Linda did her chores as best she could, anticipation had her running in circles. In her mind she knew what was coming, she had pictured it over and over since- yesterday? Could it really be only one day? It seemed like an age had passed, she had been so caught up in everything that had taken place. Minutes seemed to stretch out into hours, seconds where glances were exchanged felt like eternities.

Perhaps it was because she had been there for Jake's whole life that it didn't seem so fast. One day their relationship was very mundane, and then the next... It wasn't a huge change, not in Linda's mind at least. It was more like a pivot, a shift in their roles. They needed each other, for different reasons, obviously, but each filled an unmet part of the others life.

Any doubts Linda may have had were scattered as she considered her plan again and again, tiny revisions being made as she worked it over in her mind. Finishing the last of her shopping errands she raced home, barely an hour to go before Jake would be out of school, if he didn't just skip out on his last classes altogether.

The house was empty, as she expected, and as she dropped grocery bags in the kitchen she began to consider different locations. "Later, later," she said, trying to calm herself. Heading to her room she put the remaining bags on her bed and then stripped off her clothes.

Jake couldn't believe the final bell had rung. All day long he had waited for this moment, his body exhausted from the anticipation of what might await him when he went home. Now, free to leave, he was stunned and suddenly slow to move. By the time he made it to his truck in the parking lot there were only a few cars around.

He wasn't a virgin, he'd lost that to Nancy on the night of his eighteenth birthday a few months ago. Jake knew that if his guesses about his mother were right, that he was in for a wild ride that would make his time with Nancy pale in comparison. After yesterday, Jake though confidently, it was only a small matter of pushing his mother's buttons to make her cross that last line.

The house was empty when he got home, though there was a note on the refrigerator:


We are going out to dinner tonight. Take a shower and put on your dress clothes, I've left them on your bed. I'll be home around 7:00.



Three and a half hours to kill, Jake thought sourly. He'd been on the edge of nervous anticipation all day long and now he had to wait even more, it was enough to drive him crazy. She had to know, right? She couldn't be clueless about what she had done to him, he fumed. Jake calmed himself, he wasn't angry, he was frustrated.

Throwing himself into his homework, he tried to pass the time studying. After an hour of trying to puzzle out the same physics problem, he gave up and went to the shower. Under the hot water his imagination ran wild again, this time his mother coming into the bathroom, pulling back the curtain and watching him stroke his hard cock.

Jake's cock grew long and hard, as it had a number of times this day already, without a touch from his hand. In his dream world his mother pulled him out of the shower, water dripping off his body and soaking her as she kneeled before him, taking his cock into her sweet mouth. With a pained whimper he tried to shake the vision from his mind, turning the water to cold and forcing himself to stand under the chilling spray for as long as he could bear.

He plopped down on the couch after his shower, wearing the clothes his mother laid out for him. Jake was used to the dress shirt and slacks, Linda made him dress up for church each Sunday, even though his father rarely attended services. Checking the clock, it was just after five, just under two hours before she said she'd be home. Turning on the t.v. he tried to pass the time vegging out.

At 6:30 the door opened and Linda rushed into the house. Jake caught a glimpse of her, an arm full of bags trailing behind her as she raced up the stairs.

"I'll be down in a few baby," she called out breathlessly before her bedroom door closed, the lock clicking audibly. Jake sighed, annoyed with having to wait so long, but glad that his mother was home at last. The familiar knots in his stomach returned, his body felt alive with pent up electricity.

Jake sat on the couch, idly watching the television when he heard his mother clear her throat. Standing up, he turned to to look at the stairs. His mother stepped down, her body covered in an ivory colored dress that ended just above her knees, her legs sheathed in hose ending in a pair of heels. Linda's beautiful chest was on prominent display, her bountiful curves cradled in a form fitting top, the creamy skin visible in the plunging neckline. As she came to stand closer, Jake looked down and could see the lace trim of her sexy bra.

"I take it you like the way I look," Linda said with a demure smile, her fingers walking up his chest. Jake only nodded, looking up to his mother's eyes after drinking her in from head to toe. "You ready to go to dinner?" He opened the door for his mother and led her to the car.

Linda drove down the street, pulling up on her dress so that the tops of her stockings were visible to her son, who was lost in staring at her. Jake admired her legs openly, unwilling to even hide the way his eyes roamed her body freely. His blatant, hungry eyes made Linda feel giddy, being the object of his desire was like a drug.

