Life Doesn't Suck


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The sensation of Donna's soft lips and silky tongue slowly stroking my rigid pole, combined with the warm, bubbling water and fragrant Caribbean air placed me in a sort of trance. That trance was broken when Donna suddenly rose to her feet. She wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear.

"Do you guys swing in separate rooms, or always together?" she asked.

When Kathleen and I first began swinging, one of our "rules" was that we would always be together in the same room. That rule, like most of our other original rules, was eventually dropped, as we experimented with separate-room swapping and found that we enjoyed it. It allowed us to fully enjoy the person we were with. I told Donna that either way was fine.

"We're going to go to their room," Donna suddenly announced to Tom, who was still enjoying Kathleen's delicious-looking blowjob. "We'll meet you back here?"

Tom gave her an odd expression, but nodded. It was clearly difficult for him to concentrate at the moment. Donna and I toweled off. I grabbed my room key and we walked, naked, back to my room. As soon as I closed the door, I took her in my arms and lowered her to the bed. I tasted her lips, and then moved to her neck, and then to her luscious breasts.

She moaned softly and raked her fingernails through my hair as I took each large nipple into my mouth and gently sucked and swirled my tongue in circles around each one. I could have spent all night playing with those nipples, but I didn't know how much time we would have, so I kissed and licked my way down her body and settled between her legs.

I teased her for a bit, flicking and rolling my tongue along her labia, slowly approaching her clit, and then working my way back down. She tasted salty from the hot tub, but also had an amazing sweetness to her that I found intoxicating. I sucked and licked my way back up, and she held my head with both hands and spread her legs, pulling me toward her clit.

I complied with her wishes, and swirled my tongue around her stiffened nub before sucking it gently into my mouth. She groaned and pulled me tighter into her. I applied more pressure with my tongue, and she responded with a loud moan.

"Fuck yeah," she said. "Right there. Don't stop. Please."

It was clear that she was enjoying my technique, so I maintained my pace and motion until my tongue began to ache. I reached below her and grabbed her ass, pulling it toward me for extra leverage. She emitted a loud and sustained groan, and her entire body shook beneath me. I tried to maintain contact with my tongue as best I could, but it was difficult. At last, her muscles began to relax, and I removed my mouth from her and gave her a few soft strokes of my tongue over her clit, causing her to shudder with each light touch.

It occurred to me that we hadn't discussed whether they were a "full-swap" couple that allows intercourse, or whether they are "soft-swappers" where only oral sex is allowed. Donna answered that question definitively.

"Fuck me," she ordered, with a look of hunger in her eyes.

I scrambled to our nightstand and fumbled with the condom wrapper. She helped me unroll it over my cock, and guided me inside her. As expected, she was incredibly slick, and I penetrated her easily. I teased her with a few short strokes, and she wrapped her legs around my back and pulled me toward her. When I buried myself completely inside her, she gasped, and kissed me with ferocity.

I kept myself deep inside her and began deliberately rocking my pelvic bone against her clit. She moaned into my mouth and spread her legs as wide as she could. I slowly rocked myself against her, and fucked her with short, deep strokes.

She begged me to fuck her harder. I increased my pace and instantly felt the unmistakable surge build within me. There was no stopping it now. I fucked her hard and deep, using my elbows to lock her knees back, nice and wide. She groaned loudly with each stroke, and emitted another loud, sustained moan just as I felt my own surge erupting from the tip of my cock. I continued to pump myself in and out of her for as long as I could stand it, until the sensitivity became too great to handle.

I buried myself deep inside her and remained still. My heart was pounding, and I could feel sweat glistening from my forehead. I could feel my cock throbbing inside her as she squeezed me tightly. She opened her eyes and looked deep into mine.

"That...was different," she said, gasping for breath.

"Different?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said with some hesitance. "I never cum from penetration."

"You could've fooled me," I said. I couldn't help but smile. "Kathleen is the same way. She has a condition that makes it painful sometimes. Usually, we can't fuck for very long, and I have to be really slow and gentle."

"Oh, I'm just the opposite," Donna replied. "I like it hard, and can go all night, but I can never get over the top, you know? You must have a magic dick or something."

I could feel the blood vessels in my face expanding. This woman really knew how to stroke a guy's ego.

"We should head back," I said.

