Love, Honour and Obey


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Completely unabashed the director turned in my direction.

"Go and perk them up."


"Just do it."

I resented the terseness of her tone but her company was paying the wages. I took up an awkward position behind Katya's stooped form and then gingerly reached my hands round.

I found myself with my crotch pressed against the drum-tight latex covering her buttocks and that, taken together with the opportunity to legitimately fondle her breasts had an obvious and immediate effect.

Katya could not fail to notice but far from protesting she wriggled her buttocks playfully.

"Am I turning you on? How about this?"

As I watched she leant forward and swept her tongue across Emily's crotch. The blonde squealed in protest but Katya did it again. My eyes were riveted and my erection gave another lurch.

"That's good! Keep shooting! You! Get out of the fucking shot!"

Stung by the director's command I moved away from Katya who now had Emily's panties between her teeth.

"Katya! Don't!"

Emily's protest did not sound feigned and she reinforced it by trying to kick out but the bigger girl simply grabbed her legs before tearing a gaping hole in the silky material of the panties.

"Stop! Don't do that!"

Emily was almost shrieking but Katya was not to be put off. She shrugged Emily's legs over her shoulders and curled her arms over them to hold them in place then, with an animal growl, she fell upon Emily's sex.

"No!...Stop it!"

Emily was trying to thrash her body but she was held too firmly as Katya continued to gorge on her like some ravening beast. I did not know what to do but, as I turned to the director, it was to find that she was right at the shoulder of the photographer. All the subtleties of lighting now seemed to be forgotten as she shot off film as quickly as the camera would allow.


This new entreaty was more of a whimper as Katya now licked at her more languorously. The clicking of the camera came to a stop and we were now silent spectators.

Emily was turning her head from side to side as if she was trying to say no but her body suddenly seemed less tense.

Katya recognized the moment and she released her grip on Emily's legs. She lowered them on to the bed and gently eased them apart. Emily no longer fought her and Katya resumed her assault in more tender fashion.

I could watch no longer. I was still sporting a guilty erection and I felt that I ought to be protesting in some way. In the end I elected to leave the studio with a show of dudgeon.

When I returned a couple of hours later both the models had left and the director was at pains to soothe my ruffled feathers.

"What did I just witness?"

"It was spontaneous. The girls just got caught up in the moment. Besides, we got some great shots."

"Are you trying to tell me that Emily was a willing participant?"

"In these sub/dom scenes it's invariably the sub who has the control. They get what they want and use a safe word if things are not to their liking."

I tried to keep the sarcasm from my voice as I replied.

"So what was Emily's safe word?'

She bridled at this.

"Let me show you something."

She walked me over to the bed and retrieved a pair of handcuffs.

"Give me your wrist."

I hesitated but then did as she asked. She fastened a cuff around my wrist and closed it tightly. It felt both heavy and solid.

"You will see that there are no locks. Now flick your wrist."

As I did the cuff flew open.

"You see, Emily could have escaped at any time she wanted. So you tell me who was the used and who the user?"

I felt a little stupid but there was no harm done. We met the following day to review the rushes and we were able to settle on a shot that we were all happy with. It was near the mark but with some artful shadowing and the careful placement of dialogue blocks I reckoned we could get it passed.

I returned home and was pleased, just a few days later, when I received a parcel from New York. In it was a framed copy of the final print and, in a separate padded package, the two pairs of handcuffs with a little note that simply said "A souvenir."

I half thought about mounting them on the wall along with the print but then the whole business about the sub being in control came back to my mind. Was there a grain of truth in it and, if so, could I turn in to my advantage? If cunnilingus was allowed before our wedding day then why not fellatio?

Once the seed was planted it was as good as grown. I went into the bedroom and made my preparations not the least of which was to practice the quick release technique I had been shown. I felt sure that, even if Suzanne did not want to enter into the spirit of it, she would have a good laugh about it and that in itself would be no bad thing.

