Lucy Ch. 01-05


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'Oh I'm sorry but I can't tonight, I go to classes two evenings a week. But tomorrow evening would be fine.'

'So what's your favourite kind of food?' I asked.

'Oh I really don't mind Jack, I like most things, but I suppose Thai food is one of my favourites.'

'Thai it is then, what time should I pick you up?'

Having agreed a time we heard her name being called. 'I must go.' she said anxiously.

I leaned forward and gave her the lightest of kisses. 'Mustn't smudge the make-up. I'll ring you this evening, what time do you usually get home?'

'A bit after nine o'clock.'

'Until then Lucy.'

I spent half the evening watching the clock, and the other half either remembering what we had done together or fantasising about what might be in store for us the following evening, and although the last half an hour seemed interminable as I didn't want to give Lucy the impression I was going to take over her life I waited until nine thirty to make the call.

'I thought you had changed your mind about ringing.' she said when she heard my voice.

'Nothing would have stopped me Lucy, I just wanted to give you time to get home and do whatever you have to do.'

'Well I have put the flowers in water, and they look absolutely lovely. Thank you again.'

'They're not as lovely as you are Lucy. But I'm glad you like them. How was the class?'

'Pretty boring actually. But I spent a lot of it thinking about you, so the time passed quickly.'

I found that just the sound of her voice was getting to me, my earlier erection immediately returning, and when she said she'd been thinking about me I felt my heart miss a beat and my cock growing bigger.

'Thinking about me? Nice thoughts I hope.'

'Oh very nice Jack. But rather disturbing.'

'Disturbing? In what way?'

'You know. I was remembering last night, what you did for me.'

'You mean what we did for each other, you were wonderful.'

'I was a bit worried that you might have found me a bit, well, you know, a bit inexperienced.'

'Lucy, you're everything any man could want. Just the sound of your voice has turned me on.'

There was pause and when she answered there was a huskiness in her voice. 'You too?'

'You mean you're aroused?'

'I've been feeling that way all evening, I told you I've been thinking about you.'

'I've had half a dozen erections since I saw you this morning.'

'And you've got another one now?'

'Yes.' I replied as I felt it throbbing, straining against the front of my trousers.

'My panties are so wet they're sticking to me.' she replied in no more than a shy whisper after a few seconds pause.

'Why not take them off then.'

She paused before replying. 'If you take off your trousers.'

'OK, give me a minute.'

It only took me matter of seconds to strip my things off and when she came back on the line the nervous huskiness I had heard earlier was much more pronounced.

'I've never done this before.'

'Nor I Lucy. Whereabouts in the room are you? So I can picture you better.'

'On the sofa.'

'Ah, my favourite piece of furniture. I have very fond memories of the sofa.'

She gave a little giggle. 'There's a rather obvious stain on it now.'

'We'll have to do something about that. But not just now. What are you wearing?'

'Well nothing actually. And you?'

'Likewise, we obviously have a number of things in common.'

'It's funny, normally I'd never dream of walking around without clothes on, but even though you're only on the phone, not here with me, I don't feel at all uncomfortable. I just wish I knew what your room looked like, so I could picture you, the way you said you wanted to be able to picture me.'

'Well you must come over, we'll sort something out about that. If you were here you'd be sitting on a leather sofa, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything staining it.'

'Oh I like the feel of leather against my skin.'

'So, imagine you can feel it against you, against your back, your bottom, the backs of your legs.'

'Where are you Jack?'

'I'm kneeling in front of you, down between your legs, my hands slowly stroking them. Can you feel all that?'

'Yes I can!' she said in a low whisper.

'Now I'm using just my finger-tips, tracing patterns on your skin. Making circles along the tops of your thighs, slipping up and down between them. Each pattern is taking my fingers just a little closer to where you want them to be.'

As I spoke I recalled the image of her from the previous evening, the way she looked after we'd made love, lying back, her legs splayed, my eyes focusing on the juicy ripeness of her pussy. 'You're so incredibly beautiful Lucy, every single part of you. But right now I can't take my eyes off your pussy. It looks like some tropical flower, no, fruit, a luscious tropical fruit. I want to bury my face in it, breathe in its scent, kiss it, lick it, taste its juice.

But I know I must be patient, so first I'll plant little kisses on the inside of your thighs, thrilling at the scent of you, and the feel of the softness of your skin against my cheek. Kissing and licking every inch, slowly, ever so slowly working my way higher, gradually getting closer and closer to your pussy.'

