Little Red Riding Hood X 2


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Red felt like a fire hose had been shoved up her ass and turned on as her father's giant prick began to spew out its fiery load.

"Mmmmmmadddddy," she mumbled out with her mouth buried in her grandmother's pussy.

His gigantic prick spurted out wad after wad of scalding hot cum into her bowels as he held it shoved down into her ass. Again and again, it swelled up and jerked, sending another gob of his hot cum into her ass until finally, it had emptied itself.

Then with a groan, he fell backward, jerking his monstrous cock out of his daughter's burning asshole.

"Ouch!" Red yelped as the massive prick popped out of her stinging asshole.

"Sorry," her father grunted as he lay on his back panting.

"That's okay," Red laughed, "It hurt good."

Then, with her grandmother and father lying on the bed watching her, she jumped up and disappeared into the bathroom.

"Well," Maama grinned, "that is quite a daughter you have there."

"You can say that again," Wolfgang grunted, reaching over and playing with his mother's big tits.

Just then, Red came plodding back into the bedroom with a wash basin and towels. Grinning at her father, she set the basin down and began to gently wash his balls and cock.

"I'm not through with this yet," she giggled, giving his shrunken prick a squeeze.

After a few minutes, his cock was once again squeaky clean and showing signs of returning to life as Red set aside the basin and towels.

"Now let's see if I can wake him up again," she leered mischievously as she leaned down and sucked the growing giant into her mouth.

"Ohhhhh," her father chuckled, "I don't think that will be a problem."

"Can I help," Maama asked, crawling up between her son's legs and sucking one of his big balls into her hot, sucking mouth.

"Of course, you can, Maama," Red gurgled out around her father's stiffening colossus. "The more the merrier."

It took only a few moments to revive her father's great prick and then it stood waiting, ripe and hard to see what else Little Red had in store for it.

"Daddy," she grinned, slowly running her hand up and down the swollen girth of his gorgeous cock, "why don't you fuck Maama with it, first. I would love to watch my Daddy fuck his Mommy."

"Maama would love that," Maama gurgled, rolling over and throwing her legs wide apart. "It's been a month since Maama has had any of the Big Bad Wolf."

Grinning lecherously, Wolfgang struggled to his hands and knees with his huge, throbbing cock jutting straight out at his mother's gaping gash.

"Maama, isn't Daddy's cock beautiful?" Little Red cooed, running her hand up the thick, hard shaft and guiding it down toward Maama's drooling pussy.

"Oh, yes, Little Red," she tittered happily.

"And it is so very, very big," Little Red said adoringly as she watched the big, swollen head of her father's cock slowly disappear down into his mother's slippery cunt.

Cupping her father's big, hard balls in her hot, little hands, Red watched the monstrous cock slide down into her grandmother's big, fleshy cunt until it was all gone.

"Fuck her Daddy! Fuck Maama! Fuck her hard!" Red panted as she let go of his balls.

"Yeah, Daddy, fuck Maama hard!" Maama growled out, throwing her legs up and digging her heels into her son's ass as she grabbed hold of his ass with her hands.

Responding to the demands of the two women, Wolfgang immediately began to saw his giant prick in and out of his mother's scorching socket like a crazy man.

"Go Big Bad Wolf, go," Red giggled as she watched her father's humping his mother as hard as he could. "Fuck her good!"

"Oh, WOLF! WOLF! WOLF!" Maama screamed out as her son's mighty cock mercilessly reamed her aching cunt.

Just then, the door crashed open and one of the woodcutters that had been cutting wood nearby came bursting into the room.

"Where's the Wolf?" He blurted out, holding his axe ready as he slid to a stop and gawked at the scene before him.

Ignoring the rude interruption, Wolfgang continued to hammer his cock down into his mother's cunt as she blubbered incoherently.

Just then, Maama let out a scream, "COOOMMMMMMMNNNNGG!"

"MEEETOOOOOOOO!" Wolfgang howled out as he slammed his cock into her pussy and held it there as it emptied its fiery load down into his mother's hot, sucking cunt.

"Oh, My God, I'm sorry," groaned the woodcutter, blushing and backing toward the door.

"Wait! Don't leave just yet," Red said as she hopped off the bed and strutted over to where he stood. "I'm afraid it's going to be a while before Daddy is going to able to get it up again and I need some good, hard cock while I'm waiting."

"Huh? Your Dad? He's your father?" wheezed the stunned woodcutter as Red quickly unzipped his pants and jerked his cock out.

