Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 03: Third Time


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"Let's let them go together in our car to get more in the mood. You can drive me, Mister Cuckold!"

That I realised that I really was about to watch my lovely wife getting fucked for a third time.

Alice smiled almost innocently at me as Steve opened the door of his sports car and she slipped demurely into the front passenger seat, trying unsuccessfully to prevent her short dress riding up and exposing a few tantalising inches of bare flesh of her thigh above her stocking top.

I held the door open for Carmen whose smile was everything but innocent. She cupped my groin with her right hand as she lowered herself into the front seat of my MPV.

"Remember the last time I sat in this seat?" She asked as I followed Steve's car out of the car park and onto the main road. Indeed I did -- it had been that first night on our return from Calke Abbey when Carmen had given me a slow hand job in the front seat while her husband had systematically seduced my wife in the back while I watched in the rear view mirror. I could feel myself hardening as the vivid images flooded back into my head.

Carmen reached across, cupped my groin once again and whispered.

"No mirrors for you tonight, Mister Cuckold. You get to see it all first hand -- if you behave yourself! Excited?" She squeezed my hardening cock again. "Yes, I can see you are..."

We followed Steve's car to our house. Traffic was light so for most of the time we were directly behind them and could see their heads in silhouette through their back window. From their eager, energetic movements it was clear that they were enjoying each other's company, laughing and joking and occasionally kissing on the lips, their heads with mouths touching clearly visible through the window in the evening light. I could see Steve's arm reaching over towards my wife's lower body as he drove one-handed and wished hard I could see what his fingers were doing to her.

"They do get on well, don't they?" Carmen observed in her usual meaningful tone, reaching over and squeezing my groin again. "He's more touched by Alice than by any of his other conquests..." She appeared lost in thought for a moment, still massaging the erection growing in my pants. "...Maybe it's because he's the only other man she's ever had... Perhaps the only real man she ever will have, Mister Cuckold!"

I ignored the obvious taunt but deep down wondered if perhaps it might be true -- or whether my lovely wife would eventually need more than just Steve and me. It was an unnerving thought, but exciting at the same time.

"She's always enjoyed being fingered, hasn't she?" Carmen continued as we turned left and onto the bridge over the river, normally a romantic spot for young lovers to walk. "She's probably hitched up her dress and slipped her knickers down to her knees for him." She paused. "His finger is probably sliding up and down her slit right now, Mister Cuckold..." I looked straight ahead at the car in front. Steve' arm was certainly still extended, his hand still in the area of my wife's upper thighs. "She's probably soaking wet by now... Probably can't wait to have him inside her... again... fucking her... Mister... Cuckold!"

She squeezed my erection again, hard. Carmen's cruelty was perfectly judged and perfectly timed, her last words falling on my tormented ears just as Steve pulled his car up outside our house. I swung my MPV around his sports car and into the driveway as he opened his door and climbed out, running round to the passenger side to open the door for Alice. I watched as she wriggled herself out of the low --riding vehicle then as she surreptitiously adjusted both her knickers and the hem of her dress before crossing the pavement towards our house, her hand in Steve's.

Had Carmen been right? Certainly my wife was looking a little disarranged below the waist. If so, how had Steve reacted when he found her newly waxed vulva instead of the silky sparse pubic hair he now knew so well? My mind raced as I helped Carmen out of her side of the MPV and opened the front door, holding it open as the three of them giggling entered.

The house was warm and romantic as I had intended. We moved quickly through to the lounge where all the action had taken place the last time Steve had seduced my wife and I had watched. The candles still burned, the soft lights glowed and the air was slightly perfumed with Alice's favourite scent. A better atmosphere for seduction I couldn't imagine.

Something must indeed have happened in the car because Alice stood very close by Steve's side, their fingertips entwined like two teenagers as I poured four tall glasses of champagne and handed them round. Their bodies kept accidentally touching as we clinked our glasses then sipped the bright bubbly liquid and chatted, still unconsciously pretending we didn't all know full well what was supposed to happen next.

