King of Hearts Ch. 00-01


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Somehow, her boss had gotten word of what had happened. He'd called her in to his office and made her a proposition that she couldn't possibly refuse. Now, two years later, she had dozens of successful cases under her belt, was in better shape than she'd ever been before and had a hefty-sized bank balance to boot.

Joseph decided that the business should be called King of Hearts after the red king in a card deck. The king had a sword stuck through its head and was known as the suicide king. He liked the image. He set her up with training in martial arts, gun training and weight training. He taught her everything he knew of surveillance, kept her up on all the latest of gadgets, and had become something of a mentor.

At first, Cat had enjoyed the work and felt a sense of accomplishment when she knew she was helping abused spouses and children from the terror their lives were. She loved the thought that she made something better for them. She'd enjoyed the image and the gadgets and sometimes felt like a female James Bond, though her license to kill wasn't sanctioned by any government. And Cat had killed, though she didn't like the feeling or get off on that kind of power, not like some she knew.

Now she had three other women that worked for her and King of Hearts was flourishing. All advertising was done only by word of mouth. There were rules that they followed, some set up by Cat herself and drummed into her associates heads until they could spout them in their sleep. She never worked in front of children since she knew what fear can do to a child no matter what their age. She never killed unless there was no other way. And she never worked for the rich bitch heiresses or money grubbers who wanted to get rid of a man, be it daddy or husband, for the money.

She did this for protection of the weaker sex.

The buzz of her phone startled her and she reached up and picked up the headset.

"Yes," she said, noting the inner office line.

"Joseph Heart on line three, Cat. And I've got your schedule up, would you like it now or after you talk to Mr. Heart?" Geena's voice seemed unnaturally loud.

"After, Geena. And hold all my calls until I buzz you please." Cat hit the flashing button and cut off any reply her assistant might have made. She picked up the other line.

"Hi, Joseph. How are you?"

A rumble of laughter greeted her ears and she could almost picture the robust man, gray-haired and gritty, his skin tanned into a leathery consistency that wrinkled at the corner of his eyes almost as if he squinted too much. His eyes were blue and always sparkled even when he was reaming someone out with a vengeance.

"You sound like you had a wonderful night Cat. I hope everything went as planned."

"Perfectly, when doesn't it?"

"Well, there was the Griffith job."

"Rub it in why don't you. And while you're at it, throw some salt in and maybe open a bottle of that rot gut whisky you're so fond of." She snapped into the phone unable to keep her ire out of her voice. "Is there a reason you're calling Joseph? Or could it be you can't get enough of my sparkling personality?"

"I need you to clear your schedule this afternoon. I've hired a new associate and I need you to start training."

"What? When did you decide to hire someone new?" Cat felt her nerves tighten. "It's not as if I don't have enough work to do, Joseph. You have me on fifteen separate cases right now as well as 'overtime'. And now you want me to train someone else?" Cat spun in her chair, staring at the bland off white blinds. Right now she wished she could stand to look at the view.

"I wouldn't have done this if it weren't important, Cat and you know that. I'll see you in my office at one thirty. Don't be late."

There was a click and then the dial tone took over, an angry buzz in her ear that matched the angry buzz of her emotions right now. Joseph had become her friend as well as her boss in the last few years but he took up more and more of her free time until she felt as if she didn't have a personal life anymore. Now Joseph hired a new girl meant that she'd have even less time than before.

Cat sat and sipped her coffee. When was the last time she'd had a real date? When was the last time she'd actually had fun with a man? Even more important, when was the last time she'd gotten laid? Her mind played back over the last year. Eight months ago she'd met a man who could have held her attention, had spent the evening with him at a company party. She'd been very attracted to him, so much so that she threw away her usual rules of dating and went to his house with him.

That night with Erich had been wild and passionate, not to mention intensely erotic. It had been beyond her wildest imagination. Cat had gotten up early the next morning, having a prearranged 'mission'. She left his home with him still asleep.

Nothing had been more difficult than standing over him and watching him sleep, his dark hair mussed, his cheeks dark with stubble. She'd left her card on the pillow next to him, her private cellular number on the back.

Cat had never been one to wait by the phone, but she did for him. Every time her cell phone rang, she'd grab it up and stare at the display with hope in her eyes.

After a week, she no longer felt hope when the phone rang, she felt used. She'd been just a one night stand for a man that couldn't be bothered to call, a man she'd just met, one she'd had no reason to trust. But she had. She felt even worse after driving by his house and seeing the sold sign in the front yard. She was as bad as one of the women that came to Joseph crying about the men in their lives that used and abused them.

