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Our next stop was at a store that was part of a chin of western wear stores. They were a little higher priced but they had a better selection of clothes than the other two. I was looking for a new sport coat and a couple of dress shirts in western styles. I looked through the racks and picked out a coat and Kahlea promptly turned her nose up at it. "It looks like something my grandfather would wear." With that she pulled one off the rack and added. "This one would look good on you and not make you look old." I was a little hesitant as it was not my usual style but tried it on anyway. As I looked in the mirror I noticed her talking to the young girl who was helping us. Since they were both smiling and nodding their heads I figured that maybe it was a good choice after all. So I turned to them and asked "Well, what do you think?"

"Perfect" Kahlea gushed.

The sales girl looked at it and offered "It looks better on you than the other one would."

Ok two to one I bowed to female sensibilities. Next they picked out three shirts for me. I did not even bother to look at them as I felt that my taste would be overridden anyway. The only stipulation I put down was that they not be gaudy, "I don't want to look like a rodeo clown: I growled. My selections were made and piled on the counter then I turned to Kahlea. "Now, if I'm going to dress like this we can't have you dressed like an eastern city slicker."

"No, you already bought me the boots." She insisted.

"Yes and the boots need a pair of jeans and dress slacks as well as a couple of tops otherwise they won't look right." I countered. Then to the salesgirl "Take her back and get her what she needs."

The girl took Kahlea by the hand and led her back to the women's section and as they went away I heard her tell Kahlea "If your dad wants to buy you clothes, let him."

Then Kahlea's response "He's not my dad. He's my ... companion."

The salesgirl stopped in the middle of the aisle. "Well lucky you. He must like you a lot. By the way he's treating you I can tell you have a good one."

I could see Kahlea's blush from where I was and I was pretending not to hear, just looking around. They continued to the women's wear and I gave them a minute and followed. They first picked out a pair of slacks that she tried on. They looked so right on her I told them to get a second pair. Then to the jeans. Kahlea let the other girl pick out a pair and she went into try them on. When she came out I could tell by her face that she liked them. Part of me did also but another part, the more conservative part didn't. "How did you get into those things. Did you spray them on?" I asked. They were the tightest fit in jeans I had ever seen. They showed every nook and cranny of her body. I saw the salesgirl lean over and whisper to her, then Kahlea look at me and giggle. "But I really like them." She said.

Ok so she got her way, and I got a hug and a kiss. The kiss was different than the other pecks she had given me before. This one landed right on my lips and was soft and inviting. Not the quick peck you give a friend. Alarm bells were going off in the back of my head and I realized I had been hearing them for a while but it felt so damn good to have a woman touch me and give me a kiss. I couldn't fight it. I shut the alarms down with a stern "She's just a friendly little girl. Don't be a pervert with a dirty mind."

Kahlea wanted to wear her new jeans and cowboy hat to dinner, I went out to the car and brought in her boots also. She left her tight, show all top on and when she was done, damn did she look HOT. I carried our purchases to the car and she followed me. Next I drove us to the hotel/casino where I planned dinner. The valet took the car and As Kahlea swung her legs out and stood the whole place stopped and checked her out. She waited until I came around the car and then tucked her arm into mine as we entered the place. We had a nice dinner and spent a while playing the low stakes tables. Kahlea was having a blast betting quarters on roulette winning some and losing some. I watched her play and could not help but notice her nipples were poking at her top straining the material to break free. Just watching her bounce around whenever she would win gave me a ferocious hardon.

She tired after a while and we decided to head back to our hotel. We left the car and headed in when we heard music from the small dance floor they had at one end of the casino. I could tell she was interested so asked if she'd like to go over and dance a bit. Her eyes lit up and a huge smile crossed her face. We drank and danced for almost two hours before I got to tired and too drunk to continue. I wasn't plastered just feeling happy and lazy. Kahlea had apparently learned her lesson the previous evening and kept to a couple of drinks and some bottled water.

As we headed for the elevator she tucked her arm in mine and pulled close resting her head on my arm. "I had a lot of fun today, thank you, and thank you for all the clothes and the boots. I love them."

