Knocking Down Destiny's Door Ch. 02


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"Look at the way she lurched when you shoved forward, Baby..I bet she's never had a cock that big in her mouth," Destiny cooed to her son.

Brennen let out a low, 'I don't know if I really ought to say this' type of sigh before finally giving in.

"I remember her son from gym class back in school," Brennen chuckled with bland matter-of-factness. "If heredity is all its cracked up to be, I'm guessing the answer to that question is 'yes'!"

The words dripping from Brennen's lips caused Colleen to melt into the sheets. The fact that his deduction about her husband's endowment, or lack thereof, was spot on was difficult enough to hear on its own, but to have it delivered in such a crass and casual manner just added to the insult.

Yet, there she was, with as much of the young stud's penis stuffed into her mouth as she could, slurping it with all her might as a healthy concoction of her saliva, and the combined fluids of Brennen and Destiny's ejaculate trickled down her throat each time she swallowed.

Rubbing his right hand through Colleen's already messed up hair as he continued his slow grind forward, Brennen leaned to his left and kissed his mom on the lips before turning his full face fucking attention back to the married woman below. Feeling the soft cushion of Colleen's breasts against his rear end each time he rocked backwards, Brennen took carnal pride in the way the woman's entire body would quake when he repeatedly launched forward.

"Take it Mrs. Follett....get it nice and hard and maybe I'll fuck you with it..fuck you just like I fuck my Mom everytime I come that what you want?" Brennen prodded, reaching behind his back with his left hand and slicing it through the married woman's oily vaginal slit as he continued to use his right to hold Colleen's head in place.

>From the way her cunt lips bloomed and expanded around his gouging fingers, the strapping young adonis had his answer.

"Why don't you get down there and eat her out, Mom..get her nice and wet..thats the only chance she has of taking me," Brennen gave Destiny a hawkish grin. "I wanna feel her cum first though with my dick in her mouth!"

"Spread those legs, Mrs. Follett....I've seen what my mom can do with that tongue of her's. You're in for a real treat!!" Brennen cooed down to Colleen as he fed her his cock.

"I know you two have been hanging out a lot many times have you thought about her going down on you..come can be honest," Brennen continued with his inquisitive monolouge, his balls now dancing on Colleen's chin each time he hunched forward.

Feeling Destiny slide behind him and take her place between Colleen's thighs, Brennen rubbed a swath of seat from the prone woman's forehead as he waited for the impact to show on her face.

"UUMMPPHHH," Colleen babbled and shook, her torso heaving and her feet digging spasticly at the sheets when Destiny McCullough's mouth sealed down on her pulsing quim.

Bracing both his hands around Colleen's head as she bucked beneath him, Brennen steadily increased the pace of his forward thrusts as the tornadic whirlwind of her exhales swirled around his buried prick. Looking over his shoulder every few seconds to absord the stunning visual of his mother eating Colleen out, Brennen milked the moment with a patience belying his youth, waiting for Destiny to eventually push her older friend to the brink of hysterics.

Trapped beneath mother and son on the suddenly straining bed, Colleen's inability to see anything going on around her only heightened her other senses. The taste of Brennen's manhood on her palate clear and present, his masculine scent overwhelmed her primal wiring, causing everything that ever mattered to her to fade, for the moment, into the distance.

Hearing everything the two were saying to each other as they worked her over, Colleen also catalouged every single sound they squeezed from her body, creating a hypnotic pool of quicksand she gradually slid deeper into. The only thing keeping her tethered to reality was the exotic combination of Brennen's natural savagery, and his mother's own seductive prowess as they collectively ravaged every single nerve in her electrified body.

The glorious interplay between Destiny's warm, slithering tongue on her twat and the battering ram of Brennen's penis churning back and forth in her mouth built towards a maddening creshendo. Colleen could feel the lava of her long repressed lust bursting through her very core as she locked her legs around Destiny's back and her arms around Brennen's.

"Getting ready to cum, Mrs. Follett?' she heard Brennen grunt.

"MMMHHHMMMM," she managed to shake her head and groan her reply through her overstuffed mouth.

"Not until mom and I say so," came Brennen's caustic and cryptic reply.

Her release building like a locomotive steaming downhill, just as Colleen passed the point of no return, Destiny suddenly peeled her saturated lips from the pulpy mire of Colleen's sex.

"Noooooo..please let me finish..pleeeaaassee," Colleen jerked her head to the side and spat, leaving Brennen's imposing, spit-shined rod dangling in front of her delirious face.

"'re gonna cum...just on my terms," Brennen leaned in and whispered to Colleen before sliding down her body and taking up residence in the same spot his mom had kept warm.

Even with his substancial endowment, given the prodigeous amount of moisture Destiny's oral skills had culled from Colleen's cunt, Brennen was able to penetrate her with relative ease. Still, the "OH FUCK" that leapt from the PTA mom and church board member's throat resonated through the entire second floor of the house once the 20 year old clearly staked his claim inside her.