"Your schedule, Cat." Geena startled her from her thoughts.

"Clear my afternoon, Geena. I have to attend a meeting with Joseph. I probably won't be back in the office until tomorrow."

"Okay." The assistant sighed and turned on her heel to get ready to piss people off.

Cat reached out and picked up her messages, determined to get some work done.

She reached for her phone once more and began her day.

By noon, she'd gotten as much done as she could from the office. The rest would have to wait until tonight, or tomorrow morning. Grabbing her bag, she turned off the light, closing her office door on her way out. "Take an early night, Geena. And thanks for being such a trooper today."

"Yeah, yeah, just remember it when my year end raise comes up."

With a wave she left the office.

By the time Cat got down to her car, noon rush hour traffic was just hitting its peak.

She stormed at the idiot that cut her off, taking down the license plate number in a fit of temper. It wasn't good to piss off a woman who had connections and could find everything she needed to know about you to make your life miserable.

An accident had traffic at a standstill, the fumes from the cars and the noise had Caitlyn putting up the top on her small sports car. Running through the stations on the radio, she finally came to one playing music and resigned herself to waiting in her car for traffic to start moving again.

It didn't help any that she couldn't get Erich out of her mind now that he managed to finagle his way in. He was the type of man who exuded power, who women looked at more than once when he came into a room. Cat had been no exception, taking in the bright red power tie, the dark Armani suit, skillfully cut dark hair and green eyes that definitely belonged in the bedroom. He could woo with a glance, sending a woman's heart to thumping with a smile or a nod of the head.

Mindlessly tapping the beat of the music on her steering wheel, Caitlyn couldn't help but remember that night. It was as cliché as it could be. She'd walked into the hotel that was holding the banquet, a huge party for one of the higher ups that was retiring. Erich was standing across a crowded room, leaning against the fireplace that was lit, lending the air the smokey smell of burning wood. His eyes had swept the room, as if he were looking for someone, resting upon her for just an instant before moving on.

She'd had to smile when he straightened, his head swiveling to find her again. Their eyes had met, he'd moved across the crowded ballroom toward her.

"Have we met somewhere before?"

Cat had to laugh, for a pick up line it was pretty corny but he had delivered it with such sweet sincerity and his smile was wickedly perfect in his rugged face.

"Hmmm, I kinda doubt it. I think you might prove to be pretty unforgettable." She held her hand out to him, feeling him engulf it in his huge hand. "Caitlyn Summers," she said, feeling him gently squeeze her hand instead of shaking it.

"Erich Radner," he'd said, smiling down at her. It was very different for a man to smile down at Cat. Her heels had her towering over most man. But Erich was at least six inches taller. With his dark hair, tawny skin and sparkling green eyes, he was irresistible. It would have been easier to forget him if he hadn't been able to make her laugh and to more than keep up his end of the conversation.

By the end of the evening, they'd eaten dinner together and danced to the music that their host had so thoughtfully provided. It had been on the balcony, as they rested and cooled their overheated bodies that Erich had kissed her.

What a kiss. Cat could still remember how his mouth had scorched across hers, the fire that his lips had started burning in her loins. She'd been almost panting when he lifted his head, her lips swollen and sensitive.

"Come to my place?" he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver of longing down her spine.

Cat couldn't remember nodding or very much about the ride over there. His hand had played with the long, silky line of her thigh, sliding closer to the hem that kept slipping up with her squirming. He'd teased her, taking his hand off her leg only long enough to switch gears, finally reaching her panty clad pussy.

She'd been soaked and slightly embarrassed of the fact but Erich had found it exceedingly arousing. The smile that crossed his lips as his fingers slipped around the leg band and into her heat had her panting even more.

He thrust two fingers into her, his thumb coming up to rub gently at her clit with every hard thrust. Her cries filled the car even as her hips ground into his hand. She came hard, her hands holding onto his wrist as if afraid he'd pull away from her.

"Oh God," she moaned softly, opening her eyes to find his mischievous green gaze staring into her. "That was amazing."

"In the immortal words of BTO, let me say, you ain't seen nothing yet," he teased, remember that she'd told him her love of Bachman-Turner Overdrive.

"God I hope not, though if it's better than that, I might become addicted."

"I don't think I'd mind." He skillfully changed lanes and turned down a side street away from town. He pulled up to a huge Victorian manor that sat well back on a large lot.

