Little One Meets Her One Ch. 02


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Part 27

tara was near tears when she left Trey's house. she knew what He said but the fact that she was sent home so suddenly hurt. He was upset about something even though He didn't say it to her. she felt a mix of emotions as she arrived at her home once again.

she considered calling Sam but quickly realized that probably wasn't the best idea. she had a feeling that Sam would soon be receiving a phone call anyway. she felt bad for having betrayed Sam like that but she couldn't lie to Trey. Especially about this, something that Trey had wanted for Himself.

Meanwhile Trey looked at the clock and debated about whether to call Sam's Mistress, Krista, at his hour or not. He opted to do so. Sam needed to learn that there just weren't some things you didn't do. Krista picked up the phone of the fourth ring and was a bit groggy.

She was even less happy to hear that it was Trey on the phone with a complaint about her sub, Sam. Normally Sam was a good sub and didn't give Her much grief. This, however, was something neither Trey nor Krista could ignore. Sam had breached something he should not have, by having asked tara to keep it a secret.

There had been plenty of times to have confessed this adventure but it had never been brought up in any of their intimate discussions about tara. Trey wasn't mad at the fact she had such an experience, but was upset that it had been kept from Him. This would not do.

As for tara -- the punishment was a simple one. No physical contact for a period of time. she really hadn't done much wrong, but it was the principle of it all. she had not been 100% truthful about her experiences with BDSM. There had to be some sort of punishment for it.

Krista made arrangements to meet with Trey later that morning and went back to sleep. She was tired and needed to think of what to do about Her boy. This was not good. Upsetting a good Dominant like Trey was a bad idea all around. He was well liked in the community and He knew His protocol.

tara curled into bed crying that night. What should have been a memorable night was now marred and not what it should be. she was certain she would be punished in some way as well. she wasn't sure she could endure this next one or not. Trey was certainly upset even though He had kept it together in her presence.

tara didn't answer the phone in the morning when she saw it was Sam. she didn't quite know what to say to him and was still rather upset about things. This meant a lot to her and somehow Sam was messing things up for her once again. Or seemed like that in some subtle way.

she logged onto her computer and saw she had an email waiting for her from Trey. she took several deep breathes before opening it and began to read it in earnest.


I have to admit that I am upset with you and it's not just your fault in this instance. you, however, were not 100% honest with me about your experiences with BDSM and so therefore must be punished. For the next two weeks, you will not see me and there will be no training sessions in person. In the mean time you are to write an essay 5,000 words in length about the importance of honesty, including documentation to support not only the meaning of honesty but what it means to you. you will be giving progress reports on how this essay is coming along prior to its completion. you will be given other assignments that I will be expecting you to carry out in the mean time, so check your email several times a day. Also, you are not to have contact with Sam again until I say so. I am not a happy camper at the moment so please don't press your luck there. Sam will be informed of the no contact rule as well.

your Sir,


tara cried as she read the email. she wasn't going to see Him for two weeks. That was a harsh punishment in her mind but she wasn't going to question Him on this. He knew best as He was Sir. she was mad at Sam so no contact with Him was fine for now. she really didn't care to talk to Him after being sent home last night.

Part 28.

she felt cheated in a way from having a wonderful experience with her Sir. It was some how going to be tarnished by this. she was having a wonderful night with Trey and then this brought everything to a close. she was angry about that on many levels and knew this was going to be a rough time, and she didn't have her friend to turn to this time.

Sam was waking up to the sound of his phone ringing. It was Trey. Trey was very curt with him and told him to be at His house in two hours. Trey's parting words were to have no contact with tara until further notice. Sam thought that didn't sound good but didn't question Him further.

Krista showed up at Trey's house the moment after He was off the phone with Sam. She was not a happy Mistress at that moment and wanted to know what was going on and why the cryptic phone calls so early in the morning. Trey got right down to the root of the matter.

Krista asked Trey if this was really that big of an issue. To Him it was because Sam wasn't a Dominant and he had caused tara to break a cardinal rule of protocol. No playing like that with another Dominant's submissive without Their permission. Krista asked if Trey had given any instructions to Sam prohibiting such a thing.

