Kentucky Fried Yankee Lawyer Ch. 03


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The next 10 minutes became such a dizzying and jumbled mental overload that Pete would spend quite a few years afterwards trying to unravel. The horrible, metallic taste of his own blood washing across his palate as he bit the inside of his lip in helpless angst, even without looking Pete knew the 'exploratory pat down' the officer had initiated with Gwen was quickly devolving into the same ruthless act that happened with Rhonda Stone weeks earlier.

While the interlude with Rhonda seemed to be more like Wayne Wurley's way of showing the new guy in town who was boss, it seemed the joy he was taking doing what he was with Gwen was far more personal in nature. Hearing the sound of the deputy's zipper ripping down, Pete balled up his right fist and beat it into his thigh when he was forced to hear Gwen's vocal wails of defiance.

The cold, crisp air adding to the storm raging inside Pete each time it met the burning kiln of his lungs, he had no way of stopping the sound of the harsh and horrible things the cop was saying down to Gwen, or the fierce but ultimately fruitless things Gwen was screaming in return.

It didn't take a lot of imagination on Pete's part either when Wurley penetrated Gwen. The groans of the woman's sickening shock filling the abandoned Willoughby property, it was soon followed by the rutting rhythm of the officer's fully dressed body plowing forward into Gwen's exposed behind.

Casting a weary peek back out into the woodline, Pete was forced to listen to Wurley's erection sawing in and out of Gwen's cunt as he leaned in close and whispered despicable nothings into the her ear. Pete cringed contemplating just how many women this monster may have done something similar to.

If there was ever a moment when an animal was at its most vulnerable however, this was it.

From the urgency Wurley was showing, it was clear he wanted to finish as quickly as possible in case his dispatcher buzzed him. What was also clear was how he wanted to take as much pleasure as he could from this apparently long awaited conquest. The ferocity of his grunts signaling his impending release, Pete figured within the next minute, Gwen's pussy would be flooded with the man's seething cum.

She'd shown so much courage in agreeing to help and now Pete was left to think how Gwen would re-coil each time she saw one of the police cars, not to mention anyone in that uniform as she went about her job downtown where the place was constantly crawling with cops.

Pete wondered the same thing about his future in that town now, then his world suddenly stopped. Handcuffed to his own steering wheel, the young lawyer was witness to one of the most insane turn of events anyone could fathom.

The only thing Pete could liken it to was a memory he had of being a young boy visiting a relative. A neighbor's dog had gotten loose and had followed the scent straight to Pete's uncle's house where it then had conveniently mounted one of his uncle's dogs that happened to be in heat. Pete remembered how his uncle had thrown a bucket of water on the otherwise occupied mutt, and how the thing had wailed as if it had been mortally wounded before it jerked away and re-treated from its primal calling. What Pete was seeing now amounted to a human version of that, multiplied by a thousand.

Even for someone as tuned into his surroundings as Deputy Wayne Wurley, to have so much of his attention focused on what he was doing to Gwen, and the little bit that was left over geared towards keeping an eye on Pete to his right, the cop had no clue something very bad was about to happen on his left flank until it was way too late.

Like a petrified bystander watching a speeding train barreling on the same track towards one that was already stopped in the station, Pete's eyes widened as the blur of Leroy Cardwell appeared from nowhere just before he planted the business end of a stun-gun against the deputy's neck.

The pitch-black air filled with an incredible howl just before Wurley collapsed like a fallen tree right at Pete's feet. Immediately regretting that he didn't take the opportunity to kick the twitching cop right in the gut, Pete instead jerked backwards when Leroy threw himself down on top of the still paralyzed man on the ground.

Looking up to make sure Gwen was OK, Pete couldn't help but wonder if she received any of the jolt from Wurley's penis as the sudden and debilitating rush of electricity coursed through every fiber of his being. Seeing the look of hardened but healthy defiance still fresh on her admittedly tear soaked face, Pete watched Gwen pull her pants back up.

Leaning hard against the door of his car once Leroy swooped down on top of the defenseless deputy, Pete honestly thought he was going to kill Wurley. Watching Leroy confiscate not only the officer's gun and taser, Pete noticed him take Wurley's nightstick as well, the symbolism clear considering what the cop had done to Rhonda with it.

