Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 06: Double Six


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"To a close friend, it is obvious," she replied, "though I doubt Mitch will realise she's nearly desperate to be fucked." She thought for a moment. "She wouldn't let you help..."

"No!" I interrupted, "she said the way she was feeling, I just wasn't up to the job."

"Well we'd better keep my news for the morning then," she said cryptically.

"What news?"

She sighed. "Steve just called to say he can't get away until Sunday after all. By the time his flight arrives you will have gone and he'll probably not get to fuck her here at all."

"Carmen!" I almost shouted, "that's terrible. She'll be so upset!"

"I know! Steve's gutted about it too. Your little Alice is his favourite fuck buddy by far and he had some new and interesting ideas about what to do with her too!"

"We can't tell her tonight," I insisted, "she's so excited about him coming tomorrow. I couldn't bear to ruin her evening."

"So let's tell her over breakfast and have a great time tonight!"

When Alice and Mitch returned from the shop accompanied by much giggling, I wondered just how many glasses of sparkling Spanish Cava my wife had drunk while getting changed because she seemed to find the pathway through the sun beds difficult to negotiate again and had to hold Mitch's hand for almost the whole journey, their bodies colliding every time she slipped on the wet tiles.

The two of them sat at the table with freshly filled glasses and chatted while I cooked the meat and Carmen made preparations in the kitchen.

Well that was the plan at least. What actually happened was that Carmen called me into the kitchen to help her so many times that I had to ask Mitch and Alice to watch the grill and by the time we sat down to eat, they had in effect cooked it all themselves with much giggling, teasing and licking of fingers.

So much for my brief position as Alpha Male!

When we went to the table, Carmen insisted that she and I sat some distance apart to serve the food which forced Alice and Mitch's chairs so close together that their arms and thighs were practically touching throughout the meal, resulting in yet more giggling but no complaints from either of them.

At one point I thought I saw Mitch's hand briefly stroke my wife's thigh under the glass-topped table but then Carmen asked me to get more chicken from the barbecue and I couldn't be sure.

The food was good and an hour later we were all feeling replete but oddly not too tired sitting on the terrace in the night air. As the conversation quietened, from behind the nearby apartment block the sound of music began to make itself felt.

"How about a bit of dancing?" Carmen suggested, nodding in the direction of the sound.

"I don't know," I replied, "it's late and..."

"Come on CB," my wife smiled across the table at me, "it'll do us good. Take our minds off... things!"

Her use of my Cuckold nickname clearly puzzled Mitch but the combination of her last statement and the knowledge of the news we had to break the following morning left me no choice.

"Ok! Let's go!" I said as enthusiastically as I could manage.

We locked the apartment doors and the four of us walked the short distance to the development's plush restaurant and bar. As we rounded the corner, the sound of live music hit us in the face. A real live five-piece band was playing in the corner of the dining area and a large group of residents were dancing happily under the colourful, flashing lights on a dance floor surrounded by tables. Most had clearly been used for dinner guests but several were empty now and available for partygoers like us.

"Over here!" Carmen called, ushering us to a free table by the edge of the dance floor then abandoning Mitch and me to our seats while the two girls began to dance eagerly among the crowd straight away.

Once the waiter had arrived and taken our order, we joined the girls and for a long time danced together as a group, enjoying some tunes, enduring others, becoming hot, sweaty and tired before the music slowed and became more suited to couples.

For a while, Alice and I danced together while Carmen let Mitch take her by the hand. My lovely wife pressed close to me, her light, almost flower-like perfume as sweet in my nostrils as the feel of her fit, athletic figure was, so close to mine.

A short while later a slow, romantic tune filled the room and to my surprise, Carmen tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me I had promised to dance this one with her. This was news to me but I obediently swapped partners and as one slow tune was replaced with another slower, even more romantic one, Carmen was in my arms, swaying to the rhythm of the music, pressed close together, my head full of the rich aroma of her perfume and the softness of her full body against mine.

Close by, Mitch and Alice were dancing close together too, but although their bodies were pressed tightly against each other, there was a clumsy awkwardness about their movement.

"Put your hands on my bottom!" Carmen hissed in my ear as we swayed.

"What?" I asked, astonished.

"Fondle my ass!" she insisted, "now!"

"But what about...?"

"Just do it!" she growled.

