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"I looked at a weaving, shaking, Dawn, still aiming at some unseen target, trembling as she said, 'I had to save you. I couldn't let him kill you, Tom. I love you!'

"Before Genero could react, I scrambled up and took my Smith & Wesson Model 19 from her. I aimed at Genero desperately crawling towards retrieving Molteri's gun. He stopped just inches short as I walked over and got that weapon. He huddled in fear from my retaliation.

"I tried to recover and take the time to find a solution to my predicament. If I reported this straight, Genoro's testimony would cast doubt on whether I knew of the existence of the money beforehand. My career in law enforcement would be over with the reputation of being a dirty cop. Worse, the Calpera Family wouldn't hesitate killing Dawn for shooting Tony Molteri. They couldn't allow word to get out that a drugged out stripper killed one of their own with impunity.

"No, there had to be another way as I thought and pondered. I considered one possibility after another, weighing the good and bad aspects. I soon realized that while I hadn't come up with the perfect solution, I had the most plausible under the circumstances.

"Get up Genero, we're going into your office," I informed the sniveling weasel. We walked in and I went and sat at his desk. "Where do you keep the warranty deed forms that you and Molteri used in all of the bustout schemes you perpetrated?" I demanded to know. He told me what drawer and I opened it. I took out one of the forms; it was perfect even down to the pre-signed notary signature and seal of Tony Molteri.

"I want you to sign over Genero's to me," I commanded him.

"'What? I can't do that! The Calpera Family will kill me!' he yelled.

"Do it, or I'll kill you on the spot," I warned. "At least this way you'll have a head start before they start tracking you down. Make out the form showing I gave you a down payment of $1,000 dollars with monthly payments of $1,000 for a total of $100,000. You'll also draw up a promissory note. Make sure you transfer over all permits and licenses as well. Finally, I want you to show the transaction predated to last week.

"Sal Genero was spitting mad as I held the pistol on him and forced him to comply and give me his keys and combination to the safe. I reviewed the form and was satisfied that it conveyed the bar to me. As he was leaving Genero's for the final time, he made an attempt to pick up the duffel bag holding the million dollars.

When I stopped him, he started crying, 'Officer Crowder, I won't last a week without that money!'

"You should've thought about that before you schemed to kill me, Genero. Get the hell out of here." I glared at him.

"With that accomplished, I went to stage two of the plan and called Mary." Dad said.

Once again, I stopped my Dad. "You called Mom to get you out of this mess? How could you do that to Mom after you went and cheated on her? Do you have any idea how disgusted I am with you right now?" I was pissed at the idea of him dragging Mom into this.

"I told Mary it was a life or death situation for me and Dawn, and somehow I finally got it across to her. She came to the bar and after getting over her horror at the scene, got Dawn, took my apartment key and the duffel bag and took Dawn to my apartment. She came back with my checkbook and then she left.

"Stage three was me calling into the precinct and informing them that I had just shot and killed Tony Molteri over a business dispute. Internal Affairs was called in and interviewed me. I told them I had struck a deal to buy Genero's from Sal Genero a week ago. He had transferred the property to me by warranty deed, and Tony Molteri notarized the deed. I hadn't gotten around to recording the deed yet. I showed them the warranty deed, the promissory note, and the back dated personal check I had written moments ago at Sal Genero's desk."

"I told them Molteri came to me last night saying Genero had run off with the embezzled funds from the bar, and insisted to me that my deal to buy Genero's was off. He threw the check I had written to Sal Genero in my face. I told him my deal was with the property owner, and since he wasn't on any paperwork that my deal stood. We argued, he threatened to kill me and pulled his gun, which forced me to take my gun and kill him."

I just looked at my dad, stunned that he constructed this house of lies to explain what had transpired. "Did they believe you?" I asked incredulously .

Dad paused before replying and took the last sip of his mug of beer, "Son, it was a different time back then. Nobody was sad about Tony Molteri being dead. The forensic unit just went through the motions. Same with the coroner with the autopsy. Internal Affairs knew I was lying through my teeth but they cut me some slack.

"I was suspended for three weeks without pay while the investigation wound up. Back then there was no such thing as the Betty Ford Clinic, me and Mary babysat Dawn at my apartment going through withdrawal from the heroin that Tony injected in her. She was fortunate that her addiction was only physical and not psychological. Once she weathered through, she recovered without any urge to shoot up again.

"Sal Genero lasted all of a week before he was gunned down by the Calpera Family for selling their cash cow, Genero's. Couple of guys from that family sought me out and tried to bluff me into selling it back to them. Turned out that Molteri wasn't a made man in the Calpera Family after all, just an associate they valued. There wouldn't be an issue of gangland retaliation. I told them to fuck off. It wasn't worth the aggravation to kill me and risk an investigation into the Calpera Family. Besides, they wouldn't have inherited it back anyway." Dad said matter of fact.

