Kate Spends Time with Her Family


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We abandoned our dancing as the other two stripped and started fucking right in front of us on the couch.

I pulled my top off and jumped on Jon who was powerless. Before too long we were lying on the living room floor, also naked and fucking as well.

Jon was definitely not very experienced. In fact I think it may have been his first time. He came quite quickly and I had to finish myself off as I watched Tim and Megan still going strong.

When they had finished we all collapsed naked on the couch. Me on the end, then Jon, then Megan, then Tim. We lay there for a while, drinking and just laughing at what had just happened.

"Tell me, Kate, about that guy at the wedding. The one you disappeared with for about half an hour," Megan bossed me.

"Nothing honestly, just chatting, I swear."

They continued to tease me.

As we lay there, I stretched out my right leg. My foot reached Tim's cock and I casually stroked it as we all lay there chatting.

After a while Megan noticed what I was doing.

"Kate, do you realise you are stroking your brother's cock?" she asked.

"I wondered who it belonged to. I hadn't really noticed," I lied.

"Doesn't it feel a bit weird being naked in the same room as your brother?" she continued.

"I hadn't really thought about it till you brought it up," I continued to act all innocent.

"Have you two ever..... you know....?" she asked.

"Oh god Megan! You're sick!" I protested.

"Sicko!" agreed Tim.

Silence for a while, but I carried on stroking Tim's cock with my foot. I noticed it stiffening.

Then Jon broke the silence.

"My cousin sucked my cock last christmas," he said almost as if it was quite tedious.

"Did she?" Megan and I shouted almost together.

"He," replied Jon.

"Oh Jon!" Megan lost interest almost immediately.

"I've got a brother. He's fifteen now. Quite good looking. But I can't imagine being in the same room as him while I fuck someone and he fucks someone," Megan mumbled more to herself than anybody.

"Jon did yor cousin go like this?" asked Megan as she suddenly leaned over him and took his soft cock in her mouth. It soon stiffened.

"Megan!" I shouted.

We tumbled onto the floor. Tim lay on his back and Megan sat on his erect cock. Jon knelt by her and she sucked him. I then sat down on Tim's face, looking towards Megan as we took it in turns to lick and suck Jon.

Tim began to lick my pussy as I sat on him.

Megan took a break from Jon's cock to look at me.

"Are you sitting on Tim's face?"

I nodded, smiling.

"Is he ..you know... licking you....there?"

I nodded again, smiling even more.

"Oh god that is so hot!!!!!"

We returned to the important issue of Jon's cock. Megan slowly grinded on Tim's cock as he contiued to lick me out.


I looked round at the door as mum stood there. Time seemed to stand still.

Well mum, me and Megan are taking turns to suck Jon's cock while Tim here is fucking Megan and licking my pussy at the same time, I felt like saying.

Instead my sense of self preservation kicked in. I grabbed the bottle of JD next to me then pretended to pass out. Falling to the floor, next to Tim.

"Oh Christ!" I heard mum shout. "You two had better get dressed and go home. NOW!!"

"Tim....help me with you sister."

Mum and Tim lifted me up then put me on the couch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Megan and Jon sloping off to the door.

Then Tim and mum lifted me again, each one supporting a shoulder, up the stairs to my bedroom. I was still naked and I noticed Tim had not got anything on still.

I lay on my bed, panicking and heard mum scolding Tim.

"You downstairs. Tell me what this was all about!" she shouted as quietly as possible.


I was woken next morning by mum bringing me in a cup of tea and a couple of painkillers.

"Hey baby. How are you?" she said all tenderly.

"Sorry mum. I'm so sorry."

"Shhhh...it's ok. What happened?"

"I don't remember. I was so drunk. I remember getting home and that's it. Why?"

She told me what she had seen, but not in quite a detailed way as I remember it. Apparently the four of us were all naked and performing nasty rude acts on each other. No way! I laughed inside at her description. Including my brother. Oh no.

But it's ok. Mum said that this should be my lesson about the dangers of getting so drunk that you don't know what you're doing. And how lucky it was that my brother was there to stop anybody from doing anything really bad to me!

No way Tim! How the fuck did you get away with that I thought. As I remember it me and my brother should be facing the judge, jury and executioner this morning.

We had been caught in as obvious a way as possible but she had bought my fake alcoholic passing out and Tim's bullshit. Result!