"Bring her back to my room, Brennen. My bed's a lot bigger," Colleen heard Destiny tell her son.

In very short order, Colleen felt the youngster's hands slide beneath the small of her back. Then weightlessness.

Her dripping slit speared on Brennen's jutting manhood, Colleen instinctively flailed her hands out, wrapping them in a deathgrip around his broad shoulders as he turned and carried her towards the door with his mother following close behind.

Within seconds, Colleen was re-tracing the same path she'd taken minutes earlier when her own lustful curiousity dragged her from her bed and down the hall to witness something precious few have. This time however, she wasn't making the journey on foot.

Her entire body wrapped around Destiny's son as he walked her forward, Colleen rested her chin on the boy's right collarbone as his embedded cock stabbed deeper into her womb with each step he took closer to his mother's lair. Even with the hallway lights switched off, Destiny was close enough that Colleen could read every emotion on her friend's glowing face.

"Kind of understand now how I couldn't resist his advances, either," Destiny's eyes seemed to imply as she followed in tow.

Kicking his left foot out, Brennen pushed the door to his mother's bedroom all the way open and walked Colleen over the threshold. The vibration with each step Brennen took sent jagged shivers through Colleen's pussy that rocketed straight up her spine as he ferried her to the bed to finish her off.

Biting her lip, and saying a prayer of forgiveness for her grave moral weakness when she felt Brennen come to a stop, she stared back at Destiny with a haunting mixture of shame and appreciation. Her hands and ankles locked around Brennen's back as he held her in place, Colleen was powerless as Destiny stepped forward and planted a stirring and soulful kiss directly on her lips. Returning it with equal fervor, Colleen felt the lady of the house's hand nestle tenderly through her hair as their tongues swirled together.

"Now put her down and fuck her, Baby," Destiny then turned her lips to her son's ear and hissed.


Before tossing Colleen down on the bed and unleashing the sexual fury brimming inside him, Brennen couldn't help being touched by a sense of deja-vu from the evening he and his mother crossed that unfathomable line.

Holding Colleen in place, Brennen drifted back to that night two plus years earlier when he was sitting side by side with Destiny on the living room sofa. There had been a strange vibe perculating between them for some time, but neither knew quite what to make of it.

Finding themselves face to face during a commercial of some show they were watching, there was a numb, tortured moment of hesitation when their eyes met before one of them eased their lips forward a fraction ofd a second before the other. To this day, Brennen and Destiny were both unsure who leaned in first, thus changing both their lives forever.

Helping his mother to her feet in what seemed like mystical and poetic silence, Brennen reached down and pulled the sweatpants Destiny was wearing down, never once breaking their shared gaze. Unbuckling his own jeans and dropping them down to his feet, Brennen stepped out of them, then in one clean motion lifted his mother into the air and carried her upstairs.

Blindly reaching down to penetrate the same womb he'd emerged from 18 years earlier, Brennen filled with the most powerful sense of possession a man could feeling his mother's entire being collapse like a living shroud around him. Leading her to her bed, the two would make love for the better part of the next two days as if it was pre-destined that they be together.

Now allowing Colleen to hang there in mid air above that same bed, Brennen drilled his penis into her with gut-wrenching precision, gripping her waist tight as those ample tits of her's bounced crazily across her chest. Sharing another long and rousing kiss with Destiny as she lazily pawed at Colleen's swaying breasts, Brennen finally sat the married woman down and turned onto his back so they were face to face with his cock still buried snugly inside her.

Having long since lost any comprehention of up and down, Colleen felt like she was tumbling in a washing machine as Brennen sat her down then rolled her on top of him. The one thing that remained constant was the skewering girth of his manhood pressing into places no man ever had inside her.

Tilting her head to her left in a desperate attempt to gain her bearings, Colleen saw Destiny standing there by the bed. The room scented heavily with the bouquet of her and her son's illicit coupling, Colleen froze as Destiny bent down towards her.

"Great to feel like a woman again doesn't be completely filled," the boy's mother whispered into Colleen's ear, causing her to involuntarily nod in surrendered agreement.

Then the drilling began.

With one intestine stirring, virile thrust after another, Brennen McCullough stretched Colleen's vagina in ways she never imagined. Gliding his blunt and swollen phallus like a magic wand in what seemed like a different angle each time, it felt as if the young man was plowing her womb for every single secret her body had ever kept.

"UUUHHHH," she would gasp out loud each time the head of his dick found sexual bedrock, only to shudder and gasp as she clung to him when he pulled it back to drive home yet another volley.

Her chest pressed flat down on top of his, tears flowed freely from Colleen's eyes, soaking his pecs from a series of emotions far too difficult to express. To make her plight even more deliriously indescribable, Destiny traced her fingertips in a never ending array of etherial patterns, first across Colleen's back and shoulders, then down over her bare ass and thighs as Brennen continued to ram the piston of his penis upwards.