While it was no match for Wolfgang's mighty sword, it was a nice one and already starting to swell and harden.

"Yeah, he's my father and the pretty lady is my Maama!" She laughed, dropping to her knees in front of the woodcutter.

"Your Maama?" The woodcutter gasped.

"Yeah, my Gramma. My daddy's Momma! My daddy was fucking his Mommy. Get the picture now?" she giggled, sucking the woodcutter's rapidly-growing cock into her mouth.

"Oh, my God," he gasped as he watched the girl hungrily devouring his cock. "I have never seen such a thing!"

"Wild isn't it?" Red burbled, pulling his pants down as she consumed his jutting manhood.

Then, spitting out the man's rigid prick, she stood up, took his hand, and led him over to the bed.

"Scoot over you, two and make room for some new cock!"

Maama and Wolfgang grinned and rolled over to make room for Red and the woodcutter. Red quickly jumped on the bed and rolled over onto her back as the woodcutter, grinning from ear to ear crawled up between her legs and slipped his cock down into her pussy.

Now, outside the sun was just going down as the woodcutter fucked Red. Maama and her son watched on, loving every moment of it. Then all through the night and the next day, the beds did groan and complain as the foursome did fuck, suck and play. Dad and Little Red, Maama and woodcutter, then Dad and Maama, and Little Red and woodcutter and then Little Red and Maama and then, oh never mind, you get the drift...

And that one tale (or tail, pardon the pun) of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big, Bad Wolf! Doesn't it make much more sense that the drivel of a wolf eating two women and then a woodcutter cutting him open and setting the two women free. And then for all his trouble, all he got was some cookies and soup. Verily, I say unto ye!

Tale Two

Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who saw her, but most of all by her Granmama. Well, calling her a dear little girl was a bit of a stretch as she had just turned eighteen. Back to the story. There was nothing that Granmama would not have given the child. Once she gave her a little hooded cape of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear any other cape. And sometimes, the sexy little trollop would wear nothing but the cape. And so everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood.

One day Red's mother said to her, "Come, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your Granmama, she is all alone, living in the woods and doesn't get much company. Set out before it gets hot, and when you are going, walk nicely and quietly and do not run off the path, or you may fall and break the bottle, and then your Granmama will get nothing. And when you go into her room, don't forget to say, good-morning, and don't peep into every corner before you do it."

"I will take great care," said Little Red Riding Hood to her mother, "and do just as you say."

Now the Granmama lived out in the woods, a mile or so from the village.

Humming a merry little tune, little Red skipped along the path toward her Granmama's house. Then, just when she was about half way to the cottage, she met a wolf lurking behind a bush.

Now, little Red was quite naïve and didn't know that several sex-starved wolves roamed the woods around her Granmama's house. Some even say that Red's Granmama enjoyed their company on occasion. But little Red being only eighteen didn't know how devious and wicked the wolves could be so she knew no fear of the loathsome creature as it stood on its haunches, leaning against a tree leering at her.

"Well, Hello, Little Red Riding Hood," the wolf said, ogling her up and down with his big wolf eyes.

"Hello to you, kindly wolf," she smiled, looking down at the wolf's big cock as it dangled down between his back legs.

"That's some cock you've got there, Mr. Wolf," she giggled, pointing down to his cock.

"Why, thank you, Red," he leered.

"Why is it so big?" she wanted to know.

"The better to fuck little girls with," he smirked, reaching down and lovingly stroking it.

"Hey, look at it. It's getting big, and hard," she laughed.

"Would you like to hold it?" he snickered.

"No, I can't," she smiled. "I don't have time."

"Why, dear, where are you headed so early in the morning?" he asked her.

"To my Granmama's house," she giggled, still staring down at his cock as it grew bigger and bigger.

"And what, pray tell, do you have in your pretty, little apron?"

"Cake and wine. Granmama is all alone and yesterday was baking-day, so my mother made her some cake for her," Red smiled happily.

"And where does your Granmama live, Little Red Riding Hood?" he craftily asked.

"A good half-mile farther into in the woods. Her house stands under the three large oak-trees and the nut-trees are just below. You surely must know it," Little Red Riding Hood innocently replied.

What a tender young piece of ass, the wolf thought to himself. And probably a virgin by the way she acts. Would be nice to have a virgin. Been ages since I've even had a piece of ass, much less a virgin. But how old is Granmama? Maybe I can fuck both of them if I play my cards right.

"Uh, Little Red Riding Hood, uh, how old is your Granmama?" the wolf leered, brandishing his long, white canines.