"I took over the bar and immediately stopped all the criminal activities that were done at Genero's. Terminated all the strippers and reduced the dance stage to what we've got now. That encouraged legitimate business owners to start investing back into the area and slowly the gentrification continued until you have all the shops and businesses in an area that once was literally hell on earth." Dad finished.

"What happened to Dawn?" I asked.

"After she kicked her habit, Mary helped her recover and gain her strength. Things were still strained between Mary and me even though she realized I had the best of intentions for Dawn. We only talked when addressing the issue about getting Dawn healthy and gone. I knew then I had lost Mary forever. She'd never forgive my betrayal.

"We took Dawn to the bus depot and bought her a ticket across the country. I gave Dawn the duffel bag full of money. I didn't want it, and considering what a shitty life Dawn had, she was entitled to it as far as I was concerned. Mary agreed with me. So, I watched heartbroken as that bus drove off." Dad looked wistfully at me waiting for my next question. He knew I had to ask.

"Dad," I paused, "Dad, did you ever think you made a mistake marrying Mom? Could you have been happier marrying Dawn, knowing that she was a stripper?" I wanted to hear what Dad would say and whether his response could sway me to reconcile with Lila.

"Son, I don't have to wonder about that. I married her, had my child with her, and loved her every day of my life." Dad pointblank stunned me.

"Wait....what do you....what do you mean you married her!" I yelled!

"Your mom is Dawn," Dad calmly revealed. "Dawn was her stripper name, Mary Ellen Donovan was the woman I married and took my name.

"But how..." I sputtered, trying to articulate my question.

Anticipating this, Dad said, "Once that bus drove off, I knew I had made a mistake, I ran after it even though it was a city block away. I saw the brake lights come on and the door open up and your mom came flying off that bus crying, she dropped the duffel bag, running to me and we hugged and kissed as passersby cheered."

"What about your girlfriend, Mary, the nurse!" I demanded to know. The volume and agitation of my voice caused everyone in the bar to look at me. I noticed my Uncle Jack just smirking at me.

"Mary Katherine Ellington. Also known as Aunt Kate. Once your uncle got out of the service I asked him to come up here and settle down. The moment he saw your Aunt Kate, it was over for the both of them. Whereas, I never got to first base with her, she and your uncle made love on their first date. He told her, he liked the name Katherine or Kate better, so she changed it for him. That is why you had no inkling that your aunt was once known as Mary."

"But Mom became a nurse," I marveled as I tried to wrap my head around what transpired.

"Yes, your mom was inspired by Aunt Kate to finish school and apply to nursing school. They worked at the same hospital for a couple of years and became best friends despite how they met. Your Aunt Kate decided to quit nursing and we voted to make her the fulltime manager at the bar.

"You see, Mike, I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. I have a lot of regrets. I have a lot to answer for when my time comes to face God. But, having and loving your Mom, having you as my son, getting to live with the two of you has been my joy in life. It gets me out of bed every day to go out in a world where people get hurt every day. I couldn't make it without y'all.

"And that's what you finally have to decide in the long run, Mike. You have to decide whether you are better off with her or without her in your life. We knew instantly when we met Lila what type of person she is. That's why we've bonded with her so fast. If you look at her, she's your Mom just wrapped in a younger, different package.

"I see them coming to the door so I'm going to drop one thing I wasn't supposes to tell you until you two flew back from Paris. Your Mom and Lila have been house hunting for the past week in the midst of preparing for the wedding. Consider it part of the nesting ritual.

"Lila found a house she fell in love with to raise her family. Me and your mom have bought the house and you two will get the deed to the place as a late wedding gift. You'll also get an early wedding gift of your tickets on the flight have been upgraded to first class. All courtesy of the money we took from the mob all those years ago. The same money that helped raise you, paid for our family vacations, and for your tuition. So, enjoy it."

I didn't know what to say to my Dad, so I remained speechless as the front door opened. There, backlit by the sun in the threshold stood my mom and my bride, side by side. I was struck by the similarities of these two strong women I was blessed to know. Courage holders of a sort that I would never have; strong, nurturing, souls that would love and defend their families with their lives. How could I have ever doubted?

I slid off the bar stool and walked to my bride. My mom walked by me and gave my shoulder a reassuring pat as we passed each other. Lila, still teary eyed, still unsure of my decision, braced herself with the indomitable core that made her who she was. The core that would allow her to bravely face whatever the world threw in her way. Her eyes steeled with fortitude mixed with the hopeful anticipation that I would accept her in my life.

