Lost Girl: Julie's Story Ch. 01


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He took me at my word, and began pumping his cock harder, sliding himself nearly all the way out and jamming it back in again, fucking me hard and mercilessly in my ass, and I was loving it, curls of orgasm twisting and threading through me as I pumped back against him, my climax approaching as the sheer outrageous sexiness of what we were doing got to me. I reached down and began rubbing and pulling at my painfully engorged clit, willing myself to come as I enjoyed the feeling of this superb cock sodomizing me so thoroughly.

When I climaxed, it was as if a white light went on behind my eyes, and I screamed into my pillow as my orgasm jolted and pounded through me, lighting up every nerve ending all at once. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, a depth of release I couldn't believe was happening to me. Mark felt it too; he groaned out loud as his cock swelled up until it felt impossibly big in the tight confines of my ass, the sperm bulleting into me with unbelievable force, jet after jet, filling me up, prolonging my climax, the contractions in my ass milking him of all his spunk as it massaged and squeezed him, running him dry.

Mark slipped from me, even the act of withdrawing from me giving me another, mini-orgasm, to lie next to me and pull me close against him, his hands roaming over me, touching and caressing, rubbing and gently squeezing as he felt me all over again. His cock was flaccid now, for the first time that evening, and I took the time to rub and touch it, handle it as he was touching and handling me.

I grinned up at him, one hand wrapped around his balls as I scratched his scrotum gently.

"So, lover-boy, is that all for tonight?" I teased, kissing him, "Where do you get all the energy from, you're like a machine!" I giggled.

He smiled back.

"It's you, Tink, every time I think I'm done, I look at you, or kiss you, or squeeze your hot little ass, or grab your lovely boobs, you gorgeous little doll, and the flag goes up, and I'm ready again. You're killing me, but what a way to go!"

He hugged me tight and rolled onto his back, pulling me on top of him so he could hold my buttocks while we snogged, tongues and lips playing and fencing as we kissed, and licked, and nipped each other. Marks hands clamped tight around my bum cheeks, and I could tell he was enthralled by them, the way he kept massaging, squeezing and pulling them apart to make me gasp and giggle, and feel very horny.

"I told you I'd fuck your arse for you!" he grinned as we kissed, and I reached behind me to feel his cock stirring as he played with my bum.

"If you were any kind of man, you'd do it again, prove it wasn't just a fluke!" I teased him, giving his cock a squeeze and a shake while rubbing the tip.

It grew in my hand, from semi-on to fully erect and ready in a twinkle, and all I could do was think 'this boy has got the right stuff, oh yeah!' as I waited for him to do something nice with it.

Mark grinned and slid me down until he prodded my ass with the tip of his cock, slowly feeding himself back into me, with me controlling the penetration this time, pushing myself back onto him until he was once again sheathed in my recently cherry ass.

Now I began to rise and fall, pacing myself, enjoying the feeling of this column of flesh invading my most private place, watching Mark's eyes as he enjoyed me, my fingers rubbing and tweaking my nipples as I danced for him, slowly sliding up and down on him, grinding my clit against him on my downstroke, enjoying myself thoroughly.

His hands reached for my hips as he began to thrust up against me, my motion changing to a see-saw as I clenched his cock rhythmically with my anal muscles while I rubbed my pussy against him.

Mark began to buck as I pumped on him, my own breath coming in gasps as I neared orgasm, until suddenly, he groaned and I felt his spunk shoot into me as his cock swelled in me, the sensation tipping me over the edge, and I came as well, a warm gush of my own juices bathing Mark's belly and balls as I flooded him, my body chiming like a bell with the waves of pleasure gusting through me. I dimly felt Mark take my hands as I writhed and shuddered on him, the waves of pleasure gradually lessening as my climax died away.

I slumped down on him, all conscious thought gone, his arms around me, his cheek against mine, as we cuddled in the afterglow of our mutual orgasms. Gradually he softened, and slid from my hole, his cock falling to lie against his leg, and I could feel his thick virile spunk oozing from my just-sodomized ass.

After a while, I knew it was time for him to go – we were starting to haze-out, and Christ alone knew what would happen if that drunken bitch found us like this in the morning, so I reluctantly slid off him, and pinched his cock lightly to wake him up.

"Ow! What was that for?" he grinned, pulling me closer for another snogging session, but I wasn't fooled; I knew where that led, and it was nearly midnight.

