Kathy Likes Women Ch. 05


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"I'm sorry," she whispered back. I gave her a startled look and she shrugged, "I've never even gone down on a man, and I wouldn't have any idea how to deal with a woman."

I giggled, "You don't have to deal with anything, Candy, just do what you feel like. I promise: I'll like it! But don't feel like you have to, or anything. I mean, personally, I can't look at a woman's legs without wondering what she smells like, tastes like, looks like, and so forth. I like it; hell, I love it!"

She smiled back, "I'll admit that you make it sound tempting, but maybe another time."

Candice was tired and obviously wanted to go to bed – without me as a distraction, so I left. I didn't take it personally; after all, I'd gotten quite a lot out of the evening. Still, I have to admit that there was an edge of frustration or horniness or whatever left in me. To cope with that, I called Sheila up when I got back to the dorm. I had her kiss me all over, lick my legs until she had covered every inch, and then eat me out thoroughly and tongue-fuck my butt, and then I felt better. I peed on her, but this time it was more for her than for me, and she went down on me again out of gratitude. Sheila was able to give me a considerably cathartic evening.

I had a really exciting experience with a woman named Rhonda a few days later that helped me take Candy off my mind for a while. Rhonda is in my chemistry class. She's about medium height with a voluptuous build and a pretty face. She wears eyeglasses that make her look like a secretary or a librarian. After a chemistry test, we happened to leave class at the same time and she told me how she was aching to get back to her apartment for a joint. I said that sounded nice, and she invited me along.

Her place was nice and roomy with modern but tasteful furniture. I asked her if she lived alone, and she said yes. She had a boyfriend who stayed over sometime, but she said that she liked living alone so much that she didn't expect that to change.

I studied her while she rolled the joint on her coffee table. I sat down on the couch beside her. She was wearing a simple skirt and a man's short-sleeved shirt, and what I could see of her skin was smooth and white. The curves on her legs were so dramatic that if I couldn't see the muscles moving beneath her skin, I would have thought her legs were plump. Her breasts were large and full, easily revealed despite that loose shirt. Her nose was pointed, and her lower lip was thicker than her upper, giving her a sensuous, pouty look. Her hair was thick, brown and wavy.

For once, I was the most formally dressed person in the room. I was wearing a white silk, long-sleeved blouse with a lace collar and a knee-length brown skirt. My legs, as tanned as Rhonda's were white, didn't need hose to look smooth or sexy, but I was wearing a gold ankle bracelet and high heels. After a few hits on the joint, I loosened my hair, which had been worn in a bun and let it fall about my shoulders.

She kicked off her shoes and propped her feet up on the coffee table. "C'mon, Kathy, don't stop with the hair. Take off those heels and relax."

I did as she asked me and stretched my legs out beside hers. I was admiring the smooth curves of her calves when I glanced at her and noticed that she was looking at my legs. I felt a tingle of excitement and wondered if we could have sex. Curious to test her reaction, I took my feet down and swiveled to sit facing her, tucking one of my legs beneath me and giving her a nicely indecent view up my dress. "So, Rhonda, tell me about your boyfriend. Is he any good in bed? Does he keep you happy?"

She shrugged, "He's okay, but happy? I guess so." I saw her glance a few times up my legs, and I wondered if she could see my panties. She swallowed and asked me, "How about a shotgun?"

I said sure, and she turned the joint around in her mouth and I leaned forward to take the hit. Our lips just barely touched, but I found it exciting and not just because of her lips. As I leaned over her, I balanced myself by putting my arm around her neck and resting my left hand on her right thigh. I breathed in my hit and took the joint from her and set it on the ashtray. "That was so nice," I said, "Let's do it again."

I didn't bother to pick up the joint. I circled my right arm around her as I did before and leaned close to her face. She giggled, "You forgot the joint, Kathy! I think you let it go out!" Then I kissed her, pressing my mouth to her soft lips and splitting them with my tongue. She let me kiss her, not resisting me, but not really helping me either, although she did kiss back a little, as though unsure of herself.

"Oops," I gave a laugh that came out as a nervous chuckle, "You're right! I forgot the joint! Forgive me?" I know it sounds lame, Diary, and it was, but a whole lot was riding on that question that I'd tacked on at the end.

She looked a little embarrassed, but she smiled, "Sure, in fact," she hesitated, "I'd heard that about you... that you like girls, I mean." She turned red, and when a girl with fair skin turns red, they get really red! But her voice was still calm, almost matter-of-fact, "It was the main reason that I asked you to come over."

