Living with the Lie


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It wasn't a case where there was anything wrong with Miranda, far from it. Miranda was the hottest woman in our town. But in Gerry's mind, no woman in the world could ever equal the bitch I was married to. Shit, half of the guys in town were gaga over her. None of them knew that Laci was way, way, WAYYYYY, over-rated.

Yep, Laci had that cute little smile and those Crystal clear, innocent blue eyes. You could check those off the list. She was as sweet as any woman could be. And that was how the bitch trapped me.

I am a creature of habit. By the time we hit high school, I knew that I was destined for great things. I accepted only the best and went after everything I wanted. It only seemed logical that I should have the prettiest girl in town on my arm.

So long before any of the other guys in our high school were even dating anyone seriously, I had Laci. I was bigger and more aggressive than most of the guys in our school. I was also popular and on the football team. So any other guy that even thought about dating Laci, either got hurt or shunned.

But there were problems between us almost from the start. We made a pretty picture together, but our personalities simply didn't mesh. We held it together all through high school and started making plans for our life after school. I wanted to play pro football and then get into some facet of the entertainment industry. I thought that maybe I'd be a sportscaster or do a few movies. I'd be great in action movies. I can point a gun and yell, "Ah'll be Bach," with the best of them.

Laci wanted a nice house on a few acres of land. She could never decide whether she wanted to have a large garden or a horse or two. The whole thing revolted me. I saw us living in New York or California.

Laci wanted kids. Every year she became more insistent on starting our family as she called it. I'd seen kids. I was very much underwhelmed at the whole thought of having one of those whiny, smelly, mewling little attention grabbers ruin my life any time soon. Several of our friends had already started having kids and their lives were hell.

Everything I had done, almost from the beginning with Laci was to promote our image. The kids and even the teachers ate that shit up. I found myself getting grades that I knew I hadn't earned. I chalked it up to the fairy tale. There were times when I would add up all of my scores and figure that I had a shaky C which would be just enough to keep me on the team. Then when my report card came, I was always shocked to find that most of those shaky C's were B's or better. After a while, I just came to expect it. And as a rule, I just never worked very hard in class.

It seemed like such a joke to see Gerry busting his ass, studying both before and after he went to track practice. He always had a book under his arm or under his nose, even at lunch time.

But my downfall came just before graduation. I had heard people all over town talking about how school was over and we would all be entering the work force and the real world. A couple of guys in the locker room even whispered that maybe they might try taking a shot at Laci; after all we were adults now. Those college things like "going steady," didn't mean shit anymore. It wasn't like I was married to her.

So I did the single dumbest fucking thing I have ever done in my life. And still it almost blew up in my face. Right before our graduation ceremony, I dropped to one knee, in full view of our classmates and teachers. I begged her to marry me and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Other students, parents, teachers, school administrators and even the guest speakers were all on pins and needles waiting for her answer.

Laci and I had been going through a rough patch. She had been talking again about casually dating a few other people in response to the rumors about me screwing other girls during our last two years in college.

As she looked at me, there on one knee with the ring extended and holding my breath, I saw it in her eyes. I couldn't believe it. The bitch was going to turn me down. I whimpered like a puppy and the crowd got behind me. I added a second verse to my proposal that was even sappier.

"Lace, I'm not perfect," I said. The crowd oohed.

"I've made a lot of mistakes," I continued. "But I've always loved you from the bottom of my heart. And if you'll let me ... I'll spend my entire life making you the happiest woman alive ... Please?"

I think even Laci knew that if she's turned me down after that pile of bullshit, she'd have probably been tarred and feathered."

"Okay," she said quietly with a little nod. The entire building erupted with cheers and screams. Even the two assholes that I'd heard talking about taking a shot at her were clapping.

It was sooooooooo fucking dumb. I basically ruined my fucking life. For the next month or so I was locked into planning the God Damned wedding. Between my mom, her mom and Laci, I was constantly surrounded with women that I had no chance of fucking.