Once everything was ready I stripped off and sat up on the bed. I had no idea what time Suzanne would finish work and so I had a book to read. I would be able to hear her key in the lock and that would give me the few seconds I needed to secure myself.

In the event the lock proved more of a struggle than it usually did that evening and I had more than enough time to fasten one wrist and then press the other against the bedpost to

secure it in its turn. Then it was just a matter of lying down flat and waiting. I could hear Suzanne as she moved around downstairs and I felt strangely tense. She would normally come straight upstairs and check the study as the next port of call but it was nearly fifteen minutes before I heard the sharp clack of her heels in the hall.

I held my breath as she mounted the stairs but then I was taken by surprise as she went straight past the study and suddenly appeared at the bedroom door. For a second or two I thought it was a trick of the light but she looked different. I craned my neck to see better.

"Oh my God."

Suzanne had no siblings but this could have been her older sister. She was not quite as tall but shared the same beautiful features.

"You must be Chris...I'm Luisa, Suzanne's mother."

She seemed unfazed by the sight that confronted her, so much so that she stepped into the room.

"I'm sorry, this isn't what it seems."

"You don't need to explain to me. My second husband, Suzanne's stepfather, had certain "tastes" but no doubt you know about him."

This suggestion, very vague though it was, that I might have something in common with Suzanne's stepfather was unsettling.

" you can see your visit is somewhat unexpected. Wait for me downstairs and we'll get better acquainted."

She made no immediate move to leave.

"Suzanne wanted it to be a surprise. She met me at the airport but, unfortunately, she had to go on to a meeting. She wanted me to hang around but I could not wait to meet this young man who has stolen my daughter's heart."

She spoke English with a slightly Hispanic accent. As a result she spoke slowly giving herself a seductive tone and, for a split second, I had to remind myself that this was my prospective mother-in-law but when she resumed there was an edge to her voice.

"I should have killed Suzanne's step father. I was happy to indulge his little vices but how was I to know where it would lead?"

The conversation was taking an uncomfortable turn. I looked towards the handcuffs.

"Look, this was just a little fun. Suze and I have never done anything like this before."

She moved even closer to the bed making me feel even more uncomfortable.

"It can be nice...when you make yourself available to your woman like this..."

I began to tug at the handcuffs, at first tentatively but then more insistently. Whilst standing up the trick with the flick of the wrist had seemed so simple but now I realized that I should have practiced whilst lying down as the restraints stubbornly refused to give.

"...but I don't think that you have made yourself sufficiently vulnerable."

"What are you doing?"

She had reached up under her skirt and began to remove her pantyhose.

"I'll show you how it should be done."

"Please, Luisa, just give me ten minutes and I'll come downstairs and fix us a drink."

She simply smiled and before I could react she tied one leg of the hose around my left ankle.

"What are you doing?"

She stepped back and drew the hose around one of the corner posts at the end of the bed and then stretched them so that she could pull them around the other. The tug against my ankle was firm but easily resisted.

"Please, stop this right now. Suzanne could be home any minute."

"I think not. She gave me your key and told me she would be a couple of hours."

"Please, this isn't appropriate."

She paid me no heed and tied the other end of the hose around my right ankle. As a method of restraint it was nothing more than a token. The stretchy material meant that I could still move my legs and I was confident that I could rip it apart if needs be.

"Luisa, how am I supposed to explain it if she finds me tied with another woman's underwear?"

She ignored me as she cast her eye around the room and then she smiled when she spotted one of my drawing holders. It was a narrow aluminium tube, about a metre long with a webbing sling so that it could be carried on my shoulder. She collected it from the corner of the room and brought it back to the end of the bed. As I watched she slipped it through the looped pantyhose and then she began to turn it.

"What are you doing?"

I tried to keep a little levity in my voice but there was a sinister aspect to the way in which she went about her work

"That's making me uncomfortable."

"That would be the general idea."

As she continued to rotate the tube the pull on my ankles became inexorable and my feet were being slowly drawn towards the corner posts. I began to resist in earnest figuring to tear the material apart but I had not reckoned on the inherent tensile strength.