"Your welcome and they look damn good on you. You are about the hottest woman I've seen all night." I told her as we boarded the elevator. She pulled closer to me and when the elevator door closed she leaned up and kissed me on the lips again. This time it was a very soft and lingering kiss. Her mouth was open, waiting for a response. Oh how I wanted to slip my tongue into that mouth and wrap my arms around her. But the alarm bells started going off again and I gently broke the kiss and gave her a peck on the forehead as I pulled away. It was not a rejection of her advance it was more of an "I'm not sure". Which in reality I wasn't. She accepted it and rested her head on my chest and hugged me until the elevator reached our floor.

We reached the rooms and she stood by my door waiting for me to open it and the alarms kept going off. I slipped the card in and unlocked the door. I pushed it open and she walked in and I right behind her. As we stepped into the room she turned and kissed me again. Softly, slowly, with her mouth open. I let her and returned the kiss gently. As she broke away I looked at her and said "I've had a lot to drink tonight I am going to sleep like a log."

She smiled up at me and leaned in to give me a quick peck again and just said goodnight as she took her protruding nipples and her painted on jeans over to her own room. I noticed that again, she did not even close the door between our rooms but left it standing wide open. I sighed, fantasizing about what could have been as I stripped down and crawled into bed. I had had a lot to drink and dropped off immediately into dreamland.

I woke the next morning, my head fuzzy from the alcohol the night before but generally feeling rested and content. It was Sunday and I still had almost a week before I had to go back to reality. Suddenly I heard a noise and detected movement beside me. I glanced over and saw Kahlea's face lying on the pillow next to me. Thoughts raced through my head.

"Oh shit what did I do? Did I drink that much last night?" I distinctly remembered the kisses. Twice she had kissed me and I had not rebuffed her. "Had I let her into my bed? Had I forced her?" I did not remember anything except going to bed. "I have had a couple of lost weekends in my time and more than a few forgotten nights. Was this one of them how much did I drink?"

I laid there frozen in fear and self loathing, thinking that somehow I had gotten this little girl, a girl more than 30 years younger than I, a girl the same age as my youngest daughter into bed and had sex with her.

I am not sure how long I lay there a few minutes or an hour, I don't know. Eventually she woke up. She rolled away from me a bit and stretched, I noticed that she was wearing one of those long T shits that women sometimes wear as nightgowns. Then as she finished her stretch she brought her arm down across my chest and gave me a little hug as she had the previous day.

"Good Morning." She said "I hope you don't mind but I got a little scared in that big room by myself so I came in here and laid on top of your covers. I guess I fell asleep and ended up underneath." As she finished she snuggled closer.

I was still petrified but my mind eased a bit at her explanation. "Well I am glad to see that one of us has clothes on." I said.

She looked at me puzzled and then ran her hand down under the covers from where it rested on my chest. She did not stop until she got a handful of my cock. She pulled her hand back startled "Oh my God I'm sorry, I didn't know that that was going to happen I mean I did not mean to touch you like that. I was just so comfortable and sleepy I did not realize what you meant." Even though she was apologetic and from her deep blush very embarrassed. She made no move to pull away, other than to release my cock.

She was so damn cute when she was embarrassed I could not be upset, "That's OK. It was an accident. But I have to admit that it has been a long time since I have been naked in bed with a beautiful woman. Much less since one grabbed me there."

Her blush deepened but she still made no move to slide away or get up, instead she simply laid her arm back across my chest and giggled. I was a bit confused, "You seem awfully calm for a girl who suddenly found herself in bed with a naked man."

"Why not? Like I told you yesterday you're comfortable to sleep against, and I know you won't do anything to me that I don't want you to, so I can relax and be comfortable. Besides, it feels naughty to lay in bed with a naked man." She giggled.

"Ok Miss Naughty how about some coffee."

"That sounds good. Then what are we going to do?"

"Well I said as I reached for the phone for room service. "I have not been doing my workout lately so I was going to go to the gym for a bit then maybe a swim and come back here for a shower. Beyond that I didn't have any plans."

"A swim? It is nicer here than at home but still a little chilly for a swim."

"Not in the indoor pool."

