Jim Meets the Coeds Ch. 01


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I pulled her into a hug and embrace and rolled us to our sides. Chris snuggled up behind Holly. She was becoming more comfortable not only being naked around her housemates, but also being in physical body contact with them.

As we floated down, I saw Chris look to her door. Mel and Robbie were standing there in robes. "You guys all right?" Mel asked. Sarah appeared behind the two of them, also in a robe.

Holly answered, "Oh better than all right. I just lost my virginity and ... IT WAS WONDERFUL." She yelled the last part of her response. Everyone smiled.

Mel came forward, and I pulled out of Holly so Mel could hug her and sit beside Chris and her. I moved to the side. Sarah stared at my flaccid cock for a moment, and then went and hugged the naked Holly too. I noted she was careful in placing her hands not to go near anything sensitive. I wanted to toy with her, so I came in my nakedness and sat right beside her. I took one of her hands and moved it to one of Holly's erect breasts. I said, "She'd like it if you used the whole palm of your hand as you push into her areola. When you push the nipple in with your palm she gets additional stimulation."

She looked at me horrified for a second, but then allowed me to steer her hand. Holly looked at Sarah and said, "It does feel good. Thank you. I'm learning a lot about sex ... and loving ... and myself ... and everything in the world from this lovely man." She leaned over and kissed me, holding Sarah's hand to her floppy breast.

Chris leaned in and kissed Holly again then leaned past her and kissed Sarah. Sarah looked shocked. Chris laughed. I said, "Just because you get kissed or fondled by another woman or do the same to them doesn't make you a lesbian or homo or whatever made you recoil. What you just got was another person's love -- just at that moment in time. There's not enough of that going around in the world. So accept it, and pay it forward." Sarah relaxed and actually smiled at each of us. I could watch the nervousness ebb from her body.

Robbie came over to the bed, his robe doing little to hide his swinging cock. He knelt on the bed and went to Holly and kissed her as well. "I'm glad you've joined the club we're all in. Anytime you want to try someone different, I know Mel will share me with you -- particularly if she can be there too." He smiled at Mel, who nodded agreement.

Holly look astounded with the offer. She said, "Well, maybe later."

Chris moved up to her headboard, leaning back on her pillows; she pulled Holly up between her legs so she way lying back on her body and cradled her in a comforting move, her arms wrapped around her friend. She told us, "I lost my virginity at some beach years ago to some guy that was drunk - I was pretty wasted too. There was no crowd around to congratulate me or hold me or love me. I just felt dirty and guilty. You guys are so wonderful; I'm so glad we're all together." She hugged and kissed the side of Holly's neck. We were all touching her in some way now.

Holly suddenly teared up at Chris' comment. "You know, I do feel loved by all of you. I love you all." A little sob escaped her lips, and she smiled through it; sort of laughing she said, "I'm so happy," and wiped her eyes. Chris hugged her tightly again and started to lightly stroke Holly's breasts with one finger.

The others finally left the three of us alone. Holly said she wanted to dress. We both talked with her to make sure she was all right with what had happened.

Chris melted into my arms after Holly had left. "That was truly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." She had tears on her cheeks now. "I mean ... I know you love her ... and that you love me. I didn't feel you loved me any less because you made love to her ... I was grateful that you did it ... that you made love to her ... because I love her too. Am I making sense?"

"Oh, yes," I responded. "You are just learning one of the most important lessons in the world. When you really love someone else you put their needs, wishes and wants above your own -- even when their pleasure happens to be with someone else. To me that's a very high state of awareness ... a very high spiritual plane."

Feeling Chris' naked body against mine had made me hard again, almost as if the minutes with Holly hadn't resulted in an orgasm for me. Chris felt me too, and soon crouched over me aligning her pussy with my cock so we could join ... and then she allowed her velvet warmth to swallow my cock. We were very tender with each other this time. We were passionate, but it was the warm fuzzy kind that permeates to your greatest depth to let you know you're loved and live in a loving universe. We orgasmed, and then just cuddled for an hour.

Finally, we showered together in the small shower stall amidst giggles and laughter over our antics to try to share the spray from the terrible showerhead. We dressed and went down to join the others and have lunch.


Mel was slouched over her laptop madly pounding on the keyboard; she had a pile of textbooks open next to her. She shot me a weak smile, but went right back to her project. No one else was in sight.

"Where is everyone? What are you working on?" I asked.

"Well," she said, "with my blessing, Robbie is upstairs hopefully pounding his cock into Holly for the first time." She grinned at us. "I'm working on a paper that's due Monday morning, and Sarah is out at the grocery store loading up for the coming week. We decided we're going out to dinner again tonight, but cocktails are here at six or six-thirty."