As if that wasn't enough, Destiny soon started dotting Colleen's back with ever so soft butterfly kisses, followed by the not so subtle feel of her nails raking down the center of Colleen's spinal column. The gesture of tenderness and savagery mirrored the two extremes Colleen found herself sandwiched between. It wasn't long until every single element in the universe seemed to fuse at the core of Colleen Follett's soul.

Straddled on top of Destiny's 20 year old son, her quim gushing each time he sliced into her with cocksure marksmenship, Colleen steadily lost any sense of self as he commandeered her body for his own selfish devices. In that moment of harrowing disengagement, Colleen was no longer a wife or mother, sister or a daughter, simply wanton slut rutting like mad to please the beast beneath her.

Staring straight down into the fiery orbs Brennen's eyes as she tried to keep from blacking out, if he'd asked her at that moment to leave her husband and kids, she would have said yes. If he'd asked if she'd bear his children, she would have gladly said yes, If he'd asked her to kill for him at that moment, she would have nodded her head in agreement if it meant he'd allow her to cum as many times as she could on top of him.

If Colleen wasn't already on the doorstep of insanity, in very short order, Destiny still found a way to up the ante. Just as Colleen was about to give herself totally to the young man now jackhammering into her in a blinding blur, Destiny pressed the cheeks of Colleen's ass apart and pressed her warm and insistant mouth directly up to the ultra sensitive rim of her exposed anus.

"NNNNNUUHHH..MMMMMMUUHHH.......MMMAAAHHHHHHH," Colleen howled, her torso corkscrewing on top of Brennen as his mom slid her tongue into her pink and puckered asshole.

"Never been touched down there, have you?" she heard Brennen say, his rippled abs rising against her belly as he chuckled below.

"....No....," Colleen somehow managed to cough, her rear end jerking spasticly as Destiny spun and darted the tip of her tongue through virgin territory.

Snarred there between mother and son, Brennen's huge phallus stretching her vagina to its very limits while Destiny did her business mere inches away, Colleen feverishly rutted between the two dueling forces until she was a sobbing mess on the younger man's sturdy chest. Feeling mother and son's hands intertwined on her fleshy asscheeks as they both went about their devious chore, a deep mewing groan built from Colleen's diaphram and worked its way up to her lips before finally belching out in a continuous wail that bounced like a siren's call through Destiny McCullough's bedroom.

Flailing her hands out and wrapping them around Brennen's head like a drowning victim reaching for a floating log, Colleen may as well have dissolved between the two as one orgasm after another crashed like runaway rail cars up and down arched and twisting line of her spine.


By the time her two lovers had taken their pound of flesh and peeled themselves away from her, it was all Colleen could do to lay there and stare straight up at the ceiling as the darkness filled with a kalediscope of colors. The faces of the mother and son took on a cartoonish, funhouse quality for a good bit of time as they flanked her on the bed, staring down with an obvious sense of exhaustion and conquest. At some point, just as everything started to slowly come back into focus, Destiny and Brennen took a spot to each side of Colleen as she gasped for air on the center of the sweaty and crumpled sheets.

Her internal organs still doing loops as she struggled to find any sort of equalibrium, Colleen simply laid there and shook as Destiny began kissing her on the lips and neck. In short order, Brennen was doing the same until it felt as if dozens of imaginary people were there simultaniously kissing her entire upper body.

Her senses too fried to make out the words passing between mother and son, Colleen cringed and let out an audible gasp when Destiny began sliding down her body.

"," she internally yelped, knowing she may just disentergrate if someone touched any of the spots they'd just so thoroughly worked over.

Feeling Destiny's warm hand take control of the underside of her fleshy right thigh, Colleen watched as her friend lifted her leg then positioned herself at a 45 degree angle beside her. Before she could fathom what was happening, she felt the moist outline of Destiny's pussy press down perfectly on top of her's.

"OOOHH..GGAAAWWDDD," Colleen gushed, her long brown hair now matted across her face as she trembled in Brennen's caress.

The sweet, syrupy sounds of Destiny buffing her pussy over top of Colleen's filling the silence, Colleen pressed her face back down against the sanctuary of Brennen's chest, the tears she'd just left still moist as she helplessly added more. It was clear in that moment of golden recognition she wasn't the first woman that mother and son had seduced together, but on that early morning of Thanksgiving eve, Colleen Follett was grateful she'd become the next.


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

no, no, NO!

Foxterot7aFoxterot7a10 months ago

Outstanding story. After 40+ years, Colleen finally knows what it is like to be a free, sexual female human being. No more self-imposed boundaries. 5 star series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
good till the d/d

that is an auto story dump and a 1 star...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
You've done it again. Great story

I haven't been here for a few years so its great to see you're still at it. Keep em coming dude.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

It's OK, i'm not! I think your story reads well and I hope Collett finds an even more enlightening world in the future thanks to Destiny and Brennan. Why is it those with names comment about the writing, while those who remain anonymous do nothing more than complain about spelling! If that's all they want to do, find another website and go do it there!!

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