Katherine Ch. 09-10


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The next couple of minutes were like some sort of exquisite torture for me. Having Belinda's oil-slicked hands roaming over every part of my body but the very bit I most wanted her to touch set every nerve-end jangling. And of course what she was doing also made my cock jerk even more strongly, making it much more difficult to ensure she didn't get any smears of oil on it. That was especially true when she was smoothing it over my stomach and upper thighs, I could feel her having to pull her hands quickly away from its wild dance and could hear her doing her best to suppress her nervous giggles.

'It's all right for you to giggle.' I said through clenched teeth as I unsuccessfully tried to control my reactions. 'But I bet you'd be squirming if I did the same to you.'

'Oh I'd be doing more than just squirming Craig.' she answered in a serious tone of voice. 'I'm sorry about the giggles, it's just my way of trying to cover up what's going on inside me.' she added.

Although I then remembered that Katherine had briefly alluded to Belinda having similar tastes to our own, until that moment the thought that she was getting physically aroused by what was going on had simply not occurred to me. That Katherine had was one thing, for young Belinda to be affected in the same way was entirely something else.

The possibilities were mind-blowing!

But the idea raised a number of questions. Had I been naive in thinking the set-up was just to produce a series of overtly erotic photographs? Had Katherine foreseen and perhaps even planned for something more, or would the strength of Belinda's reaction be as much of a surprise to her as it was to me? If the former, then what did she actually have in mind for after the session was finished? If the latter, how would she react?

Of course I had no way of knowing the answers so quickly decided to just be alert to whatever might develop. 'Yes I guess that is difficult.' I replied, but added in a more light-hearted tone. 'But still nowhere near as difficult as you are making it for me.'

'I'd say hard, not difficult.' she replied with a low chuckle, then ran her hand up the back of my thigh and gave my bottom a quick squeeze as she added. 'Now I have to go and wash my hands, don't go away, the best bit is still to come.'

So for the few minutes it took Belinda to clean the oil off her hands I was left with just the sounds made by Katherine as she took more pictures of me, plus of course my own thoughts, questions and feelings. And having decided to put any questions right to the back of my mind until later, both my thoughts and feelings revolved around the achingly throbbing thing my over-pampered cock had become.

Although of course I couldn't see it I could feel that although the pressure inside me had continued to rise my cock's previous wild gyrations had stopped. By then it felt as though it was rearing almost vertically, tautly quivering from the strength of that internal tension. Tension that had risen even higher at the thought of the implication of Belinda's final words - 'the best bit is still to come.'

I tried to reduce the pressure and tension by thinking about something else, and found myself wondering how Katherine was coping with her own, presumably still rising level of sexual excitement. Given how strongly she reacted to the sight of masculine tumescence, continuing to take photographs of me in that state must have demanded all her powers of concentration.

But that thought only reminded me of what she would be desperate for by the time the session was finished, and of course that increased rather than decreased the pressure.

I knew that exactly the same thing would happen if I started thinking about Belinda, so even tried blanking everything from my mind. But of course that was impossible so I had no choice but to stand there, wondering how long I would be left to cope with the sensations coming from my cock's throbbing, quivering rigidity.

In fact it wasn't very long at all before I heard Belinda returning, and then Katherine's final instructions to her. 'Now remember what we talked about Belinda. First, just a check that he's still ready, which I think it's pretty obvious he is.' she added. 'Then I just need you to build him very slowly towards his climax. I want to get another couple of shots before that though, so step away when I tell you to please. Then once those are done you can go for it. You'll be able to feel it approaching, but the tricky bit will be letting me know when you think it's imminent, I need to set one camera to automatic power, so I get as many shots as possible in that final few seconds. OK?'

It felt quite odd having what was about to happen discussed in such clinically practical terms, but that feeling only lasted a moment or two because even as Belinda replied. 'Yes, OK.' I felt her fingers curl around the shaft.