"Time for bed Mark, your own bed, come on, Stud-Boy, if you fall asleep in here we'll both get scalped; well, I will, so time to go beddy-bye, in your room! Stop pouting, you know you'll get more rumpy-pumpy tomorrow, so you need to recharge your tank; I think I drained it, well, that's what it feels like!"

He leaned up over me, his eyes luminous, to look into my eyes, his expression serious.

"I meant what I said before, Jules, I love you, and I want you, and I'm going to keep on wanting you; you're the most perfect, beautiful girl in the world, and you belong to me now. The sex, all of it, that's just playing, just appetite, the real stuff is inside. I love you, Tinkerbell, and I always have."

I smiled back at him, sudden tears blurring my vision for a second, and gently nipped his lip with my teeth, and whispered "I love you too, Lost Boy. Take me away one day, Ok? Give us a chance at a proper life, yes?"

He smiled back, thumbed the tears from my cheeks, and kissed me gently. "It's a deal, Tink!"

I should have let him stay. I should never have let him open that door; but he did, and as he stepped out of my room, I heard mum's voice in the hallway outside, still slurred with the drink, but lucid enough to realise he was naked, and coming out of my room in the middle of the night.

"Mark, what are you doing, why are you...what have you been doing with her?"

The hatred in her voice made me quail, and all I heard from Mark was his stammering attempts to explain what he was doing.

"Come with me, NOW!" she screamed, hustling Mark away, completely ignoring me.

I tumbled into my clothes, grabbed my 'phone and purse, and headed downstairs, where I heard mum's voice in the sitting room, talking to Mark, sounding almost reasonable, cajoling, not angry at all.

There was no way I was going in there, I was going to wait right here, wait for Mark, he'd make this right; perhaps it was a good thing we'd been caught, after all, he said he wanted to take me away, perhaps this was what we needed, a way to start a new life away from here, just the two of us.

The sitting room door wrenched open and there stood mum, an expression on her face I hope to never see again on any human face, Mark just visible on the couch, a strange look on his face.

"You fucking degenerate, you seduced your own brother, that's how whores behave, that's what you are, a disgusting little incest whore!" she screeched.

I put my hands over my ears, trying to block out what she was screaming at me, wanting Mark to come and save me, and he never came, he sat there, looking right through me.

"When I knew I was having you, I should have taken a coat hanger there and then, got rid of you once and for all! I never wanted a slut like you; I knew you'd do something like this! Mark was a good boy, a decent boy, he was innocent, and then you got your filthy hands on him, your own brother, you dirty, filthy conniving little slut. You're not normal, not decent, not like my Mark! Get out of my house, GET OUT!" I thought she was going to hit me again, and I wasn't going to stand for it, not this time.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" I yelled at her, "Mark, help me!"

He sat there, refusing to meet my eyes, looking straight ahead, and my whole world collapsed around me, everything I thought would happen, all the good things we were supposed to have together, just ashes and dust. Mark had abandoned me; he'd taken me, made me his, done things to me I would never have let anyone else do, and now he wouldn't even look at me.

She stalked over to the front door and wrenched it open. "Out, you, this is no place for whores, you don't live here, so don't ever come back. Mark has apologised for letting you lead him astray, and now he's going away; you'll never see him again, you'll never be able to get your filthy disgusting hands on him again. Now get out!"

I grabbed my coat and left, my head spinning at his betrayal; everything he'd said to me, everything he'd promised me, all the things we'd do, they were lies, all he wanted was a pair of legs to lie between, and he'd treated me like a whore afterwards, blanking me as I left, making no effort to help me.

Right, fuck him, I thought, I have friends, people I know I can rely on, people who won't treat me like dirt, who won't cast me aside.

It was past midnight, but I didn't know who else to call, so I called Shelagh, to beg a bed for the night.

I gave her the basics, that mum had thrown me out, and asked her if I could stay a while on her couch, I tried to tell her the rest, but the tears got in the way.

"Stay there, Jules, I'm coming!" she said, bless her.

Five minutes later I saw headlights, and there was her battered old Mini. I climbed in and she looked at me wide-eyed. "Christ Jules, what the hell happened, where was Mark, why didn't he stop her?"

I tried to tell her that Mark was the reason I was there with her now, but nothing would come out, just more tears, Shelagh hugging me until the worst of it was over, then she put the car into gear and moved away, taking me back to her place. As we passed the only home I'd ever known, I saw a fleeting glimpse of Mark at the window, his eyes meeting mine for a split second before we were gone. Shelagh spent the entire drive back to her place muttering under her breath, her eyes spitting sparks.