Like a teenager at a school disco, I tentatively slid my hands down from the small of Carmen's back and onto her soft, full buttocks. It felt good and incredibly wicked -- apart from occasional incidents with Alice, I hadn't fondled a girl on the dance floor since I was at college.

"That's better," she hissed in my ear, "now give me a good groping!"

Bemused but strangely excited, I began to knead Carmen's buttocks through her thin white dress, the softness of her flesh under my fingers incredibly erotic and producing a large, awkwardly-twisted erection on my shorts.

For a while we swayed in circles as my fingers slipped slowly down her cheeks until I felt the tantalising touch of bare skin at its hem. I slid my fingers underneath her hem, feeling the soft, sexy flesh of her thigh against my hand as I raised the hem slightly.

"Hold it right there, Tiger!" she chuckled and my hands froze. "That's high enough. Now look over my shoulder."

I raised my eyes to see my wife and the tall, fit, good looking young Mitch tightly in each other's arms. Their awkwardness was now a thing of the past; her arms were around his waist, her hands between his shoulder blades and her head resting on his powerful chest.

In return, Mitch's hands had fallen to my wife's slim, firm buttocks and he was clearly pressing her hips firmly against his midriff where I had to assume an erection at least as large and noticeable as mine would be developing.

"See?" Carmen asked softly, "he just needed a bit of encouragement!"

As I watched, his fingers travelled further down her dress until, like mine, they found its hem and he slowly began to stroke the top of her thigh just below, squeezing and fondling my wife's taut buttocks though the tight material, sliding his fingers lower and lower, then working them carefully under her dress where her bare, firm buttocks were waiting...

My heart thumped in my chest as I watched his fingertips very tentatively sliding along the back of her thigh, raising the dress a tantalising inch, then another, his fingers finding the bare crease just below her buttocks... and then my wife gently placed her hand on his and drew his searching fingers back onto the small of her back, letting her dress fall back to cover her bottom completely once again.

She gave him a playful frown that made my tummy turn to jelly.

"Did you enjoy that, Mister Cuckold?" Carmen hissed in my ear as my own hands stopped massaging her buttocks for a moment. "She enjoyed it too but she's still saving herself for Steve, isn't she?" I felt Carmen's body even more tightly held against mine, her hips gyrating against my bulging groin.

My wife might have been saving herself for her lover in bed, and was being proper on the dance floor, but I noticed it didn't stop her from surreptitiously rubbing herself against Mitch's body for the next few slow dances. After the first, I saw him press his knee slightly forward giving her just enough of a ridge to subtly press her groin against and to my surprise found Carmen doing something remarkably similar to my own left thigh, though always keeping an eye on Alice and her new dance partner.

As a result, we were all rather disappointed half an hour later when the music ended, the bar closed and we walked reluctantly back to the apartment together. Carmen's arm was through mine, Alice and Mitch were holding hands until we reached the entrance to his mother's villa.

"I'd better go in now," he said in a low voice, still holding her hand in his, "Mum and... him ... will be wondering where I've got to."

I seriously doubted whether his mother and her lover would be upset about having another evening together without her son being there to interfere with their fun, but didn't say anything.

"Goodnight!" he said to us all in general, then turned to Alice. "Thanks for a really lovely evening. See you tomorrow for training?"

"Of course!" she replied then rose on her toes to kiss him goodnight. Her arms went around his neck as they had when they were dancing and his hands automatically returned to her buttocks. It looked like she was aiming for a quick his cheek but at the last moment she wobbled a little on her heels a little and ended up kissing him on the lips.

For a split second I was sure I saw their mouths open and their tongues meet but then they quickly parted and Mitch reluctantly shuffled up the pathway to his villa. The rest of us went into the apartment where Alice and I kissed Carmen goodnight and went into our room.


"Did you enjoy the evening?" I asked as Alice came out of the en-suite bathroom in her sleep shorts and tight top.

"Of course," she smiled a little sadly, "he's a sweetheart, isn't he?" she added, meaning of course, Mitch.

"He's very smitten with you, HA," I said with a knowing smile, deliberately using her Hotwife nickname. "and he's a very good looking boy!"

"Don't be silly," she scolded, a frown on her face, "He's just a boy! I'm nearly old enough to be his mother!"