"You wanta fuck?" I asked softly, slipping my fingers through her hair. I'd thought that she was as red as she could get, but I was wrong. She turned nearly purple.

"Well, not exactly," she swallowed, her voice still maddeningly in control, "although, you're certainly very attractive!" Her gaze fell to my knees and ran up my skirt again, and no matter what she said, I figured that this girl wanted to eat my pussy! But what she said next did surprise me, "I have this friend, my best friend, my next-door-neighbor, in fact, and well, she really wants to do it with a chick, and really bad!

"Anyway, I told her what I'd heard about you and described you to her, and, well..." she spread her hands, regaining a little of her color as she spoke, "She got me to point you out to her around the campus, and she's frankly become kind of obsessed." She paused, as if she didn't know how to continue. "And I promised to introduce you two, if you agreed, that is," she finished, sounding like she wanted to add something else. She started to turn red again.

"And what do you want?" I asked, leaning close to her again.

"To watch!" she barely whispered, before our lips could touch.

I sat back. Yep, this was different, all right! Maybe it was the strangeness that intrigued me; I don't know, but I was definitely interested. For some reason, I found the situation so stimulating that I didn't even ask what her neighbor looked like, I just said, "Call her over. Now is fine!"

Rhonda nodded and almost leaped up to cross the room and pick up the phone. She spoke softly, and I didn't hear much of what was said, but I caught my name a couple of times, and the final phrase: "Yeah, now!"

She gave me a nervous grin as she crossed the room again, this time to the door. She opened it just as her friend started to knock. A girl came in and gave me a breathless look, and while she stared, Rhonda introduced us. "Janet, this is Kathy. Kathy, this is Janet."

Her nose was a little on the large side, and her mouth was wide and friendly, making her grin an engaging one that made me feel instantly comfortable. She had medium blonde hair – pretty much what is called dirty blond – a sharp, intense face with green-brown eyes and long lashes, and she was a little shorter than Rhonda. She was wearing a blouse, skirt and hose, and judging by her earrings and makeup, I figured that she'd just got out of class or work. Her figure was nice without being outstanding, but there was a hunger in her steady gaze that gave me definite tingles in the appropriate places. This was really weird, but I loved it! I can't help it if weird things turn me on, can I?

"Hi!" Janet said extending her hand and giving mine a hearty shake, "I've been really wanting to meet you!"

I smiled. I liked her. "Well, I'm no celebrity, Janet! Next time, just walk right up and introduce yourself!"

"Well!" Rhonda interjected smoothly, clasping her hands, "I have a lovely bottle of white wine chilling in the fridge. Why don't you two get acquainted while I fetch us a drink?"

Rhonda was barely out of sight when I stepped close to Janet and spoke quietly, "This is all pretty strange! Do I have it right? She's straight but wants to watch us make it?"

She nodded and spoke softly, too, "I've always wanted to make it with a chick, and I've tried several times with her, but she keeps saying that she doesn't want to, then she came up with this weird idea. But I've known her a long time, and she is really nice. Do you feel too strange about this? I mean, do you really wanta do this?" She cocked her head inquisitively.

I pulled her close and kissed her. Her lips opened instantly, her tongue lapping aggressively into my mouth while her arms slipped around me. I felt her hands kneading my bottom as she pulled our hips tightly together. I broke the kiss and whispered in her ear, "I think we ought to have us a real good time together, and then pull Rhonda in, too! I think we can do it if she has enough fun watching us. Are you game?"

"Yeah!" She almost growled with a big grin, her eyes lighting up with fire.

I led her by the hand over to the couch, and we sat down together. I could feel her eyes devouring me, and instead of making me feel self-conscious, it made me feel like a sex goddess or something. Like I said, she was an attractive girl, but lots of folks describe me as a knockout, and when Janet looked at me, I really felt like one! "So!" I said in a somewhat breathless but otherwise normal voice, "Rhonda tells me that you already had a crush on me. I have to admit that I like the idea of having a secret admirer!"

Janet looked a trifle embarrassed and shrugged, "Sorry that I was so shy! I've been fucking boys since I was fourteen, but the most I ever did with a girl was to kiss a couple of times, and even that was with Rhonda, when she'd let me. She let me feel her boobs once while we were swimming; that was just last summer. But I want to do a lot more than that!" Her gaze roved over my bare legs and feet.