"You mean you don't want to go again?" she asked. I couldn't tell if she were serious.

"You could actually go again?" I said. "Kathleen is more of a one-and-done kind of girl."

"Oh, I definitely could," she replied with a smile, "but you're probably right. We should get back. They're probably waiting for us."

We walked back to the hot tub, hand-in-hand. The light Caribbean breeze felt refreshing on my naked body. As we ascended the stairs and turned the corner into the hot tub area, we noticed that it was quite a bit more crowded than it had been when we left. I spotted Tom and Kathleen chatting with a couple at the bar, and we waded toward them.

"Did you two have fun?" Kathleen asked with a wide smile.

"Oh yeah!" Donna answered before I had a chance. "You are one lucky woman!"

As it was in the early hours of the morning, we stayed for only a short while longer before parting ways. When Kathleen and I arrived at our room, she was full of questions. The "post-game report", as we called it, was often our favorite part about swinging, but I convinced her to wait until we had crawled into bed for the night. I didn't want to skip any details.

I told her what happened, from the moment Donna and I left the hot tub area. Kathleen was transfixed on my words, and interrupted only to insert a "no way" or "that's so hot" into my story. As I spoke, she stroked her fingertips softly along my chest and abdomen, occasionally pausing the play with my cock.

"It sounds like you both had a good time," she remarked, once I had finished with my end of the story.

"I'd say so," I said, proudly.

"I'm glad you found a nice, wet pussy that you can pound as hard as you want," she said. By the dirty words she was using, I could tell my story had an effect on her. "I've always felt bad that you can't do that with me."

"You make up for it in other ways," I noted, giving her a soft kiss on the lips. "Speaking of did Tom enjoy your talent?"

"Mmm," she said with a giggle. "Well, let's just say that he was probably finished before you two even reached our room."

"No way!" I said. (Now, it was my turn to interject with that comment.)

"Right there in the hot tub?" I asked. She nodded with a proud and sexy grin. "But you're not supposed to finish in the hot tub. It's an unwritten rule."

"Don't worry," she insisted. "Not a single drop made its way into the tub."

I shook my head. My wife never failed to amaze me.

"And what about you?" I asked. "Did he take care of you?"

"He lifted me up so that I was sitting on the edge of the hot tub," she said. "He went down on me for a while. He's pretty good at it, but I didn't get off. I faked a good one for him, though."

I laughed, and slid my hand down her body.

"So, it seems that you still need to be finished," I remarked, feeling the wetness between her legs. "Let me see what I can do about that."


We spent the morning lying on a beach bed, reading, napping, and people-watching. Because it was a public beach, guests from other resorts would often stroll by. It was easy to discern them from our resort's guests because they were fully-clothed and did a horrible job of attempting not to gawk at us. It was always amusing to see the expressions on their faces as they tried to act casually while strolling through a beach filled with naked bodies.

At around three o'clock, the hot tub opened. Tom and Donna were standing near the bar and chatting with several people as we waded toward them.

"There he is!" Tom shouted out, extended his hand toward me. "The stud!"

I shook his hand and gave him an odd look.

"Donna told me all about you," he said. "On and on and on." He turned to Kathleen and gave her a hug and an extended kiss.

"You'll have to tell me your secret, buddy," he said to me.

"Only if Kathleen shares her blowjob tips with me," Donna remarked. I kissed her, and she melted in my arms.

I felt a bit uncomfortable sharing this conversation with all of the strangers surrounding us, so I quickly changed the subject and ordered a couple of drinks. As I stood at the bar, Donna wrapped her arms around me and pressed her large breasts against my back. I spun around and grabbed her ass with both hands. She kissed me once again, but with greater passion, and I felt my cock immediately swell.

Donna must have felt it as well, bumping against her belly, as she reached below the water and gave it a squeeze.

"Ooh," she said. "Is that for me?"

"It's yours if you want it," I responded with a grin. She called to Tom, who was engrossed in conversation with Kathleen.

"We're going to step out for a bit," she said, leading me past a crowd of people.

"Already?" Tom said with wide eyes. "But they just got here!"

"We'll be back," she said, ignoring the look on his face.

We practically sprinted to my room, and attacked each other once we shut the door. We skipped right over foreplay and went straight to fucking: slow and sensual at first, and then fast and hard. As she did the day before, Donna experienced a powerful orgasm. I held out as long as I could before I, too, climaxed deep inside her.

