Leader of the Pack Ch. 08


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"Why are all of you so stuck on how exactly we had sex? I don't get it," Aislinn glared at her. "And it's none of your business." Cullen stiffened and Sarah gave him a harsh glare at that.

"On the contrary. They're stuck on it because what the alpha does with his women is everyone's business." Celia grinned. Sarah had to hold Cullen back as the face off continued. Celia leaned in closer to Aislinn. Neither woman was willing to drop her gaze from the other for an instant. "Did you bite him back? Taste him?" Aislinn didn't answer. "No? Shame. I would have. Did he do it on purpose? Did he tell you what it means? Do you have any idea what it takes to be the alpha bitch?"

Suddenly Celia stopped. She tilted her head and her eyes looked over Aislinn's shoulder and stopped on the three elders that had been watching. She smiled broadly. "Have you come to make sure I didn't hurt her?"

Aislinn wasn't sure if Celia was trying to distract her so that she could attack or if there was something that was actually drawing her attention. Celia stood upright and dropped the threatening demeanor as though it had never been. She looked at Aislinn with more hatred than Aislinn had ever seen and at the same time there was a tear in the corner of her eye. She stepped in closer to Aislinn. Speaking in a whisper so low that Aislinn could barely hear what she was saying. "Do you love him?" she asked.

Aislinn swallowed hard. She didn't have an answer.

"Then you and I will have to finish this later," Celia said.

Aislinn looked at her in confusion. Then followed her gaze to the group in the doorway. Cullen was eyeing them both cautiously. The woman with him looked pissed and Keith had a disappointed air about him. He obviously wanted to watch a fight. Celia nodded in submission toward Cullen and then headed out the door. A man who had been standing against the wall immediately followed her. He had an annoyed air about him and Aislinn shortly heard arguing from down the hall.

She was waiting to see what Cullen was going to say. She was pretty certain that he wouldn't be happy with her. To her surprise he came over to her and started looking her over for injury. "Are you alright?" The rest of the room stared on in shock and amusement.

Aislinn tried to stop his fussing but wasn't very successful. "Yeah, I'm fine. I told you I would be."

Cullen stopped as she growled at him and he grinned at her. "Picking up bad habits," he said.

"Huh?" Aislinn was frustrated. It had been a difficult evening.

"The growling. Not generally a human habit." He smiled at her. He was greatly amused by the fire in her eyes. And the idea that she had held her own against Meredith made him feel better about her fitting in. Then there was watching her with Celia. No matter how concerned he had been for her safety he had to admit that she had looked and sounded impressive. He leaned in and kissed her. It took her and all the others totally off guard.

Aislinn could feel his fingers on her chin gently guiding her mouth to his. His lips burned against her and she felt passion rolling in her stomach. She reached up and took hold of the material of his shirt. Partially to keep herself from falling over. When he ended the kiss she stood with her eyes closed for just a second longer and took a deep breath, feeling his scent seep into her and wash the frustration she had been boiling with out of her system.

He ran his fingers over her face and smiled at her. "Have you had enough for one evening?"

"What?" It took Aislinn a moment to catch what he was saying.

"Would you like to go to bed?" He added and his eyes swirled with the suggestion.

Aislinn couldn't help but join him in the smile at that point. "Sounds nice."

Keith and Sarah approached the two. "We hate to interrupt. But," Sarah said. She looked considerably less pissed off than she had a minute ago. The anger had been replaced by a bemused resignation. She reached out and pulled the neck of Aislinn's shirt aside to see what Celia had been ranting about earlier. Then she gave a motherly look to Cullen. "I take it that Aislinn will be staying with the pack on a permanent basis?"

Cullen cleared his throat and, upon seeing Aislinn's uncomfortable stance with Sarah examining the mark on her shoulder, he pulled Sarah's hand away. "Aislinn has been told that she can stay as long as she wants. Anything more has yet to be discussed in detail."

Sarah crossed her arms and her tone adjusted to match the motherly look in her eyes. "You were behind her when you did that."

Cullen looked around to see how many people were witnessing the conversation and he watched Aislinn carefully. He had started to explain it to her but she just didn't seem to understand the significance and he was certain she wouldn't completely get it until she was dealing with it first hand. "This isn't the place to talk about that," he said and eyed the onlookers suggestively.

Sarah shook her head and then she looked over at Aislinn. "Are you okay with being in his rooms or do you think you might want rooms of your own at some point? I mean, he's only likely to get more aggressive and it he takes the play too much farther then you may end up stuck with him whether you like it or not." Then she looked at Cullen. "But if he's smart he'll do it by the book instead of taking things into his own hands." She looked back at Aislinn. "I know you probably don't get this right now. But if he gets out of control there won't be a way to stop him and the entire pack should be involved if it really does go that far."

Aislinn looked at Cullen and then at Sarah again. She was sounding more and more like his mother. Aislinn's brain was wheeling. Everyone seemed to be awfully concerned about this and she was starting to join them. The real problem being that the entire explanation was more than anyone was willing to say in detail and all the veiled information wasn't going to help. She looked over at Cullen. He looked concerned. She smiled at him. Hell, I haven't felt this good about someone ever. "No, I'm okay in his bed. As long as I'm wanted."

Sarah looked at Cullen then back to Aislinn. "Girl, if you are actually doubting whether or not he wants you there then I can think of a few elementary classes we give to the children that you need to sit in on. My concern is more that he doesn't seem to have a grip on where to draw the line." Cullen growled at her. "I am happy for you," she responded to the growl with a sincere tone. "Just be careful. And get around to making sure she knows what she's in for. I'm only half kidding about sticking her in one of the classrooms." Then she walked off shaking her head.

