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"So anyway, I tied her up, turned her over on our bed, and spanked her a little bit ; she was squirming and moaning, but----I've got to admit, I felt kind of foolish, even bored. So anyway, she said. 'Ok, now it's my turn. You're my slave!" Well. OK. fair is fair, I thought. she was playing a prison warden, or something, a real bitch-- a side of her I've never seen, OK?, anyway, she made me strip and bend over and fooled with my--bottom; it's pretty big as you've probably noticed." She blushed hesitated then continued:


"OK. She stripped me completely--and strapped my wrists behind me, then my upper arms, and my chest and then---- well I might as well tell you---- she roped up my breasts----which are kind of large----so tight that they started to swell up. And then she put clamps on my nipples which we really swollen like strawberries by now."

All the men in the class eyed Vicki's full figure, unfortunately hidden in her drooping sweatshirt, with new interest. She continued:"Then she pushed me onto our bed, face down and tied my ankles to the bedposts; I was spread wide open, my fat butt a target, and she whipped me." Vicki paused. Every person in the class was riveted, waiting for her to continue.

"She whipped me a lot. With a wide leather belt, with her hands, with a folded wire coat hanger. This is the weird part. I was in pain, in agony! My butt, my whole bottom was warm, smarting. My roommate was going crazy! I pleaded for her to stop! And already I was feeling strange. and then she began to massage me with some sort of oil, and finally untied my legs and turned me over. and made love to me; later she left me with a collar and chain around my neck; my hands were still cuffed and my breasts and nipples were throbbing and sore, she had left the clamps on. but----and-- and this is the part about the bondage report----I loved it! Being the bottom, the one who gets all the spankings, that's where I belonged. A surprise.


Amy asked: "Vicki,. wow! You are sharing so much. But I have to

ask: are you going to stay with this sadistic bitch?"

Vicki smiled, shyly. "Actually, we've resolved this. We're going to explore this B and D and S and M together, I'm not angry with her. I think I found out something about being a victim. So maybe I can lose some weight and be more sexy; who knows? But I have to tell you that being submissive really turns me on! But don't any of you try to take advantage of me!" She flashed a glance at Zach.

Justine was moved by Vicki's frank report, and connected it with her own discovery over the weekend. Bondage was just a symbol of victimhood! Vicki's, and perhaps her own! But she couldn't deal with this just yet. She said: "Vicki, your statement is so personal, so powerful,

so----gutsy! I'm indebted to you. You too, Martin. This project has clearly pushed lots of buttons. I only hope that my own report will be as fearless. Who's next?"

Jamal got to his feet. He was bright but prickly, contentious. Justine had sensed that he would view each sexuality issue in black---make that African American----and white terms. She was not surprised by his presentation.

Jamal faced his classmates. "Boys and girls! All this bondage and discipline is just white folks foolin' around, real bondage was--and is--my people!"

"What I researched over the weekend, was chains, and manacles, and other punishment stuff used against the slave brothers! I can tell you about all the shit that went down!"

Zach interrupted: "Jamal, pardon me, man, but this is the same old tirade we've heard before; the assignment this week was a personal exploration of bondage, so I don't need to see pictures of old handcuffs. Who did you tie up over the weekend?"

Jamal glared at Zach; for a moment the possibility of violence was in the air. Then he relaxed a bit. "You got me, man, I didn't do the

homework. But a brother don't need to fool around in school to know what bondage is."

Zach, subdued:" I hear that, man; sorry; I was out of line," He paused. "Miss Jousse, can I do my presentation next?"

Relieved, Justine nodded assent. Zach, with his usual over the top style, lugged his good sized TV monitor onto Justine's desk and connected the DVD player, He shot her a triumphant glance.

"OK, guys. I've seen some of these bondage films, so I thought I'd make one , too. My buddy, Duane, is the cameraman, and I am the evil star. I got the actress from----never mind where, a friend of a friend, as

they say, but a hell of an actress. What was I trying to do? Substitute bondage for the usual brutal rape and sex stuff; though I'm not opposed to that. OK, here we go."

The DVD starts; Justine lowers the classroom light; she's strangely anxious to see what her most brash and unpredictable student has produced.

No titles. The video begins with Zach, playing Zach, but very grungy: dirty jeans, boots, a Kurt Cobain t shirt. He's walking down a nondescript street, shabby, urban. A pretty blonde catches up to him; he turns, surprised. Let it be said right now that this blonde is gorgeous, full figured, but long legged, exuberant breasts, glorious tan, sunbleached short blond locks, wearing a chic DKNY outfit----Martin looked at Jamal. If Zach, good old Zach, was somehow going to get this hot babe into ropes and chains, Wow!. Jamal nodded back.