"Stop this right now!"

She ignored me and carried on slowly and methodically until I began to feel the tug on my wrists as well as my ankles. When, at last, she stopped I was fixed firm between the four posts of the bed. She finished off by pushing the end of the tube down into space between the mattress and the footboard so that it would not untwist.

"Luisa, this is absurd."

"You think so? I haven't had a man like this for quite some time. I'm surprised how much I miss it."

To my utter amazement she started to get undressed.

"Don't do that!"

She continued to remove her clothes and even looked out a clothes hanger to keep them from getting creased.

Once she was naked I looked away from her but not before appreciating what good shape she was in. There was a little thickening of the waist and her thighs were heavier than her daughters but she still had a pair of breasts of which any woman would be proud.

"Don't be shy."

"Suzanne's your daughter for Christ's sake!"

"So she is and I guess that means that you want to make a good impression on me."

"This has to stop."

I tried tugging at the handcuffs again but they were now stretched tightly and there was no way of flicking my way free.

"Don't tire're going to need all your energy."

I felt the onset of panic and with it an ever rising anger.

"Let me go! Right now!"

"All in good time. Now, how good are you with that tongue of yours?"

This was the final straw.

"If you come anywhere near me you perverted bitch I'll tear you apart!"

I bared my teeth and left her in no doubt that I harboured a genuine desire to hurt her. I could not conceive of a mother betraying her daughter in this way.

She seemed completely unfazed by my outburst.

"Well, it was your choice. I guess we just have to do it the hard way."

"What the hell are you doing!?"

By the side the bed was a roll of two inch gaffer tape; I had put some around the pine bedposts so that handcuffs would not do any damage. She picked up the roll and cut off a six inch length.

"Don't even think about it! If you...MMmmffff"

She pressed the sticky tape over my mouth and despite my desperate efforts I could not dislodge it. I tried swearing but all I could manage was a muted grunt.

"You could have spared yourself this..."

Sitting next to the gaffer tape was a jar of vaseline and she now opened it. One of the tips I had picked up from the New York photo shoot was to apply some Vaseline to the wrists to prevent them being chaffed by the handcuffs but Luisa had another use in mind.

She scooped up a generous amount of the clear lubricant and wiped it off on the bridge of my nose.

"Close your eyes..."

At first I refused but as she started to spread the lubricant evenly all over my face I had little choice. She applied it slowly and carefully going right up into my hairline. I tried to protest but she just laughed at the incoherent nonsense which was the best I could manage.

When she was satisfied she scooped up some more from the jar and I wondered what the hell was coming next. I did not have to wait long. With a lascivious smile she put her hand between her legs and rubbed lubricant over her pudenda, her inner thighs and buttocks.

"Ready baby?"

She climbed onto the bed and I started to jerk my body but it was all too easy for her to straddle me. She knelt there, with her weight on my chest, her knees pinning my arms and smiled down at me. I shook my head in the negative but she slowly inched forward and pinned me between her thighs.

"Let's ride..."

She moved onto my face and literally slid down into place swallowing me in a suffocating darkness. She paused for a moment to let me get used to her weight but the truth was I was terrified. My whole body went into spasm but she simply closed her thighs even tighter and patted me gently on the top of my head.

Such breaths as I could take were very shallow and in my panic my face burned with heat. I would have done anything at that moment to get her off but I could not convey it. Like her daughter she allowed her dark pubic hair to flourish and, now that it was greased, it was like an animal with a mind of its own as it slowly moulded itself to me. I tried to fight as I felt my nose sliding between her labia into to a wet pit where, finally, there was no air to be had.

I thought I was going to die, drowning in her essence, but as darkness threatened to take me she relented. She shifted herself forward and I drew a heaving lungful of air through my nostrils.

I gave thanks but I was premature. She settled back once more pinching my nose closed again and in my struggles I managed to catch a glimpse of her face. I wanted to beg but her eyes were closed as she gently teased her nipples into hard rubbery prominences. Time ceased to have any meaning as she repeated the movement over and over again making me breathe to her rhythm.