Pete let out a sigh of relief as well when he saw Leroy remove the keys to the handcuffs from one of Wurley's pockets, an item he gladly grabbed in his shaking right hand when Leroy blindly tossed them up to him.

It was only then after he'd freed himself from the anchor of the steering wheel that Pete was able to turn and see the shadowy frames of two women easing out of the woods. Rhonda Stone and her daughter Jenny approached with a mixture of eagerness and caution, the bluish white light of the hand held camera in the older woman's hand providing a beacon as they eased up the clearing towards the spot where everything had gone down.

Concentrating his attention of Gwen once he'd removed the cuffs, despite the veneer of strength she'd shown, as soon as he put his arms around her, she melted in his embrace. Allowing everything she'd bottled up during the evening to explode in a fit of sobbing rage, Gwen buried her face in Pete's chest for nearly a minute until she found her voice.

"Get me out of here," she looked up and told him.

Helping her over to the passenger side, Pete eased Gwen into the seat before climbing in on his side.

" go back with them," Leroy's voice rose from the darkness.

"But....," the younger girl began to protest before Leroy made it clear he didn't want anyone else around other than Rhonda.

Waiting for Jenny to let herself into the backseat, Pete then turned over the engine and put the car in reverse, swerving around the Wurley's parked cruiser before backing out onto the main road.

"Did she get everything on camera?" Pete heard Gwen ask, the grit he'd grown to love gradually seeping back into her cadence.

"Yeah..I think so," Jenny looked forward and nodded.

"Good!! Now let's get back to their trailer so I can take a shower and wash this stink off me," she sighed as the tires met the pavement and Pete began to steer forward.


While the three headed back to the trailer, Rhonda and Leroy stayed behind to make their little pitch to the incapacitated deputy.

The entire drive back to the Cardwell residence, Pete continued to be flabbergasted at how smoothly Leroy's plan had worked. Having no clue what sort of blackmail proposition he was going to use on Wurley with the video of Wurley's attempted rape of Gwen, Pete also wasn't exactly privy yet to the deep-seated anger burning inside Gwen that would have allowed her to be used as 'bait' in the trap.

Squirming in his seat when he caught a glimpse of Jenny staring up at him in the rear view, Pete felt a gnawing itch that couldn't quite be scratched as the 18 year old in the backseat kept her knowing eyes glued on him.


Jenny's warning about the hot water in the trailer had been spot on. While there was enough sizzle to make his, and Gwen's, shower tolerable, there was a perpetual feeling that it would run out at any moment.

Considering all they'd been through, Pete's main focus was getting Gwen lathered up and rinsed off before Rhonda and Leroy returned so they could huddle up on the next part of the plan. He was just in the middle of doing that, his hands massaging the shampoo into Gwen's blonde hair from behind as she used a bar of soap to take care of her front, when the whole tenor of the moment changed on a dime.

Nothing was really spoken between the two as the fallout of the evening continued to steadily wash down the drain. Assuming, for good reason, Gwen would take awhile to come out of the shell she'd put herself in to handle the horrible chore she'd just pulled off, Pete had no reason to believe what his girlfriend did was anything but an accident the first time she ground her soaking wet rear end backwards against his crotch.

"What are you doing?" he did lean in and whisper the second time her shaved and soapy vulva pressed into the flesh of his upper thigh, hoping his voice was quiet enough under the hiss of the shower that Jenny wouldn't hear from wherever she was outside.

"I'm not going home with the last thing inside me being that asshole's cock," Gwen spat to Pete without turning around, the implication clear in her tone.

Feeling her mash her molten slit repeatedly against his now stirring penis, Pete pushed Gwen's head towards the cascade of water and rinsed the shampoo from her hair as she reached between her legs and began fondling his balls.

He thought for a moment of warning Gwen about Jenny's presence outside, but given the sole and ruthless purpose she'd shown less than an hour earlier, Pete realized nothing was going to stop Gwen from doing what she needed to do.

