Lord Marchington's Staff


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It was her misfortune that I had no whip and that as she rose to escape so she slipped from her ruined clothing and it was her greater misfortune that I caught her easily and in doing so saw the moistness in that mass of curls between her legs.

I stared in disbelief, "No!" she said as she stared at my bulging breeches and she said, "No dear god!"

I held myself in check somehow, "You are indeed evil!" I snapped and I turned on my heel and strode away.

The thought that I had almost speared her repulsed me but excited me and my needs were now pressing indeed but at that moment Marjorie rushed in naked crying "Mother, pray god what is that man doing to you?"

"Fornicating child, he has his mind on raping me call the constable if you please." she said acidly and that's when I lost all semblance of propriety.

"Why sir, why my mother?" Marjorie asked belatedly.

"Oh who can fathom why Marjorie," she wailed, "But he means to ravish me,"

"Because she is a whore," I averred, "As are you!" I snapped, "Whore, cuckholder," I stared at Marjorie, her mounds heaved, her lips trembled and I grew hard watching, "Mother whore and baby whore, I shall ride you now, on your back whore!" I snapped and I ripped my breeches open scattering buttons widely until my appendage was freed and stood proudly to attention.

Marjorie stared, "No, you cannot ravish me, it is too big, you will tear me, strain me to excess, no I pray," but I was upon her and cast her down beside her mother and I sought to mount her.

She struggled, she fought valiantly but I was took strong and I grabbed her calves and forced her knees wide apart, revealing her womb glistening in anticipation like the most wanton whore.

Her terror saved her, her womb lubricated itself in fear and with that fear I plunged deep inside her even as she battered me ineffectively with her fists until with her resistance fading and as her screaming became sobs of despair so she accepted her fate but in fact as my assault continued it was consternation that Marjorie expressed.

"Too strong!" she averred, "Too manly," and when I shot my cream among her parts she said, "Oh I am on fire, Mama, he has ruined me!"

"He raped you child," the Mother averred as she pulled her ruined clothes around herself, "He raped you."

"What is to be done Mama?" Marjorie asked.

"You must decide," the mother explained, "You can hardly have him hung under the circumstances."

"I apologise ladies, that was inexcusable," I said as I eased my appendage from Marjorie's warm moist womb.

"But Mama the Constable!" Marjorie protested.

"Forget Constables," the old witch suggested as she stretched, "You have sinned far worse than he in their eyes," she admitted and she pulled her torn clothing around her again and went to her cupboard to seek more clothing.

"What shall I do?" Marjorie asked.

"Why serve as my whore!" I snapped, "No you cuckolded my brother you shall serve my staff."

"But you made love to me" she snapped.

"That was fornication not love, why I might take more pleasure from a sheep's asshole than your womb were I a Romanoff." I averred, "No come, let the staff enjoy their new mistress."

"No!" she wailed, "I cannot go like this!" but I dragged my breeches around me and dragged her by the arm out of the bed chamber still attired in naught but her long boots and then I saw she was correct.

"Off with the boots, you shall go entirely naked," I ordered.

"No!" she demurred but I grabbed her around the waist and even as she struggled so I unlaced her boots and drew them from her and then with her completely naked I propelled her down stairs and to the courtyard.

"Fetch the ostlers, fetch the stable lads," I ordered, "See, no more need for wenching, I have a whore for you," Marjorie trembled with fear now as the lads came running.

"But sir, she is our Mistress!" said one.

"Exactly, now who shall serve my mistress and who shall be dismissed?" I asked.

They regaled me nervously.

"I cannot," said one.

"Sodomite eh?" I asked.

"Indeed not!" he said, "I shall save myself for matrimony."

"Sodomite," I repeated, "Well, who's for the whore?" I asked again.

The maids were watching, Bessie and Milly were still sore about their nether regions as one lad stepped forward, "I should be honoured Ma'am," he said.

"Right, in the horse trough and bathe!" I ordered, "Lest I whip thee likewise!"

"But sir!" he protested as his fellows laughed.

"All of you, bathe, you stink worse than horses," I ranted, "No one shall remain unwashed, at eight each morn you shall all bathe here, I shall have additional troughs and baths brought and you shall all be clean and smart."

"Oooh," Sally exclaimed, "We have to bathe Patience," she said and she started to disrobe.

"Hold hard," I said, but the stable lads were disrobing and then Milly and Bessie and Frobisher and Binks and before I was aware the whole throng were disrobed.

"Hold hard I say," I repeated but my discipline had broken down entirely, "Desist!" but discipline had broken entirely and suddenly it seemed everyone was disrobing.