We all heard a scream of joy from upstairs and looked towards the stairway. We laughed. Holly hadn't figured it out yet, but she was a screamer.

Chris fixed me a turkey sandwich with some leftovers from the kitchen. We sat around the dining room and chatted about the City and what would be fun to do that afternoon.

Eventually, Robbie appeared. He'd pulled on some jeans but was barefoot and had no shirt on. He came up behind Chris and leaned around and kissed her cheek. "Thank you for last night," he said to her. "I hope you had as good a time as I did. I love the way your whole body shudders just before you climax. I wish you could teach Mel that move." She smiled up at him and told him she'd have to think about how to do that.

Chris got up and helped him get a sandwich. "You guys need lots of energy," she said, "you have lots of pussies to keep happy in this house tonight." We laughed.

Holly appeared at the door a few minutes later. She had that 'well fucked' look of contentment on her face. She said enthusiastically, "I never understood what 'afterglow' meant, but I sure do now!" She came and sat on Robbie's knee and ate part of his sandwich. Occasionally, her robe would part exposing her pussy to me; it was matted with cum and girl juice. She turned to me, "Thank you so much, Jim -- and Robbie. Today, you've changed my life so much for the better. I'll always remember today. I've got to go thank Mel too; be right back." She disappeared to where Mel was working.

"Chris and I are going to go see a couple of galleries if anyone is interested in joining us," I announced loudly. No one leapt at our invitation, so we slowly faded out the back door, took the car, and drove away. It turned out we both liked contemporary and modern art, so we gravitated to a couple of new galleries she knew that featured those genres. Chris also took me by the building that housed the art and design departments at the university, and we roamed the halls there looking at the exhibits and several works in progress.

We got back to the house just at six. Mel had just finishing her paper. Robbie looked asleep on the sofa with his head in Holly's lap. She had a book in her lap, but softly stroked Robbie's arm, clearly in a loving gesture. Sarah was also in the living room with several books spread out before her on the coffee table, obviously trying to master several points at once. Everyone looked content, and I marveled at the uniqueness of the relationships we were forming. Sarah had come back with a full load of groceries while we were out and put them all way. Chris pulled me aside as we shed our jackets; "It's Sarah's turn now. Please. Go be with her. She needs to learn what you've taught me too." I understood her concern and wish.

"I believe the drinking lamp is lit, ladies and gentlemen -- and I use those terms loosely. Starting on my left, what can I get you in the way of liquid refreshment?" I took drink orders from everyone in the room, including Robbie who was now awake and cradled in Holly's arms. She looked like the cat that had swallowed the proverbial canary, she was so happy.

I prepared a tray of glasses, opened the bottles as called for, and brought the entire set of drinks into the living room and set it on the coffee table as Sarah cleared her things. I poured for Sarah first and presented her the glass as I knelt in front of her; I pulled her to me as she took the glass and told her, "Sarah, take this wine with my love." I kissed her softly as the others watched. I tried to make the kiss as steamy as I could, and she accepted it the way it was offered, and returned the kiss in favor. Things did get steamy for each of us.

I served the others, but not with the kisses as I'd done Sarah. Mel had slipped into the kitchen and fetched some cheese and crackers that we all started to wolf down.

"Where are we going for dinner?" Chris asked.

"Give me five minutes online and I'll tell you," I said. Mel pointed at her laptop that was still set up on her study table. About five minutes and a couple of phone calls later I'd made our dinner arrangements.

"OK everyone," I said, "I am out to impress. We are going to BOMA - The Bar of Modern Art -- on Eleventh Street. They are picking us up in the stretch Hummer at seven-thirty for dinner and dancing. Upscale dress is required, I might add."

"Oh, great!" said Mel, "I've always wanted to go there but couldn't afford it." A similar chorus of "me too" echoed around the room from the other girls. Most of the room checked the clock on the mantle to be sure there was time to get ready.

BOMA lived up to the reputation it had touted online. The band was good, the paintings and art engaging, the food above average, and the service friendly and jovial. The women had scurried around and made themselves look spectacular. Mel, particularly, looked like a luscious flower you'd want to eat on the spot -- in more ways than one. Her dress was slit up the side and gave the illusion of making her sex available just for the asking. Chris' dress displayed the availability of her generous breasts while not quite allowing anyone to actually see her nipples. She confided in me that she'd used double-sided tape to be sure things stayed where they were supposed to stay.