Trey responded with the direct instructions He had given Sam. He was to prepare her sexually but not to play with her in a Dominant manner. Yes, Sam was being trained to be a Dominant but he had laid claim to something that wasn't his to claim. That was a serious breach of protocol in Trey's mind.

Krista was a bit inclined to agree once she heard all of it. She was upset with her favorite pet and didn't quite know what to say to Trey to fix this breach of protocol. There really wasn't anything to be said. There would need to be punishment of some sort. That was where Krista would come in.

Krista would need to determine what she would do, or allow to be done, to make atonement for this breach. Trey told Krista that she had an hour to figure it out because Sam was on his way over in that amount of time. That was how long They had been hashing the situation out. Krista excused herself to another room to think while Trey regrouped Himself to contain His anger over this.

Krista opened the door when Sam arrived. Trey was still in His office and had the door closed. She knew Trey wouldn't mind Her confronting her pet before He laid into Him. Sam knew in that moment that something was really wrong. He wasn't quite prepared for what came out of her mouth though.

"How dare you stand before me acting as if you know nothing about what you have done? You have made a serious breach in protocol that has been found out. What do you have to say for yourself pet? I'm thoroughly disgusted by the sight of you at this moment. You have done something that I really do not agree with."

"Back up a moment please Mistress. Exactly what have i done?"

"What you have done my pet is the fact that you tied up a submissive as if you were the Dominant and told her to keep it a secret from her Sir. That my dear pet is a serious error on your part. you are lucky I don't wipe that smirk off your face with a smack across the face, but I'm so angry at the moment that I don't dare strike you. Trey is not happy and you have to make atonement to Him first. Then you will have your Mistress to deal with. Maybe you really aren't ready to be a Dominant. your behavior in this shows that maybe I should rethink allowing you to be trained at this time."

"Please Mistress let me explain what happened."

"You can explain to Us. Not to just me. I'm not the one you have offended. You should be thanking your lucky stars she wasn't released because of this pet."

"Released Mistress?"

"Well that is a traditional punishment for lying about something like this pet, but leniency has been shown apparently. You are lucky my pet.......or perhaps not. We shall see."

In that next moment Trey walked out of His office and motioned them both into the room. He didn't say a word. Sam could see the anger on His face and knew this was serious business. He soon realized that he had messed up royally.

Part 29

Trey ushered T/them both to seats across from Him. He had a scowl on His face and He meant business. He was going to get right down to the root of the matter and go from there. There was really no other way to go about it.

"I suggest you sit and listen to me carefully, Sam. I don't care to mince words or repeat myself this morning. I have had little sleep and my night was ruined by your hi-jinks. I really do not appreciate my submissive being asked to not reveal something about her experiences in BDSM, nor do I appreciate you taking something for yourself without my express permission to do so. What parts of my instructions were unclear to you? It was just supposed to be about sex. Not bondage. How much clearer did I need to be with you?"

Sam sat there silently for a moment. He quickly realized that this was about what tara and he had shared before coming over here for her first training with Trey. He gulped and started to gather his words. He knew there wasn't any thing he really could say to make this right at this point, but he needed to explain.

"You didn't need to be any more clear with me Trey, Sir. i never intended for it to go down like it did. It just sort of popped into my head and i went with it. i will admit that i see tara in a special way and wanted that one chance with her. i know now how wrong i was and am."

"You breached protocol boy. You are being trained by me. You have offended me by doing this and have deprived me of something I wanted to share with my submissive for the first time. I thought it was something she had never experienced and that was a lie. Do you have any idea of what that made me think?"

"That perhaps there was other things that tara wasn't being 100% honest with You about, Sir."

Trey slammed His hand down on the desk and quickly recomposed Himself. He was beyond angry but needed to calm down a moment. He turned a moment from His guests and turned towards the bookcases and grabbed a book from the case and tossed it into Sam's lap -- SM 101: A Realistic Introduction by Jay Wiseman. Sam looked down and wondered why He was being given this book.

