Life Ashore


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I left home alone late Friday afternoon and once at my parents house their constant chatter left no time to think about what Carol was doing. My mother's company always leaves me exhausted so once in bed I fell asleep straight away and had an undisturbed dreamless night.

Carol arrived just before lunch and after eating we spent the afternoon driving my folks round sightseeing. The evening was taken up by card playing so it was not until we were in bed that she was able to update me on the hours spent with Jim. Despite all the extra time it seems there was little more sex than during their first encounter.

Carol said she started off by giving him a full blow-job which ended (as she put it) with her 'swallowing every single drop of his lovely spunk'. In fact she enjoyed that activity so much she spent more time enthusing about this one act than the rest of their activities added together. He had cooked her a superb meal, they had a powerful no holds barred fuck, watched a porn video and finished with a long leisurely shag at the end of which they had tried to sleep with his cock left embedded in her until the morning. It slipped out during the night. Confession complete, despite the need for vocal restraint, my errant wife endeavoured to prove that my sex life wasn't suffering because of her extra-marital liaison.

We still lived on a restricted budget but on Tuesday's I always got a treat for my evening meal but that day I got home at five to find Carol in a with wet hair and an agitated look on her face. "You'll have to have beans on toast," she announced, "I lost track of the time and forgot to put your chop in the oven."

I knew she had two one hour lessons back to back booked for the afternoon but before I could ask why she confessed, "I've been fucking Jim all afternoon. The twins' mother rang to cancel just before nine because they have sickness and diarrhoea. We needed that money so I got depressed. Later when Jim saw me in the garden he noticed and after I explained he said he would happily pay for my time if I went round and chatted with him for the two hours. Of course when I did we talked about Friday. After a few minutes I could tell he wanted to do it, I knew I did and there didn't seem any reason why not. Anyway we got carried away and he finished up getting a lot more than two hours. It wasn't cheating because I'd already opened my legs for him twice with your permission. I certainly didn't think it did you any harm."

I was less angry than I would have thought but I still said, "That's debateable, I lost my chop and it also means no sex for me tonight."

"No it doesn't because I've changed my mind about that," she said grinning. "I decided that sleeping with two men on the same day doesn't make a woman a slut if one of them is her husband. I worked that out on Saturday because I had to in a way. I didn't mention before but Jim wanted a quickie before I went for the bus and I just knew I just couldn't knock you back that night. We can go to bed right now if you're not too hungry." We did and I also enjoyed sex again later.

I watched Carol leave on her next Friday date with far less mental ease than before with the picture of Jim's cock down her throat dominating my mind. After a while my mental torment drove me outside with the plan to creep next door, hoping to see them at it or at least hear some noises. However the bitter cold quickly forced me home and I sent the time pacing and watching the clock. Foolishly I also masturbated more than once so when my wife got home I didn't want sex although I think she would have been more than willing. I didn't even want an update on her evening.

One evening the following week, as we were eating I could tell that Carol was bursting to tell me something. Then, the moment we'd finished she dragged me over to the settee and said, "Have you ever thought about making it with another man because maybe you should. I never thought I could get it off with a female but I have this afternoon and I loved it." With a satisfied smirk she then told me the following.

"Jim rang and said that if I was free he had a lady friend at his house who was dying to meet me so I went round. Her name's Leanne. She's about thirty and very attractive. I think she has mixed blood because her skin is a dark golden colour all over and her breasts are twice the size of mine but just as firm, with large brown nipples that seem extra hard. After we had chatted for a while Jim said they were going to bed and wondered if I wanted to join them. I agreed mainly because I wanted to see him doing her.

We got undressed and Jim lay down the middle of the bed with us on either side. At first we were taking turns sucking his cock but then we switched to us both licking it at the same time, from his balls up to the top. Once when we were both at the tip our tongues touched and it felt nice. I was a bit embarrassed and pulled back but a bit later I managed to 'accidentally' touch again. It was like an electric shock. From then we both started doing it and were soon giggling and touching our tongues more than cock licking.