Mum made a fuss over me all day, although Tim was still on thin ice with her, I sensed. I owe him something massive.

That night I found myself alone with dad on the couch.

"Mum caught us last night," I said simply.

"What?" she said nothing.

I told him exactly what happened. Every bit. Didn't leave out anything. He was both shocked, laughing and I think quite turned on.

I explained how she had fallen for mine and Tim's nonsense explanation.

"Maybe your mum is not as stupid as you think," he replied.


"When we were at college together we did something similar. Too much drink and an eight person orgy. Including your mum's favourite cousin."


"Oh yes. She was so embarrassed after. They were never the same again."


Soon after dad went upstairs to bed. I didn't think it right to try and play with him then.

I followed shortly after. I stripped naked in my room then went to Tim's room. He was fast asleep. I was bored and horny.

I went downstairs and crept around the house. I sat on the couch. I thought about last night and my general life.

Although what I was doing with my brother and father was best kept a secret, I loved the sense of how wrong it was. It was the sheer immorality, the badness, of it that so excited me. I didn't want us to get found out but I loved taking risks.

Now Megan and Jon knew something, but not everything, I was even more excited. And I had fucked my cousin Tony. At his wedding.

"You sure are one bad girl," I said to myself.

So I need to take risks.

I went upstairs, still nude, and stood outside my parents bedroom door. I pushed it open, then poked my head round. Dad's side was nearest the door and he was turned towards it.

Mum had her back to the door on the other side of dad.

I crept in, and crouched down by dad's side. I slipped a hand under the cover. I felt around till I found his pyjama trousers and the fly by his cock.

I wrapped my hand around his penis, felt him move slightly, and mumble something, then his shaft began to stiffen in my hand.

I lifted the covers a bit then leaned forward and licked the tip of his member.

He stirred then opened his eyes, looking straight at me.

I smiled as he realised what I was doing and that I was naked. He tried to shake his head but I just wrapped my mouth further over his shaft.

He grunted slightly and reached out an arm to hold my head down on him. I began to finger myself, occasionally placing my juicy fingers in his mouth for him to taste me.

This continued for ages, us both loving the madness of the situation.

Finally dad shot his load into my mouth and I swallowed every last drop. I then stood up and moved nearer to his pillow so he could lick me. I came twice but it wasn't ideal how we were positioned as he was having trouble getting his tongue properly inside me.

I decided I needed more and was too turned on to think sensibly. I lifted a leg and climbed onto the bed, straddling dad's chest. The movement disturbed mum, who moved a bit, said something incoherent, and went back to sleep.

Dad should have known better than to be doing this right now, but he wanted it as much as I do. He lifted his head to eat me out.

Each orgasm was better than the last as his tongue worked harder and faster.

I began to moan softly. When I hit the best orgasm yet I lost control.

"Oh Fuck Yes!!!!" I moaned loudly.

Mum woke up.

"What....what was that?" she asked, not properly awake.

I rolled off dad and the bed, hitting the floor with a thud.

"Nothing dear, just me having a strange dream," said dad.

"You're all sweaty. And you've got an erection!" she exclaimed as she felt him.

"Yes sorry. I told you it was a strange dream."

"Oh let's try and get some sleep," she muttered.

I smiled as dad looked over the edge of the bed.

He shooed me away and I crawled out their room and back to mine.


When I arrived home from work on monday, mum was waiting.

"Good news, we're all going to your aunt and uncle's next week. Going on thursday, staying five nights. Can you get time off work?" she said.

"Yes should be no problem."

I set about thinking how I could repay Tim for how he saved us the other night. Maybe there might be a chance when we were away.

I met up with Megan the next day after work. As we lay naked in her bed after an enjoyable session we talked about what had happened at my house.

"Have you heard from Jon since?" Megan asked.

I shook my head.

"I expect he's terrified after seeing my mum go berserk. I won't ring him. I'll let him contact me. I'm not that bothered really."

"Right so here's a bloke that really likes you and you're playing hard to get. I don't see a queue of men at your door."

"Megan," I spoke sheepishly. "You know when I was touching Tim and you asked......"

"Oh yes that's right."

"Well.................." I hesitated.


"Well I lied. Tim and I have done it."

"Your brother!" she laughed. "You are sick."

I told her most of how Tim and I have been playing then.............