"Indoor pool? I didn't know they had an indoor pool. Can I go with you."

"Of course you can."

I flicked on the TV and tuned in the news while we waited for the coffee. We laid peacefully together while we waited. I had a raging hardon but was able to conceal it by keeping my leg up a bit. Kahlea just lay with her arm across me and her head in the crook of my shoulder. Occasionally she would move her hand a bit and stroke my chest. The alarms in my head were ringing like crazy but like the previous day, it just felt so damn nice to be close to someone who cared even a little, I silenced them. "Fuck it I don't care." Was what I thought. "I'm not pursuing her or trying to seduce her and not doing anything except lying in bed watching TV.

Shortly there was a knock on the door, our coffee had arrived. "You better get that as you're the one with clothes on." I told her. She giggled and slid out of bed to answer the door. The young man who delivered it gave her the once over and then glanced at the old geezer in the bed and a look of envy and disgust crossed his face. As he set the tray on the table I said "Kahlea get my cash from my pants and give the boy a tip." Now it was my turn for surprises. She was facing the waiter with her back to me and I had noted that what I thought was a nightgown was actually just an oversized T shirt and did not come that far down over her legs. As she bent at the waist to pick up my pants I realized that she had nothing on underneath the T shirt. I got a perfect view of her ass and pussy. And a perfect ass and pussy it was too. She stayed bent over for a good 30 seconds rooting thru my pockets looking for my cash until she found it and stood up again. Now 30 seconds does not sound like a long time but in a situation like that it seemed like 30 minutes.

She gave the boy his tip and let him out then teased me some more by leaning over the table to pour the coffee. Now if all that wasn't bad enough, she brought two cups of coffee to the bed and crawled up on it and sat cross legged facing me on the bed as she talked and drank her coffee. I thought I was going to bust a nut, or shoot my load into the sheets. As she sat there the T shirt obviously rode up and there was nothing between me and her very nicely shaved pussy.

I held my eyes in my head and acted the gentlemen, pretending I didn't see anything at all while she chatted away. I finished my coffee and as nonchalantly as possible mentioned that I needed to get up and get my workout shorts on and a T shirt. She did not take the hint at first. So then I asked her if she was going to get her suit on for the pool.

"Oh I almost forgot." She exclaimed as she jumped up and ran to her room. I took the opportunity to quickly get up and make myself decent. It was a good thing I moved fast because it took her no time at all before she was back wearing one of the skimpiest thong bikinis I have ever seen. The top covered nothing more than her nipples and the bottom just barely covered her pussy. I had put my suit on and pulled my gym shorts on over it, so at least my hardon was constrained by my swim trunks and the bulge hidden inside the loose fitting gym shorts. I had to suggest she wear a T shirt between our rooms and the pool, to cover her bare ass, noting that we had to walk through at least part of the casino floor to get to the pool. She giggled a little embarrassed. Besides I told her we could get breakfast after our swim but they would not seat us dressed as she was.

She pulled a t shirt on and a pair of loose fitting shorts and we made it o the gym. I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill and some weight training then into the pool. Kahlea had hung out in the gym for a bit but grew bored quickly. At 18 you don't have to work to stay in shape at 50 you do. We swam around for a bit and played games, tossing a ball and of course she tried to dunk me a couple of times. It was a lot of innocent fun even though I did get to lay my hands on parts of her body that I normally would not have. Soon we were both tired out and hungry, so we crawled out and dried off and made ourselves presentable for the buffet breakfast, very casual. We were actually overdressed compared to some people. Since we had worked up an appetite we both stuffed ourselves before heading back to the rooms.

Once again I noticed that Kahlea waited for me to open my door and went in that way, rather than use her own key and door. I was tired out from the exercise and from a full stomach but wanted to take a shower. When I mentioned my immediate plans, Kahlea told me she was going to watch TV while I showered. I assumed she meant in her room but never questioned it. I stepped into the bathroom and stripped down for the shower. The hot water felt good on my muscles and after the shower and shave I felt more human again but still lazy from the food. Without thinking I stepped out of the bathroom carrying my dirty laundry and crossed half the room before I realized Kahlea was lying on my bed watching TV and staring at me open mouthed as I crossed the room naked. I immediately covered myself with my laundry and grabbed a pair of shorts before ducking back into the bathroom to quickly dress. Somewhere during my embarrassment I mumbled an apology. Then as I ducked into the bathroom heard a giggle as a reply. Once I had pants on I came back out and apologized again.

