Jason's Story Ch. 20


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Brett put his cheek next to her forehead, and then kissed her softly on it.

"I know you didn't sweetheart, sometimes shit happens and we're left to deal with the fallout. I miss you too and I'll always love you. I'm so glad you stopped by."

They stayed that way for a few minutes, and then she stopped crying, leaned back, and looked into his eyes. Words escaped her for a few moments while she gazed at her first love with a newfound respect. He was an extraordinary man indeed, and even though he couldn't be her husband any longer; she was happy that they could at least remain...


"Friends always," he said in reply. "And Nigha"


"Be happy."

"You be happy too Brett."

She put her arms around his neck, and he in turn wrapped his around her waist. After a few moments they pulled away again, kissing each other on the cheek as they did so, and she reached for her purse while wiping her eyes. She turned back to him and they both smiled. He moved over to the door and opened it for her, and as she walked through he had just a few parting words for her.

"See you at the wedding," he said with a small smile.

"You bet."

She walked out feeling lighter than she did when she walked in, and after she got into her car; she took a moment to pray that Brett would find someone worthy of him. After she was finished, she smiled a little and started up the car and drove away. She had one more stop to make, and she didn't see Brett watching her drive away from just inside the office.

"Goodbye Nigha Stevens."

**** Wednesday*****

Vegas - 5:30 pm PST

Nigha sat smugly in the suite while Bria and the girls went crazy over the opulence of their accommodations. Nikki; Bria's best friend since they were in kindergarten together, was the most vocal.

"Oh my God Bri; this room is the SHIT! I can't believe we're here!!" she shouted while holding Bria's hands and jumping up and down.

"Nigha, I don't know how you pulled this off, but I think you just went down in history as the best Maid of Honor ever" she said with wide eyes and a crazy smile on her face.

"Hell yeah!" the other girls, 6 counting Nikki; all piped up in the background.

"Hold on, hold on, it wasn't all me. Mommie and Daddy pitched in too; consider this your "thank God she's finally getting married" present from them," she said before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"I can NOT believe that we're in a suite at the Bellagio! Bria, between your family, and that fine-ass husband to be; you are one lucky bitch" Kelly; one of the bridesmaids shouted with a glass of champagne.

London; who met Bria while they were in college, just looked at Kelly while shaking her head. London was Nigha's favorite among Bria's friends, and Nigha had insisted that she make the trip. She'd been through so much in her young life, and had turned Nigha down initially; saying that she couldn't leave her twins, but had finally relented after both Nigha and Bria kept calling her every day for two weeks.

"Damn Kelly...we've been here for all of half an hour, and you've about killed that bottle of Dom. Slow down girl" she said as the other girls whooped and hollered behind her.

"Shut up London! Johnny's at home and I'm determined to have a great time," Kelly replied.

Nigha turned toward the kitchen to see Kelly setting up 5 additional glasses and pouring champagne for everyone. She got up and started making her way toward the kitchen, and the other girls followed suit.

Kelly started handing out the glasses, and they brought the glasses together for a toast.

"Here's to my beloved baby sister, who will be marrying the man of her dreams in just a few days, and to the friends who'll be helping her to celebrate her last days as a single woman. Girls, lets please keep it on the tame side, ok?"

Nigha was greeted with dead silence, before she began to laugh loudly.

"Alrighty then...wild Vegas night it is ladies," she yelled, joined by the girls as they toasted glasses. "But nottoo wild, ok girls? We ain't tryin' to have a girls version of 'The Hangover' here!"

Her amended toast was met with hoots and hollers, and Nigha smiled to herself at the thought of Bradley Cooper and his fine ass.


8:00 pm PST

Kane was all smiles as Jason and the guys brought in his bags. He'd pronounced himself "Prince of Vegas," and his buddy Jeff had bought him a hat that could only be described as a pimp's crown.

"Shit man! How did you pull this one off? I might have to rethink my whole corporate law career," he said with a laugh while clapping Jason on the back.

"It's not every day that my older, and thankfullyonly brother; decides to trade in his man-whoring years for the domestic life. I've been saving for this occasion for a while because I knew you'd beat me to the punch. All this does come at a price though; I get my own bedroom."