Sarah was wearing a micro-skirt cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. The sequined dress was skin color and more than one head in the place did a double take to see if she was wearing anything. The dress displayed her ass to great advantage and proved that you could be an engineering major and still have a tremendous amount of sex appeal. Holly wore dark slacks with very sexy four-inch spike heels; on top she had on a beautiful top that left a bare mid-drift. One felt an invitation to put one's hand under the fabric and smooth her generous mounds -- I know because I kept trying and she had to slap my hand away all night.

The club featured a salsa band that night. I felt as though I raised the average age in the club by quite a bit. We all danced and several guys kept ogling the girls and looking for an opening to ask some of the girls to dance. Finally, a good looking but nerdy guy asked Holly to dance. She looked so pleased, and I was so glad; her day was complete -- she'd appealed to some stranger. At various times of the night, the women snuggled into my arms for hugs and kisses, sometimes two at a time; Robbie got the same treatment. Several of the men that were leering at our table were amazed at how physical the women were with us, such as stroking our legs or hugging and kissing us. Robbie and I usually had at least two women hanging on us or dancing with us. We loved it.

Chris told us later that one of the handsome men that she danced with asked her about our group, and ultimately what Robbie and I had that attracted two women each, and had us changing our kissing partners constantly. Chris said she smiled and said, "Oh, those two can fuck like machines. We're all so satisfied we just keep trading them around our circle." She laughed and said his jaw had dropped open, and he never said another word other than to thank her for the dance.

The limo brought us home, we piled out of the long vehicle, and we went into the house. Everyone but Sarah and I went to their rooms; I pulled Sarah into the dimly lit living room. I went to their liquor closet, poured a glass of Grand Marnier and came back and joined her. At my request she'd put on a local jazz station that had some really mellow dance music playing. I pulled her to me and we started dancing.

After a few minutes, I reached to the coffee table and took a sip of the orange liqueur, leaned into Sarah, and pulled her into a French kiss with me. As she opened her mouth, I injected the liqueur I'd just sipped into her mouth. I could almost feel her passion and lust explode in the thirty seconds we held that kiss and she savored the liqueur-based kiss.

"Oh, my God, that's sexy," she whispered as we parted. She was back in my arms and on me in a second. Eventually, she asked, "Would you do that again? I really, really liked that."

I took another sip of the liqueur and injected it into her willing mouth. Although not as much of a surprise to her as it was the first time, her response was even more amorous. She ground her hips into mine. She pulled away, looked me in the eye, and said, "Oh, I love mature men!" She practically ate me whole with the next kiss.

Thirty minutes later, I was buried to the hilt in Sarah's sweet pussy. I had romanced her and continued slow foreplay with her just as I had done with Chris the night before. I was hard put to think about which woman responded better to my attentions. Sarah loved it, and we were both so horny by the time I penetrated her, she had fluids running down her leg and had cum half- a-dozen times. She also never knew she was multi-orgasmic until that night.

We talked and cooed at each other as we fucked. This was a hot young woman. I couldn't comprehend why she was so attracted to me, even allowing me to approach her initially since I was over thirty years her senior. However, I was not going to argue with our destinies. I loved this young woman too, and she certainly showed me every sign of deep caring and love as well.

We exploded together. Sarah let not only most of the household know about her orgasm, but also a sizeable portion of the City. Her response inspired me to fill her pussy with extra cum, and only a few minutes later, we both were aware of how much fluid we had running out of her cunny and onto my body as she knelt above me. Fortunately, she thought it humorous and adventurous.

I rolled her onto her back and proceeded to devour her soggy pussy, sucking and swallowing most of our mixed juices. During my gesture, I realized that she had ejaculated and much of the fluid I lapped at came during Sarah's cum. She proved tantalizingly delicious.

We made love again. This time, I watched as her ejaculate flood the area between us. I'd wisely gotten a towel from the bathroom so that neither of us had to sleep in the 'wet spot'.

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Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 4 years ago

Thank you for your writings, inspiration, and everything.

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
great read

i like the continuation from "The Extended Family." well written, sexy, good characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

It had potential then robbie showed up in the story. The least fleshed out of the characters doesnt need to be in the story unless mel is in florida. I shouldnt hear anything about him otherwise. Essentially hes an extra cock that should only be involved when absolutely necessary since hes supposedly has enough personality to warrant an engagement. I scanned through the rest of this hes that annoyng to me.

mthomas63mthomas63over 10 years ago
Positively Yummy

Still having that image of Jim slurping up Sarah's ejaculate... I knew a woman like that back when, and she was delicious. Hell, we were both delicious.

Great story. I'm reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
So Nice

Wouldn't it be nice if the world loved like that? Tidy work my friend

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