After a bit Jim moved his penis out of the way and we were kissing properly. Female tongues are much softer than men's and far more subtle. Soon I was sucking one of her big nipples. It must be instinct from being a baby because it seemed so natural and I now understand why men like sucking tits so much. Meanwhile, Leanne was teasing my clitoris and putting her fingers in me. She got up to all four fingers while still doing my clit with her thumb and I was humping her hand like crazy.

After she'd made me cum she switched and started doing it with her mouth. It was pure bliss and I could have laid there letting her do it forever but then she swivelled round into sixty-nine and her cunt was just above my face. Her pussy was shaved so it was just a red gash. I first I didn't want to do it but then the smell of her sex washed over me and I put my hands round her bum and pulled her twat down to my mouth. I've tasted myself before but hers was far far stronger and it sent me really crazy. It must be a fantastic aphrodisiac because I was desperately trying to get my whole mouth inside her for more. I used to think you sucked me just to make me feel good but now I know you were selfishly doing it for yourself.

I think we might have still been eating each other if Jim hadn't interrupted us with a thick pink double headed plastic dildo. Leanne and I made it nice and slippery with spit and baby oil then we stuck one end up her as far as it would go. I shuffled towards her with my legs apart as she stuffed the other end inside me. There was a gap of about a hand left between our cunts and we for a while we took turns jerking it backwards and forwards but then we pushed closer together forcing more inside until our clits were finally touching. From then on we were fucking with clitorises rubbing, tits squashed together and tongues down each others throats. It was fantastic. I don't think I've ever felt so good. Both our bodies were shaking so much that at times I couldn't tell if it was her orgasm or mine.

Eventually we had to stop to catch our breath and I realised it was time for me to come home. I stood up leaving her spread out on the bed but couldn't resist the temptation to plunge my face back between her legs and, after what we'd been doing, her juice just seemed to flood out of her onto my tongue. I can still taste her when I lick my lips and I'm sure you can smell her on my face. If I didn't enjoy Jim's cock so much I could easily turn lesbian full time and I don't think I'll ever look at a pretty girl again without wondering what she tastes like. Jim didn't actually touch me but I'm pretty sure he planned to fuck Leanne after I left. I think I'm going to shave my pussy because hers looked so nice."

I got a lot of excitement from this vivid description and would dearly love to have watched but of course it was bloody Jim who had enjoyed that pleasure and this fact fuelled a growing resentment of my rival. Almost as an afterthought Carol asked, "Oh bye the way, on our next date Jim wants to take me to a party and wonders if he can keep me all night again? I think he wants to show me off as his young girlfriend."

Despite reservations I did agree, following the logic that, although he would certainly have his cock in her before she came home, attending a party would mean far less fucking than spending the time in bed together.

On the night of the party I watched them leave with a feeling of anxiety. At midnight I went upstairs but stayed awake keeping a watch out the window until Jim's big Bentley swung into his drive at just before 4am and after I had watched Carol walk safely into his house I finally went to bed. Next morning I got up at nine o'clock. After such a late night, I rather expected my wife to sleep late in our mentor's house but she wandered in just as I was buttering my first slice of toast. Her face looked tired but her eyes were sparkling.

"That wasn't just any old party," she announced excitedly, "All the people there were swingers."

My heart sank. I knew I wasn't going to like what she was about to tell me. "Swingers?" I echoed for something to say.

"Married couples who have sex with other people," Carol explained unnecessarily. "Like us, except that you haven't been with anyone else yet. There were about thirty there, mostly couples but Jim said they do admit one or two single guys and some extra girls. Anyway, everybody seemed very pleased to see us. I think they all just assumed that I belonged with Jim."

"So you swapped partners, "I asked, already guessing the answer.

After eating half my toast and pouring herself a mug of coffee Carol answered, "I certainly did but I'm not sure about Jim. Just after we arrived he wandered off with a very attractive older woman he seemed to know. All the men crowded round me and during the half an hour he was gone I sucked lots of different cocks and got well felt up but there wasn't any real sex. That started when Jim got back and from then on he was always there keeping an eye on me."

