Love Wasn't Enough For Her


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I got home sometime after ten thirty. I'd had dinner with my parents and spent a couple of hours in a bar of all places. I didn't get drunk because for once I had to make plans going forward. It was now my life I had to worry about.

Monday I went to work early and even stopped at McDonald's for breakfast. I still felt dead inside but at least the waiting was finally over. My boss asked if I was okay and all I could tell him was that my divorce would be final this week.

"I guess your plan to win her back didn't work, huh?"

I just shook my head and went back to work. I needed to stay busy so my mind wouldn't wander to what I didn't want to think about. I stopped off over at my mom's and had a quiet dinner with her.

"Did you know Becky's looking for you?" she asked me

"So? In three days she'll be a free woman and I'll be out of her hair." I was going to tell her about Saturday night but thought what would be the point. I headed out to my second job and within an hour I was up to my eyeballs in sweaty towels and empty water bottles.

I was wiping down the treadmills when I saw Amber. She waved and went back into one of the aerobic rooms. I was hurting and angry. I really didn't want to talk to anyone. I had the women's locker-room cleaned well before she finished her workout. I was just heading out the door when I saw her come into the main equipment room. She waved, I waved back, and I was out of there.

When I pulled onto our driveway I noticed there were no guests tonight, but it didn't matter anymore. I snuck downstairs and shut and locked my bedroom door. I had just finished undressing when I heard a knock on my door.

"Steve, are you in there?" Becky asked.

I sat silently on the bed staring at the stupid door. I wanted to throw it open and shake her. I wanted to tell her that she'd killed any love I had left for her and that I hope the sex had been worth it. But I took the coward's way out and just waited for her to leave before falling asleep.

She was in the kitchen waiting for me Tuesday morning. She looked like she hadn't slept a wink the previous night; She was sitting at the table sipping on a cup of coffee in her blue robe.

"I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about."

"I don't know how it happened. We were studying and the next thing I knew..." I stopped her.

"I don't need to know the how or why and certainly not the fucking details." I was beyond angry at this point. "Our divorce is final on Thursday and I plan on being out of here by the weekend," I told her.

"But what about our agreement?" I just stared at her. I couldn't believe what I just heard coming out of her mouth.

"Becky, I thought in my own crazy mind that maybe, just maybe, I could convince you to give it another shot, but I guess you had other plans. I told you from the beginning it wasn't going to work and after last Saturday I finally realize by this weekend we'll be officially divorced. You got what you wanted. I hope it's everything you expected. So, if you'll excuse me, I've got a job to go to and an apartment to find." I walked out of her life and my marriage.

Until I found a place I moved back in with my parents and no longer paid the house payments or anything else. I would give Becky her twenty fucking percent of what I was making because there was no way I'd be able to care for Danny and work two jobs. My life was in the shitter and Becky had just pushed the handle down.

My mom was sorry it hadn't worked out but I was starting to be relieved that it was going to be officially over. We had mostly crap for furniture and there was no way I wanted anything out of our bedroom. I let her take whatever she wanted. Thursday night, after I got home from the gym, Becky wanted to talk but all I wanted to do was pack and get the hell out of there.

"Steve, think about what you're doing. Let's not overreact to what happened," she tried to say. I turned around and with daggers in my eye said my final piece.

"I should have kicked the shit out of Chris that first night and then maybe you and your other friends wouldn't have thought I was such an easy cuckold. I don't know when you lost respect for me, whether it was on your spring break trip or during one of your many fucking study sessions. It doesn't matter anymore. You blamed me for your unfulfilled life but you never once took any responsibility for what happened. I didn't do this all on my own we did it together. Hell, I know we didn't have an easy life but it was a good one. I loved you and would have done anything for you and Danny, but you had or needed to have more than I guess I could give you. I'm just glad I found out now instead of twenty years down the road. At least now I still have the time for a do over." She was crying, I was tearing up and with two suitcases in my hands I was done and out of there.