Cullen watched after her like a child who had just been scolded for doing something he knew he shouldn't have. "Well that went well."

"I did catch the sarcasm," Aislinn responded. Keith just stood there watching and waiting with a goofy grin on his face as if something great were about to happen.

"Ailinn, that was Sarah. She's one of my best friends and for all intents and purposes, she's in charge of the women. There are too many in this pack for me to deal with all of it myself. At some point you'll have to spend some time with her and get your position around here straightened out. But with the rest of the complications at this point I think it best if that waited."

Aislinn nodded. "Alpha female," she said earning an impressed look from Cullen. She looked at Keith quizzically as he just stood there looking amused. "Is there something growing out of my forehead?" She asked Cullen.

He shook his head and glared at Keith, who only returned an unimpressed look. "Have you actually met Keith?"

"That first night we met. At the bar."

"Yeah," Cullen breathed out. It was all like a bad dream now. "Well, this is Keith. His a pain in my ass and my right arm. He's mostly harmless. Though his mate is not. Where is Jaylyn anyway? I'm surprised you're still wandering the halls."

"You know one of these days you're going to hurt my feelings," Keith replied good-naturedly. Then he looked at Aislinn again. "In case you don't know it yet, he's none too subtle when he wants to get rid of someone. Jay doesn't care where I am as long as I end up in bed with her eventually. He's just afraid that I'm going to say something to embarrass him and so he wants me to disappear. That is an impressive bite mark Cull," he said rather loudly, not wanting anyone to miss the fact that Cullen had finally chosen a woman to mate with. "You were behind her when you did it. I can tell from the angle. Nice! When's the actual ceremony?"

Aislinn blushed furiously. "Well it seems as though Cullen was right about the embarrassment factor," she said in an authoritative voice that raised Keith's eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, this one is much better than Jenna," he chuckled. "She even has your annoyed tone. This is going to be fun. Things were getting rather dull with all the attacking and raiding and mystery. Give me a nice simple way to pick on the boss and my day brightens immensely."

Cullen reached out and took hold of Keith's shoulder. He pushed the man out of the way and with a hand at Aislinn's back he guided her passed his friend and headed toward the elevator. By morning everyone in the pack would know that he had bitten Aislinn. He couldn't decide whether he should try to talk to her about it again or not.

When they got into the elevator Cullen reached for his key only to realize that Aislinn had it. She was holding it up to him with a smile on her face. He nodded to the panel and she put the key in and hit the button for the top floor. Cullen was torn between being tired and being playful. "By all the Gods you're beautiful," he said in a soft serious way that sent chills up Aislinn's back. His arm went around her and he started kissing her.

He couldn't help it. All he wanted was to be inside her. When the elevator doors opened they virtually fell into the room, almost forgetting to grab the key. By the time they were in the bedroom they were naked and by the time they were in the bed Aislinns legs were wrapped around his waist. They never did get a chance to have a conversation that night.


Rafe backhanded the man who had come to report in. The large lycan only barely moved from the force of the blow. He was unimpressed with Rafe's physical abilities. Rafe had never been impressed with lycans. He didn't understand why his ancestors had been so enamored with them. Of all the weres they could have created they chose wolves, Rafe thought with disgust. Wait until they see what I do. "How did Arnauk get his mongrel hands on her?"

"I don't have that information. Just that she's there. He's keeping her in his rooms."

Rafe paced allowing anger to bleed out and mar his generally placid appearance. If she was in his rooms that implied more than Rafe was willing to concede. "I need her out of there. You'll arrange it."

"The way he's treating her there are fairly solid rumors that he intends to mate with her."

Rafe roared and threw a nearby chair across the room. "I want her back untouched!"

"It's too late for that."

"Then I want her back as unmarred as possible. Before he mates with her. She's mine. I don't care how you do it. Just bring her here." Rafe moved in so close to the lycan that the lycan snarled at the proximity. An odor that made him sick permeated the air around them. He wanted to rip Rafe's throat out but couldn't bring himself to do it. Rafe smiled at the lycan as if he knew what was going through the man's mind and it amused him. "You'll do as you're told. You know what will happen to her if you don't."

Rafe swept out of the room, leaving the lycan standing there. A tear formed in the large man's eye. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could feel fear and pain. He let his head fall back on his shoulders and a howl bleeding with misery echoed through the building. Rafe smiled when he heard the sound. He looked over at the tiger who was walking beside him. "Bring me some more of their women."


Jenna was pacing back and forth in her room. She was getting increasingly antsy. The large lioness just stared at her with distaste. She mostly slept, but always seemed to be awake when Jenna wanted to try and get out. Jenna wasn't stupid enough to think that she wasn't a prisoner. It had only been a day that she had been stuck in here and she wanted out already. Her brain was warring between knowing that Rafe wasn't going to share his power with her and not caring.

Her logic told her that it wasn't like her to not care. But every time she thought about it in detail Rafe would float into her mind and she'd give in and go take a nap.

Kara was watching her uncertainly. Usually they didn't fight it this much. She was starting to think that Jenna had more of brain than Rafe was giving her credit for. The girl was playing him at least a little bit and Rafe was far too full of himself to notice. She was going to be trouble. Kara watched Jenna pace and hoped that Rafe would be back soon to reassert himself. She didn't want to have him summoned. He hated that. But she also didn't want to get into a fight with the girl. She hated the smell of lycans.

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