"You gave blow-jobs to several men?" I asked, horrified by the unwanted image appearing in my mind.

"Not full blow-jobs silly," Carol laughed, "There were far too many cocks for that, I could only suck each one for about a minute before the next one was pushing in for a turn. I think it was their way of getting introduced." I wasn't sure if this explanation was good or bad news.

"Who did you have sex with?" I heard myself ask.

"After Jim extricated me from the crowd of men he took me into a bedroom where a guy called Paul was waiting. He was about forty and a bit podgy but I knew I was going to have sex with him so I lay on the bed. He started sucking my tits and sticking some fingers up me while I played with his cock. It was about seven inches but rather thin and very limp at the start. When it finally got stiff he rolled me over and tried to do anal straight away but Jim stopped him saying I wasn't ready for that yet. I tried to point out that I'd done it that way with you several times but Jim didn't take any notice. So we spent an hour fucking in different positions but Jim said we couldn't do doggie style. I don't think Jim trusted Paul to stick it in the right hole if I was in that position. Paul wasn't very pleased and after he had cum he just got up and left without saying a word"

"Did you have an orgasm?"

Carol shook her. "Not even close. You would have done far better. Anyway, Jim and I had a drink and chatted for a while until a really big black man called Jamal walked in. He was well over six foot tall, very black, all muscle and his cock was very noticeably a lot longer than Jim's. I was hoping to see if it would fit in my mouth but he wanted to start fucking straight away with no messing about. He was rather rough both pulling me the way he wanted me and sticking it in but Jim immediately said he didn't want me broken first time out and after that Jamal was more careful with me. It was still painful until I got used to him but after that it was good. When he got going he was like a piston and I don't understand how he was able to keep on so fast for so long without getting out of breath. At the end he never seemed to stop squirting. He must have put as much as a large pot of clotted cream in me because when his cock popped out it was followed by a great gush of white liquid and his stuff kept trickling down the insides of my legs for ages afterwards."

I started to speak but Carol anticipated my question. "I did have lots of orgasms but none were particularly big and it was all part of the overall sensation. Jim works to give me really big orgasms but Jamal was just doing his own thing. After that Jim took me round the bedrooms for an hour to watch others screwing and then we spent another hour in the main room, watching again. There were two king size mattresses joined together on the floor with a big pile of naked bodies. They were all fucking and doing stuff to the nearest body and it didn't seem to matter if it was male or female. By the time we left I was getting a bit bored and I suspect that Jim only kept us there until I'd stopped leaking so that his car seat wouldn't get ruined."

"I suppose that Jim fucked you as well when he got you back to his place?" I asked rather nastily.

"I expected that too, in fact I was hoping he would but he didn't. Instead Jim told me to get a few hours sleep so I would be rested when I came back to you. He said I had to be especially nice you in case you weren't too happy about what I have been up to."

I took this as my cue to grab hold of her but Carol neatly evaded my grasp saying, "Not yet, I'm going to bed for a bit longer first. You can wake me at twelve o'clock for your reward." Disappointed I watched her cross the room but at the door she stopped and said, "I've still got lots of dried cum sticking on me. I was going to have a shower but Jim said I should check with you first in case you wanted me as I am. He said that most cuckold husbands get a kick from seeing evidence of other men on their wives."

I firmly told her to shower and bitterly regretted that decision soon after I heard the water running. I had endured various stages of arousal from the moment she first left the house but suddenly the mental image of her still hot and nasty from her night's adventure caused me the stiffest most painful erection of the lot. Over the next two hours it only slackened slightly as I pondered why my body had reacted in that way.

I won't dwell on the blissful private time when Carol made great effort to show that I wasn't losing out in this new life style but as I lay in post coital euphoria she quietly dropped the bombshell, "There's going to be another party next month and Jim's promised to take me again."

Suddenly the residual resentment that I felt towards our neighbour and benefactor rose in revolt. "Wait a sodding minute," I said. "I'm not saying you can't go but I'm your husband and I should be the one to share you."