Her attorney threatened to take me back to court but I told him, through Doug, to pound sand up his ass. Becky had broken the agreement not me. It was cut and dry. She tried for a couple of weeks to talk to me but I never took her calls and didn't return her e-mails. I found an apartment close to my other job. This way I'd cut down on driving back and forth every night and it was as far away from Becky as I could get.

"I saw Danny almost every other week and he couldn't understand why I wasn't living with him and his mother anymore. I would just hug him and tell him I loved and missed him. I would let his mother explain it to him. I did make sure I got to my mom's after Becky dropped him off and left before she picked him up. She was one person I never wanted to see again. Every once in a while my mom would hand me a letter from Becky, but I would just rip it in half and toss it into the trash while she looked on.

"Steve, you've still got way too much hate in you. You need to let it go. You'll feel much better."

"Mom, how do you forgive someone who ripped out your heart and took something beautiful and killed it? I don't think I'll ever have it in me to forgive her."

"God, Steve, you still love her that much?" Even though I didn't want to admit it, I still loved her heart and soul. Maybe I should get WIMP or SUCKER tattooed across my forehead. Well, if I didn't see her, it made it a little easier.

At work I was now allowed overtime again and took full advantage of it, both in town and on the road. I still kept my second job and for once had money in my pocket again. Amber and I continued to be friendly but she seemed somewhat standoffish over the last couple of months. Fuck them all, I didn't need another crazy self-absorbed bitch, however sex would be nice once in a while. It had been months and besides taking matters into hand I missed the touch of a female, the sweet taste, and the release only a woman can give you.

It was Friday night and the gym was empty, or so I thought. I was just finishing up when Amber snuck up behind me. She spun me around and laid a big kiss on me with just enough tongue to make it interesting.

"There, I've wanted to do that forever. If I'd waited for you to make the first move I would be collecting social security. Finish up and we're going out whether you like it or not." I said nothing just stood there with this stupid look on my face. "Steve, this isn't a request. Get your ass in gear while I shower."

What should have taken an hour or more took fifteen minutes. All right the gym wasn't as clean as it normally was that night, but I had things on my mind other than dirty machines and sweaty towels. She came out with her hair still wet and her gym bag in her hand.

"Follow me to my place. I've got to change into something a little more respectable if you're going to take me to dinner tonight." She smiled and I did my best to hide my semi-hard dick.

Her place was about twenty-five minutes from my place and was a big step up from where I was staying. Within ten minutes she reappeared from her bedroom in tattered jeans, a very colorful tee shirt, and her dark hair pulled back into a long ponytail. She looked cute and hot all at the same time. I shifted my pants for the second time tonight.

We, or should I say she, decided on an Asian restaurant. It was small and the menu was very limited but the food was superb.

"I've watched you mope around that place for months and figured it was time you got back into the game. She dumped you, get over it. You're free of the bitch. You've got a son and your whole life in front of you. You know what they say? Living a full life is the best revenge you can get."

After dinner we ended up back at her place. For the next two hours we kissed and did a lot of feeling outside the clothes. She wasn't going any further and I sure as hell knew I wasn't ready even though my dick had other ideas.

My drive home was tough as my dick kept getting in the way. As soon as I got home, I took care of my problem and thought about nothing but Amber.

"Hello," A tired voice came through the receiver.

"I'm sorry, were you sleeping?"

"Who is this? Steve, is that you?" she said sounding a little more awake. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Looks like about two fifteen," I replied in an apologetic tone. "It's just that I was thinking about you and decided to call and ask you out."

"Let me get this straight. You've been thinking about me since you dropped me off and waited until two in the morning to call and ask me out. Is that about right?"

It didn't sound so romantic the way she was playing it back to me.

"Yeah, I guess that about covers it."

"Yes, and never, I repeat never, call me at two o'clock in the morning again. Get it?"

"When do you want to go out again?" I asked. There was silence on the other end.

"Call me tomorrow and we'll talk. Just so it's not at six o'clock in the damn morning. You still know how to tell time, I hope?" She hung up.

I called the next day and by Saturday we started dating. After two months we became exclusive and dealt with the next issue.