"I'm too angry to ask Krista to allow me to physically discipline you for this breach of protocol so instead you are going to do 3 things for me. You are to read this book and give me a 5,000 word essay on what you've learned from it. You will also give me a 5,000 word essay on why this breach of protocol is what it is. And lastly you will have no contact with tara for two weeks. Is this all understood?"

"Yes, Trey, Sir it is understood."

"Krista do You have anything you wish to add to this?"

"Yes, I do, Trey. You will not be in my presence for the next two weeks. You will write for me a 5,000 word essay on why this will never ever happen again. After that I will decide if further discipline is required and will be reconsidering your cross training."

"Yes Mistress, i understand."

"You may go now Sam unless Trey has any thing further."

"He is free to go."

Part 30

Sam was in a daze when he stood to walk out of Trey's office. This was a hefty punishment. Something he had not faced before in all of his time in BDSM. He realized that he had done something he shouldn't have, but in the same token deep down he had no regrets. That was something he was going to keep to himself though.

Sam certainly didn't want in any further trouble. He had let E/everyone down in his moment of "let me have this one moment". He felt as if he had been a tad bit selfish in doing so, but it was an experience that none the less kept him going. There was a special place in his heart for tara.

He had not lied about that to Anyone. tara and he never did well at traditional relationships, but they worked together well together in bed. There were many times that Sam wondered why they didn't work well outside of it. He loved her and had always kept that bit of information to himself.

Maybe it was time that he starts being honest about his feelings? There was plenty of time to do that, but now certainly wasn't the time. He had some serious work to do between now and then. He had some fences to mend and some protocol to brush up on if he was ever going to get to see tara again.

A part of him was angry that they were being treated like children and being forbidden from seeing one another, but knew that Trey was being serious about this aspect of the punishment. He wasn't about to mess that up, but a part of him really wanted to see tara. He would just suck it up for two weeks and then try and talk to her. Surely she wouldn't stay angry that long, but then again he knew that tara could hold a grudge.

Sam buckled down with the book and began to read when he got home. He was a slow reader and knew better than to keeps Trey waiting on these assignments forever. He, also, realized that he needed to not bull shit his way through things this time. It was time to be serious, and to show that he knew he had on some level messed up.

Sam's mind wandered to how tara was doing more than once during his reading. He knew she had to be upset and angry. He just hoped that she didn't let this set back turn her from pursuing this lifestyle. This was his blunder really. she truly was a beautiful submissive.

tara was curled in her bed crying her eyes out across town. she was indeed upset. she can't believe she had been so foolish as to have kept that bit of information from Trey, her Sir. It had been so important to be upfront about her experiences. she didn't have to name names on that questionnaire.

There were more than a few times that she wanted to contact Sam and give him an earful. she was more than a little angry and wanted to give him the what for. she was beginning to wonder if they truly worked as even friends at this point. This was certainly making her do a lot of thinking about the relationships she had.

After a few hours of wallowing in her self pity, she made her way to her computer and checked for any messages. There wasn't any from any one she wanted to talk to -- mostly just junk emails like normal. she went back to Trey's email and slowly began to write about honesty. What it meant and what she felt it meant pertaining to BDSM. she surfed the net to find supporting documentation and quickly found some.

she made some notes about some of what she read that she wanted to ask Trey about and would put in her report to Him. He emailed her back a list of questions He wanted her to answer in complete sentences. At first she thought this was a way to avoid having contact with her, but then quickly realized that He was simply trying to make her think about things and figure some of it out on her own. This wasn't so bad she thought.

tara wondered if things could ever be the same between her and Trey or if this had somehow messed everything up. Trust would certainly have to be rebuilt and that would take time. she had broken that trust but not in a way that wasn't 100% fixable. Sometimes the learning curve in this kind of relationship was beyond her grasp but someday she would get a handle on it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
will there be more

loving this story will there be more?

SlapNTickle4MeSlapNTickle4Meabout 12 years ago
Love it!

Oh sneak you have outdone yourself on this one. I love the storyline and the characters, cant' wait to see if you are going to continue this story. ~hint,

SNT (aka LadyBlues49)

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