"Pppssshhtt, whatever man; the last thing on my mind is comfort at this point. I don't even want to remember if the beds were comfy enough," Kane replied with a wave of his hand.

"So Vegas Prince, where to first?"

"Ummm, it's "Prince of Vegas" and I was thinking we could hit up 'The Bank' and play it by ear from there."

"Alright guys; looks like we're heading to 'The Bank' according to the Fresh Prince of Bel agio," Jason joked.


10:30 pm PST -- The Bank @ Bellagio

So the girls were all cozied up in a corner booth just chatting away, and polishing off the fourth round of drinks. With no need for a designated driver; they were matching each other drink for drink. Nigha had tried to slow down, but Bria and the girls kept insisting that she keep up. Not wanting to dampen Bria's good time, and really seeing no harm in it; she decided to go ahead and keep up.

Kelly ordered a round of tequila shots, and about 5 minutes after Nigha knocked hers back; she knew that it was too late to try to stop herself from getting drunk. All of the girls were getting pretty trashed, and London surprised everybody when a particularly good song started to play.

"Time to move to the dance floor; my girl Nicki is calling me!"

They all downed the remainder of their second shot, and started to file out of the booth.

As Nigha walked toward the dance floor; she could feel the effects of the alcohol intensifying, and made a vow that she wouldn't have another drink. She wasn't stumbling, but knew that if she kept up the current pace; she would be soon.

Once they reached the dance floor, they all started moving to 'SuperBass' and they were having a blast. The DJ followed that one up with 'Drop it to the Floor' and Nigha and Bria went crazy while the girls just yelled and clapped at their moves. While Nigha was doing one of her turns; she noticed a super hot guy looking at her off in the distance. He was a dead ringer for Brian White, and when she acknowledged him; he walked over to her and started to dance.

Bria raised her eyebrow and smiled while moving toward her friends. She made a big show of fanning her face and mouthed "My God he's HOT!" as she did, and Nigha just shook her head and smiled.

She reached out and took his hand, and they started to Salsa right there. He didn't hold her too tight, but he definitely held her close. She was very impressed with his moves, and she held it together for the first few spins, but stumbled on the final one and fell into him.

He caught her, and as she wrapped her arms around his neck, she saw a familiar pair of blue eyes staring at her from across the room. She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut; just knowing that it couldn't possibly be, but when she braved to open them again, he was making his way toward them with a purpose. She heard a smooth, melodic voice in her ear asking her something. She was so distracted; she couldn't make out what he was saying at first, then she heard it. "Hey pretty lady, you alright?" he asked as she turned to face him, and she saw his eyes widen just a little as her scar was revealed to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine just had more to drink than I'm used to" she answered with a laugh. "Great catch by the way" she giggled as he helped her up. She purposely pulled her hair behind her ear, and as she figured; he became uncomfortable, and thanked her for the dance before retreating.

She really didn't think too much of it, or him for that matter; he was fine, but he wasn't all that. As she got her wits about her; she remembered that she'd seen Jason, and proceeded to look around for him. She didn't see him anywhere, and just chocked it up to a case of mistaken identity. Nigha made her way over to their booth, oblivious to the pair of eyes watching her walk away.


Jason spotted Kane over by the bar, and made his way over there as quickly as possible; short of breaking into an all-out run.

"It's time to go man. Finish up your drink, and I'll gather the rest of the guys."

"Wha...hold up! We're having a good time, why do we need to go?" Kane asked; stunned.

"They're here, and Nigha already saw me. It's time TO GO!"

"They can't be, what are the odds," Kane replied with a nervous laugh. "Are you sure it was her?"

Jason shot Kane a look that said little more than 'seriously dude?' and then they both went about the task of getting the guys together and out of there.


Nigha was finishing off her drink when the girls returned to the table.

"So, what happened to that fine piece of man candy that you were dancing with Miss Thang?" Bria asked as she scooted closer to her sister.

"Meh, he was cute and everything, but he got one look at The Badge and decided to head for the hills," she laughed as she sipped her drink.