"Steve, I don't jump into bed with every guy I date so don't get any ideas. When I'm ready I'll let you know, do you have a problem with that?"

"Not really, but how exactly will I know?"

"Don't worry, you'll know." One month later she was right, I knew immediately.

Amber had tickets for some event sponsored by the gym where we worked. I really didn't want to go but was going for her, and I think she knew it.

"Pick me up at seven and don't be late. I'm not one for grand entrances, if you know what I mean."

I came to her apartment door with a Gerbera daisy in my hand. I figured I'd make points with her with it, along with looking good in my best semi-casual attire. I knocked on the door and as soon as she opened it I knew something was different—she was naked.

"Since you didn't want to go in the first place, I figured we'd have dinner here. You have a problem with that?" she asked pulling me in and giving me a kiss. With her warm lips on mine, her tongue was saying hello to mine. I wasn't sure if this was the real thing, a sick joke, or a test on her part. "Well, dinner's about ready, so why don't you come in, get comfortable, and we can eat," she said leading me into the kitchen. Turning around she took my jacket and threw it across one of the dining room chairs and started unbuttoning my shirt. "When I said comfortable I meant it."

Although I wanted to be a gentleman Amber had other things on her mind and dinner wasn't one of them. Within five minutes I was as naked as she, sitting on a kitchen chair with her on my lap exchanging spit and tongues.

It had been a long time and I was plenty hard which she could probably tell by now. I felt like if she moved her ass one more time, I'd embarrass myself by shooting off. I was thankful when she got off my lap and led me into her bedroom.

The second time we did it we made love because the first time took me all of about two minutes if that long. Our second session started off with me working on her since she said that I owed her at least two orgasms because of my lack of staying power. However, she never counted on my hard tongue.

Becky had loved it when I went down on her. She would put her pillow under her head and enjoy the pleasures of my talented tongue. Amber however, was an active participant. She rubbed my head and moved her pussy up and down on my face before putting a pillow under her ass so I could get better access to her entire slit. It didn't take long before she was moaning and telling me exactly where and how hard she wanted it before climaxing on my tongue.

Almost fully recovered I moved in between her legs and slipped right in on my first stroke. God, she was wet. I started off easy until Amber wrapped her legs around me, told me to quit fooling around and fuck her. My second one lasted all of about nine minutes. I got off once and her twice more before the sun came up.

I had one eye open when I realized that Amber wasn't in bed with me. Sitting up I saw that she was getting dressed.

"I'm the one that supposed to sneak out on you, not the other way around," I said with a satisfied smile on my face. "Where are you going?"

"Class. I teach a Saturday morning aerobics class. I was going to leave you a note but since you're up," she said coming over and giving me a kiss. "Maybe you should do something about your breath, you smell like me, not that there's anything wrong with that."

"Maybe I should leave."

Amber flopped back down on the bed. "Stay here, I'm nowhere near done with you, understand? There's a new toothbrush in the right drawer along with toothpaste. The mouthwash is under the sink. There is food in the refrigerator so you can help yourself until I get back. I should be back in less than two hours." She gave me a quick peck and she was out the door.

After I flossed, brushed, and used the mouthwash I went exploring. She had a nice one bedroom with both a full kitchen and living room. The living room came with a forty-two inch plasma television and quite a few other electronic toys. I headed for the kitchen. A pot of coffee and a bagel with peanut butter was breakfast. I read the newspaper at the kitchen table and had just finished doing up the breakfast dishes when Amber came shooting through the door.

"I need a shower bad," she said grabbing me by the arm.

By the time we were done, we were clean inside and out. We didn't even dry off before hitting the bed. With her warm mouth engulfing my length I was hard within minutes. I was going to stop her but she'd have none of that. With one hand toying with the boys, her lips and tongue did the rest. I think it came all the way up from my toes as I gave her at least two big loads and what was left of a third. I never actually saw her swallow but when she kissed me right after, there was nothing left in her mouth, thank God.

"I guess you were right," I said with a smirk on my face. "Only a blind man would have missed your hint that it was time to take it to the next level."