Blonde(Ashley): Zach! Oh, Zach! I'd like to talk to you, if that's ok?

Zach (Henceforth they're A and Z): Ashley! Hell yes, it's OK! I didn't think you even knew my name!

A: Sure, I know----about you. Listen, I'd like to ask you to do me a big favor.

Z: You;re shitting me. What favor could I do for a rich bitch--I'm sorry--a rich coed----like you?

A: (pouts) Don't be mean. We cant talk about it here, lets get some coffee."

New scene : Starbucks. They are at a back table. Ashley has been talking for a while.

A: ------and so. like I said, I want you to kidnap me, not really, of course, but just so my stepfather will pay me a big ransom!

Z: What is this? A joke?

A: No, its for real. See, he's a selfish, lecheous rich bastard. Ever since my mother left him I've hated every minute. He's so strict, and he keeps coming on to me.

Z: I can see why. No, no----go on.!

A: I've got a chance to get out; to go away with someone----I can't tell you who.

Z: If I kidnap you, maybe its me.

A: (impatient) No, not you. Im sorry. But--you're just right for the kidnapper!.

Z: Right for a kidnapper? How's that?

A: OH, you know what I mean, you live in this trailer, alone.

Z: I live with my uncle. He's---- he's just gone right now.

A: I know! In prison! This will be so rad! What we'll do, you grab me in front of my house, so my stepfather sees it; he always lurks in the hall when I come home from school. and then you drive away....

Z; In my unmarked car. Right.

A: No, silly , we'll use my car. You jump out of the bushes, or something, grab me----I'm screaming---- throw me in the car, and speed away!

Z:You are one crazy lady! And then what?

A: We hide out in your trailer, you take a picture of me, probably tied up, looking scared. We write a ransom note : 'Ashley is in big danger', all that ransom note stuff. And you ask for fifty thousand dollars. And heres the best part: you send him the picture of me, in big trouble! Rape, probably, maybe worse, if he doesn't act fast!

Z: Ashley, you're nuts! Use your car? My place? Drop off the picture??

With cops swarrning there? No way!

She seemed not to hear him and continued to outline her scenario:

A: But I have a laptop and a digital camera thingie! We can send him a picture of me, all tied up, in seconds! And that other stuff! No problem! We'll use my car like I said! Im just getting out and you grab me from behind, I scream, we're out of there!. We send the picture to his email; he has to put an ad on his website agreeing to our terms, and then we email the site for the ransom pick up! I've figured this all out! Really! OH, Zach, I know we can do it (she reaches for his hand) Zach! Oh, I could kiss you!

Z: I said, before---- how much for me?

A: Oh, half, I guess.

Z; then make it a hundred grand; half of that, and I'm in.

A; (she does kiss him, across the table) One more thing: I think the photos should be a little rough, me in tight bondage, clothes torn, stuff like that, so he'll really wan't to get me back! Can you do that?

Z: OH, yes! Fade.

The new scene is in Zach's trailer. Ashley is lying on a couch, naked, her hands and elbows bound; she still wears her cute little gym socks, Her smile is uncertain.

A: Zach! Did you have to... I shouldn't have let you...Oh! I' so embarassed!


Z: You're bare assed, honey, that's for sure. Let me get one more shot (Clicks digital camera) That should do it. I left your car in a mall parking lot about a mile away, No fingerprints, I think we're fine, Hey, this is kind of a blast! And you look real hot, tied up like that.. Real hot. I bet old Cedric will have the cash in no time. You were you going to say?

A:: Did you have to strip me like that, and show my--you know--pussy and everything? I know he'll be getting back to us real soon,as soon as he sees that awful picture. I know it!

Z: Why?

A: Becuse he's my step father. Actually, because he wants to fuck me.

Z: Many men do, I'm guessing, including your partner in crime, here. Lie there all tied up a litle longer, babe. I'm going out to get some pizza and beer. (He leaves; she struggles, deliciously, to no avail)

New scene. It is night; Ashley, untied, and Zach; empty beer bottles and a pizza carton on the table, both staring at the laptop. She's slipped her little dress, somewhat the worse for wear, back on.

Z: Shit! Nothing's going to happen tonight. Maybe your daddy ain't so concerned about your awful plight after all? I'm going to bed.


A: I really thought he'd email me by now. Hey? Where will I sleep? And I haven't got a nightie!