Before Pete could string together any sort of protest, Gwen had snugly took hold of his inflating shaft and guided it between the slippery cheeks of her ass. Immediately feeling the velvety warmth of her womb welcome the head of his prick, Pete wrapped his right hand around Gwen's waist and shoved forward. It wasn't long before all the accumulated stress of the previous few hours, if not the past few days and weeks, began bleeding through in each of his increasingly rabid thrusts.

Chills racing down his back when he heard Gwen's first yelp of appreciation, Pete added his second hand to support his girlfriend's waist as she pushed both her hands flush against the front wall of the shower stall.

"Fuck me," he heard Gwen gasp over the relentless hiss of the shower, and he was more than happy to oblige.

Pete had privately wondered just how he was going to get the visceral and disgusting image of Wayne Wurley violating Gwen out of his head. As twisted as it was, he now understood where Gwen was coming from. Ramming his crotch into her behind until he was plowing full speed ahead, Pete could feel the catharsis billowing from his pores as Gwen worked out her demons below. Her cunt fiercely squeezing at his cock now like a pistoning vice, Pete realized he wasn't so much holding her waist to support Gwen, but to keep her from completely tossing him like a out of control bronco.

In the chaos and mayhem of their desperate need, Pete was totally unaware the bathroom door had drifted open.

The water beading on their saturated bodies, Pete eased his legs to the outside of Gwen's, encircling her the best he could as she began to stomp and quiver on the soaked floor of the tub. Rubbing his left hand through the strands of blonde hair that clung to Gwen's shoulders as she bowed her head, Pete could only imagine the horrible thoughts she was casting away with each successive thrust he made into her. Just as he reached down between her thighs from behind and clamped the fingers of his right around the bulging nub of her clitoris however, Pete saw Jenny's partially exposed face staring on from behind the shower curtain.

The report of Gwen's spastic cries instantly filled the shower stall as she bucked and writhed backwards against Pete's embedded cock, utterly oblivious that Jenny Stone was standing directly above her, looking eagerly on.

Way past the point of no return, Pete wasn't getting his dick back until Gwen was good and ready. Measuring Jenny's disturbingly calm stare, it was clear she wasn't going to turn away either if Gwen happened to look up. Pinching his fingers around Gwen's clit yet again, Pete allowed a nuclear glow to radiate through his body feeling the way his girlfriend's torso convulsed at the same moment Jenny's eyes filled with depraved appreciation for what she was witnessing.

Reaching his left hand around Gwen from behind, Pete eagerly massaged her soaked breasts as he repeatedly pressed and rolled her clitoris with his right.

It wasn't long before Pete noticed one of Jenny's hands drift towards her crotch as she stood with rapt fascination just on the other side of the curtain. Forcing his chest tight against Gwen's back as he pounded her from behind, Pete's blood began to boil as he looked the young girl straight in the eyes, absorbing the carnal image of Jenny masturbating just a foot and a half away.

"UUUHHH..UUHHH..UUUHHHHH," Gwen's throaty moans filled the room, each one rising and falling with the collisions Pete made riding her hard from behind.

Most of his plasma already clustered far from his brain, Pete nearly blacked out when he saw Jenny began easing her free hand forward, pushing it through the castoff falling from Gwen's bent over body before allowing her open palm to come to rest, right beside his, on Gwen's swinging breasts.

Pete sensed it wouldn't take long, even in Gwen's current condition, for her to feel the difference in texture of the two hands now groping her chest. Given Pete's perfect view, it appeared as if everything was happening in slow motion as his girlfriend slowly raised her head to see where the third hand exploring her body had come from.

Jenny never so much as blinked when Gwen's eyes met hers. Instead, the 18 year old closed her fingers tighter around the whimpering woman's bosom until Gwen's knees were buckling beneath the rushing water.

Fighting with everything he had to keep from cumming while the sordid image below continued to unfold, it didn't take long for Gwen's reaction to Jenny's advances to register. Pete's eyes crossed, and his head whiplashed backwards, when Gwen's already churning vaginal muscles gripped like mad at his buried prick each time the younger girl rolled Gwen's plump right nipple between her fingers.