I stuck my tongue out at her – way out. Janet gasped, "Holy Shit! How can you hide that huge tongue in that cute little mouth?"

I giggled and shrugged, "I'm a freak, but just wait until you see what it feels like!" Janet's expression was so amazed, that I had to giggle again.

Just then, Rhonda came back in, carrying a tray bearing a wine bottle and three long stemmed glasses. "I hope you like white wine, Kathy!" Rhonda said brightly, "I know that Janet does." She did the pouring and sat down on the floor at our feet, then handed each of us a glass. "How about a toast, Kathy?"

"I'll defer to my new friend," I said with a nod toward Janet.

"Then, to orgasms!" beamed Janet with another grin. We all chuckled and clinked our glasses. There was something about the rawness of Janet's lust that really appealed to me!

After a sip from the wine, I looked down at Rhonda, who was sitting cross-legged so close to our feet that I was sure she was using her position to look up our dresses. I didn't mind in the least, and even spread my legs a little. "Well, Rhonda, where do you want us to do this? Here? The bedroom?"

She blushed, "Wherever you like, Kathy, I think it's exciting enough just to watch. I hope the two of you don't mind." She looked at each of us expectantly.

Janet looked directly at me; "I want to do this so bad that I would do it in a stadium!"

I clinked the rim of my glass thoughtfully against my teeth, "I guess it's okay, but it would feel better to me if you were involved in some way..." I waited while Rhonda grew nervous, then announced, "I have it! You can be our handmaiden, sort of!"

She nodded hesitantly but asked, "What did you have in mind?"

"Oh?" I said, looking up at the ceiling, "Fetch wine if we want more."

"Draw back the covers for us!" Giggled Janet.

"Take our glasses at appropriate times to leave our hands free," I grinned at Janet. I was really starting to like her!

"Unsnap our bras for us when the time comes!" laughed Janet.

"In fact, you can start," I said glancing down Janet's shapely legs, "By removing Janet's shoes. I've already removed mine, and we should be equal at the start. Wouldn't you agree, Janet?"

"A toast to equality!" cried Janet, and we drank again.

Rhonda set down her glass and gently took off Janet's shoes. She glanced up at me, "Sure, I think it will be fun being a servant to the both of you. Anything else?"

"Oh," I said airily, handing her my wine glass, "If we need something, we'll ask." Janet took a last nervous gulp from her glass and handed it to Rhonda, too.

"Wanta just make out for a while?" I asked Janet.

She grinned and scooted next to me, shyly putting her arm around me. I played the femme, laying my head back on her arm and turning my face up to be kissed. She gave me a slow tender kiss, probing my mouth lightly with her tongue. I moved her hand from my waist to my left breast, and she gently massaged it.

"You really are wearing a bra," Janet giggled between kisses. I put my hand on her left breast and rubbed her, "So are you!" I smiled back.

I glanced down and saw that Rhonda was watching raptly, her lips slightly parted. Janet was kissing my neck and sliding one hand slyly up my leg. I kept looking at Rhonda and spread my legs some more to make it easier for Janet and to improve Rhonda's view. Her mouth found mine again as her hand slipped inside my panties, unfortunately, Janet's kiss blocked my view of Rhonda. Some devil inside of me made me twist and shift my hips, spreading my thighs further for Janet's exploring hand, but obstructing Rhonda's view. I gave a little moan as Janet found my clit, and I writhed my hips a little, giving Rhonda quick flashes of my panties filled with Janet's hand.

I started my left hand up Janet's skirt and discovered that her hose were pantyhose. If it had just been the two of us, I would have gone ahead with the onerous and difficult task of invading pantyhose - the damn things are the modern equivalent of the medieval chastity belt. Janet understood perfectly what was going through my mind. She stopped kissing me, although her hand stayed in my panties, and said, "I could take them off now, or we could have our handmaiden do it."

We both smiled down at Rhonda, who smiled back. But I shook my head, "No, let's go to the bedroom, and she can take them off in there. We need some more space." Janet smiled and agreed, reluctantly pulling her hand out of my panties. Then, Rhonda led the way to her bedroom. On the way, Janet sniffed her fingers, sucked on them and winked at me. Did I mention that I liked that girl?

It was a large room and unexpectedly luxurious. I guess Rhonda's parents had money, because most college students didn't keep king-size beds, Queen Anne antique dressers and what had to be a genuine, Persian, nearly wall-to-wall area rug. But what really blew me away was that the entire ceiling was covered with mirror tiles, light being provided by sconces on the walls. I laughed out loud with delight, and Rhonda gracefully accepted my compliments.