"Desist!" I cried but to my complete horror Binks had seized Milly and throwing her on her back he claimed her by driving his solidly erect member deep inside her.

"So, which is to mount me first?" Marjorie asked suddenly as she stood beside me.

"None, they have made fools of us," I said sadly, "I meant to create order from indiscipline by discipline and all I have brought is fornication."

"Oh well," she said, "Then I shall fight cook for that stable hand's affections," Marjorie said provocatively.

"No, stay I shall mount you," I offered.

"Don't demean yourself," she said but there was none to compare with Marjorie now they were disrobed, and her mounds were freed from their bindings.

"I shall return to soldiering," I declared.

"And leave this den of fornication to thrive and spread?" she said, "I think not!"

"No, but what shall I do?" I asked.

"Leave them to their pleasures," she said, "Come inside, let us talk," she suggested.

"Talk, I just stripped you naked and ravished you?" I reminded her, "What do you mean talk?"

"Talk, about the future and how on earth we stop word of this getting abroad lest you become a laughing stock," she said anxiously.

"I want to ravish you again!" I admitted.

"Then I have not the strength to prevent you," she admitted.

"What?" I asked.

"You know you want to," she said and as I looked around it seemed that quite suddenly almost every servant was indulging in fornication, indeed cook had members in her womb and ass hole and in her mouth all at the same time.

I just looked around helplessly.

"Come," Marjorie said again and she led me inside and up to her bed chamber, "Take your pleasure if you must, then perhaps you should return to the army, Mother can look after the estate."

"Marry you?" I queried, "You cuckolded my brother!" I reminded her.

"Did I indeed?" she said, "We never even consummated the marriage!"

"Oh, my head is spinning," I confessed, "It is all confusion, I need comfort, I need a whore!"

"Then I am sure you will use me again," she said, "But let us do it discreetly."

"Indeed," I said and I hoisted her up in my arms, "Discreetly."

"And have the ale casks brought out so they are all so drunken that by morning all will be forgotten." she suggested.

"Yes," I agreed, "I shall see to it when I am sated," I agreed and I carried her up the stairs.

This time there was no resistance, she allowed me to take my pleasure, she spread her legs wide and even held the lips to her womb open for my entry and being moist I speared her with the greatest ease, "Take off you Jerkin that I may feel the warmth of your chest," she whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to feel your manly chest," she repeated, "Shall you not indulge me?"

"You are a cunning woman," I assured her, "And a lying bitch and a cuckold, but it will give me pleasure I am sure to crush your teats against my bared chest," I suggested, and as she requested I removed by Jerkin and my under vest and laid my naked chest against her warm teats.

She pulled me to her like I was her lover such was her deviousness but I saw it for the ploy it was and resolved not to be taken in.

My release came more gently this time, although I still sank my teeth into her neck to give her a love bite for all to see as my cream bubbled forth and when it was done I sent her to get mead and cider and ale so all might become incapably drunk.

Her mother came to talk when Marjorie left me, she was dressed again, decorously smartly in black as ever, "John," she said, "This ravishing my daughter will not do!"

"Shall I ravish you in her stead?" I asked.

"No of course not," she replied, "I only mean," she said and she blushed, "I do not believe she cuckolded your brother," she said, "They were never husband and wife, he sodomised all sorts of tykes and vagabonds and never once shared Marjorie's bed.

"But she had relations with another man!" I exclaimed.

"With the handle of a spoon and his seed yes, but his member no," she explained.

"I see," I agreed, "But my mind is made up, now leave me before I ravish you likewise."

She slipped away, somehow she seemed less the witch more the concerned parent, but I dressed and went to check om Marjorie.

I was just in time for two stable lads had her spread-eagled on the straw and were about to ravish her.

"Whore!" I ordered, "I have need of you."

"Yes my Lord!" she replied and as they let her up she flew to my side, "Drink up lads," I said
, "Drink and be merry."

Night was falling, the servants were too drunken to prepare a meal and so I had Marjorie don a servant's smock and together we carved a chicken cook had roasted earlier and we ate chicken and bread for our supper.

"Have you finished with me my lord?" Marjorie asked.

"You never spent the night with Charles?" I asked.

"Nor any man," she admitted.

"Then I shall make allowances," I agreed, "So shall we repair to your bed or mine?"

"I shall accept my fate," she said and blushed.

"Mine then," I agreed, "Lead on," and I lit candles from the kitchen fire and handed her one while the other I took and we repaired to my room.

She slipped from her robe and slipped nakedly between the bed sheets and I swiftly followed and quickly took her in my arms, pausing only to blow out the candles.

"You're so strong," she said, "You're hurting me."

"I was jealous," I admitted, "I really did not want to share you with those lads."

