Lake of Forbidden Desire

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A snorkeling snafu sets off a curious chain of events.
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(This author does not compose stroke stories. This author does chronicle real-life events in a fictional format.)


"I think we should swim naked."

"We are not swimming naked," my sister snapped. "You're not swimming naked. I'm not swimming naked."

"There's no one around Sis. Come on. Don't be a chicken."

"You're disgusting."

"It's not like I've never seen you naked, Sis."

"When have you seen me naked?"

"Shelly's hot tub last summer."

It was a vivid picture in my mind; the moonlight, the laughter of the girls as they peeled their bikinis off under the water, my sister's white breasts bobbing just below the surface.

"Oh really? You mean you can see underwater in the dark?"

"Remember when your cellphone rang, and you reached for it and your tits popped out of the water?"

"Shut up," she blurted, crossing her arms over her cantaloupe tits.

"Sorry Sis," I laughed. "It's not my fault. I'm nineteen, for chrissakes, with no girlfriend, and you're a smokin' hot woman in a Speedo."

"Shut UP!" she growled, punching me in the shoulder. "You're also my brother, and brothers aren't supposed to think of their sisters that way."

With a disgusted look, she pulled on her snorkeling mask and did a backwards flip into the water. I followed, watching her transform from the gangly gal in the flannel shirt to a mysterious aquatic creature, knifing through the water like a cartoon character from Finding Nemo. It always amazed me the way Sis took to water. She'd been swimming since before she could walk. The water was her stage, her opportunity to shine in a world that usually saw her as awkward and uncoordinated. But there was nothing awkward about Sis in a Speedo. One look at her bouncing rack and her puffy cameltoe and it's obvious you're in the company of a real woman.

We were in an unnamed cove at Lake Powell, looking for Indian ruins. Or rather she was looking for Indian ruins, I was looking for her ass cheeks to bust out of the back of her swimsuit. That's probably why I always let her lead on these little excursions - the view was much better.

After a short, exploratory dive, she popped back up to the surface. "Over here," she said, with an air of urgency. We did the freestyle out into the middle of the cove, and then she took a series of deep breaths prior to the dive. Sis could hold her breath way longer than I could. I always told her it was because her chest was bigger than mine, but that never went over very well. In fact, I've got a permanent bruise on my arm from being slugged when I cross the line with my tasteless jokes and sexual innuendoes.

Sis submerged, and I followed, watching as she weaved her way down into the midst of what appeared to be an old flatbed truck. In the 1960s, when they flooded Glen Canyon and turned it into Lake Powell, all sorts of things were left behind, this truck being one of them. As Sis floated through the driver's door, I headed back up to the surface for another gulp of air. That's the way it usually worked. For every breath she took, I needed two to keep up.

I broke the surface, gasped a couple of times, and then headed back down, only to find Sis frantically thrashing, as if the truck had her trapped. "Help!" she gurgled, the sound oddly distant and muffled. She pointed to the strap of her Speedo, which was snagged on what was left of the windshield frame. In her struggle to pull it loose, she had only wedged it tighter, and now her left tit was about to pop out.

Frantic to escape, she jerked her other shoulder strap down and reached for the surface, her big, buoyant breasts finally freed from their spandex prison. I grabbed the strap to help strip her suit off, and watched in awe as her athletic body was finally revealed. How many nights had I fallen asleep fantasizing about her naked? And now, finally, my fantasy was coming true, although not quite the way I had planned it.

While marveling at her sculpted beauty, her rippling abs and sinewy thighs, the task at hand was to get her swim suit past her flippers. I grabbed one foot, ripped the suit off, and magically, the other foot came untangled. Watching her kick for the surface, it was rather distracting seeing her pussy blinking at me like a fish mouth in an aquarium, but I really didn't have time to enjoy the view.

She reached topside in a cloud of bubbles and foam, thrashing frantically. I broke the surface a few seconds later and grabbed her under the arms, trying to hold her above water. With her tits pressed against my chest, she gasped and wheezed, puking a huge mouthful of water onto my shoulder.

"Take it easy Sis," I said, trying desperately to keep us both afloat. I was never very good at treading water, and treading water for two was even harder. Clenching me in her death grip, she just kept coughing and wheezing while I enjoyed the feel of her stiff nipples against my chest.

A couple of minutes went by, long enough for me to get to know every curve and crevice of her luscious body as I held her aloft. In her effort to stay afloat, she had straddled my thigh, and the fact that her bare pussy was rubbing my leg was not lost in the commotion.