We spent most of Saturday in bed doing things I'd only dreamed about. I hadn't been a virgin when I'd met Becky, but Amber was a lot more experienced than the two of us combined. I don't think she had a shy bone in her body, and what a nice body it was.

She had 'B' cup breasts with small nipples at the end of each. They were firm and basically stuck straight out. I don't think she had an ounce of fat on her. I noticed this fact when I studied her body with my eyes but mostly my tongue. After draining one another we cuddled up together and took a little catnap, well, she did anyway.

"Why didn't you wake me?" she asked rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Just after three in the morning," I lied but with room darkening shades she'd have to look out the window to prove me wrong.

"Liar," she said punching me in the arm. "You may have given me a good workout but you didn't put me down for the count, not yet anyway."

"I've got to sneak over to the gym and give it a quick once over," I told her. When she said she'd come with me and we'd have dinner afterwards I didn't argue.

Between the two of us it didn't take over an hour to finish.

"How come you never workout here? I know Kenny wouldn't mind and you could firm up some of those soft areas."

"What soft areas?" I asked striking a macho pose.

"That soft belly of yours and your upper arms to mention a few. Give me three solid months and you won't recognize yourself. That is unless you like looking like a marshmallow." This sure sounded like a dare.

Now I know why divorced guys hit the gym. They've got a hell of a lot more time on their hands than married guys and they want to prove to themselves that they're still desirable to other women, and I was no exception.

If I told you that Amber kicked my butt most nights that would be an understatement. She was much worse than any Marine Corp drill instructor could ever be. She changed my diet and purged sugar from my body, damn it! Besides water, I could drink nothing but diet soda and beer, and only if I did extra time on the treadmill or elliptical. She was a real slave driver but it worked, nonetheless. I wasn't ready for the Mr. Universe competition but I'd dropped two and a half inches off my waist and put on fifteen pounds of muscle. For the first time in my life I was getting the eye from other women. This fact pleased me very much.

Amber and I were still an item but she made it known right up front that she was nowhere near ready to settle down and get married. When she got a job offer from Gold's Gym in Atlanta she jumped at it. She would head up all the specialty programs and only have to teach four times a week. However, I hated to see her go for more than one reason.

"Steve, I'll be just seven hours away by car and you can come up to see me now and then. I've asked Bobby to take over for me to keep you on the straight and narrow. There is no way I want you to go back to that soft pathetic Steve I knew way back then." We spent every available moment together until it was time for her to leave. We both knew a long distance romance wouldn't work for us, but I still hated to see her leave and it wasn't even because of the fantastic sex either; I really cared for her.

"Steve, if you ever decide to relocate keep me in mind. I'm not saying I'm ready to settle down yet, only that I'd like another shot at you before you finally decide to settle down. Enjoy yourself and don't worry, with your new hot body you'll find a replacement for me in no time." She kissed me once more and she was gone.

Amber was right. I got hit on both at work and even in the gym. Bobby was a lot easier on me than Amber had been or maybe I was just in better shape now. By summer I'd put on another ten pounds of muscle and decided to stop bulking up. I would maintain now instead of growing any larger.

I still saw Danny every week but it had been over five months since I'd seen Becky. My mom was keeping me updated on what was going on, whether I wanted to hear it or not. The house was foreclosed on and now owned by the bank. Becky was still at her parents and had to go down from three classes to one class per semester, something about being short on time and money. Me, I was one class away from graduating and if I pushed it, I could be done in less than two months. I loved online classes.

I had taken Danny to the zoo and then out for pizza and was running a little late one Sunday. With Danny there was always another thing or animal he wanted to see and I loved spending time with him. With our leftovers still in the box we headed for my parents' house. When I pulled onto the driveway I knew I was screwed. There in front of me on the driveway was Becky's blue Chevy. I almost thought about sending in Danny alone but figured I'd dodged her long enough. I was no longer the weepy little husband she'd discarded. I was nervous but still had a pang of excitement in my gut to see her again.