"I don't know," Red smiled, "not too old."

I need to go check her out, he told himself, walking along beside Red. Then, if she's too fucking old, I'll just do Red and not the old lady.

So he walked for a short time by the side of Little Red Riding Hood trying to figure how he could get into the little girl's panties.

Then finally, he had an idea.

"Uh, Little Red Riding Hood, see how pretty the flowers are about here. Why don't you look around? I'll bet your Granmama would like to have a little bouquet of flowers to go with her cake and wine, don't you?"

Little Red Riding Hood lowered her eyes to look at the pretty flowers growing everywhere and thought, that is a good idea, Mr. Wolf. I'll bet Granmama would like a pretty bouquet of flowers to smell while she is eating her cake and drinking her wine.

It's still early in the day and I'll still get there in good time. And so she ran from the path into the wood to look for more flowers. And every time she bent over, her short little skirt rode up revealing her cute, little butt and her tiny, frilly panties.

As she did, the big, bad wolf stood admiring her young, round ass and slowly whacking his big, hard wolf-cock.

"My, my, Little Red," the wolf growled, "what a cute ass you have."

"All the better to tease you with, Mr. Wolf," she giggled wiggling it for him as she bent down and picked another flower.

But whenever Little Red picked a flower, she fancied that she saw a still prettier one farther on, and ran after it, and so got deeper and deeper into the woods.

Soon, she had wandered away from the wolf and as soon as she was out of sight the wolf ran straight to the Granmama's house and knocked at the door.

"Who's there?"

"Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf using his most feminine of voices. "I have some cake and wine for you."

"Lift the latch and let yourself in," called out the Granmama. "I'm still in bed."

The wolf lifted the latch and slowly opened the door. Peering around the house, he saw that no one else was around. Then without saying a word he went straight to the Granmama's bed.

"Hey, babe," he smiled down at her, seeing that Granmama couldn't be a day over fifty.

She was a good-looking lady and definitely a candidate for a roll in the hay, he thought to himself.

"What? What do you want," Granmama asked, pulling the covers up around her neck.

"Well," the wolf growled, "at the moment, I have plans to fuck your sweet, Little Red Riding Hood when she gets here. And then when I'm through with her, I plan on giving you a little cock, too."

"Oh," Granmama fussed. "You're not going to hurt the little dear are you?"

"Course not, why would I want to hurt such a dear, sweet, little girl? So get up and give me your nightgown," he ordered her.

"You're not going to hurt me are you?" she asked him, rolling out of bed.

"Why would I want to hurt you? I just want some pussy. I haven't had any pussy in such a long time," he growled.

"Uh, okay," she said, slowly pulling her nightgown up over her head.

Handing him her bedclothes, she tried to retain her dignity as she held her hands and arms in front of herself hiding her big, jiggling tits and her hairy cunt.

"Nice. Real nice," the wolf leered at her when he saw her naked. "I'm looking forward to getting you into bed, too."

"Really? You think I'm pretty?" she asked him, demurely moving her hands away from her big, droopy tits and her big, hairy puss.

"Yeah, you're fucking gorgeous," he muttered, eyeing her big, sagging tits. "Can't wait to fuck you."

"Me, too," she grinned, starting to reach for his big, hard cock.

"But that comes later," he said, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her toward the closet. "Now you get inside and I'll let you watch while I fuck Red. I'll try and put on a good show for you."

"Oh, dear," she giggled, tagging along behind him admiring his big, ripe cock and long, fluffy tail.

"That is a very nice, uh, cock, uh, wolf-cock you have," she giggled grabbing for it.

"Hey, stop that," he grunted.

"You don't know how lonely and horny a lady can get living out here in the woods all by myself," she complained.

"Well, I'll take care of that for you," he leered. "Right after I take care of Little Red."

Shoving Granmama into the closet, he closed the door almost shut, but gave her a crack to look out so she could watch the deflowering of her sweet, little granddaughter.

Then he put on her nightgown and frilly nightcap, hopped into the bed and drew the curtains.


Now while all this was going on, Little Red Riding Hood had been running about picking flowers. Finally, when she thought she had enough, she set out on the way to her Granmama's house.

When she arrived at her Granmama's house, she was surprised to find the cottage-door standing open.

Walking up to the house, she peeked inside.

"Good morning, Granmama," she called out but received no answer.

So she went to the bed and threw open the curtains. There lay her Granmama with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange.

"Oh, Granmama," she said, when she saw two big ears jutting out from under her Granmama's night cap, "what big ears you have."