"Jesus!" she gasped, "that was close."

"You okay now?" I asked, pretending I wasn't totally enjoying the feeling of her naked body pressed against mine.

"I guess so," she sighed, loosening her grip on me, "except that I'm bare-assed naked."

"See? If we'd gone skinny-dipping like I suggested, none of this would have happened."

"Shut up," she said halfheartedly, too whipped to slug my shoulder.

We swam for the boat, side by side, me watching her tits slosh through the water, she acting like she didn't know I was getting an eyeful.

"You want me to boost you in?" I asked, as we paddled up to the edge of the skiff.

"I guess," she sighed.

In all the years we'd been out in boats, she had never once needed help climbing back in, but she did today. I grabbed the edge of the boat, my arms spread apart, and braced myself while she used me as a ladder to climb aboard. Then I followed, boosting myself up and finding her curled up on the seat like she was trying to take a crap.

"Over there Sis," I said, pointing to the other seat, "unless you want to drive."

"Whatever," she grumbled, moving to the other seat while keeping her arms crossed over her chest. I pretended not to look, but of course, I did look. The funny part was, not two hours ago I was trying to peek through the flap of her tent while she was climbing into her Speedo, and now it was all there for me to see. It gave me a strange sense of power over my big sister. She was always the one in charge, but not now.

"You want me to go back and try to retrieve your Speedo?" I asked.

"You can if you want to, but the way it started ripping up the side, it wouldn't do me much good, would it?"

"I think it would look great on you Sis, depending on which side I was looking at, of course."


"Sorry Sis. I couldn't resist."

We sat there for a moment, me pretending not to leer, she, doing everything in her power to prevent it. Then she looked up, accidentally showing me a pig, pink nipple.

"You didn't happen to see a towel down there, did you?"

I had to laugh to myself. She was the one who said we wouldn't need towels, or extra shirts, since we'd only be gone an hour or so. Now, she would have killed for a towel, or a shirt, or anything to cover up with.

"Keep your eye on the shore, Sis. Maybe there'll be an old garbage bag or something."

She shaded her eyes to scan the beach, revealing not just a big pink nipple, but a whole breast, and then her face lit up. "Over there. See it?"

I guided the boat across the cove, where the remnants of an abandoned camp were scattered about. While she waited, I waded ashore and foraged what I could; a plastic grocery bag, an oven mitt, and a kitchen towel about the size of a magazine.

"Did I do good, Sis?"

"Asshole," she grunted, staring at the booty as if it was garbage. Well, technically, it was garbage. "I hope you're enjoying this," she said, as she reached over the side of the boat to rinse the towel. Again, I tried not to look, but this was a whole new view I hadn't seen yet; her round tits elongating as they dangled over the edge of the boat.

Satisfied with the cleanliness of the towel, she draped it carefully between her legs, and then proceeded to tear the grocery bag open, so that she could cover her tits with it if she had to.

"Um... Sis, do you want to turn around?"

"Why," she asked, giving me her annoyed look, "so you can pee into the lake?"

"No, I'm going to rub some SPF 45 on your back."

"You're so thoughtful," she said sarcastically, as she got up and repositioned herself, giving me yet another fleeting glimpse of the backside of her camel-toe. I was past the point of marveling at its sculpted beauty, preferring to imagine what it smelled like and how it tasted.

Putting SPF 45 on Sis's back was no big deal. We oiled up each others backs all the time. But this time, when I got to her bare ass, a dilemma ensued; to touch, or not to touch? I chose the former, and much to my surprise, my wandering hands where not fended away by yet another clenched fist.

Sis looked over her shoulder at me, giving me a nice peek at her left tit. "I'll bet you've been dying to do that for ages."

"Only since you turned eighteen, Sis," I said, as my fingers plied her springy butt, coming perilously close to her ass crack.

"Pervert," she grunted, returning to her stoic pose with her arms crossed over her chest. As I was running out of places to apply SPF, my hands wandered onto her hips, where I imagined I'd be holding her while I ate her pussy, or pounded her cunt with my hard-on.

"Want me to do the front too?" I asked innocently.

"Want me to knock your teeth out?" she answered.

"No, but I would like if if you'd do my back."

"I'm not turning around till you do."

"No problem Sis," I said, bidding goodbye to her naked body and spinning around on my seat. With her hands slithering across my back, I couldn't help but sigh. Just knowing she was naked, touching me, was enough to give me an instant hard-on.

