Katherine Ch. 15-16


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I felt her fingers tightening their grip, beginning to pump me much more determinedly, and had no idea, and really didn't care what the others were doing. All I was conscious of was the urgently rising need to relieve the unbearable pressure still building inside myself.

Then through the roaring pounding sound that seemed to be filling my head, I heard Belinda's whimpering cry as Kerrie's tongue brought on the start of her orgasm. But although I felt her body shuddering as the tremors grew stronger, her hand never missed a beat, rhythmically taking me ever closer to mine.

And even when I finally exploded a minute or two later, she retained sufficient presence of mind to direct the powerful jets where Katherine had obviously asked her to, upwards. But that time, because I was blinded by the sheer force of the onset of that unbelievably powerful climax, I didn't see the first two or three massive gouts actually erupting. All I was conscious of was the ecstatic, yet still excruciating pleasure-pain I got from each one.

It was only after that initial, totally blinding onset that I opened my eyes again, saw the mess those first few gobbets of semen had made when they struck, and then stuck to the under-side of Belinda's breasts, then saw the smaller, yet still remarkably strong spurts my jerking cock was still pumping out. Then saw the way Belinda's body was flexing as she struggled to hold her position while being gripped by her own orgasm. And heard the loud slurping noise Kerrie's mouth and tongue were making as she intensified her efforts to make that as memorable as she possibly could.

Belinda, or rather, Lizzie and I both needed a couple of minutes to recover, standing there, gasping for breath, our bodies shaking and trembling from the effects of what we had experienced. But once the cameras had fallen silent Kerrie pushed herself back from between Lizzie's legs, wiping the few drops of semen that had landed on her, and mumbling something about that being yet another reason why she preferred women to men.

Later, having washed ourselves down and slipped back into our robes, the five of us sat around, letting Katherine do most of the exuberant talking while we shared a bottle of wine.

But although I was pleased to hear the obvious excitement in her voice I was really too concerned about something else to pay too much attention to what she was saying. Although my cock had naturally subsided immediately after my climax it had not shrunk back to its normal, totally relaxed size. Instead it had remained at what's commonly known as 'half-mast', remained still thickly swollen. And although I had both Katherine and Lizzie close by me, neither were making any overt display of themselves, yet even as we sat there I had felt it re-stiffening. Then, as though my simply being conscious of it had provided another trigger, I felt the familiar strong pulses of blood enlarging and hardening it.

So, knowing the robe I was wearing would provide no real concealment for it, when Kerrie and Lizzie went off to change into their clothes, and Debbie and Katherine busied themselves with the various pieces of equipment, I continued sitting there, wondering just what had given me such unusual potency.

Even though Katherine had told me she was going to leave all the processing work until the following day, and she certainly did nothing impolite, I somehow sensed that she was unusually anxious to have the girls leave. And when they had gone I understood why.

As she returned from seeing them out she was starting to get undressed, tugging off her T-shirt and unfastening, then removing her bra, then unzipping her jeans. 'I need you to help me darling! Watching you perform has got me just too wound up. You don't mind, do you?'

'Far from it.' I replied, standing up and slipping the robe down off my shoulders.

'Oh shit! It worked! You look fantastic darling!' she gasped, struggling to get her jeans off. 'Come over to the bed.' she added as she dragged her panties down.

'What worked?' I said as I went across the studio.

'Tell you later. Lie down, let me kneel over you so you can suck me, please!'

I did as she'd asked, more than happy to do so, and even happier when she began slowly stroking my cock while I licked and sucked her always excitingly responsive pussy.

Although my cock was rock-hard and incredibly responsive to her touch, my reserves had been so depleted by the size of the previous orgasm that it took me ages to reach another. Not that either of us complained about that, it just gave us all that much more time to excite each other, and Katherine went through probably half a dozen or so before I erupted again. But when I eventually did it was with just as much force as before, only that time it all jetted straight down Katherine's vacuuming throat.