"I know," she said, "Though I did wonder how their appendages might feel inside me."

"Yes," I agreed, "Well perhaps you shall just serve me."

"What choice have I?" she asked.

"None," I agreed and I bent my head to nuzzle her neck, "None at all," and I kissed her ear and then I was on her and pinning her down I kissed her lips.

Her hands strayed to my appendage and I felt her guide him to her womb, I eased myself back and then forward to enter her, "There," I said as I slid easily inside her moistened innards, "That is not too distasteful is it?"

"No," she admitted.

"Then tell me I excite you like a good whore should," I insisted, "Do not lie there like a wet fish or I might as well poke your mother or an ostler's backside."

"It hurts," she said, "It is distasteful, you are distasteful and Agghhh!" she wailed as I thrust firmly.

"See, shut your rantings," I declared.

"No the pain!" she wailed as I thrust again," You are tearing me asunder!"

"You're damned tight for a mother I'll give you that," I gasped as she gripped my appendage and seemingly milked my cream from me as I pounded into her, and quite suddenly I let fly the pent up cream from my balls and she gasped.

"No!" she cried and she closed her eyes tightly in denial, "No!"

"Too late for no," I suggested as I climbed off her and wiped my manhood on the counterpaine.

"You beast!" she protested, "You use me and cast me aside."

"Indeed," I agreed, "Is such not an agreeable to you?" I asked as I took the tinderbox and lit the candles.

She stared at me, "Is that all?" she asked seriously, "You just cast me aside."

"Indeed," I agreed, "Now away to your quarters."

"No," she declared, "I shall sleep here, you have warmed the bed for me."

"And be available should I require a whore?" I asked.

She looked away, and I blew out the candles again and joined her in the bed.

"Hold me," she ordered, "I am cold."

"Am I to be ordered about in my own bed," I enquired.

"Then I shall hold you," she replied, "Are my hands cold?" and she grasped my member, he stirred instantly.

"You play a dangerous game madam," I whispered and I rolled over to cover her.

"So hold me," she said again.

"I shall use you for my pleasure," I reminded her.

"And I shall use you for mine," she taunted me, "Come, use me."

"I shall indeed," I agreed, "When I feel the need."

"And do you feel the need?" she asked.

I aimed my manhood at her softness in the darkness and pressed him home, "Yes," I said quietly.

"So hold me," she said, "Give me some sign that you regard me."

"But I do not," I insisted, "You are nothing but a whore!"

"Then I shall away to my own room!" she insisted but she remained beneath me.

"But a charming whore," I suggested.

"You were swift enough to stop the servants abusing me," she reminded me, "Can you not find it in your heart to love me?"

"Hush woman," I whispered, "Let us savour the moment," and I gently plowed her in the darkness and the warmth of my bed as she desperately tried to please me humping against me in primeval instinct of what would cause me to spill my seed promptly but shortly her senses departed her and her desires took charge and she grasped my buttocks and dragged me ever harder into her.

The ending was long and gentle in building the emissions flowed easily as she gasped helplessly until we stilled and then we lay together quietly entwined like lovers.

There was nothing to be said, I ran my fingers through her hair and I fell into a most contented sleep.

I woke in the greyness of dawn, she was staring at me, "It will not do," she said, "I deserve to be loved I need love!"

"On your back whore I have needs," I replied.

"No, not until you admit you love me!" she insisted.

"I own you," I told her, "And shall use you as I see fit, now lay on your back and spread the way to your womb that I may possess you.

"Tell me you love me!" she insisted.

"You please me," I reminded her, "But I do not tell lies easily."

"Then take me for I own my womb craves your intrusion, I have never experienced it's like." she said as I stared open mouthed, "Take me I say!" she added.

"Oh my," I exclaimed and I sat down, "You crave me?" I struggled, "But I thought?"

"No more words my lord, take me!" she insisted, "Or lay back that I might use you!"

"Madam!" I exclaimed as nakedly she advanced, "No!"

But she was upon me and sinking herself down on my member she pleasured herself greatly, "See I have become a wanton whore!" she trilled.

"Not a whore for I am not paying," I insisted, "Indeed you should pay me for the privellage."

"Please John!" she said, "For pities sake make me an offer!"

"I shall marry your mother and have you for my whore," I suggested.

"No!" she wailed though still impaled upon me.

"Or marry you and have your mother for my whore," I offered.

"I shall arrange it," she said, "Mother deserves some happiness!"

"I jest," I said and as her face fell I added, "I have no need of your mother."

"When I am with child," she said, "She may serve then!"

"I have no need of your mother," I insisted, "Now come here!" I said and pulled her down so I might kiss her lips and thus I possessed her utterly.

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