As she completed her task, I succumbed to my forbidden desires. "You can do my front too if you want to Sis."

"In your dreams, asshole."

"You owe me, Sis."

"I don't owe you shit."

"Didn't I just save your life a few minutes ago?"

"Yes. And haven't you been staring at my tits and ass and pussy ever since? Isn't that payment enough?"

"Letting me do your front, and you doing my front would be payment enough."

She thought for a moment. "I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?"


Silence. For about a minute. Finally, she let out a long sigh. "All right, pervert, you win. But don't get fresh with me, or I will knock your teeth out."

I gave her a moment, and then I turned around. She was sitting there, her knees locked together, her back ramrod straight, her tits proudly displayed like a Playboy model. Flashing me a contemptuous look, she handed my the SPF tube. With trembling hands, I squeezed out a dab and spread it on the front of her shoulder, letting my fingers trail down to the top of her breast.

"Why did I know you'd want to start there?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Because it's the best part?" I answered, swooping my hand down under her breast, just missing her stiff nipple. It was quite awesome, finally feeling those big round tits I'd been lusting after all these years (since she turned eighteen, of course.) They were softer than I had imagined, and I wondered how they managed to be so buoyant and yet so full and heavy. It was a mystery that would require much study and research.

"Just get it over with?" she whined. "The longer this takes, the more sunburned I'll be."

I let my fingers graze her nipple, but my sister didn't flinch. Determined to convince her how enjoyable it could be, I greased up the other tit, swirling closer and closer to her nipple but not touching it.

"Bobby?" she sighed, "you haven't got a clue. No matter what you try, you're not going to force me to enjoy this. This is strictly for your pleasure, not mine."

"I'm cool with that," I said, venturing down her tummy, clear to the top edge of her trimmed bush.

"One more thing, Mr. Pervert? Unless I stand on my head, I'm not going to be needing SPF on my junk, so just consider that part off limits, okay?"

"Sure Sis," I answered, prying her legs open to get at her inner thighs.

"Sicko," she grunted, grabbing the side of the boat so she could lean back and spread her legs. "Have you considered gynecology as a career choice? That seems to be your main interest these days."

Gazing at her most private place, it was as if her slit had been designed my Michael Angelo; the lips glossy-smooth like marble, the hood over her clit hinting at the same kind of mystery that lay behind the Mona Lisa's smile. I was in awe, but at least I remembered not to hang my mouth open while I stared.

"You're really pretty down there Sis," I stammered, my eyes glued to the pink prize.

"Compared to what? The women in Hustler?"

"Compared to Ruth, for one."

"You did Ruth? The one with the buck teeth and the pimples and no tits?"

"And Amie,"

"Whoa, now there's a hot number. Is she still in Weight Watchers, or did they kick her out for breaking their scale?"

"I'm just sayin' you look nice down there."

"Thanks Bro, that's good to know. I'll keep it in mind if I ever decide to become a nude dancer."

By this time, there was nothing left on Sis to SPF, so I handed her the tube. She snatched it from me and squeezed out a huge blob into her palm. Then she shoved me down into the bottom of the boat, straddled me, and with a couple of quick swirls, smeared lotion all over my chest, as if it was some kind of race.

"Come on Sis," I whined, staring up at her dangling breasts and her puffy labia, "be nice."

"I am being nice," she said, squeezing another glob out of the tube, "I'm not knocking your teeth out." Her hands darted to my legs, starting at my ankles and slipping and sliding all the way up to the edge of my cut-offs, which did wonders for my aching dick.

"Um, Sis?"

"Um, what?"

"I was thinking, you know, since you were naked when I did your front, shouldn't I be naked when you do mine?"

"Really? Is that what you were thinking?" Her hands were frozen at the tops of my thighs, almost touching my balls. "And if I finish doing your front with you naked, I won't owe you anymore?"

"I promise, Sis. I promise."

"You're disgusting, you know it Bobby?"

"I know Sis. I'm sorry." I watched, holding my breath, while she unbuttoned my cut-offs. Then, with a brisk flick or her wrists, my cut-offs were down to my knees and my hard-on was bobbing in the sunlight.

"That's it?" Sis giggled. "What happened? Did the cold water make it shrink?"

"Don't ruin the moment Sis, please?"