"I doubt he touches his mother that way," I teased, "or kisses her goodnight like that either."

She sighed deeply.

"I doubt his mother rubs herself against his leg that way, either." I added, smiling knowingly.

"Please don't make it worse for me," she said, her head lowered, "it's hard enough not having Steve here without you reminding me what I'm missing all the time."

For the first time I could see her fingers actually trembling. The sexual frisson in the air earlier must have raised her already sky high sexual frustration to new astronomic levels.

"I'm sorry," I apologised sincerely, "is it very bad tonight?"

She nodded and I saw her eyes water a little. "It's silly I know, but I've been looking forward to it so much and for so long..." she shook a little more, becoming agitated, "I just need him to be here, fucking me, now -- not tomorrow, now!"

I couldn't bear to hear this, especially knowing the news she would get in the morning but couldn't bear to break it to her now. Instead I crossed to her and held her close to my chest.

"I sound desperate, don't I?" she asked laughing humourlessly, "I'm a real Slut for him now, he's really got under my skin as well as inside my cunt."

For Alice to use the 'C' word about herself was so unusual, I really began to understand how desperate she must be feeling.

And then it came to me. There was a way I could help without spoiling her cleanliness!

Planting another kiss on her forehead, I began to lower myself in front of her, leaving a trail of kisses as I descended to my knees - on her cheeks, her nose, her lips, her slender neck, her shoulders, her arms, her breasts through her pyjama top, her bare belly button and her hips before finally planting a kiss on her covered pubic mound.

Alice had clearly understood my idea. Her fingers stroked my arms as I knelt then began to tangle in my hair and as I planted a second kiss on her mound, she pressed my head hard into her pyjama shorts.

"Mmmm," she moaned, "that's nice but I really shouldn't...."

I breathed my hot breath through the tight material of her shorts onto the skin beneath, a faint aroma of bath oil mixed with and my wife's very early arousal filling my nostrils. I rose to my feet and took her hands in mine. She leaned back and lowered herself backwards to the bed, legs apart.

"No sex though..." she cautioned me, smiling.

"No sex," I agreed, "we'll just get you a little more ready for him shall we?"

I leaned over her long slim legs and slipped a finger under the elastic of her pyjama shorts on each side of her hips.

"Lift up!" I said, echoing once again the way Steve had commanded her to bare her vulva that first amazing night in our MPV. She complied and the tiny garment slipped easily down her slim thighs, over her knees and was discarded.

Her vulva now naked, Alice at first clamped her knees together as if ashamed, which surprised me after so many years of marriage and her recent descent into the Hotwife lifestyle. I placed my palms on her knees, pressed them upwards so that they reached her chest and her vulva was exposed from below, then forced her thighs apart.

I froze.

"Alice you're... shaved! Wow!" I exclaimed, staring at the totally unfamiliar, completely hairless groin beneath my face.

"Waxed," she corrected me as if slightly defensive, "I... I wanted this holiday to be perfect. I wanted to do something special for him, to please him."

To please him, not me! It hurt but the pain felt strangely good and my erection grew in my shorts as I saw the smooth lines of her freshly bared outer lips and the softness of the creases at the top of her thighs.

"When did you...?"

"Wednesday morning after the gym."

"Wow! It looks... amazing!"

"Steve loves bare cunts, Carmen told me, so I had it done to make this weekend special."

Wow! She actually used the 'C' word again! Poor Alice; her sexual frustration must be almost unbearable. At least now her refusal to let me anywhere near her groin for the last few days made even more sense.

"Is it sore?" I asked.

"No but it's really sensitive."

"Well let's see..." I said, dropping to my knees between her open thighs, more excited than I could remember. I lowered my face to her groin.

"CB? What are you doing down there?"

"Shhh. I just want to help," I purred, extending my tongue in the way I knew she enjoyed.

"But I've got to stay clean, CB. I've got to... Oooooh that's nice!"

And with that I began to tongue her newly hairless vulva, amazed at its soft smoothness, the knowledge that she had made this change herself to please her lover Steve merely adding to my own massive arousal.

Beginning with long, slow strokes the length of her slit which elicited gasps from above, I moved on to her thicker outer lips, feeling their new, unfamiliar smoothness under the flat of my tongue. A few bold strokes from her anus right to her clitoris brought more bodily tension and moaning. I dipped my tongue deep between her thighs, seeking all the places her pubic hair used to be and to my delight, found none -- all I could feel was her new smoothness against my chin and cheeks. I lapped eagerly at the small stream of lubrication that had begun to flow.