Later, when we were lying quietly side by side I remembered what she'd said, and asked her what she had meant when she'd said, 'it worked'.

She giggled. 'Sorry darling, but I cheated a bit, just as insurance. Because Kerrie's work schedule is so tight it was a bit difficult getting the girls together, and I didn't want to have to start again, I mean if you responded too quickly to what was happening. If you know what I mean. So I added something to your first glass of wine. Some soluble Viagra.'


'You're not angry at me, are you?' she asked anxiously.

I gave a low chuckle. 'Angry? No of course not. I remember thinking it had a slightly odd taste. But Viagra, well that's a new experience, and it certainly accounts for what happened afterwards.'


'When we sitting around after we had finished, my erection came back. Well as you saw when I was finally able to stand up.'

'Yes you looked magnificent darling.' she said softly as she let the memory of that sight return. 'So you'd had it all the time we were sitting chatting.'

'For most of it. That's why I couldn't get up to say goodbye to them when they left.'

She giggled again. 'Poor thing, I'm sorry darling.'

'No need to be, we certainly got the benefit of it just now.' I replied, rolling over to kiss her again.

'I wonder how long the stuff lasts.' she whispered when we broke for air. 'Maybe we should conduct an experiment, for purely scientific reasons of course.' she added as her hand slid down between my legs.

We found that it worked just fine, or at least something did, and we had another, if anything even longer love-making session before we agreed we were both too tired to 'experiment' further, and then made our way slowly up to bed.

Chapter 16

Equal Partners

It was only the insistent ringing of the front door bell that finally woke us the following morning. 'Oh shit, that'll be Debbie!' Katherine said, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she scrambled out of bed. 'I asked her to come round and help me get started. Sorry lover, I'll have to dash.' she added, grabbing a robe and heading downstairs.

Guessing that once she'd let Debbie in she would head back up for the bath-room, I used that as excuse to roll over and get another half hour's sleep, then had a quick wash and left them to get on with what they were by then totally engrossed in.

It took Katherine a few weeks to prepare a final set of prints that she was totally satisfied were of a sufficiently high standard to be sent off to her overseas agent, and I used that time to virtually complete the painting of her. Like most works, its never actually finished, but I learned very early on that successful artists somehow know when the right time has come to stop fiddling with it. It's a very hard lesson for many to learn, but at some stage you just have to accept that the work is as good as you are able to get it.

However, although to my eye there were still a few flaws, when I looked at the work with what I hoped were somebody else's, I couldn't help feeling pleased with it. Certainly it was the best thing I had done to that stage, and I couldn't really ask for much more than that.

As before, when I stood back and just looked uncritically, it got me aroused. Katherine was there. Every beautiful part of her looked as lovely as it did in real life. Her hair, eyes, mouth, breasts and pussy, all seemed to be just waiting for my kiss, waiting and ready for my hands to reach out and touch, stroke and fondle them. And then of course there were her hands and fingers, just as lovely, and just as patiently waiting to reach out and do those same things for me.

Although it would still need to be varnished and then framed I was finally prepared to let Katherine see it, and having come to that decision just couldn't wait to see her reaction. And then, in a funny sort of way I found myself half hoping that she might either not like it, or at least not want it hanging in her own place, because that would mean I could keep it in mine.

But when I showed it to her a few days later she loved it, in fact she went into raptures about it, couldn't stop heaping praise on me, told me I was a genius. And then started making excuses to visit just so she could continue to see it while I was taking it through the final stages of its completion.

Not that we wasted the other opportunities those visits gave us, and there was one of them, over a week-end, that helped us to - depending on which way it's looked at - either; finally lay the ghosts of our separate but similar initial sexual experiences, or, cement the future of the physical aspects of our relationship.

It had been a couple of days since I had last seen her so I was even more thrilled than I might otherwise have been to get a phone call from her quite early on the Saturday morning. There was an unusual tone in her voice, a brittle edginess I hadn't heard before, but I ignored that when I heard why she said she had called. 'I've had it here Craig, well for a couple of days. My eyes are getting blurry from staring down into the light box and my head feels as though its stuffed full of chemicals. I really need a break, so do you think you could you put up with me for the week-end?'