On top of the wine we had drunk during the meal, both girls were quite noticeably tipsy and by the time the first glass had slipped smoothly down, Carmen at least was a little unsteady as we moved over to the sofa and soft chairs. The two lovers were still holding hands in a romantic way that made my chest ache - even Carmen seemed a little fazed by their obvious closeness.

Alice and Steve automatically sat close together on the sofa while Carmen and I chose comfy armchairs. I opened the box of chocolates that stood on the low coffee table and Carmen passed them round while I refilled the glasses and opened another bottle.

As we talked a little longer, I noticed Steve's hand leave Alice's and rest on her thigh. Her first reaction was to look embarrassed and put her hand on his to prevent it, but then she seemed to consciously force herself to let it happen. I smiled inwardly and exchanged glances with Carmen who had also noticed the progress.

A few minutes later his fingers had lifted her dress higher so that the bare skin between her stocking-tops and panties was visible and he was stroking her skin. This time my wife did put her hand on his. Carmen looked at me and nodded.

"Shall we make some more coffee?" She asked, her eyes bright and meaningful, offering me her hand.

I took the hint, took her hand and let her lead me into the kitchen where she filled the kettle noisily and plugged it in, leaving the two love-birds alone in the lounge.

"She's feeling awkward in front of you..." Carmen said in a low voice, her hot sexy body close to mine. "She's not sure how to start things off so let's leave them alone for a bit."

"But she did say I could be there and..." I protested.

"Oh don't worry, Mister Cuckold, you'll be 'in at the kill'. They just need a little private time to get warmed up."

Then she took me by surprise by kissing me lingeringly on the lips, her dark eyes aflame; her hand on my groin.

"I love this part..." She said. "The chase! Like watching a tiger stalking its prey. I love it when he makes a new conquest -- best of all when I watch him turn a reluctant, faithful wife into a sex-crazy slut..." She squeezed my groin hard.

"Of course you two are old conquests now but there's something about sweet innocent little Alice that makes it seem like he's seducing her for the first time all over again!" She mused, stroking my chest with her index finger as she spoke.

"If things were different this would be a good time for you and me to get acquainted too..." She said, teasingly though I knew she wasn't really interested in a sexual liaison with me. "As I recall you were pretty good with your fingers all those months ago in that car of yours..."

She took my hand and placed my palm on her pubic bone, my fingers pointing down between her thighs. I could feel the heat of her body through the material of her clothes. She pressed my fingers into her body, forcing both my middle finger and her thin dress and panties into her slit before laughing out loud.

"Don't worry, I won't force you!" She smiled, moving a little back and releasing my hand. "It's coffee not cunt we're in here for!" The crudeness of her words took me by surprise but her unsteadiness as she began to make the coffee -- fumbling for the spoon and the cafetiere made me realise just how tipsy she was.

I let her get on with the coffee in silence; her full, sexy figure making me wonder what it really would be like if she ever followed through on one of her teases. When the drinks were ready I quietly took the tray from her and moved towards the door.

"Do you think they've had long enough on their own?" I asked, pausing in the doorway. Carmen made a show of looking at her watch before replying.

"He's a smooth operator and she's a pushover! I'd say they should be well on the way by now!" and led me through the kitchen door, across the hall and back into the lounge.

However tipsy she might have been, Carmen's prediction was quite right. Left to his own devices Steve had made huge progress with my wife to the extent that, when we entered, they were laying down on the sofa in full passionate embrace. They barely noticed us, still less noticed the tray of drinks I placed on the low table next to them. Carmen returned silently in her armchair while I dimmed the low lights yet further before pulling my chair close to Carmen's and watching the action taking place before us.

Steve was still fully dressed, though he had kicked off his shoes. In contrast, my wife's dress had been raised until it was bunched around her waist. Her long, slim stocking-clad legs were crudely parted and we returned just in time to see Steve plunge his hand deep inside her tiny panties as his mouth latched firmly on her long smooth neck. She moaned aloud, her eyes closed as he kissed and nibbled her soft skin eagerly, submitting herself totally to the large dark hickey that would unquestionably be left behind, marking as the fallen woman she now was.

His hand was lithe and active in her panties too and moments later, from the bucking of her body against his palm that resulted, I guessed that at least one of his fingers was buried deep inside her vagina, seeking her g-spot - and close to finding it too, if the noises emanating from her mouth were anything to go by.