There was a single chair, a nice one and obviously another antique, which Rhonda proceeded to maneuver into position alongside the bed. Janet smiled, "Do you think you'll be close enough, Rhondy? There's plenty of room on the bed!"

"For the three of us and a basketball team!" I agreed.

Rhonda smiled primly, "If you don't mind, I'll move around, if and when I need to, meanwhile, the chair is fine."

I didn't waste any time. I hopped into the center of that huge bed and spread my arms toward Janet. "Come and ravish me, my sexy lover!"

Janet gave a delighted laugh, crawled onto the bed and lay on top of me kissing me lustfully. I spread my legs so she could rub her hips against mine and turned my head to Rhonda, "Handmaiden, do your stuff! Strip Janet's pantyhose off!"

I directed Janet's passionate kissing to my neck while I watched Rhonda in the overhead mirror. Janet raised her hips to accommodate Rhonda as Rhonda tried to pull down the pantyhose without raising Janet's skirt. I foiled that by pulling Janet's skirt up with my hands. Janet wasn't wearing panties underneath the hose. I used the mirrors to admire the fleshy white globes of her up-thrust ass as Rhonda peeled the pantyhose down Janet's thighs. Rhonda, of course, had the best view, but I couldn't see her face until I raised my head to peek over Janet's back. Rhonda's attention was certainly focused on Janet's pretty, plump ass, her lips slightly parted and her glasses all but steamed!

Rhonda managed to work the hose off without too much disruption, while Janet turned her attention to unbuttoning my blouse. Janet's blouse was a pullover, and as I raised it up, our arms tangled in their various tasks and we giggled. Janet gave me what I could only describe as a wet-bottomed, sexual leer and further complicated matters by kissing me. I didn't mind. For the short time I had known her, I liked Janet very much.

Meanwhile, Rhonda had returned to her chair, but she did lean over us to help Janet pull her blouse away, and then she undid Janet's bra in the back and pulled the harness over Janet's head.

Janet sat up and pulled me up with her. She wanted to remove my blouse, and of course, I cooperated. While Rhonda helped Janet fuss with my bra, I took the time giving Janet a good look-over. I liked her tits, really nice without being unusual, all but for a puckered nipple on the left one. I tweaked it with my fingers and the nipple popped out, as big as her right one. She gave me a feral grin as she whipped my bra away. As she lowered herself on me, I put a hand between her legs, and though she was still wearing her skirt, I maneuvered beneath it, and then, nothing else separated me from the meat of her. My hand got wet fast as she fucked my hand and french-kissed my mouth at the same time.

I flicked at Janet's clit, and she moaned and heaved her hips, but with a lust that overcame her lust, if that makes any sense, she moved down from my mouth to focus her kissing on my breasts. I looked over at Rhonda and saw that she had her left hand under her own skirt, her right lying demurely in her lap. She was leaning slightly forward, her lips parted and her face flushed with excitement. Janet sacrificed the joys that my hand were giving her pussy to slide further down my body, kissing my tummy and tonguing my navel. I ran my fingers through her hair and lifted her face to look at me. "Janet, I know you want to eat me, but let's ask Rhonda to take my panties off. What do you say?"

Janet gave me a lazy but depraved grin, endearing her to me even further, "Maybe she should just go ahead with the rest, too. I've only a skirt left, and you've only a skirt and panties." She turned her head to Rhonda, her lank dirty blond hair shielding her face from mine, "What do you say, Rhondy? Willing to make us naked to see some more action?"

Rhonda cleared her throat and leaned over Janet to unzip her skirt. Janet unbuttoned my skirt, and I admired her pussy while Rhonda stripped my skirt off. We both watched Rhonda's face as she peeled my panties down. Rhonda knew it, and wouldn't meet our eyes, or couldn't tear them away from my dark brown snatch, whichever.

"A promise is a promise," grinned Janet with a happy sigh as she spread my thighs. Rhonda started back for her chair, but I took her hand.

"Lay beside me," I said as softly and as languorously as I could, "and hold my hand while she does it!" Rhonda hesitated, but with an abrupt nod, she stretched out on her side facing me and continued holding my hand. Her other hand, she kept under her skirt. I gasped as Janet split my pussy with her tongue, but I kept my eyes on Rhonda, who was craning her neck to better observe Janet.