"Also, erm, swear you'll not go mad and tell the world?"

"What? There's more?"

"Err.....I have also,err, done it with,err,oh god I shouldn't be telling you this,my......dad," I finally whispered.

"YOUR DAD!? Kate no way!!!!!" Megan said, horrified.

"It happened on holiday this summer. We were in our new caravan one night and got a bit carried away,"I started to explain.

I told her most of the details although I left out what I did a couple of nights ago.

"Kate you are such a slut it's so funny," she laughed as I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please don't tell anyone," I begged.

"Don't worry. My god. You fuck your dad and your brother. But what about the future? Years from now?"

"I don't know, we'll see."

The day before we left dad took me and Tim aside and warned us to behave.

"This is your uncle, aunt and cousins. Your closest family. I don't want you to get caught out and the whole secret blown open. Understand?" lectured dad.

"Yeah sure thing," answered Tim.

"Does that mean we can all have a big session when we get home?" I asked, half joking.

Tim and dad looked at me then dad moved off. I had the impression that my 'boys' were a little embarrassed by the fact that each knew about the other's relationship with me. It made me smile.

Tim whispred to me.

"I still think we can have some fun. How about we challenge each other to do something?"

I thought for a minute.

Tim spoke first.

"I challenge you to have sex with Simon," he laughed.

"What if I don't?" I asked.

"Then we have to do forfeits," he replied.

"Ok. I challenge you to screw aunt Susan!"

"No way. That's not gonna happen. Whereas you and Simon could."

"But Simon's horrible......" I tried to protest.

"Steady, it's just a fuck."

"Ok then. You have to get caught by Susan, naked and with an erection."


"That's your problem to sort out, as is how I'm going to convince Simon to talk to me let alone screw me."

We shook hands and promised to be totally honest in reporting back.

We arrived at uncle George's house on thursday afternoon.

The adults - as mum, dad, uncle George and aunt Susan - referred to themselves, as they had forever it seemed, went out for a meal in the evening. Leaving the kids - me, Tim and our cousins Simon and Amy - to our own devices.

Which meant that Simon went up to his room to play on his xbox.

"He lives for his xbox," muttered Amy, and we were to find no reason to disagree with that view over the next few days.

Amy went to her room to listen to music.

So Tim and I were left alone downstairs. Well what to do?

We just started to kiss when Simon called down.

"Tim! Are you going to come and play on the xbox? I'm in our room!" he shouted. Oh yes, Tim was sharing with Simon and I was in with Amy. Obvious really.

"Soon!" replied Tim.

Soon Tim and I were completely naked on the living room floor, performing a very hot sixty nine.

We were just at the point of absolute pleasure when we heard a bellow from the top of the stairs.

"TIM!! COME ON!!" shouted Simon again.

"I won't be long," answered Tim, moving his face from my pussy.

"He's just finishing someone, sorry, something off," I called out, slipping my mouth off my brother's penis.

After we had both cum we got dressed. Tim went upstairs to xbox exile for the night. I tidied up a bit and was soon disturbed by the 'adults' coming in. That was close. Ten minutes earlier......

In the morning us 'kids' went into town. I finally got Tim on his own.

"That was wild last night wasn't it?"

He nodded.

"You know we almost got caught. They were home a lot earlier than I expected."

He laughed.

"So much for dad's warning! Caught on the first night on the living room floor. Imagine," Tim joked.

"How was your night?" I asked.

"Well, shit. Where do I begin? Forced to play on the xbox till one thirty. It would be ok if I had any idea what I was supposed to do. Then lights off eventually and Simon decides to jerk one off in his bed. I had to listen to that."

"No way," I couldn't stop laughing.

"And then after that it was snoring the rest of the night. I feel like I had ten minutes sleep."

"My poor baby."

We walked on a bit more.

"Tell you what. Why don't we swap rooms? You in with Amy. Me in with laughing boy there," I said pointing at Simon.

Tim agreed, especially when I told him how Amy was very quiet.

"Are you going to make your move on him then?" asked Tim, knowingly.

"God, the thought makes me sick. But if he's jerking off it means I'm halfway there. It will be over in seconds. Hopefully."

We still hadn't worked out forfeits but knowing Tim they could be highly embarrassing.