I collapsed onto the other side of the bed, completely drained and exhausted.

"Wow," I said. "That was fucking intense." Donna nodded in agreement, still breathing heavily.

We lay there, motionless, for a while, simply absorbing the afterglow of our orgasms. Donna rolled over and placed her head on my chest. Her hair was so soft, and I couldn't resist running my fingers through it. As I did so, she played with my chest hair.

We shared our life stories with each other. I learned that she married very young and had two children at a young age. They were both attending college and living with her ex-husband back in Minnesota. She had divorced him after ten years of marriage, explaining that they simply drifted apart. She met Tom at a convention in Boston five years ago. He had been recently divorced himself, and she instantly fell for his quick-witted charm.

A few months later, she moved from her hometown to the outskirts of Boston to live with Tom. He set her up with her own home-based printing business, and it became her full-time job. He told her he had been in "the lifestyle" with his ex-wife, and he desperately wanted to get back in it, but it was difficult to accomplish as a single guy. Although she wasn't sure she would be comfortable sharing her new boyfriend with other women, she was intrigued by the idea, and agreed to try it out.

"It's exciting," she said. "And we've made a lot of great friends."

"Well, I'm glad that we ran into you here," I responded. "It's funny that we had to go all the way to Mexico to meet you."

"Yeah," she said, her voice drifting away as she continued to stroke my chest. "We should probably get back."

"I'm so comfortable and relaxed," I protested, "but you're right. We should go."

Reluctantly, we rose from the bed. As we walked back to the hot tub, I reached for her hand. I was surprised when she withdrew it.

"I'm sorry," she said, "but Tom doesn't want me holding hands with you."

I laughed before I realized she wasn't joking.

"He's okay with us being together, right?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, of course," she responded. "He's weird for him, I think. Usually, he's the one who initiates and takes the lead when we swing together. I think he's a little freaked out that you took the lead on this one."

"I don't want to cause any trouble."

"No, no, no. There's no trouble. Trust me. Forget I mentioned it."


We spent the rest of the day together, and I made a concerted effort to show less affection toward Donna while Tom was near. When we visited the nightclub later that evening, I mostly danced with my wife, and kept my hands to myself for the most part. Tom was his usual loud and garrulous self, and if he were bothered at all by my relationship with his girlfriend, he did a good job of hiding it. I began to think that perhaps I had read too much into Donna's statement.

The following day was their last day at the resort. The day played out much like the others. We met Tom and Donna at the hot tub late in the afternoon, had dinner together, and then visited the nightclub. As it was their last day, both Tom and Donna seemed to drink more than usual. It was their last night to party before leaving this paradise, and they were leaving nothing on the table.

Donna was a little flirtier with me on the dance floor that night, and I made less of an effort to keep my hands off her. Tom seemed to be having a good time with Kathleen, so I figured there was neither harm nor foul. After we had exhausted ourselves on the dance floor, we agreed to meet at the hot tub for a nightcap. We each went to our separate rooms to undress and shower.

"Are you going to hook up with Donna again tonight?" Kathleen asked as she emerged from the shower.

"I don't know," I said. "Are you hooking up with Tom?"

"I might suck his dick," she said with a playful smirk.

"You liked that, huh?"

"He sure liked it. And I liked that he liked it so much."

I laughed at her comment, and gave her a hug. Her emerald eyes sparkled, revealing her naughty thoughts. I pressed my lips against hers, and felt her tongue play along with mine. I led her to the bed, lowered her to her back, and kissed my way down between her legs.

"What are you doing?" she protested. "We don't have time for that. We have to meet Tom and Donna."

"They can wait," I said. "I have something I have to take care of first."

She sighed and relaxed her legs, allowing me to spread them wide and gain better access. I savored the taste of her freshly-cleaned pussy, and she writhed on the bed in response. I inserted a couple of fingers, and she moaned. I twisted them in and out as I continued to lick and suck her clit, and she drenched my hand with her essence. Just as I felt her begin to reach her climax, we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Tom stood in the doorway with his arm around Donna. They were both swaying as if they were standing on a boat. Tom was nude and carrying his swim shorts in his hand, while Donna was wrapped in nothing but her sheer cover-up.