"This is yours?" She'd been amazed by the looks of the place. It looked freshly restored, the lawn sculpted, the bushes trimmed. New paint made the outside shine, a white swing hung from the porch and looked very inviting. There was a pretty fountain next to a picket fence that was covered with trailing roses the size of her fist.

"Yeah, I buy the old ones and fix them up. This one will go on the market in a couple of weeks when I finish the last of the rooms. I've already got my eye on another one to buy."

"You live in them while you fix them up?"

"Yeah, saves on rent," he said with a chuckle, opening his car door and getting out.

He held hers open and offered her his hand. She took it, stepped out of the car and turned toward him, her lips finding his. She felt him jump, startled, then felt his mouth open and his tongue came out to find hers. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her against him.

She leaned back against the closed car door and almost purred as the kiss continued. Her leg slipped up the soft material of his pant leg to hook around his waist. She pulled him even closer, then tore her mouth from his and patted his cheek. "You did say something about coffee, didn't you?"

His green eyes narrowed and he couldn't help but smile at the gleam in her eyes.

"Yes, I did. I guess it's good that you mentioned it. I'd hate to give the neighbors a show."

"You might find yourself overwhelmed by anxious, bored housewives," she teased, glancing around at the other houses in the neighborhood as he led her toward the front door.

The instant the door was closed behind them, he'd pushed her against the heavy oak portal. His hands filled with the round curves of her ass. His mouth swooped down and found hers, kissing her with a passion that left her panting and weak, pliable in his hands. He laughed, enjoying his power; as much as he enjoyed the look that came to her eyes when she pushed him back, knocking him to his back on the wide oak staircase.

She straddled his hips and her hands pulled at his tie. She destroyed the knot with a quick jerk and then went to his shirt and she laughed as he began to crawl backwards up the stairs. She easily kept up with him while she pulled open his expensive shirt and ripped off buttons in the process.

His body was everything the suit had promised it would be. Taut and muscled with a light furring of hair across his chest and down over his washboard abs, Caitlyn couldn't keep her hands off of him. "Nice." She sighed.

He sat up and reached around her for the zipper that held her midnight blue, sleeveless dress on her body. He unzipped her dress and bared her body inch by beautiful inch until she sat across his lap wearing nothing but a blue satin thong her dress puddle in her lap. The first touch of his hands on her breasts had sent her head back with a moan of pure pleasure. His hands were slightly coarse, definitely not the hands of a man who sat behind a desk. Calluses graced his palms and the tips of his fingers were roughened.

They felt incredible. Even now, sitting behind the wheel of her car, she could remember the way they had felt against her skin and the way he'd used them. She flushed as she realized her hand had dropped to her lap while she'd been remembered Erich. She pulled up her tailored skirt, lightly rubbing her panty covered pussy.

A horn blared behind her and she jumped only to realize the traffic was finally moving and she still just sat there. Quickly putting her little car into first, she headed out, determined to forget Erich. "I just need to get laid."

She pulled over to the right turn lane and headed into the parking garage of Joseph's building, parking in her space. She checked her reflection in the mirror and quickly repaired her makeup and brushed back her hair before getting out of the car. Joseph had his own private elevator, and she slipped her key into the slot, turning it to unlock the car before keying in her code on the keypad.

The elevator began to rise with a jerk and she began her usual mental preparation in case Joseph forgot once more, to close his blinds. When the doors opened, she was cool and calm. She walked into the wide foyer, stopping at a huge vase of pink roses that graced one marble table. Breathing in their scent, she waited for Joseph to make his presence known.

Caitlyn didn't have long to wait. A door opened down the hallway, men's voices echoing around her. Men's voices?

"Caitlyn, come down here. I'd like you to meet my new partner."

"Partner, Joseph? I thought you'd hired a new girl to train?"

"Well, he does need training and no one does it like you do." Joseph kissed her lightly on the cheek. "You look amazingly ... tall, today." It was an old joke between them.

"Thank you. So, you've taken a partner?"

"Yes. I'm getting old, Caitlyn. I thought it was time to bring in some fresh blood and a new perspective. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

"We can only hope so." She felt a spurt of panic at the thought of having to change her ways to please someone new.

"Come on in, let me introduce you." Joseph kept her hand, leading her toward the study that he'd just vacated. He smiled expectantly as he pulled her through the doorway.

Caitlyn watched as a man stood up from one of the chairs in the small sitting area of the study. Her eyes focused upon his familiar face and her heart leapt into her throat. "You!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Inevitable really 😉 love the writing style.

Tess (uk)

skippersdadskippersdadabout 3 years ago

great start. keep it going.

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