Of course I said it was a silly question to ask, then told her that although I had to go out for a few groceries, as she already had my spare key she should come round whenever she was ready.

As I wanted to be sure we had enough supplies to see us right through the week-end the shopping took a bit longer than usual and so I wasn't surprised to find that by the time I got back Katherine had already arrived. She had been standing in front of the painting but when she saw me struggling with all the shopping she came through to the kitchen to help me unpack it.

'It looks as though you've got enough to provision a small army.' she said.

'Quite a few things have run down in the last couple of weeks and I didn't want us to unnecessarily disturb whatever else might be happening by having to keep popping out for things.' I replied with a knowing grin.

She said nothing for a few moments but I could tell from the look on her face that she was considering something so I just carried on unpacking the groceries, until she said. 'It's best if I get this out of the way right now. I'm afraid we'll have to curtail some of our usual activities for a week or so.'

'What do you mean?' I asked, quite taken aback.

'It's just a small problem with my waterworks, it's not uncommon, and because unusually frequent sex often triggers it it's known as 'honeymoon itch'. It's nothing serious, just means I have to take some pills for a week or so, and while I'm on them we'll have to refrain from actual intercourse.'

Although the news made me both concerned for Katherine's well-being and disappointed about its implications it must have been the latter emotion she saw registering on my face because she quickly added. 'It doesn't mean we have to be totally celibate, well at least you don't Craig. And in a funny sort of way it gives me an opportunity to say a very special thank you for the wonderful painting, a sort of thank you that very few other people would probably understand, but which is really special to us.'

Of course I had no idea what she meant, and said so. 'We'll have a week-end during which we'll go back to where this all started, I'll do the things you've said you have always liked best. With these!' She explained with a mischievous smile as she lifted her hands in front of my face.

The penny dropped, her meaning was clear, but in case I hadn't fully understood her intentions, Katherine added. 'I intend to make sure that by Monday morning there's not one single drop of come left in your body.'

And she did exactly that, spending much of the next thirty-six hours licking, caressing, stroking and pumping my seemingly almost insatiable cock, and more often than I would have previously imagined possible either spraying or swallowing far more semen than I ever thought I had in me.

Although the week-end became such a blurring haze of Katherine arousing me in various ways, followed by periods of intensely exciting stimulation and truly explosive climaxes that my memory finds it difficult to separate most of the orgasms from each other, there is one in particular that I'll never forget.

We had come out of the bed-room for some R&R, Katherine's definition of which was Refreshment and Recovery time, for me. Having made ourselves a sandwich and got something to drink we were sitting in the room I used as studio cum lounge room where the painting, which by then was all but finished, was angled across one corner of the room so the final touches I had made to it could dry evenly. Neither of us had bothered to dress ourselves, I was in an old bath-robe and Katherine was wearing a short, silk, kimono style wrap-around.

We ate without speaking for a little while, during which time I was happily still wallowing in the slowly fading echoes of the pleasure she'd given me a half an hour or so previously, then she broke the silence by asking me a semi-technical question about how I'd achieved a particular effect in her portrait. My explanation led to her making a comment about a similar problem in photography and we chatted about the comparisons and differences between the two crafts as we finished our sandwiches. Once we'd done so I took the plates and glasses out to the kitchen and when I returned she patted the cushion on the sofa beside her as she said. 'Sit here, next to me darling.'

I did as she'd asked and once settled she leaned close and as she glanced across at the painting, said. 'Tell me, while you were painting it, did you ever get aroused?'

'Sometimes.' I admitted. 'Though when I paint I'm usually concentrating on the particular section I'm working on, although I'm aware of the rest of it, its sort of distant. A bit like having tunnel vision I suppose. But there were times, many times actually, when it was though you were actually here, that it was your actual body I was painting. It's a bit hard to explain really, but during those times I nearly always got aroused, got an erection.'