"Want to feel?" Linda offered, glancing at her son quickly. She held up her skirt, offering her leg to his touch. Jake reached over, licking his lips as his fingers slid over the nylons, the feel of her leg in his hands sending his cock into overdrive. The heat of his touch was making her pussy clench tightly, wetness flowing freely.

Jake moved his hand to just below her knee and then started back up, adjusting his angle so that his hand could slide up the inside of her thigh. Linda tried to drive and maintain some semblance of control, but her boy learned quickly she couldn't do both. His fingers slipped past the stocking tops, feeling the smooth skin of her upper thighs and then bumping into the underwear that covered her pussy.

His hand was shaking, his entire body was on fire. He was touching his mother's pussy, albeit through her underwear, but still! He could feel the heat washing over his hand buried between her thighs. Linda squeezed when he tried to move deeper, holding him at bay. Sliding his finger, he could feel the puffy lips of her sex pressed tightly against the material of her panties, in his mind he could picture it as if she were wearing standing before him almost completely nude.

Linda was awash in joy, warmth spreading from her loins up to her breasts, carrying the electric current of arousal to her nipples, her mouth, and her racing heart. As her boy stroked her flexing pussy, she felt the gush of nectar from her honey hole, it was only a matter of time before it leaked out and coated his fingers.

"Ooh," Jake moaned as his fingers felt the hot liquid permeate the underwear and then coat his digits. Linda whimpered, shooting him a hurt look as he pulled his hand out from between her legs, but her disappointment was replaced by a delicious thrill as her son sucked her flavor from his fingers.

Jake reached to put his hand back, but this time Linda caught his hand, and held it in her own. The dejected look upon his face was so sad, it almost made her laugh.

"But?" he began.

"What?" Linda said innocently, as if he hadn't just felt her sopping cunt through her underwear. Jake's confusion was plain, hadn't she wanted him to touch her? Didn't she enjoy it? "We're here," she announced a moment later as she pulled into the Chateau Basque parking lot.

Jake jumped out of the car as soon as his mother put it into park. Running around to her door, he opened it and took her hand as she stepped out. Jake held her delicate hand tightly, spinning her around, and pushing her up against the car. Linda squealed and then her breath caught in her throat as her son leaned his face close to hers and planted a firm kiss upon her lips.

She couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her throat, her hand resting lightly on the back of his head as his hot lips worked against hers. Once again she felt his tongue trying to pry her lips apart and she pushed him away tenderly.

Basque food was one of Jake's favorite, which is why Linda had chosen this particular restaurant. They were shown to a table and Jake tried to sit next to his mother, but she insisted that he take the seat across from her. Hiding his displeasure, Jake took a minute to look over the menu, ordering his usual when the waitress came back.

They were just finishing the soup, Jake lost in his mother's beauty, her radiant eyes torturing him as they promised so much, when a man stood up from another table and came over to theirs.

"Oh my, is it really you? Linda Harris?" Linda looked up at the tall man, his sharp suit impressing her immediately.

"Tom Walker?" Linda asked. She covered her exposed cleavage with her hand as she looked up at him. Tom touched her elbow and she stepped out of the booth and the pair hugged, too closely for Jake's taste.

"How are you?" Tom asked. "It's been what, twenty years?"

"Twenty two," Linda corrected him. "You missed the reunion a couple years back."

"Well, I must say, you look just as good as you did in those days when you used to jump around in those tiny cheer leading skirts." Tom held her at arms length, his eyes running up and down her body.

Jake cleared his throat, but it didn't break Tom's concentration at all. "I'm Jake, her son," he said, trying to make his voice sound as deep as he could manage. Tom let go and turned to face Jake, his face showing only slight agitation at the interruption. The two shook hands, Jake glad that this stranger had released his hold on his mother.

"I better let you get back to your dinner," Tom said at last, waving to Jake as he returned to his own table.

The dark look on Jake's face almost made Linda laugh. It had been so long since anyone had gotten jealous because of the attention she received. She couldn't remember the last time Jerry had done it. To watch her son shoot menacing looks across the restaurant and feel a thrill because of it might not have been mature, but she enjoyed it anyway.

When their dinner was finished Jake stood up and offered his mother his arm. She took hold of it and pressed her body close to his as they walked past Tom and his associate. Linda gave her old friend a little wave as they passed before leaning her head against Jake's shoulder.