She nonchalantly grabbed my shaft, and then with the other hand she spread a gob of lotion on the purple head. I closed my eyes. Then I opened them, remembering that Sis was naked, and I really shouldn't pass up the opportunity to enjoy her nakedness.

"Is that how you like it pervert?" she cooed, with one hand sliding down and cupping my balls.

"Yeah," I gasped, already getting close. The feel of her hands on my cock, the sight of her tits bobbing with the rocking of the boat, the unencumbered view of her puffy pink peach of a pussy, it was a dream come true. Well, a dream come true would have been me sliding my dick all the way into that puffy pink peach of a pussy, but a guy's got to settle for what he can get.

"Faster?" she sneered, her pace quickening, her fingers gripping me tighter.

"Yeah," I warbled, as the semen eased up my shaft. I hung my mouth open and gazed into her eyes, imagining this to be foreplay before we made love for real. I knew she was on the pill, and I knew how easy it would have been to just shove it in and cum inside her.

With that in mind, the first spurt erupted from my stinging dick and shot clear over my shoulders and out into the lake. She kept pumping, and I kept squirting, or rather dribbling as my balls emptied all over my stomach. That's when I felt it, the utter surrender of giving yourself to your partner in sex. The vulnerability, the openness of it, it made me realize how much I loved my sister. I wanted to hug her, hold her, whisper in her ear, all the corny stuff that lovers do.

As she gazed down at me I felt the same sense of utter devotion coming from her. Or maybe I only imagined it. Whatever. I'll give her this much, it was the best damn hand-job I'd ever had, and she didn't stop milking me till I was limp as a wet noodle.

"Happy now," she said, wiping her slimy hand on my cut-offs.

"Yeah" I sighed, staring up at my bad-ass nasty sister, all naked and shiny from the suntan oil.

"I don't owe you anymore?"

"No Sis, we're cool."

"Actually," Sis said, leaning back and giving me an amused stare, "we're not cool. I got you off. Now you owe me one."

"One what?" I stammered, anxious to fulfill her every need, "one orgasm?"

"You don't know how to give a woman an orgasm."

I hung my head. There was a kernel of truth to her words, but I certainly didn't want to admit it. "Try me" I said, perfectly aware of Sis's competitive nature.

"You owe me," she snapped. "Let's just leave it at that, okay?" With that pronouncement, she replaced the kitchen towel between her legs and gazed off into the distance.

Confused, happy, sad, and out of breath from my orgasm, I pointed the skiff towards camp, gazing fondly at my stubborn, sexy, naked sister.


"Oh great," Sis moaned, as we rounded the corner into our cove and spotted the gaggle of campers set up next to our site. "Where did all these yahoos come from?"

"I don't see any little kids, Sis. I don't think the adults would mind if you came strutting up the beach in your birthday suit." Seeing the punch to the shoulder coming, I dodged, and she missed, but her tits did do a delightful little dance as she regained her balance.

"Wrong!" she pronounced, folding her arms across her chest again. "I'm going for a swim, right over there on the other side of the rocks, and you're going into camp and fetching my bikini out of my bag. And a towel. A big towel."

"No problem Sis. I'd do that for you." I watched as she slipped into the water, imagining the submerged view of her pussy as it opened and closed like a fish mouth, and then I cruised the boat into shore, cutting the engine and gliding in silently. That's one of the things I like about boats - the way they can float practically forever if you give them a firm enough push.

I trudged up to our campsite, ignoring the new neighbors, and checked Sis's tent. We were still using the same camping gear from when we were little, two matching one-man tents for Sis and I, and a big one for Mom, except Mom no longer had a husband to keep her company. Since Sis's tent was so tiny, she used Mom's tent as a dressing room, and when I didn't see her bag in the little tent, I proceeded to Mom's tent and pulled the flap open.

Staring into the dark, musky tent, I couldn't believe my eyes. Was that my mom, lying there bare-ass naked, snoring softly, with a vibrator laying across her tummy and a catsup bottle stuck halfway up her cunt? I blinked, but the image didn't change.

Right away I noticed the resemblance to my sister - the same wide hips and full breasts, although Mom's breasts had pretty much deflated over the years. Mom and Sis both had the same puffy pussy, except Mom's was shaved bald, with more of a swirl up at the top of her slit. Between that and the funky/sweet/sour smell of sex, I was overcome with an emotion that was totally unfamiliar to me. It wasn't disgust. It wasn't desire. Curiosity perhaps? Some kind of animal instinct?