"We waited for you two, but you never showed," he said. "So we figured we'd swing by and see what was holding you up."

He walked past me and stood at the foot of the bed. Kathleen lay naked on our bed, her pussy glistening with wetness. Without saying another word, he put his head between her legs and picked up where I had left off. I looked at Donna, and she glanced down at my stiff cock as she removed her cover-up.

"It looks like someone got a head start," she remarked.

"Don't worry," I said. "I'll catch you up."

Donna lay on the bed next to Kathleen, and I tasted her pussy alongside of Tom. I watched with great interest the expressions on both women's faces. They were both vocal about the pleasure they were receiving, to the point where I thought we'd hear another knock on the door from someone asking us to quiet down.

I felt Donna's body tense beneath me, and I repeated my tongue actions until her loud and sustained groan faded. I crawled up toward the head of the bed and inserted my dick into her mouth. She wrapped her soft lips around me and took me in as far as she could.

I heard the sound of sucking and slurping behind me, and turned to see Kathleen on her knees, doing a masterful job of taking Tom's tool deep into her throat. I was unnerved by the look on Tom's face, as his green eyes were staring straight through me.

I turned away and looked down at Donna, who was eagerly swallowing my pole with enthusiasm. Then, suddenly, I felt the slight scrape of her teeth as her head disappeared between my legs. Tom yanked her down the length of the bed, spread her legs, and shoved his cock inside her. He slammed himself into her again and again while gripping her legs high in the air with both hands. He had that same intense look on his face, and he grunted loudly with each thrust.

Kathleen and I looked at each other with confusion. I moved to the other side of the bed, where she joined me. We shared a kiss and she stroked my hard-on while my fingers played with her pussy.

Behind us, Tom groaned so loudly, it caused a ringing in my ear. I turned around and saw his body convulsing on top of Donna's. His face was bright red, and the veins in his neck were protruding. He held his position for a moment before he finally relaxed, and the color returned to his face. He stood up and marched off to our bathroom, leaving Donna lying on her back, her hand covering herself to keep from leaking all over our bed. She scrambled to the nightstand and grabbed a few tissues, which she used to clean herself.

"Was it good for you?" I joked. Donna stifled a laugh, and then moved toward our end of the bed. I lay on my back, and the two ladies took turns sucking my dick. Tom entered the room and stumbled a bit as he stepped into his swim shorts.

"Everything okay, Tom?" I asked. He gave me a smile.

"Everything is great, buddy. Life doesn't suck. But it does suck that we have to leave so early tomorrow. We should probably get going."

With his last comment, Donna removed her mouth from my cock and passed it to Kathleen. She shifted to the head of the bed and gave me a deep kiss.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Please keep in touch."

"Will do," I said.

Donna slid back down the bed and gave Kathleen a kiss good-bye. She then gave my dick one last kiss good-bye as well. I stood and shook Tom's hand, and Tom and Kathleen exchanged a hug. They walked out the door, leaving us alone for the first time on our vacation. We had two more days together to reconnect, and we took full advantage of it.


I sat at my desk on Monday morning, staring at a long list of unread e-mails. The transition back to the real world was always harsh, but this was a particularly torturous transition. Although my body was physically back home, my mind remained in Cancun. I could feel the warm Caribbean breeze on my naked body as I lay on that beach bed. I could hear the lapping of the waves upon the shore. I could smell the salty air and the aroma of sunblock from my gorgeous naked wife lying to my right.

I thought of our encounters with Donna and Tom. I could envision her swaying hips while we danced in the nightclub, and that song by Pitbull - the one the DJ played several times a night, it seemed - still echoed in my head. Its primal rhythm and driving bass haunted me, and the lyrics were so appropriate to the erotic experience of the moment: "You know I want ya; I know you want me; you know I want ya."

I opened my web browser and clicked over to YouTube. I found the video for that song immediately, and shared it on my Facebook wall with the caption: "This one is dedicated to one special lady." Although Tom had stated a vehement dislike for Facebook, and refused to open an account, Donna and I had become Facebook friends during our stay at the resort. I smiled, knowing that she would see it. I didn't necessarily intend to refer to her as the "special lady," as I had also danced with Kathleen to the same song many times throughout the week. I chuckled at the notion that both women would likely get the impression that I was referring to them.