"Mmmmm!" she moaned softly, "that's... Oh, so good but... but..."

I lowered my head to press my mouth more firmly against her, feeling her outer lips swelling and her slit opening, yielding its hot, wet contents to my searching tongue. I traced a line around her inner lips, up one side and down the other, the metallic taste in my mouth a clear indication of her rapidly increasing arousal.

"What do you want, Alice?" I hissed over my tonguing.

"Oh God! I want to be fucked... but..."

"Who do you want to fuck you?" I interrupted, delving deep into her vagina with the tip of my tongue.

"Mmmm Steve... I need Steve..."

"What do you need from him, Alice?"

"Please... Oh God! I need his cock..."

"Say it again..." I mumbled into her dark slit, my face now plastered with her juices.

"I need... his cock... his massive cock..."

"Where do you need it?" I immediately continued.

"In... In my... my my cunt..."

Once again her use of the 'C' word sent a thrill through me. This was going to work! She was getting more and more aroused.

"That's right," I pressed on, tonguing the smooth insides of her inner lips as I spoke, "why... do you need it... my little Hotwife?"

My fingers were now stretching her vulva wide open, her clit fully accessible to my tongue, her vagina fully exposed, her legs splayed over my shoulders and her feet on my back.

"I want him... to fuck me... make me cum... I want to cum...but...but I musn't..."

"But nothing Alice... you need it! ... And you know... why you need it, don't you? ... You know what you are?" I hissed as my tongue played hardball with her swollen nub of a clit.

"Yes... Oh Yes"

"What are you, Alice?"

"Oh God!... I'm a... I'm a Slut..."

"Say it again, Alice."

"I'm a Slut... a whore..."

"And what do Sluts need, Alice?"

"Oh God! I need to be fucked. Oh God I need Steve! Steve! Oh God Steve! Oh God, fuck me Steve!"

Though her slender thighs pressed against my head muffled my ears, Alice's cries must have been clearly audible in Carmen's room through the thin while wall but she didn't even try to stifle them -- or pretend she wanted anyone but Steve inside her body.

The tip of my tongue was working overtime, at one moment smothering her hard nub with wetness, then moving in rapid circles around its tiny shaft, then in strong upwards strokes along its underside.

"Oh Jesus Christ! Oh No!"

Her vagina was weeping freely now, the pungent fluids running into my mouth and down my chin as I tongued and tongued her towards orgasm, my head full of her amazing aroma and vivid images of the scene she was picturing in her own mind as she came closer and closer to the release she so badly needed.

Her body twisted and turned on the bed as I licked and sucked eagerly, her legs gripping and releasing my head painfully but I didn't care as long as my lovely wife was getting what her mind and body needed at that moment -- or as close as I could get to it without Steve actually being there.

And she WAS getting there. I could feel the tension building in her body; her juices were thickening, their taste and smell changing quickly, becoming stronger and more pungent as a first climax rose rapidly in her slender body.

She was about to cum -- hard - at my hands!

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" she suddenly screamed. "NO! STOPPPP!"

Alice's body froze above me then shook, but this wasn't the cry of ecstasy I had wanted to hear. She really did want me to stop before the orgasm that was rushing in upon her actually struck and overwhelmed her.

"Please! Noooo!"

She pushed my face away from her smooth, sticky vulva just far enough to let me speak.

"Mwhatth mwrong?" I mumbled into her labia.

"Please... Please stop... I can't... I mustn't... Please...!" Her hands were firmly on my face now, holding my mouth away from her vulva.

"What's the matter." I asked anxiously, pulling back properly this time, "did I hurt you? I thought you liked..."

"I do, I do," she half cried, "I just can't... I mustn't... Not now!"

"But I thought you needed some relief... from the frustration." I asked, genuinely nonplussed.

"I did! I do!" she moaned, her face a picture of anguish. "But I can't let myself cum with you now. Not when he's coming tomorrow... It feels... wrong... like... like I'm cheating on him!"

I sat back on my heels, amazed. Had my own wife really just told me that she couldn't cum with me, her husband because it felt like cheating on her fuck buddy?