I prayed for Suzanne to come home. I did not care what she would think I simply wanted the nightmare to be over but it had only just begun. Slowly her cadence changed. Each time she moved forward she went a tiny bit further until, after a few minutes, she was sliding across my whole face. It was a relentless back and forth motion driven from the hips and now the lubrication was thinning as it became commingled with the product of her arousal.

She was making a low keening noise but I could only just hear it as her thighs effectively muffled my ears. I hoped that it meant that she was getting close because her every movement was forcing more and more goo into my nostrils. It made her scent incredibly strong and heady and it seemed that the little air I could get was itself starved of oxygen.

It may have been this that caused the dull but growing pain in my head but it was more likely the sheer weight of her as she pressed down on my skull in the relentless pursuit of her own release.

Every now and again I tripped out but each time I regained a hold on reality it was to find that the stifling closeness was an even hotter and wetter place than before. I could feel my claustrophobia growing and I feared that I was reaching the point of delirium. Fortunately, at that moment, she began to work herself even more quickly, showing remarkable fitness, and then, suddenly, she stopped. My nose was buried deep inside her sex but I could feel her beginning to slowly deliquesce.

It lasted perhaps two minutes but it was one hundred and twenty seconds without air and I counted every one thinking, as the count rose, that each one would be my last.

When it was over she got off of me and I hoped that my look conveyed the hatred that I was feeling but she did not even spare me a glance. She left the room, still naked, with me making a futile attempt to call after her. She was gone for nearly fifteen minutes during which time I desperately tried to clean my face of the remembrance of her but the greasy scented residue remained and I began to wonder if it had been worked irretrievably deep into my skin

When she finally returned she was holding a glass of wine.

"I hope you don't mind. I found a wine box in the fridge."

I tried another fruitless verbal assault but she simply smiled as she sipped at her drink. Eventually she put the glass down and returned to the foot of the bed. In the course of my struggles I had managed to stretch my makeshift leg restraints but it was a simple matter to give the tube a few more twists to take up the slack that I had gained. I remained silent wondering what the hell was to come as she was clearly in no hurry to let me go.

"It's time to play again."

She came and sat on the bed and casually reached down to take hold of my cock. I immediately began to thrash my body wanting her nowhere near me.

"You probably hate me right now but, hate me or not, you can't resist me."

Regrettably, she was not lying. Her hand was cool from the wine glass and her touch was exquisitely skillful. In a matter of seconds, despite my best endeavours, she had brought me to full erection.

"See what you can do when you try?"

Without letting go of me she got up on to the bed and straddled my thighs.

"Are we ready?"

I jerked my body and gave a pitiful growl but it achieved nothing. With a single refined movement she lifted herself forward and put the head of my cock at the entrance to her sex; then she simply relaxed and allowed herself to sink down on to me.

It seemed disgusting, incestuous almost, to be like this with my prospective mother-in-law but the feeling was delicious. It had been so long since the last time with Suzanne and I could not help but groan as the warm velvety walls enfolded me. Once she had me fully home she leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

"Can any of your young women do this?"

With that she knelt upright again and remained perfectly still, and then I felt it. The muscles of her sex began to pulse, but not randomly. It felt like a rippling motion along the whole length of my shaft moving from the base to the tip and then repeating the cycle. It was the most extraordinary thing I had ever experienced. She displayed no outward sign of effort but the internal massage continued unabated.

Now I put up a new resistance. I realized that it was not going to take very much more to make me come and I did want to give her that pleasure but the look in her eyes told me that she could read my mind. She was, in her own way, impressing upon me just how weak I was and I found that I was frightened by the obvious wealth of her experience.

In just a few seconds it was all over. I came like a virgin and, as I did, her skilful muscles milked me of every drop. It had probably taken less than a minute from beginning to end.

"The impetuosity of youth. Have you never heard the saying 'ladies first'?"

Her choice of words only served to compound my humiliation and, in my shallow macho way, I found myself wanting another try to show what I could really do.