The top of her dress had been unfastened and lowered to her waist to meet its lifted hem so the whole expensive creation looked like a thick red belt around her navel. Her bra had simply been flipped up until her breasts were fully exposed and he began to give her mouth, globes and hardening nipples equal attention with his teeth and tongue as his fingers worked her vulva below, sucking the flesh of her breasts into his mouth holding it and releasing it as my wife's fingers stroked his hair and back.

Suddenly I saw Steve's strong forearm flex and he drove his fingers even more firmly into Alice's vagina, lifting her slightly from the cushion, her body writhing under his assault as if he was seeking something within her wet passage. Exactly what his fingers were doing within her was hidden from me but the results were immediate.

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

My lovely wife let out a series of surprised short, sharp exclamations in time with the bunching of Steve's arm muscles, building quickly until her head rose, her eyes flew open wide, her tummy contracted in spasm and she had a loud, sudden climax right before my eyes.


Alice's arms flew up around his neck and her legs flopped sideways as if to give his strong hands easier access to her private places as her orgasm rolled over her. Barely ten feet away, I could hear her ecstatic cries clearly, see the muscles of her body tense and to my surprise and incredible arousal, actually smell her juices flowing onto his expert hand as his fingers on her g-spot kept her at orgasm for what seemed an age.

I looked to my right and saw Carmen staring at me with a knowing grin on her face. She raised a single finger and made a 'tick' gesture as if to mark 'orgasm number one' on a chalkboard.

Eventually satisfied with his handiwork, Steve gently removed his fingers from Alice's vagina and the pulsing of her body waned. He kissed her full on the lips for a long time, the movements of their mouths making it obvious how deeply their tongues were entwined with each other. Alice's arms surrounded him, her hands stroking her lover's back and running through his hair in gestures of both love and lust, while Steve's fingers toyed with her small firm breasts, teasing the hard nipples.

"Blow job next!" Whispered Carmen.

I turned my head to see Steve rising from Alice's prone body, her fingers still in his. He deftly unfastened his belt with one hand, then flicked open the clasp and lowered his zipper. Alice immediately reached up and grabbed his waistband, pulling both his trousers and shorts down to his thighs. His erection burst out of his lowered underwear, thick and strong and merely inches from her face, making her recoil in surprise. Steve stood back and kicked off his clothes, leaving himself naked from the waist down then quickly returned to the sofa and lifted his left leg over Alice's waist to straddle her upper body, leaning forward so that his huge cock was merely inches from her face.

"It'll get even bigger before he sticks it in you, little goody-goody Alice!" Carmen chuckled beside me.

To my surprise, I saw that Carmen had quietly raised her own dress to her waist and was in the process of wriggling her purple tights down her thighs, along with the black panties beneath. She looked me in the eye.

"He's really big tonight. Just look at it! Little Alice isn't going to know what hit her!"

I stared first at Carmen, then back at my wife who was in the process of opening her mouth wide to receive the huge cock that loomed above her.

"Time to get naked, Mister Cuckold!" Carmen hissed, slipping her tights and panties right off before peeling her dress up and over her head. Seconds later her bra joined her dress on the floor and her rich, full breasts burst free, her large nipples dark in the soft light and hardening. I wriggled out of my trousers, shorts and socks and almost threw my shirt aside, my eyes flitting between my half naked wife who was now sucking hard on Steve's cock and Carmen's voluptuous body so close to mine.

"Strip her!" Carmen hissed.


"While she's sucking him, strip her!"

Unsure of myself and now entirely naked, I could only do what the she-devil commanded. Tentatively and on my knees, I crossed from my chair to the sofa where Steve now straddled my wife's chest, his cock deep in her mouth, thrusting slowly and gently in and out of her beautiful face. Her long legs were moving slightly behind his back as she licked and sucked the huge cock that would surely soon penetrate her.

I looked back at Carmen who made hurried, impatient gestures at me. I nodded and, hoping desperately I was doing the right thing, grasped the sides of my wife's panties, slid them down her legs and over her ankles before tossing them towards where Carmen was now kneeling on the rug. Alice clearly felt something happening because at first she closed her knees to try and prevent me exposing her vulva but then almost immediately gave up all resistance and her panties were mine.