We got back to her flat, and Shelagh immediately made us something hot to drink, made me comfortable, and sat down with me.

"Right, Jules, tell me from the beginning, just what the hell happened, and what's going on with Mark?"

I told her, expecting her to be disgusted, revolted, tell me to leave, but she did none of those things; she just listened, with just the occasional gentle prod when I faltered, until the whole pathetic, sordid story was out.

I finished, and stared at her, waiting for her to tell me to get out, that I made her sick, anything, but she just looked at me levelly.

"Say something, Shel, anything!" I pleaded, "Aren't you disgusted, or sickened by me? I am!"

Shelagh hugged me.

"I won't judge you, you're my best mate, and I don't blame you, Mark was too cute for words, it was kind of waiting to happen, if my brother was that hot, I'd have jumped him too, so you're not alone, sweetie! I'm more worried about what you told me about your mother; I never knew she was a lush; why didn't you tell me? That time you got bopped in the eye, I always thought it was you playing volleyball, I never knew she'd done that to you; I'd have done something to her if I'd known, I'd have sent my mum round to give her a kicking, for starters, right after Nia's mum finished with her!"

She got up and paced around the room.

"I'm also puzzled, no, worried by this whole Mark thing; 5 minutes after he's swearing eternal undying love for you he's looking right through you; something's really wrong there, she's done something, or said something, or made some kind of threat, I guarantee; Mark's just not like that, I've known him almost as long as you have, and I'd have said, after Jamie Morrison, he's probably the sweetest boy alive; I'd bet my life on it; do you really think he'd fuck and run like that? Honestly? Mark adores you, always has; no, something else is going on, something nasty, I'd bet on it, so I'm not going to judge him just yet, much as I love you, Jules. Of course, if I'm wrong, I'll cut his balls off myself, with a blunt knife – nobody fucks over my friends and walks away whistling!"

I stayed with Shelagh that night, sharing her big bed with her so I could cry properly, having waking nightmares about my mother and what she'd said about her twisted coat-hanger, asking what I'd ever done to make her hate me so much my whole life, why did I mean so little to her?

I called in sick next morning, saying I'd be taking a few days. I wanted to try and find a way to put my life back on track, and I needed somewhere to think and plan, to put something together that might pass for a life after mine had been destroyed so comprehensively. Shelagh was a tower of strength, a real source of comfort and positive attitude, and a good person to help you hate if you needed to share, so we stuck pins in that bitch mother of mine for a little while, getting her out of my system.

Nia was also aware that things had gone really bad at home, and that I was staying with Shelagh, but I didn't want to burden her, she was having enough of a problem with her final exams in school and moping over Jamie while he was away at university. I needed a place of my own, and Shelagh came up trumps there; her landlord had a property available, a little two bedroom 'worker's cottage' in Clapham Old Town, and Shelagh recommended me, Nia's dad gave me a reference, and I moved in three weeks after mum kicked me out.

I tried to reach Mark, to ask him why he had to tell me he loved me, and to ask him if I had ever been anything to him, or just another lay to boast about with the guys at work, but when I called his phone it came back disconnected, and when I called his office they told me he'd been transferred, at his own request, and sorry, no, unless I was a client of his, they couldn't tell me his location or put me through. He really had severed all connection with me, left me all alone in the world. All I ever had was him, and now he was gone, my own real Lost Boy, and I cried for him, even though he'd trampled on my heart and treated me so shamefully. One day, I would find him, if only to ask him "Why?"

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kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

Look, i really love Julie and Mark, and the story is both heart wrenching and beautiful.

My only compliant is that the actual story is so good that the long detailed sex scenes distracts from whaf makes this so good.

SaintdragonslayerSaintdragonslayerover 3 years ago

This is a very fine story. Well written and reads easily. I/T is not my usual reading material but I read this on the recommendation of a friend. I would imagine that the "real life" stories like this would usually end in the same fashion, so full marks for giving it a sad, yet realistic ending.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

Good drama.

This probably has happened to people in this hypocritical society the way it has been written here is so believable .

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
wow - great first chapter

what a clever writer. love your stories - on to chapter 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
2nd reading

A really good tale I am almost identifying with these characters. Sequel?

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