That evening we told Simon and Amy our room change decision and explained it. We left out mention of Simon's masturbation moment to spare his blushes. Amy didn't look thrilled but I told her it's just one night.

After dinner and chat and tv, Simon invited me to join him on his xbox. Bless. Although after an hour he told me I was much better than my brother.

At midnight (!) I told him I was going to get into my nightclothes so I went off to the bathroom. I put on a longish white vest and.....err, that's it. It covered my ass, about three inches below I would guess.

I came back to play xbox again. At one am I said that it really is time for sleep. I went to brush my teeth while Simon got changed. I briefly stood outside Amy's room and breathed in the sound of silence from within.

Back in the room, Simon was in bed. I placed my watch on the bed side table then walked to the door.

"Lights off?" I asked.

Simon nodded.

I turned back to face the door and just before I turned off the light I pulled my vest over my head and then flicked the switch.

I would guess that he got a good two seconds to stare at my naked backside. The room wasn't as dark as I had expected because there was a streetlight right outside his window. So my short walk back to my bed seemed to last for hours.

I lay in bed waiting for Simon to begin jacking off as he did with Tim in here last night. Nothing.

After about five minutes I decided to take matters into my own hands. Literally.

Actually flashing my ass and maybe my tits to Simon had turned me on more than I would like to admit.

I slipped back the covers and began to play with my tits and rub my pussy.

Aware that my cousin must be able to see me, even in this half light, I got carried away. In fact I was enjoying masturbating so much that I was glad he didn't try to get involved.

I rubbed more and more furiously, and started to moan a lot, probably more than was necessary as I wanted to ensure my 'audience' got good value.

I came several times, shuddering heavily at the last one. I realised that I liked being watched!

My heart pounding and my body sweating I looked carefully towards Simon, who was lying there watching me. I rolled over but made no real effort to cover myself.

I was woken by sunlight streaming in. I looked round the room and saw Simon was awake, looking at the ceiling. I looked down and saw my tits were still exposed.

Moments later, and without knocking, Tim walked in.

He took one look at my tits and smiled. He sat on the edge of my bed. I didn't try to cover my chest.

"Morning," he said. "How was your sleep?"

"Not bad thanks. Amy was very quiet. Quieter than you, Simon."

Simon looked at him and scowled.

I reached forward to stroke Tim's leg. He was just wearing a pair of shorts. I stroked his knee then his inner leg then worked my way into his shorts.

He looked at me, puzzled.

As my hand clasped his stiffening penis he leaned over and began to tease my nipples with his fingertips.

Then, as I kicked my covers off to expose myself fully he pulled his shorts off totally.

We began to jack each other off. His fingers worked my pussy while I tugged at his shaft.

Simon just lay there staring at us in disbelief.

"Simon, come and join us," beckoned Tim.

He shook his head.

"Come on, it'll be fun," I pleaded.

I looked at him through doe eyes.

"Come on. You can touch these. I know you want to," I said, playfully bouncing my breasts. Not that they are big enough to bounce very much.

Eventually he climbed out of bed and slowly came to sit by my pillow. He was wearing a shirt and shorts.

I let him touch my tits, which he did thoughtfully and carefully. He reminded me of a scientist examining a new set of tools for an experiment.

I persuaded him to pull down his shorts, and was pleasantly surprised by how big his member was.

I leaned over and kissed it and began to suck it, allowing Tim to stand up and start fucking me from behind. At almost the same time, Tim deposited a load of cum in my pussy as Simon shot a load in my mouth. My own orgasm sruck moments later.

We stayed in those positions, silently, for a short while. Our peace was disturbed by a knock on the door.

Aunt Susan.

"Simon! Tim! Breakfast!"

A couple of steps down the hallway she repeated the call for Amy and myself.

We all three panicked, fearing she would come in and were relieved to hear her going back downstairs.

The day was a good one. We all went out for a long country walk, stopping for lunch. I chatted to Amy, Tim and mum, mostly. Dad and uncle George, his brother, walked together. It was so funny to watch them this whole weekend. Two middle aged men, they acted like a pair of ten year old boys whenever they got together.

George was not much like dad to look at, nor in personality. He was quiet and had become, over the years, a figure of scorn.


These and more were the things people said about him. It's not that anybody disliked him, just that there didn't seem much to like or dislike.

I had grown up to feel this way about him. I didn't really talk to him because I didn't think there would be much to say.