"The better to hear you with, my child," the wolf replied in his most grandmotherly of voices.

"But, Granmama, what big eyes you have," she said, seeing two, vaguely familiar big, glistening eyes glaring out at her from below the frilly night-bonnet.

"The better to see you with, my dear," the wolf muttered.

"But, Granmama, what large hands you have."

"The better to hug you with," the wolf leered, holding onto the blanket.

"Oh, but, Granmama, what a terrible big mouth you have."

"The better to eat you with, my dear," the wolf growled, throwing the covers back.

"Oh, you're not Granmama," Red squealed when she saw the wolf's big, hard cock sticking straight up in the air. "You're the wolf I met in the woods this morning. I'd know that cock anywhere."

"Well, you remember when I said that it was better to fuck little girls with?" he asked her with a lecherous smile on his furry face.

"Yeah," she answered, backing toward the closet to get away from him. "So you want to fuck me?"

Just then, the closet door opened and naked Granmama stepped out.

"Yes, Red, he wants to his cock in your sweet, little pussy, my dear," Granmama cackled, grabbing hold of Red's hand and leading her back over to the bed where the wolf lay waiting for her.

"But, Granmama, he's a WOLF. A WOLF," she loudly complained.

Just happens that a woodsman was passing at that moment and he heard little Red hollering wolf.

Holding his sharp axe at the ready, he burst into the house and went running into the bedroom.

"What the hell," he groaned as he saw the wolf lying in the bed with a giant boner and Granmama leading her granddaughter over to the bed. "What's going on here?"

"Uh, uh, we're just fixing to have a little fun," he wolf muttered, staring at the woodsman's sharp axe with more than a little distress. "I was just going to have a little piece of Red's nice, juicy pussy. But, uh, but feel free to have some of Granmama's pussy pie if you want. She needs a good fucking, too."

"You know, I could use a good fuck," the man scoffed. "But, maybe I'll take little Red and give you Granmama. What do you think about that?"

"Hey, man, you got the axe. You be de boss. You take whatever you wants," the wolf wisely said.

"Well, I think I just might do that," the woodsman grinned, looking over at Red.

Then he leaned his big, sharp axe up against the wall. Still smirking at Little Red, he quickly untied the rope that was holding his trousers up and let them slide to the floor. As he did, his big, fat prick flopped into view. It was enormous, hanging down almost to his knees.

"Oh, my," Little Red giggled. "That certainly is a big cock. I don't know if it will fit in my tight, little pussy."

"One way to find out," he grinned, running his hand down to his cock.

"I guess so," she innocently smiled.

"So which one will it be," he leered, running his hand up and down his giant cock trying to coax it to life. "My woodcutter cock or wolf cock."

Red looked down at the giant slab of man-cock in the man's hand for a moment and she looked over at the towering shaft of wolf-meat jutting up into the air out of the wolf's belly. She didn't say anything for several moments as she first looked at one cock and then the other several times. Then with a sly grin on her face, she pointed at the woodsman's prick as it grew larger and harder with each passing moment.

"I'll start with that one," she laughed, untying her red riding hood and letting it slide off her shoulders.

Then watching the man quickly shuck his trousers off, she lovingly folded her cape and carefully placed it atop Granmama's dresser.

The lumberjack watched on eagerly as Little Red stood by her Granmama and naughtily stripped off her dress and panties. Then with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she dropped them dropped them on the floor.

The woodcutter ogled the two females as they stood smiling at him. Granmama gave him a suggestive wink as he admired her pretty face and long, black hair. Then, he dropped his eyes down to Granmama's finely-aged body. First he admired her big, droopy breasts with the big, rubbery nipples sticking out of the circle of dark, dusky flesh tipping each of the mammoth udders. Then he ran his eyes down over her slightly pouched belly to the big, hairy cleft that dissected the expanse of skin between her pretty, curvy legs. Boy, that's one more big cunt, he told himself. Nice, he thought, very nice.

Maybe I should have chosen her, he told himself looking over at Little Red as she stood with a bashful smile on her cute, childish face. Her short, blond hair was in stark contrast to her Granmama's long, dark hair, he thought comparing the two. Then dropping his eyes down, he ran them over the girl's young, nubile body paying particular attention to her small, budding breasts with their pink, pea-sized nipples. Nothing near the big, pink cantaloupes that jutted out of her Granmama's chest, he thought. But then he swept his eyes down to the tiny, hairless slit between the girl's pretty legs. Damn, he thought, I'll bet that little cunt will be so tight, it'll suck the cum right up out of balls.