People all over town were giving us all kinds of gifts and money. Our honeymoon was something that we never could have afforded otherwise. And I kept telling myself that only a few hours after the wedding it would all be worth it. I would be able to tap into something that no other man on the planet had ever touched. I was sure that Laci's pure, untouched pussy would be one of the crowing achievements of my life.

No one could have prepared me for the things that happened once we got into our hotel room. Laci had no idea how to do anything. She was pure and untouched alright. She was also a sexual idiot. I stroked those long thin legs of hers that every guy in town had dreamed of being between ... And nothing happened. As far as getting her turned on was concerned, I couldn't even find the switch let alone push her buttons.

She just sat there asking me what she should do. I could tell she was willing, but she wasn't turned on at all. For all the heat she showed, we could have been discussing the choreography for a new cheer.

She was happy, she was enthusiastic, she was willing, she was interested ... It was awful.

I told her to take her clothes off. She did it right then. She folded each piece of lingerie and placed them in a special delicates laundry bin that she had bought just to protect her lingerie. Then she sat there on the bed as naked as a jay bird and just as innocent. She didn't cover her perky breasts at all. And surprisingly considering the fact that we were supposedly about to fuck, her nipples weren't even firm let alone rigid or hard.

I took my clothes off. The thought of sinking my dick into that pristine pussy had me as hard as a rock ... Maybe two rocks ... Okay my dick was a hard as whatever's harder than a rock.

Laci just sat there smiling as she looked at it. It was embarrassing. Women are not supposed to react to a guy's dick like that. I was expecting worship ... Like I got from all of the slutty girls I had fucked. Or maybe since she had no experience, I expected a little bit of fear. I craved the sight of her wondering how I was going to stuff that huge monster in her tight and tiny little pussy.

But it never happened. She just sat there smiling like an idiot. And then she ruined our wedding night. "Is that your penis?" she asked. "It's really not a huge angry thing like they describe in the romance novels is it?"

That was when my dick began to deflate.

She reached out and poked it with one curious finger.

"Hmm ... It really feels more rubbery than hard. Is that normal?" she asked. I had no idea how to react to that.

"Hey, it's shrinking!" she exclaimed. "Is it supposed to do that?"

"Maybe you could help to bring it back," I said.

"Sure," she smiled. I was sure that I was about to have a blowjob that was as special and magical as if it had been given by a unicorn. My dick lurched at the thought of being enclosed by that beautiful mouth, at last.

"How do I do that?" she asked.

"We could start with a blow job," I said smirking at her. "Do you know what that is?" She looked at me like I was out of my fucking mind.

"You want me to put that thing in my mouth?" she laughed. "I'm your wife now Dean. I'm not some slut that you're banging in the back seat. We're supposed to make love ... We're supposed to make babies. This is supposed to be the most special night of our lives ... Now get over here and do something." She just sat there on the bed with that innocent but stupid look on her face.

"Hey, I thought you knew how to do this," she said. "That was the reason you cheated on me before we got engaged wasn't it? You said that one of us should know how to actually do this?"

She was so cheerful and so innocent that she had absolutely no idea what she was doing to my ego. My dick had shrunk so much that it was dwarfed by my balls. Any smaller and it would have been inverted.

"Wait a minute," she said. "I'll get my phone and look up a video on you tube to show us how to do it."

Truthfully, I had never been with a virgin before. I had no idea how to teach her about sex. And everything she said seemed to deflate my ego. It's a lot easier to get a slut horny than it is to arouse a virgin.

Let's just say that it took us a few days to have sex. Let's also say that it was not the momentous experience that I had anticipated. We returned home with her glowing with the first blushes of expected marital bliss. We also returned home with me feeling cheated, and trapped.

Every guy in town was looking at me and expecting to hear juicy stories about the honeymoon and all of the freaky things I had made Laci do. They all had this far away look in their eyes that told me that they all wanted to be me. I couldn't disappoint my fans. So I just told them that a gentleman never tells.

"But you always tell," they claimed.

I realized then that I owed them something. They had bought into the fairy tale, after all. It was up to me to keep their fantasies alive. So the first weekend after we'd returned, we were at a party that one of our classmates was having.