"The Badge? What's that supposed to mean?" London asked with a perplexed look on her face.

Nigha turned to the side and pulled her hair back amid a collective 'Oh' from the crown.

"Fuck his sorry ass," London blurted out before downing a swig of her beer. "You're a knockout with or without The Badge," she said making air quotation marks, "and his sorry ass just isn't worthy of your beauty."

"Tell 'em girl!" Kelly blurted out, as they all laughed and toasted their drinks.

"Bri, let me out...gotta go to the girls room."

Bria moved over, and was going to go with her before Nigha shooed her away and let her know that she'd be fine.

Nigha made her way to the bathroom; after a few stumbles, and felt much better after getting some of the alcohol out of her system. As she was walking out; she was distracted when a pretty blonde complemented her on her outfit.

"That dress is fierce girl!"

"Thanks...oomph" she said as she bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorr..." the words died on her lips as she came face to face with him.

"I knew I saw you earlier!" she slurred slightly as she punched him in his arm. "What the fuck Branson!"

He was shocked when she ran into him, and almost burst out laughing at the look on his little drunken angel's face.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked, unable to stop a laugh from escaping as he rubbed his arm.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered loudly.

"My God you're drunk" he laughed as he watched her sway slowly.

"Of course I'm drunk" she replied with a serious look on her face, before she burst out laughing.

"Here, sit down," he said as he pulled out a barstool for her.

She was still giggling as she sat down. "You didn't answer my question; what are you doing here?"

"Well, I don't know if you're aware, but my brother is getting married in a few days and Vegasis notorious for bachelor parties..."

She smiled and rested her head on her fingertips. "Oh my God, you KNOW what I meant. Stop being cute and get to the point!"

"First off -- impossible, and second; I'm here with my brother and his friends to celebrate his pending nuptials. What's strange about that?"

"What?" She looked at him with the most confused look he'd ever seen. "What's impossible?"

"You said to stop being cute, and I'm sorry, but for me; that's pretty much impossible" he said while leaning in close to her.

"You're right" she said as she touched his nose with her index finger. "It is impossible for you to stop being cute," she said with a smile. "Bartender! Can I get a Cosmo?!"

When the bartender turned and looked in their direction; Jason shook his head no, and made the kill sign running his finger across his neck.

"I think you've had enough for now, why don't you come out and dance with me," he gently took her hand, and started leading her to the dance floor. He knew he was a little rusty, but the moves always came back once he got warmed up.

As they approached the dance floor; an accordion started to play in the background, and they both knew which song would be playing. It looked like they'd be heating up the dance floor with some Latin moves.

Nigha let go of his hand, and he followed her as she exaggerated the sway of her hips to an empty spot on the dance floor. He decided he'd let her take the lead.

As the song started; Nigha stopped walking, turned around on him quickly, and pressed her body against him while mouthing the words.

Let me introduce you To my party people In the club...

She reached up and pulled his ponytail holder out of his hair, and it fell in inky waves around his shoulders. He looked at her and smiled, and wrapped one hand around her waist while she grasped his other hand in hers. He followed as she led them into a Cha-Cha, but quickly took the lead once he figured out where she was going.

They were tearing up the dance floor, until the song slowed down for the chorus:

Dance the night away, live your live and stay out on the floor...

Jason pulled her close to halt her movement, and dipped her at the waist and made a semi-circle with their bodies in one direction, and then in the opposite direction before turning her back to him.

Dance the night away, grab somebody drink a little more...

He reached down to her knees, and ran his hands up her thighs, as she placed her hand behind his head; burying her face in his neck. She swayed her hips slowly; then turned abruptly, pushed him in the chest, and started to move her feet and sing.

La...la, la, la, la...

Jason kept moving, but was in awe watching her. She had a huge smile on her face, and she was singing and spinning around with her arms stretched; like a child playing in the rain. He couldn't help but smile at how free she seemed to be in that moment and she stopped spinning and walked over to him seductively. She placed her hands on his chest, and then started to walk around him; her hand making the same circle around his body. When she made her way back to where she started; he put his hand over hers and pulled her into him.