In the parking lot Jake took her keys and led her to the passenger side of the car. He unlocked the door, but before she could open it he turned around and slid his hands up to cup her face. Linda was surprised as her son's face closed in upon hers, her eyes closing automatically as his puckered lips kissed her. The kiss was short, but forceful. Letting his hands fall to his side, Jake only smiled at his mother's surprise.

Linda sat quietly in the car, the lights flashing by as her son drove home. The attention of the last two days had been heaven to her, she hadn't felt so alive in a dozen or more years. In the back of her mind there were nagging doubts, distant echoes of questions that she knew would have to be answered, but they seemed far away and unimportant for the time being.

Jake opened her door when they arrived home, led her into the house and put the keys on the hook. He admired her elegant dress, her body seeming sexier in the dim light of the darkened home. Jake was learning, his mother seemed to respond favorably when he took a more active role. Deciding to test this new knowledge he crossed the room to where his mother was pulling out her earring.

Linda smiled at him as he approached, turning her body away from him, Jake slid his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. She could feel his hard cock pressing into the fleshy cheeks of her ass, her desire beginning to boil again. Swaying back and forth, the pair held on to each other in the shadow filled living room, the world so very far away.

Jake turned her about, facing her he looked down into her eyes, his lips parting as he ducked his head for another kiss, only to be interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Linda escaped from his grasp, the jarring noise bringing the world back in a crashing wave.

"Hello?" Linda asked, turning her face to avoid looking at her son. Jake could sense a change, had his mother reconsidered? Had he gone to far? No, he thought defiantly, he had done what she wanted. His mother had wanted his attention, had wanted his touch, his kiss.

"Hi darling, how is Orlando?" She was talking to his father and it made Jake angry. His father had obviously neglected his mother and now that he was giving her what she wanted, she was ignoring him in favor of the one who had left her to languish.

Setting his jaw, Jake walked up behind his mother and slipped his arms around her waist. Linda tried to squirm away, but he followed every twist of her hips. His hands crept up, pressing into the undersides of her breasts. Linda slapped his hand and tried to push him away.

"Oh nothing, dear, a bug is all," Linda lied into the phone, explaining the sound to her husband. She shot her son a pissed look. Jake let go and backed away, his face drawn and sullen. She turned away and continued listening to her husband, not seeing as her son tromped up the stairs to his room, shutting the door behind him.

"Good night dear, I love you," Linda said as she hung up the phone. Leaning back against the table, she rubbed at her eyes, suddenly feeling very tired. That nagging voice that she had been able to ignore all day had suddenly rushed to the forefront and had screamed at her during her phone call with her husband.

Climbing the stairs quietly she passed her son's room quickly, afraid to be caught in the hall if he were to come out. In her own room she took off her dress and hung it up in the back of her closet, hiding it behind older clothes. Stepping into the shower, she tried to let the hot water scald away the feeling that she had betrayed her husband.

Scrubbing herself down she couldn't help but think about her son touching her legs, the way he had kissed her outside of the restaurant. Her heart began to flutter as she recalled his eyes, glued to her body, the way he pouted when she teased him. I deserve more, don't I? Maybe not a lot, but more than a forgotten woman slowly turned into an unseen fixture of the home that churned out work, right?

Drying herself off, Linda felt better. She still had doubts, but they were quieted now. A woman in her situation had only a few options, she was one of the lucky ones who could see them all.

Jake lay in his bed, his mind in turmoil after all that had happened. In two days he had somehow hit every relationship milestone with his mother, except for one he thought ruefully. There was the courtship, the pursuit, the capture, the fight, and the breakup. He turned off the overhead light, trying to go to sleep, doubtful it would come easily.

Just after 11:00 pm there was a light tapping at his door. Jake blinked his eyes, it seemed as if he had dozed off for a time. The tapping came again and before he could answer a shaft of light beamed in from the hallway, growing larger as his mother pushed the door open. Reaching to his nightstand, he flicked on the lamp.

Linda stood in his doorway, a soft, silk robe covering her body, cinched tightly at the waist. Her hair hung forward over her shoulder, still damp from the shower. Jake's steady gaze made her feel vulnerable and she quickly sat down upon the bed next to him, her body angled away.

"Baby?" Linda whispered, reaching out to stroke the side of his face with her hand. Her soft skin against his made his body jerk, the contact something he thought he would lose. Jake turned his face into her hand, nuzzling against her arm as she traced his cheeks with her fingers. The smell of her freshly washed skin inhaled deeply as he shifted to be closer to her.