By then my cock had become severely over-heated, and as she had just washed her hands they were relatively cold and the contrast in temperatures between them was dramatic. So the first touch made me both gasp with surprise and sent a jolt of excitement surging through my body, a jolt that was immediately followed by another when she tightened her fingers and gripped it to check it's degree of hardness.

My reaction apparently satisfied her that it had lost none of that during her short absence and she began slowly slipping them up and down. 'You must have been having some wicked thoughts while I was gone, keeping it nice and hard for me. In fact I think it feels even hotter than it did before.' she added before doing exactly what Katherine had asked her to do, build me towards my climax, but do it slowly.

In fact she did it very, very slowly, and if I hadn't known what her real motivation was I could easily have believed she was actually taking pleasure from the growing torment she was making me suffer.

Not that she restricted herself to slow movements, either she had watched her in action, or Katherine had given her some instruction, because Belinda used a similar mix of slow but firm, and lighter, faster strokes. And of course the irregular change of stimulation only increased the steady build-up of pressure both inside me and behind the accumulating mass of semen.

Until then it was just my cock that had received all Belinda's attention, but she obviously knew enough about the physiological responses of a male to know that by then my balls would be swollen and tender. And as she was keeping herself out of the direct line of the camera by standing slightly behind me, and to help keep my balance I was standing with my legs spread slightly apart, it was very easy for her to do what she did next.

I felt her free hand pushing forward between them until her fingers brushed against the tightly bulging sac. Even though that first touch was feather-light I couldn't control either the sudden tightening of muscles, or the guttural grunt that came as the electric shock it produced zipped through me. Encouraged by the strength of my response she pushed her hand just a little further forward, so her fingers could curl up around them, and while the other hand continued sliding up and down the shaft, she began stroking, and every now and then, gently rolling or squeezing.

The problems I'd previously had in dealing with the deliberately slow stimulation suddenly paled into insignificance. Until then the source of sensations I had been feeling had been concentrated between my legs, but although I knew her hands hadn't shifted from there I began to experience similar feelings coming from all over my body.

Although befuddled by the waves of intense pleasure surging through me I realised that what I was feeling was being caused by the steady build-up of energy in my tensing muscles. It was as though each one was some sort of spring, each one being steadily wound tighter and tighter, storing the force and power that my body would be needing when I climaxed. But as each one tightened it also triggered the firing of adjacent nerve endings, and the longer the process continued the stronger the signals were that I was receiving in my brain.

I could tell that what was happening to me was affecting my pose. As the intensity of sensations increased I could feel my hands gripping each other harder, feel the nails digging into my flesh, and knew that as other muscle groups tightened my upper body was gradually arching back, my buttocks, thighs and pelvis pushing my cock forward.

And I was also vaguely conscious of Katherine taking several more pictures during that time, heard her instruction to Belinda to move away, then the sharp sound of a camera shutter.

But all those things were no more than faint distractions, no more than the dim 'ting' of a triangle amongst the swelling sound of a symphony orchestra in full flight. My head was filled to bursting point with the explosive mix of unbelievable pleasure and excruciating tension. One part of my brain was demanding immediate relief. Others wanted what was happening to me to just go on, and on, and on.

But of course just as the strongest spring has its eventual breaking point, so my body could only resist the inevitable outcome for just so long. And because my brain was already so overloaded it was Belinda who actually picked the moment.

After all that had been done to me, and with so much volatile pressure accumulated it's not surprising that at the time the details of what happened were lost in the blinding, explosive glare of my climax. It was only later, when it was done and I lay on the sofa, still panting and trembling from the strength-draining effect of it that I pieced together the details.

I remembered feeling my muscles suddenly getting even tighter, and the increasing strain making me want to scream. But not knowing if it would be a scream of pain or ecstasy. Then hearing Belinda's sudden. 'Katherine!' And being vaguely aware that the movement of her hands had stopped.