"That's Ok I guess I should have warned you I was out here. I can't say I'm sorry though it was an interesting show. Very educational." She said

"Now I was even more embarrassed by her teasing me. "Oh is that so. I suppose you expect me to believe that you've never seen a naked man before."

"Well I have seen my boyfriend or actually my ex-boyfriend. But I have to tell you he was not as well equipped as you are."

Now I was embarrassed again but not about to let this little girl get the better of me. "Oh and how much of him have you seen?"

"Not that much. He always wanted to have sex but I wanted to wait. I mean I did things to him with my hand and once or twice with my mouth and I let him touch me, but that's it. I guess that's why he started fucking that Susan girl, that I caught him with."

I could see the hurt on her face and I was sorry I started trying to get back. I moved over to the bed and sat down and hugged her lightly. "Any boy who would chase after someone else when he had you is just stupid, and doesn't deserve you." I told her.

"I know I keep telling myself that. I had planned on letting him take my virginity on this trip. I knew he wanted to and I knew if I waited too long I would lose him. Then a week before we leave I caught him with his pants down and his cock in her pussy pumping away in the backseat of his car."

"In a way I am actually relieved. It didn't even hurt except for the betrayal. We had been dating so long that everyone expected us to get married and I guess I just accepted it too. Now I know I really did not love him. I was just doing what everybody wanted me to do. But I made up my mind I am going to do what I want from now on."

"So enough depressing stuff about me, how about if we just lay here and watch one of those movies for a while then later we can figure out what to do. I haven't seen this one and I really would like to."

"Ok I agreed. But don't get mad if I fall asleep."

"I won't but I have to warn you that if you fall asleep, after what I saw earlier, I may just have my way with you." She said with a leer.

So we got comfortable on the bed and dialed in one of the first run movies the hotel offered and settled in. I did fall asleep and it did not take long. I am not sure how long I was asleep but I woke slowly and realized that my shorts had been pulled down and my cock was standing straight up in the air. I laid there frozen, not knowing what to do. She was just looking.

I did not want to embarrass her by letting her know I caught her. After a few minutes, the angel on my right shoulder won and I decided that I couldn't let her take this farther and I knew if I did not stop her it would go farther because I was definitely getting horny for her little body still clad only in the thong bikini. So I groaned a bit and moved a little. She stopped and stayed still. Then I did it again and she gently pulled my shorts back up to cover me.

I pretended to sleep for another 15 minutes then "woke up". The movie was still playing and she was tucked in against my side. I beat myself up a little over what I could have had. Again I realized it felt damn good to have her next to me in my bed. That was when I took my first chance and snuggled closer to her letting my arm pull her to me. She looked up at me and smiled and I saw a glint of something in her eye, I wasn't sure what it was and it was gone too quickly to be certain.

I didn't care about the movie, I did care about the little girl snuggled into me. Little girl was not really correct. Once we reach a certain age anyone under 30 is a little girl. This was a young woman and as I laid there with my arm around her a thought occurred to me. "Could she be manipulating me into something? She had steadily increased her attention and the amount of contact as well as the amount of skin visible for the last two days. Or was this just simply a friendly young woman who was scared to be so far from home and alone and too proud to admit it." I chastised myself again for thinking evil thoughts. "You are not going to take advantage of this kid. You are going to be nice to her and help her." But it felt so natural and so comforting to lay with her like this.

Another half hour went by and the movie credits began to roll, soon the screen changed to the advertising page, trying to interest us in spending another $9.99 for another movie. She picked up the remote and flicked thru the selections. I really wasn't paying attention, just laying there in a kind of stupor. Then I was suddenly shocked out of it as I realized she was flipping through the adult movie selections. "Oh shit. If she puts one of those on there is no way I will be able to lay here with her and not do something stupid." Ran through my mind.