""MMMMMMMMMMMM... SHHHHIIIITTTTTTT... MOTHEEERRRRRRFUUCCKKKKKKKK," Gwen growled as she hurled her rear end backwards against Pete's stabbing girth.

Despite the obvious effect she was having on Gwen, Jenny was far from done. Given her seemingly psychic sexual acumen, Jenny could clearly sense how close Gwen was to the edge. Keeping the pressure on the naked woman's right breast tight with her left hand, Jenny pulled her right away from her own sweltering crotch and slipped it inside the shower stall. Extending her fingers as she guided them towards Gwen's contorting face, Jenny traced the musky scented digits across the other woman's parted lips before slipping them inside Gwen's mouth.

Jenny immediately felt how every muscle in Gwen's body was firing as she withstood an assault from both sides. Holding her fingers on Gwen's tongue for nearly a minute, allowing the rich and tangy nectar coating them to drift down the older woman's gullet, Jenny finally pulled her fingers free, tracing them first over Gwen's chin, then down the center of her throat. Continuing to ease the tip of her fingers lower, Jenny zigzagged them playfully across Gwen's chest before darting them between her heaving breasts. By the time she'd slide the fingers of her right hand over Gwen's quivering belly and guided them directly up to the puckered pink bloom of her impaled womb, Jenny could tell the naked woman was on the verge of utter collapse.

Jenny wasted no time flicking her thumb across the button of Gwen's throbbing clitoris a good dozen times, each swipe causing an increasingly lurid gasp to bleed from the trembling woman's lungs.

Seeing the way the veins in Pete's neck bulged as he held on to Gwen for dear life, Jenny filled with a dizzying sense of sexual power as the couple in shower careened towards duel release. Gracefully easing her fingers away from Gwen's swollen cunt, Jenny teasingly scraped the tips of her nails along the underside of Pete's pistoning prick until she'd gently cupped his straining balls in her hand.

There wasn't a man alive that could have kept from busting his nut once Jenny did that.

"GGAAAAWWWDDDDDAAAMMMMMMMMMM.. .FFFUUU... FFFUUU.. FUUUCCKKKKKKKKK," Pete's voice tore through the cramped, steamfilled space as the torrent of his boiling seed found a home deep inside Gwen's churning womb.

The warm, bathing rush of Pete's cum splashing through her spasming vaginal walls was the last straw for Gwen as well. Crashing forward as a low and goosebump inducing guttural moan rose from her diaphragm, Gwen forehead crashed into the front wall of the shower stall as Jenny rapidly spun her right hand across the very spot Pete's cock continued to ram into Gwen's screaming quim, leaving the couple at the point of complete exhaustion by the time she was done.


The sound of Rhonda and Leroy entering the house would have likely ended the suarez in the shower, if the supply of hot water hadn't exhausted itself first. Jenny had disappeared with the exact same secrecy as she'd entered the bathroom well before Pete and Gwen could so much as reach for a towel, leaving the couple to examine yet again the twisted swerve their relationship had taken.

"You've had sex with her," Gwen asked at some point, more with tepid amusement than anything.

"Not exactly," Pete replied, his knees and his vocal chords still jelly.

"Was that the first time you've had a woman touch you like that?" Pete came back as he helped dry Gwen off.

"Plead the Fifth," the young paralegal blushed.

Pete and Gwen finished getting dressed then walked back out into the living room. Instantly seeing the 'no bullshit' look on Leroy's face as he sat on the sofa with Rhonda to left side and Jenny to the right, Pete was quickly reminded of the can of worms they'd just opened that night with the powers that be of that little town....

End of Part 3

Parts 4 and more will be out hopefully by late Spring or early Summer..thanks for reading!!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"Parts 4 and more will be out hopefully by late Spring or early Summer..thanks for reading!!"

Which year?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Follow up???

Did you ever finish this story? Curious how it continues!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Lady Justice

Very good sequel and so looking forward to Ch. 03. I cast my vote for Lady Justice Gwen having to use her "get out of jail free card" several times. Hopefully she plays that card more than once with Boss Hog Cyrus. Thanks for the read.

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