Carol looked at me in silence for a moment and then said quietly, "I'm sure Jim can fix it for you to go if you want but you might not enjoy it. They've got a rule that husbands with a cock less than seven inches can watch but can't join in. Those who don't make the grade have a '6', '5' or a less than sign stamped on their forehead and all the other guys make fun of them. I only saw one bloke with a mark on his head. He was terribly teased but he kept smiling all the time, jerking his little dick as he watched his wife shagging and doing things with different men."

The next Friday Carol and Jim were together, she arrived back unexpectedly early, some time before eleven. I was on my PC looking at porn but I heard the front door and had time to log out. "I've just been spit roasted," she said excitedly dragging me to the settee.

"Jim had a friend there or maybe it was one of his customers," she began once we were seated. "They got me on my knees, with me sucking one cock while the other was fucking me from behind. Every so often they switched places and it turned into a game with them competing to see who could get back inside me first. At the finish they stood side by side and came all over my tits. It seemed so deliciously dirty and I lay there smearing it all over. Jim said he'd heard that lots of semen made women's breast bigger but he couldn't remember if it needed to be rubbed in or swallowed. It was nice being with two men at the same time but it was over too soon and I still need a lot more fucking if you happen to be interested."

I didn't need a second invitation and reached for her but she held up a hand to stop me saying, "Jim's taking me to another party in a fortnight if that's OK. I'm so glad we switched to an open marriage, aren't you?."

"I might be if it didn't seem to be only open one way," I said rather bitterly.

"But you can go with other women any time, you know you can."

"How? I'm right out of practice in chatting up females and you know we can't afford for me to visit pick-up bars."

Carol obviously hadn't considered this. "Maybe Jim could fix you up with a date; I know he's friendly with lots of sexy females. I'll ask him on the way to the party when he can hardly refuse.

During this progression, I have only mentioned my mental state in passing and this may have given the impression that I accepted easily or even welcomed what was happening. The truth is that from the start, although I admit to varying degrees of arousal, at times the jealous agony of knowing that Carol was being fucked almost tore me apart. However, while she was away on this occasion, for the first time, the pain from my throbbing rigid penis exactly balanced that from the twisted knot in my gut.

On her return the related happenings seemed very similar to the previous party but without the opening cock sucking session. "I started off with another threesome but this time Jim wasn't one of them," my unfaithful wife began. "They said it was going to be a DP and I thought that meant two cocks in my vagina at the same time. Jim said that was possible but the cocks needed to be on the slim side. I reckon the woman would also need to be pretty big down there and Jim keeps saying that he loves the way I'm still so tight. What actually happened was that both guys fucked me at the same time but with one at the front and the other going in the back way. It was a strange feeling and I did enjoy it but it wasn't anything special. Jim just watched and he watched again when I had a long session with Jamal the same big black man I fucked before."

"Did he cum as much as last time?" I asked.

"More if anything," Carol nodded. After he'd left Jim and I didn't bother watching the screwing going on in bedrooms but the two mattresses and pile of bare bodies were still in the main room. This time the mattresses were covered with a big sheet of polythene and some of the watchers were squirting the naked bodies with baby oil. I looked at Jim and he nodded his head so I got oiled up and threw myself into the heap. Immediately there were hands groping me from all over. I stayed in there squirming for nearly two hours. I licked and sucked any genitals near my mouth male or female and others were doing the same to me. There were fingers everywhere, lots of poking cocks and I'm pretty sure I got DP'd again for several minutes. Eventually when I got out I had to go straight in the Jacuzzi bubble bath to get all the oil off me. While I was doing the mass fuck I think Jim slipped away with some female because I couldn't spot him watching anywhere -- but then I wasn't really looking. He must have got himself laid because he didn't want me when we got back to his place."

I spent most of the afternoon in bed with my promiscuous wife and during the prolonged sex Carol provided several lascivious snippets that she had forgotten during the initial narrative. By the end I decided that I wasn't doing too badly out of the open marriage thing after all and then she added a bonus with the information that Jim could think of several possible partners for me and wanted me to call at his place tomorrow evening to discuss it.