A little careful fumbling later and her heels, stockings and suspender belt joined her panties on the floor, leaving her entirely naked from the waist down. Her newly shaven vulva glistened with her secretions and smelt pungently of her recent climax. I breathed in deeply, my face merely inches from her vagina and felt my erect cock twitch.

Leaning closer, I planted a single slow kiss on her smooth, freshly waxed pubic mound, smelling and tasting the juices that covered it. I heard a muffled sound of surprise over the slurping noises coming from beyond Steve's body and her legs closed momentarily on my head before releasing me.

My tongue passed over my lips as I looked back to where Carmen was waiting, my wife's discarded panties in her hands. She leaned forward and hissed at me.

"Lick her, Mister Cuckold!"

I pulled a puzzled face.

"Lick her cunt! Get her nice and wet for Steve's cock!"

Although I hated her crude language, I really loved the idea and turned my head back to my wife's hairless crotch. Her hips were gyrating gently in time with Steve's slow thrusts into her mouth -- a moving target but an easy one. I lowered my face again to her beautiful vulva and began to lick.

As my tongue took its first long, slow lap from the base of her slit right up to her clitoris, Alice let out a low moan, Steve's cock in her mouth muffling her voice. I lapped again and was rewarded with another moan and Steve's voice whispering.

"That's it Ali! Let him make you cum for me again. I want you hot and wet!"

Hearing him use the pet name only he had for my wife sent a thrill of excitement through my body. I licked her again, this time a bolder, stronger stroke along the inside of her left labia before descending down the right side then thrusting my pointed tongue deep into her vagina.

The smell and taste were intoxicating, my face surrounded by the heady aroma of a beautiful, sexy woman in increasing heat. I drove my tongue into her again and her hips writhed beneath my touch. Again and again I licked her lips and delved into her body, feeling her lubrication seeping into her vagina and my mouth, lost in arousal as her hips began to gyrate against my face.

Finally I gave her one last long lick from bottom to top before turning my attention to her clitoris, knowing how sensitive it was and how easily it made her cum. I ran the flat of my tongue firmly over her it. It felt unfamiliarly large and swollen, hard under my touch. Alice's gyrations stopped and her legs clamped hard on my head. I ran the tip of my tongue along its underside.

She gasped, almost choking on Steve's cock as I began a series of firm licks and jabs over, around and especially underneath her clit making her buck hard against my face. Her juices were flowing freely now and her hips ground against me, her newly waxed skin so much softer than her pubic hair used to be.

Her legs began to thrash, one of them now over my shoulder, the other hanging loosely on the floor. She clamped on my head again, grunting loudly against Steve's cock as a climax shook her body. I licked again and another bolt hit her, the taste of her vulva changing as she came.

"That's enough now..." Came a soft voice from immediately behind me. "It's time she was fucked now! She's ready!"

I slowly pulled my head back from my wife's groin, turned and saw that Carmen had quietly slid on her knees to join me and had been watching my performance closely. Her right hand was deep between her naked thighs and she had clearly been fingering herself.

I nodded obediently and shuffled away as Steve dismounted my wife's chest. His cock, bold and erect was darker in colour and glistened with Alice's saliva.

"You might want these!" Carmen said, taking my wife's discarded panties and wrapping them loosely around my own erection. My hand instinctively went to meet hers in my groin and I grasped the warm damp satin-covered shaft I found there.

Looking back at the lovers, I saw Steve bend over Alice's upper body and, gently taking her by the hands, draw her carefully off the sofa onto the rug and onto her knees. Her arms rested on the seat cushion, her damp puffy vulva was pointing directly towards Carmen and me where we knelt. I could see the pink flush on her chest as she allowed herself to be manipulated by her lover like a doll, her red dress still bunched around her waist, her bra still high above her breasts.

Steve quickly positioned himself behind her, spreading her knees wide with his legs, then with his right hand placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her vagina. Carmen and I shuffled round, one right, one left, to get a better view as he parted my wife's inner lips and pushed his head half way into her opening.