But the pause made no difference to the things going on inside me and a moment or two later my entire body was wracked by the start of all that stored power being unleashed. Then I heard Katherine's voice. 'Now Belinda!' she cried, then. 'Now!' 'Now!' 'Now!' 'Again!' 'Again!' 'Oh shit, again, and again!'

At the first shout I felt Belinda's hand re-grip my cock, hearing her gasp of disbelief when she found how even more bloated it had suddenly become, and felt the strength of the pulses beating up through it. But after only a split-second pause, and having got her fingers around as much of the shaft as they could reach, she began pumping, slowly but forcefully and following the timing Katherine's calls were giving her.

And as though they were also following her instructions, instead of all the coiled springs inside me releasing their pent-up energy in a single burst, they delivered it in a series of staccato, gut-wrenching explosions. Each one firing a massive jolt of pleasure-pain up into my already over-loaded brain.

The jolts came a second or so apart, each feeling just as strong as the previous one had been, each not only flooding my brain with a rush of ecstatic joy but also triggering the release of the power for the one that followed.

I could tell from the tight, bruising ache in my groin that my balls had been drawn hard up against the base of my cock. Felt the draining surge as more and more fluid was sucked from them. And although the mask prevented me from seeing the result I could guess from all that, plus the tone in Katherine's voice, just how big each blast of semen was, and how far each one must be jetting.

Belinda was not only skilful, she was also both understanding and considerate. Even when my cock seemed to have finally finished spouting she must have known something of what I was feeling, known I needed a little more time to come down from where I had been. 'You were magnificent, truly awe-inspiring!' she whispered as I felt one hand pushing back between my legs to gently cup my depleted balls, while the other went on stroking up and down the shaft. Then she not only milked the last few drops from me but continued on until she finally felt the strength of the tremors rippling through me subsiding.

At the same time I could hear Katherine's far more overtly enthusiastic response. 'That was fantastic Craig! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I know we've got some absolutely brilliant shots!' she said excitedly, then added. 'You were brilliant too Belinda, perfect timing. Now, just give me a minute to turn some of the lights off before you remove his mask.'

I saw the brightness dimming, then Belinda took the mask off and although after the time spent in near total darkness even the remaining lights still seemed extraordinarily bright to me, I got my first proper look at her. She was smiling at me, her dark eyes sparkling. 'Hello!' she said in a low, friendly voice. 'Katherine's right, you were fantastic, even stronger than she said you would be.'

'A lot of that is down to what you did for me.' I replied as I desperately tried to get my breath back.

'I assure you it was a pleasure Craig, a very strong pleasure. Now, why don't you go and rest on the sofa for a while, then go and have a shower to get the body-oil off. We'll be some time cleaning up and taking care of all the equipment.' she said.

I was grateful to do as she suggested and after resting in a drifting haze of totally satisfied pleasures for a short while, went and stood under the refreshing spray.

Having slipped back into a T-shirt and the shorts I had been given to wear I went back in to the studio and found Katherine coiling cables. 'What can I do to help?' I asked, at the same time glancing around for Belinda.

'Hi! You could move these lights over into the far corner for me please, that is if you've got any energy left.' she replied with a grin.

I had moved three or four of the lights and as I had seen no sign of her I asked as casually as I could make it sound. 'Where has Belinda got to?'

'Oh she had to get home. Disappointed?'

'I thought you said. No, no, of course I'm not disappointed. Why should I be.' I said, stumbling through the words.

'Well only if you thought you might have two of us to play with. But after that performance I think that might be a bit much for even you, especially the way I'm feeling by now.' she added darkly.

I took the hint and as soon as we had done what was necessary, took care of Katherine, on the sofa, spending more than half an hour crouched between her wide-spread legs, licking and sucking her to several powerful climaxes before she actually begged me to stop.

Chapter 10

Katherine's Story

Her eager body and wildly enthusiastic responses had revitalised me and by the time she pushed me away I was keen to spend the rest of the night with her. But when I broached that over the late night snack she had prepared for us she said she was anxious to get started on processing some of the negatives straight away.