I stood in front of her, "I've been such an idiot, Lila. Please forgive me." I begged her quietly. Tears started rolling down her face as she smiled and quickly nodded yes. Her hands reached around, took my biceps and slid down until she grasped my hands. She guided my palms to the firm swells of her butt and planted them, then she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and fiercely hugged me as we kissed and swayed gently, oblivious to everything.

"Of course, I forgive you, Mike," she cried when we finally broke our kiss. "I'm so sorry that I caused such a grave misunderstanding, but I honestly thought you understood what I tried to tell you back then." She declared with every iota of sincerity.

"I know, Baby, it was my fault. You aren't to blame; this is all on me." I said to her. "At least, we'll get to have some incredible make up sex in Paris," I joked.

"You mean about our incredible make up rutting in Paris, don't you?" she joshed back.

"Make up honeymoon rutting in Paris is the best," I agreed. We kissed over and over. Over the bar's stereo system, I heard the opening restrain to 'B4' on the jukebox. I finally understood the significance of its permanence and its phonetic implication.

Before; a testament to the healing power of love. Before; an acclimation to the world that a couple united could withstand any hardship. Before; a declaration that love can overcome any transgression. Before; a simple word that the past is the past.

In my peripheral view, I saw my parents sidle close to us as they began slow dancing to their song. The high, bluesy notes from the guitar solo drifted into the ether. I told Lila we needed to dance and she placed her head on my shoulder as we shuffled lovingly together.

I looked over and saw my mom looking at me. From her expression, I knew Dad had told her that I knew their history. I smiled at her and was rewarded with the same loving smile that my mom had always given me. I could tell she relaxed knowing the weight of her history was finally off her shoulders.

The gravel raspy voice of Bob Segar began:

I remember standing on the corner at midnight

Trying to get my courage up

I felt Lila gripping me, as the import of the lyrics sunk in.

There was this long lovely dancer in a club downtown

I loved to watch her do her stuff

We swayed to the beat as she nuzzled my neck and gave it a light kiss.

Through the long lonely nights, she filled my sleep

Her body softly swaying to that smoky beat

Down on Main Street

I looked over to my parents and saw my Dad caressing my Mom, seeking her daily reassurance that she loved him.

In the poolhalls, the hustlers and the losers

I used to watch them through the glass

Well I'd stand outside at closing time

Just to watch her walk on past

Unlike all the other ladies, she looked so young and sweet

As she made her way alone, down that empty street

Down on Main Street

We and my parents continued to dance through the song played through the solo and final restrain:

And sometimes even now, when I'm lonely and beat

I drift back into time and find my feet

Down on Main Street

I felt Lila stir as the song finished. She looked up at me, "Mike, about the baby..."

I hushed her with a kiss.

"When we get back from Paris, we'll need to go to the Animal Shelter and find our French Mastiff puppy. Our child will need the best guardian available growing up," I said as I looked in her happy adoring eyes.


"Yes, Mike?"

"If we have a daughter and she ever express any interest in dancing?"

"Ballet, Mike. Just ballet!" Lila firmly and emphatically answered that question for all time.

I could live with that.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

A worthwhile read! Coming from a marriage in which both our families were filled with police, some very high ranking, I appreciated he story very much.

2 months ago a post from anon. commented on the editor. The comment is accurate. The well known writer/editor's touch was noticeable, and sadly did not advantage the story. I have found horrific errors missed by said editor.


AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

So he's just an asshole. I would have understood if she did it all the way until they got married but she quit literally after the first date....you need to give him a better reason to have reacted that way

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

As soon as oshaw indicated that "Randi" touched this story, I knew her agenda would stain the undertones of the original arc. Oshaw, before you associated with that "crowd" your stories were uniquely flavored. They may not have been always and completely liked, but at least they stood on their own. This story is lost some of that as soon as I began seeing parts of her "work" on here. Tsk tsk.

There were many errors in it as well, so I'm not exactly sure what she meant to edit.

1_Inquiring_mind1_Inquiring_mind2 months ago

A fantastic story. Life can be messy and complicated. We all have to grow up and see things through different lenses. As demonstrated in this story communication is vital. Misunderstandings are going to happen. Maturity comes by seeking council from those you trust and then making an informed decision. Mike got his world rocked, and i would dare say that it would take most people a little while to wrap their head around something like that. Kudos to the author for having her quit after their date. That showed her desire for better things. I would like to think that Mike would have got there even without dads intervention as it took place B4 :) they proceeded into their relationship. Love is not always easy but is always necessary. .

tsgtcapttsgtcapt2 months ago

Crazy story; but, wow , the fun and sexy ending. Well written. Thank you.

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