'I think I understand darling. It's nice to know I could get to you even though I wasn't here in the flesh.' she added as she slid one hand across my stomach. 'And did you ever get yourself off, I mean get so excited you simply had to do something about it?'

I've no idea why the question affected me the way it did, stirring the memory of the times that had happened, and with them, the feelings of guilt I'd for some reason experienced. I paused a moment before answering and heard myself mumbling when I actually said. 'Yes, yes I did.'

'Good, I like the idea of you doing that.' she replied, her hand slipping slowly down along the top of one thigh. 'And did you come?'

I just nodded dumbly, but she still had finished with me and in an obviously excited whisper she added. 'And those times, did you get any messy splodges on the paint? I mean I know only too well how powerfully you can come when you're really wound up, were you both excited and close enough to end up shooting some up on it?'

I felt myself actually reddening with embarrassment as I answered that particular question. 'Yes, that too. I had to let it dry and then paint over it.' I admitted.

'Oh lovely!' she squealed with delight. 'You can show me the exact spot later. It'll be another of our little secrets. Then whenever I look at it I'll be able to think of your gorgeous cock spouting over me. Mmm, that'll be wonderful!' she whispered softly as I felt her fingers start to slowly slip down between my legs.

Just admitting to what I had done those times when the physical frustration of her absence had really got to me brought back some of the strength of feelings I'd experienced then, and that coupled with her enthusiastic response, plus the all too real feel of her fingers pressing down against me, re-fired the smouldering passion Katherine never failed to arouse in me. Even before the back of her hand grazed against it I was conscious of my cock slowly responding, and when it did, Katherine knew exactly what was happening.

'Aaah, hello again.' she whispered softly, moving her hand back and forth against it before pushing further up between my thighs, ignoring my thickening cock and simply slipping the tips of her fingers under my still limply dangling balls. 'I hope these have been busy in the last hour or so, I'm expecting lots more of that lovely creamy stuff from them in a little while.' she said as she stroked and then gently rolled each one in turn.

She continued doing that for a minute or two, then suddenly stopped, turned around to look back across the room behind her and said. 'Yes I like that! What you just said, about getting excited while doing the painting, has given me a terrific idea. Just get up for a moment, let me organise things a bit better.'

Of course I had absolutely no idea what was going through her head but if Katherine said she'd had a good idea, that was good enough for me. So I got up, then helped her push the sofa around to where she said she wanted it, angling it slightly obliquely towards the portrait, then watched while she pulled the three large flat cushions off it. She placed one of them down immediately in front of the sofa and the other two, on top of each other, just a short distance away from it. 'There that should do us nicely.' she said when she'd finished make slight adjustments to the position of everything.

Then she came around and stood close to me, reaching one hand up around my neck and pulling my head down as she tilted hers upwards so she could kiss me, and as she did so, passionately, I felt her other hand reaching between the folds of my bath-robe, felt her fingers lightly closing round my cock. I was still a long way from having an erection but what she'd been doing before and then watching her moving things around, the flimsy silk falling open to allow me several stirring glimpses of her body beneath it, had re-aroused it. So when her fingers began moving up and down they were augmenting what had already been happening and as an increasing volume of blood began coursing down into it I felt it start to weakly pulse.

My arms had automatically slid around her, one hand combing through the hair on the back of her head while the other cupped and gently squeezed her bottom, so for a while we just stood there, kissing and fondling each other, neither in any rush, just allowing the feelings and tension between us to slowly grow and simmer.

I found there was something deeply enjoyable about that unhurried arousal, the almost leisurely pace was giving my body all the more time to react and respond, a greater opportunity to flood my system with pleasure-giving compounds. In addition to the tactile pleasures her hands were giving me there was the sheer joy of that sense of close togetherness, the tingling scent of her filling my nostrils, and of course her always stirring kisses. So although it was inevitable that as the tension grew, so would my cock, but, as though my body had somehow signalled that this time there was no urgency at first it did so just little by little.