I had decided that the best way to shut the guys up would be to give them what they wanted. I was telling them a made up story about bending Laci over the dresser and fucking the tropical shit out of that pussy. At first they were completely into it. Then I noticed that the crowd was thinning out.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" I asked. "Don't you guys want to hear about Laci's first blowjob?"

"Maybe later," the last guy said. "Miranda is here."

"Who the fuck is Miranda?" I asked. He just left me there, running outside into the backyard.

I followed them out of the house and looked around the yard. I saw all of the women gathered together and they were all looking in the same direction. As I looked in that direction as well, my eyes exploded.

The woman I saw was better than Laci in every way, shape and form. Her tits were incredible. Where Laci had a nice little butt, this woman had an ASSSS! When she walked, I could almost feel the pussy rubbing itself together between those legs.

I was incredibly pissed. My eyes were as big as trash can lids and my tongue was dragging the floor. Then an even worse thing happened. Rick, they guy who'd brought her to the party, brought her over to meet me.

Why was it worse? The bastard was rubbing that shit in my face. He was one of the guys who'd talked about making a play for Laci. And as he introduced me to Miranda, he told her that he didn't have to worry about me trying to steal her from him. The mother fucker described me as ... SAFE!

What the fuck did he think I was? Did he think that I was some kind of toothless old lion? Did he think it was funny? Shit Gerry Louis was funny. I was a threat. Leaving that bitch around me was the quickest way for her to get FUCKED.

But he did. She looked at me as if I was an insect. "Just got married huh?" she asked.

I got even angrier. People mad always described Laci's voice as being musical and soothing. This woman had a voice like a God Damned phone sex operator. Just hearing her talk made me want to fuck her, and she knew it.

"So what's it like being married?" she asked. I had no idea how to even answer that.

"I moved here to put my old life behind me and get married myself," she said.

I was sure I was slobbering and gibberish-like sounds were coming from my mouth. I had to up my game. "So how did you and Rick meet?" I asked. I was wondering what Rick who was one of my linemen had going for him to land a woman that hot.

"Who?" she asked.

"Rick," I repeated. "The guy you came to the party with."

"Oh, him," she smirked. "I heard that everyone in town would be at this party. I had to come just in case the guy I'm interested in shows up."

"Who are you interested in?" I asked.

"You probably don't know him," she said. "I can't see him hanging out with you."

"I know everyone in town," I said. "I'm kind of popular."

"Yeah but anyone who'll kiss ass and suck up to people can be popular," she hissed. "I've been talking to people around town and from the things I hear; you seem to be kind of an asshole. I don't see you being friends with Gerry."

My head exploded. "Gerry?" I yelled spitting my beer onto the grass and narrowly avoiding spraying her. "You can not be talking about Gerry fuckin' Louis!"

"That's the man," she said. "That's the plan."

I can still remember the confident look on her face as she'd told me that nearly four years prior. I had to admit that she had accomplished her goal easily. She had Gerry wrapped around her little finger.

But she was just as wrapped around his. As I watched one of her extremely sexy legs flashed out kicking the door to the bar in frustration. The way her ass moved with the kick and then settled back into place was mesmerizing. As usual when I watched her, my mouth dropped open.

As if she could sense me staring at her, she turned to me. "Get your fuckin' eyes back where they belong," she hissed.

"Fuck you," I hissed.

"I'll bet you wish you could," she smirked. "I'll bet even now you're thinking about sucking my big old titties while you push that meat stick in my tight little pussy." Then she started laughing at me.

"Too bad you can't," she quipped. "All of this ..." She pointed at her body. "... Belongs to my Gerry."

She turned and one of the spotlights that surrounded the bar showed the tramp stamp just above her magnificent ass. Maybe it was her kicking the door, but something had brought the top edge of her tiny shorts low enough that I could see the tattoo. It was a heart with vines and roses looped around it. The thing that pissed me off the most was seeing Gerry's fucking name on that tattoo.

"Do us both a favor and keep your little blow up doll away from Gerry," she said.

"Likewise," I spat.