They kept that pace for at least twenty more minutes before a familiar piano tune started to play, and Jason pulled her close and started to slowly sway to the music.

"Ohhhhh I love this song," and then she started to sing out loud.

Lying here with you so close to me It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe I'm caught up in this moment, caught up in your smile I've...

She was floored when he started singing.

I've never opened up to anyone So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms We don't need to rush this, let's just take it slow

He sounded just as wonderful as she remembered, and she was grinning from ear to ear as he sang to her. It hit her then that this song summed up how she felt about Jason, and then they sang together.

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight Just a touch of the fire burning so bright And I don't wanna mess this thing up I don't wanna push too far

Just a shot in the dark that you just might Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life So baby I'm alright with just a kiss goodnight

Jason leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, and they swayed to the music together, just enjoying the proximity to one another. She pressed her cheek to his chest, and he placed his chin on top of her head. They were lost in the moment when Nigha heard a familiar voice.

"Excuse me, could I cut in?"

Nigha recognized the voice, and looked up into Jason's eyes before turning to face the owner. Before she could say anything, Jason spoke first.

"Sorry man, her dance card's full," he said as he looked back at her and smiled.

Thinking that the Brian White look-a-like would just leave; Nigha turned back to Jason, and they started to move again.

"Wow, so it's like that then," he said; his voice dripping with disdain. It was Nigha's turn to speak then. She put her hand on Jason's chest to let him know that she would handle this.

"Could you enlighten me, what is it like then?"

"You know exactly what I mean," he replied with a sneer that made his previously handsome face look a bit disgusting.

"I really have no clue what you're talking about, but I have to admit; my curiosity is peaked, especially when you seem to be so annoyed about something," she said to him, masking the fact that inside her blood was boiling.

"Ok, what I wanna know is, why is it that when they come," he paused and pointed at Jason, "they take the best looking sisters and..."

"AND WHAT?! When brothers go looking, they'll take whatever they can get...even if it's the bottom of the barrel," she was livid at this point, and she'd stepped closer to him.

The look-a-like smiled a sardonic smile before letting loose his next words. "So you don't have a problem being the white man's whore then..."

Before Jason had a chance to rush him; Nigha had moved faster than he'd ever seen her. She laughed an unnatural laugh, then she turned slightly, and when she came back to face the look-a-like; she took the heel of her palm, and slammed it into his chin. The force from the hit sent him stumbling back, and when he regained his footing; he lurched forward.

"I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T QUITE CATCH THAT" she yelled at the top of her lungs, while she grabbed his shoulders, brought them down; violently slamming her knee into his stomach. She pushed him onto the floor; oblivious to the crowd starting to surround them.

Jason was torn; he was inches from beating the shit out of that guy, but Nigha beat him to the punch. He knew that heshould do the right thing and stop her, but he was almost in a trance watching her. The last time he'd witnessed her kicking somebody's ass, it was his own and he'd deserved it just as much as this worthless prick.

Nigha was buzzing when she leaned down to talk to the asshole that she'd just laid out. "So, you should be thankful that my Muy Thai is a little rusty, and that I'm still a little tipsy. Now, to answer your question. I am NO man's whore! That man is the father of my twin girls, and I love him very much. The scar on my face that you couldn't seem to get away from fast enough; he doesn't even see it. And a quick word of advice; if you decide to call a woman out of her name again, you might want to make absolutely sure that she can't kick your pathetic, racist ass."

Jason took a step toward her, and grabbed her arm to pull her up. "Baby, I think we need to get out of..."

Jason was interrupted by the scumbag trying to pick himself up off the floor, "You fucking uppity bitch!" He yelled before stumbling quickly toward her.

"You just don't learn do you?" She stood still, slightly bouncing on her feet waiting for him to get closer. She put her hand on Jason's chest again, and then the look-a-like made a sloppy attempt to rush her. She side-stepped him easily, swept one of his legs out from under him, and when he turned to look at her and forcefully grabbed her left arm; she took advantage of his instability, and crushed her forearm into the side of his head. He went down hard.