Z: I'll lend you one of my uncle's shirts. Sleep with me or in my uncle's bed, I dont care; I'm tired.

Brief scene change. Zach is sitting on his bed in his shorts, pulling off his socks. Ashey emerges from the bathroom, wearing an old fashioned grimy man's undershirt; it barely covers her hips or her furry blonde pubic area, and shows her breasts to advantage; they swell on each side of the narrow undershirt straps and her nipples poke against the thin cloth.

A: That's a really crummy shower! Hardly any hot water!

Z: I call it home, lady. (looks up) You got a real rack on you, great tits, you know? Yeah, I bet you know.

A: Maybe we had best stick to business, They're breasts, not tits!

Z: Yeah, business. I want to be sure you don't use you cute little computer in the middle of the night, pick up the money and split. So, as a precaution, (smiles) I'm going to tie you up again.

A; OK, if you dont trust me! If you have to! I kinda dig bondage, if you have to know.

Z: You kind of dig bondage----that's tieing up, isn't it----do you? Let's see what I can do for you.

Zach picks up a length of clothesline and ties her wrists behnd her back. He walks her to uncle's bed, lies her on her belly, and ties her ankles, then her thighs, and finishes tugging the rope over her wrist bonds and back to her ankles; she is hogtied, the skimpy undershirt rucked up around her waist, rounded ass and crotch exposed.

A: Oh! Youre pretty god at this, you bastard! Maybe we should send this picture to Cedrick! Umm! that's so tight!

Z; Pictures can wait, long as you stay put. Good night now, I'm sure you'll sleep tight. He turns out the lights..

New scene: morning, Zach is just getting up, yawning, he's wearing the same grimy boxer shorts. He stretches then walks across the trailer

to Ashley; She has not been able to loosen her bonds during the night; she's still doubled up,wrists and ankles nearly meeting, and justifiably furious.

A: Turn me loose, you bastard! Tieing me up wasn't necessary! Not all night!

Z: (cheerful) maybe not, but you look just right for another picture now; hair all frizzled, kind of mad, and sexy as hell. Time for dear old dad to get another picture.

A: Oh, OK,, I guess. I'll roll over. How's that?


Z: Sensational!

Next scene: Ashley, untied, back in her dress. They' re sitting around the little table again; this time MacDonalds bags and wrappers accent the new plle of empty beer bottles. Ashley belches.

A: Its late afternoon! why hasn't he called? I'm so tired of this greasy fast food!

Z:: I think we got a losing proposition here, baby. That mean ole stepdaddy of yours clearly doesn't mind seeing you suffer. Let's send him

one more photo, and then pack it in.

A: I'm sure its just a computer glitch. Oh, OK, one more shot.


Z;l Get your clothes off, this one is going to smart!

He strips her naked, then ties her wrists and arms over her head, roped behind the back of her neck Then he runs ties of black rope above and below her jutting breasts, knotting them, He ties on a tight waist cinch, then pulls the dangling end between her legs, tight, very tight, until the rope disappers deep between her thighs, in her vulva. He pulls the rope up behind he back and ties it to the wrist bonds behind her neck. She is arched backwards , by the severe bondage. he adds a grimy cloth gag. Zach takes the picture; he's figured out how to send it, and waits.


He's gagged her so she can only moan as she struggles with the tight rope rubbing in her tender pussy; She staggers around the room; Zach watches, grinning. He makes no move to turn her loose.

Z: Ashley. its been a blast up until now. I love seeing an uppity rich bitch in bondage, under my control, my will. But if daddy doesn't call pretty soon, I'm going to have to fuck you first, then put you on the street somewhere they won't find you for a while, because, if they get me as a part of this crazy scheme, it's my ass. Twenty years in the joint, maybe. I'll check the computer one more time.

A: (She squirms, tries to tell him something behind her gag nods her head toward the screen; there was a message; maybe Cedric was finally going to pay the ransom and rescue her!)

Z: (looking at the screen, then straightening up with a big grin) "Let me read this: 'Greetings, whoever you are. Keep on sending the wonderful pictures, I can't get enough. As to ransom, tell the spoiled slut that I won't pay a dime for her release. If you, on the other hand, want to keep her in increasingly stringent bondage and other predicaments----I don't know, whipping and spanking, of course, forced sex, piercing, branding----the possibilities are endless!--I'll give you two thousand dollars for each day's picture. How about it?"

Z: (looks slowly at the bound girl, her eyes wide with terror and disbelief.)

A: NO! NO! she shakes her head.