"Bullshit," she said. "She waved at him first. She dragged her skinny ass up onto that stage when she had no business up there. She was the one rubbing her boyish little bootie on him, not the other way around. And you looked really fucking stupid screaming get your hands off of my wife, when HE had his hands on his guitar and she was draped all over HIM like a cheap suit ... You'd better put a leash on that bitch before I hurt her."

We both reacted as the side door to the bar opened. As Gerry stepped out, she headed for him like she had a rocket up that magnificent ass. But she pulled up when she saw Laci coming out of the same door at nearly the same time.

"You just can't seem to stay away from her, can you?" she yelled.

"Huh?" said Gerry. The confusion on his face alone told me everything I needed to know. My old pal Gerry was a schmuck. He had no idea what was going on around him.

I could also tell that that his hot ass wife was so angry and so territorial when it came to him that she wasn't thinking clearly.

Gerry's reaction to the situation should have told her that trying anything with Laci was the farthest thing on his mind. Gerry is simply not the cheating type.

The last thing I zoomed in on was Laci. My little wife was the most conflicted and the most emotional of the three. But I'd spent the most time with her. So for me she was actually the easiest to read. She was tired of my shit. She was also looking to give me a dose of my own medicine and she had finally noticed the fact that Gerry liked her. If Miranda hadn't been around to play guard dog, I think there is a serious chance that Laci would have made a play for Gerry. I think that stupid waitress tonight was the straw that broke the camel's back. And to tell you the truth, I was getting to the point where I was ready to let Laci go. I just wanted to get something out of the deal. I had the beginning of an idea in the back of my mind.

* * * * * *


The ride home was silent, with Miranda just sitting beside me so quiet that I knew what was in store for me when we got home.

I tried to zone out and just listen to the sound of eight forged pistons directing their fury through my Mustang's Magnaflow performance exhaust system.

I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on. The only thing logic seemed to tell me was that women are crazy. It had started out with Laci waving at me. She had done that lots of times, but somehow that wave seemed different. Was it actually different? Or was I just allowing my mind to project more into the wave than there really was. It sure seemed to get Randa pissed though.

Then there was that blowhard Dean, flat out accusing me of sleeping with Laci. Again, maybe there was something to that wave, because it seemed to be what set Dean off too. But then when Dean got drunk, anything could set him off.

I wondered if Laci actually was cheating on Dean. Shit, if that was true, or even if he only thought it was true, it would be enough to drive anyone crazy. And when we're talking about Laci, who was somehow more than just an average woman ... Who knows what he could be capable of. If I had married Laci, I'd want to kill anyone who tried to come between us.

But then that's just me. I think I would want to kill anyone who tried to come between Miranda and me, as well.

Then there was Laci herself. What the hell motivated her to jump up on that stage with us? One thing is certain though; she can still dance her ass off. But her rubbing her ass on me was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. It sure pissed Dean off. Unfortunately Randa didn't like it much either and I can't say I blame her.

A few moments after getting onto the freeway I noticed a Michigan state police cruiser behind me with his lights on. My mind had been so busy thinking about my night that I had just let my pony go.

"License, registration and proo ..." he began. I could tell he had just seen Miranda. He almost forgot about me as he scoped her out.

"Officer, here you go," I said handing him my license, proof of insurance and registration.

"Uhm, Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" he asked.

"I'm really hoping it wasn't to give you the chance to stare at my wife," I said.

"Do you know how fast you were going, sir?" he asked nervously.

"About eighty," I said.

"Sir, my radar pegged you at over 90 and accelerating," he said. "It's a good thing I pulled you over when I did. If you'd been going a few miles faster you'd be on your way to jail."

He went back to his car and ran my information. He came back almost ten minutes later with a ticket that had to be two feet long. He folded it over and pointed out the information about going to court and the instructions on how to go about reporting.

"I gave you a break, sir," he said. "I only wrote your ticket up for eighty."

"Thanks, Officer," I said. "How much is the ticket?"

"Oh we don't have that information, sir," he said. "That depends on the municipality you were in when we pulled you over. Like I said, you were lucky I caught you when I did."