'That's not going to take all night is it?' I asked.

'No, but its nearly eleven o'clock now, and I'll be at least an hour or two, you don't want to hang around for that long, and anyway I'll be too tired to be much good for either of us by then. Come around tomorrow evening Craig, you'll be able to see some of the first prints by then, and then we'll have as much time as want together.'

I had to admit that although it was certainly not what I wanted, or had hoped for, what she said made sense and so I reluctantly left her to get on with her work.

The events of the previous couple of hours had been so surrealistically extraordinary that even after I went to bed, sleep was a long time coming. I lay there replaying the events in my head, trying to recall and fix in my memory everything that had happened, re-live every second, every tormenting thrill Katherine and Belinda had given me. But of course although I could remember most of what they had done and the strength of my reactions, the actual sensations were lost.

It seemed unfair but I had to accept that the inability to recall intense physical pleasure is the price we pay for not being able to recall equally intense pain. And I had to be satisfied by putting myself to sleep with just a pale imitation of the massively powerful climax Belinda had given me.

I rang Katherine late the following afternoon to find out what time she'd like me to arrive and when she said she expected to be working for another couple of hours I suggested I pick up some Chinese take-away on my way over. She thought that was a good idea so a few hours later, with boxes and a bottle of wine in my arms, I rang her bell.

I had half expected to find her still in the things she'd been working in all day but she'd obviously finished a little while before and had time to shower and change, because she looked stunning. Her burnished copper hair had a brilliant sheen, and her make-up was fresh, highlighting her sparkling grey-green eyes and sensually full ruby lips. And although she was only wearing a relatively simple skirt and top they fitted her beautiful body so snugly that I was sorry I already had both hands full.

'Come on in Craig, they're fantastic!' she said, relieving me of the bottle.

I followed her rhythmically swaying hips and bottom up the stairs, then we went into the kitchen and popped the food in the oven to keep warm before going through to the lounge-room. It was an amazing sight, there were dozens of prints, covering at least half the floor and all obviously carefully laid out in a series of groups.

'There were hardly any duds, and although I say it myself, the rest are really very good, and a few of them are brilliant. Thanks to the subject matter.' she said, giving me a blinding smile, then adding. 'I was so excited last night I didn't thank you Craig. You were absolutely fantastic, thank you, thank you!'

She pulled me close and gave me a long, passionate kiss, then all too quickly broke away again. 'Let me show you some of the really good ones.' she said excitedly.

She proceeded to do just that, and I have to admit that they surprised me, and not just with their technical and artistic brilliance, which was undoubted. What really astonished me was myself, well my cock. Much of its appearance was no doubt due to Katherine's photographic skills, plus the lighting and the angles she had taken it from. But even allowing for that, and ignoring the massive size of it, there was something extraordinarily imposing about it. And although not having the photograph she had previously given me there for a direct comparison, I felt sure mine was in fact the more impressive.

I found that of all the incredible variety of pictures there were three that I really liked, three that I found myself responding to. One from the beginning of the shoot, while I was still wearing the silk shorts, one from when Belinda was caressing me, and the last, showing me ejaculating.

In the first, although none of it showed it was obvious that my cock was fully erect, and as it was being held down against my thigh by the tightly clinging silk its outline was sharp and clear.

The second showed Belinda's hand curled around it, her pale, delicately slender fingers contrasting with the rough, rigid masculinity of the shaft she was holding. Although I couldn't begin to imagine how Katherine had achieved it I found the picture somehow managed to convey both a sense of tender compassion, and one of firm determination.

In the third, Katherine had caught a jet of semen in mid flight. She had presumably cropped that picture so Belinda's hand was left off, just leaving about two thirds of the length of the shaft, but I doubted that anybody would miss that detail. The angrily bulging head and the gaping eye at its tip, plus the thick, creamy white jet would more than hold their attention. They certainly held mine, and I found myself trying desperately to remember just how I had felt at that moment.