Z: ( walking to her, caressing her bound breasts, tweaking the tight cunt rope, his smile now broad, a little sinister). Ashley, I just got an offer I can't refuse!


When the DVD ended, there was a mixed reaction. "Way to go, Zach"---- that was Jamal. " Very good" said Eliot. Martin applauded. "Three stars; really raunchy!" But the girls were silent, until Vicki said:

"That is so----so sexist! Just awful! Women as victims! And she was such a bitch! But she didn't deserve that!""

"Isn't that what most bondage is all about, sex, victims?" Zach

replied, not a bit abashed.

Martin added: "That was so rotten, so totally not politically correct, so much about taking down a proud woman, that every woman's group in the country will condemn it. Take it commercial, man, if you can; you'll make a fortune with the men!"

Zach favored him with an ironic nod, He had the same daydream of success; think about Deep Throat!

"Hey, you guys!" Justine raised her voice a bit. "That's what we're going to discuss tomorrow; if this genre is mainly about sex, or just another face of male disrespect for women. Let's not go there now. But, Zach, I must say, you stuck--just barely--to the assignment, but you sure got in a lot of macho attitude, didn't you? and some first class pornography. OK. let's move on. Amy, I think you're next."

Amy was somewhat subdued today; instead of her tight low cut jeans and cut off t shirt, she wore a fairly modest cotton dress; the miniskirt showed off her lovely legs to advantage, but there was something muted, almost decorous sbout her as she rose to speak; Justine noticed the change at once.

" I had a-- very strange bondage experience." she began, her voice softer than usual. "First, I must tell you, I live between two worlds. My parents are very Japanese, very old fashioned. I know they love me; so I don't mind. But I stop at my girl friend's house to change into the clothes you see me wear--trashy modern, Britney Spears stuff. No belly button ring yet----probably never. My parents don't know anything about this. Anyway, I shared the class assignment with them on Friday night;. I don't share everything with them, but this felt important. They were attentive, mainly approving. There is a long Japanese history of bondage, very complicated, partly female submission ritual, partly an art form, like bonsai trees or rock gardens. I didn't know this until my parents told me."

"They said: 'If you study this thing, you would be wise to follow your own tradition, not some American popular fad.' That sounded right to me,

and then they told me that my uncle----he lives in Hayward, he's a chef, an

older guy, 50, 60, something like that, my father's older brother. Anyway,

it turns out that he's a bondage master, keeping the faith, if you will, like a Native American shaman, or healer."

"So my father is on the phone , telling Hikoro-that's my uncle's name--that his college girl niece has a chance to open western eyes to this ancient tradition, I'm, like, 'Dad--its not a big deal!' but he persists, turns to me and says. 'Your uncle will instruct you tomorrow. This is a great honor.' So I say: 'sure', because I am kind of thinking I'm going to get a story that the rest of you won't. OK?"

With her soft voice she had their attention; especially Justine's. 'Traditional Japanese rope master,' she thought, 'not a disquieting figure like Hugo.' Amy continued:

"I see Hikoro maybe two times a year, at family events, so I don't really know him; he's quiet, not very tall, hard to describe. So, when I take BART down to Hayward, I don't know what to expect, OK? His apartment is very modest. but once inside the door, I'm back a hundred years, in another country--Japan. Translucent bamboo and paper room

dividers, just a few wall hangings, one lone bonsai tree, tatami mats on all the floors. And there he is, my uncle, the chef in a franchised Sizzler's, dressed in a kimono and zoris. I should mention I'm wearing straight Japanese schoolgirl stuff; blouse, skirt, sneakers. OK?"

"So I stand there, and finally say: 'Hi, Uncle Hikoro'. and I bow. He says: '"Ah, Amy , it's good to see you. Your father tells me that your studies have led you to my ancient tradition. It is good!" Well, I'm not going to contradict him."

"He says:' the ancient practice of bukaku--the West calls it bondage with ropes--is a worthy subject to study----and most important----to experience. Are you ready for that?' I just nodded, I guess, pretty much clueless. He led me into a second room, bare except for a low table covered with coils and coils of different colored

rope----definitely weird. There was an overhead pulley, some kind of suspension device. and all kids of other stuff, leather straps, like that."

"'So, we begin' he said. 'Take off your clothes, please."

"So I did; my blouse, my skirt, and then my bra. And finally my panties; it was kinda like I was hypnotized, you know? I never thought to disobey him. This is part of my family, my aged and respected uncle. He smiled. 'You are very lovely; A fine student for bukaku!"