'Oh Jack! Jack that's beautiful, with my eyes closed I can feel you doing it to me.' she whispered huskily.

'And I can feel you Lucy. Taste you, smell you. I want to caress every part of you, especially your beautiful breasts, but you'll have to do that for yourself, you've got me so excited, I'm having to touch myself, stroke my cock with my other hand.'

'That's something I really want to see one day, I mean watch you doing it to yourself, I want to learn how you like it done.'

'We'll do anything you want us to Lucy, that's a promise. Right now I'm wishing it was your hands doing it for me. You have the most exquisite hands Lucy, exquisite and, like the rest of you, very sexy.'

'My hands are sexy?'

'Oh yes. While we were eating last night, I couldn't stop staring at them, couldn't stop myself thinking what it would feel like to have those beautiful fingers stroking and caressing me, then eventually curling around my cock. But for now, wishing, and my own hand will have to do. And as I'm already very excited and don't want to go off before you do, I'm doing it slowly and very carefully, trying to ignore what I'm feeling by concentrating on what I'm doing to you. Now, as I'm kissing my way up your thighs I need you to open your legs a bit wider, so I can get right up to your pussy.'

'Is that better?' she asked.

'Yes, much better. Now, as my kisses move higher my hand is moving in a big, slow curve, brushing you with just the tips of my fingers, going up along one thigh, across your stomach, then back down the other. I'm doing that over and over again, my fingers just brushing through the edges of your pubic hair.'

Although she didn't say anything I could tell from the sounds coming through the telephone that her level of arousal was rising. Every now and then she'd give a soft little gasp as my description, coupled with what her own hands were doing, excited some particularly sensitive spot. And her reactions, plus the image I had of her, were getting me more excited too, my balls were starting to ache and my cock was throbbing strongly as my hand continued sliding up and down the shaft.

I remained silent for a couple of minutes, letting her enjoy what was going on in her head, then upped the pace by saying. 'Now I'm letting my hand rest on your stomach, then turning it and extending my fingers, now I'm raking them up and down through the hair, pushing them a little lower each time, until they're just brushing the hot wetness below.

The scent coming from your pussy is much stronger now, its more exciting than the most expensive perfume, utterly irresistible and it's drawing me to you. My tongue starts licking the beads of moisture from your pussy-lips, then slips down between their folds, licking, then pushing inside them, probing deeper.'

Even as I mentioned her pussy's distinctive scent it was as though the actual smell had been wafted through the telephone, it was unmistakable and unforgettable, and its affect was both immediate and powerful. I felt my cock surge and my hand automatically tighten its grip and quicken its stroke.

'Oh Lucy, the smell and the taste of you is driving me mad! I need to come, my cock is almost ready to burst, but I want you to climax with me. I want us to come together so I'm going to start licking your clit. I'll lick it lightly, but very fast. Come Lucy, please come with me!'

'Oh, oh shit!' she cried just a few seconds later. 'Oh Jack, I am, I'm coming. Let yourself go now.'

I imagined I was with her, holding her tight as her body bucked, feeling her grinding her pussy against my mouth, tasting the sudden rush of fluids. Then the phone line carried our gasping grunts of relief to each other as Lucy was gripped by the force of her pussy's contractions and my cock spurted, then pumped out successive jets of semen.

I remember that when I opened my eyes a minute or two later, and saw the splodges of semen on the carpet, the first thought that came into my mind was. 'Now I've got stains matching those on Lucy's sofa.'

'Lucy. Are you there Lucy?' I asked when I'd recovered my composure.

'Yes Jack, I'm here.' she replied in a soft little voice.

'Are you OK?'

'I'm feeling a bit bewildered, but I'm OK. You?'

'I'm the same. That was strong stuff. I really could smell you!'

'And I could feel your hands on me. It was a bit spooky.'

'But nice?'

'Oh yes, very nice. But I'm still feeling sexy, I wish you were here to fix that.' she added in the same shy voice I'd heard earlier.

'I can't do much about it now, but I'll try to make it up to you tomorrow evening.' I had a sudden thought and added. 'If you really want to see where I live, when we've had dinner why don't you come over here? I'll drive you to work the next morning.'

The line went silent for several very long seconds and I'm sure my heart came to a complete standstill until she replied. 'Oh I don't know, can I think about that Jack?'

'Of course Lucy, I quite understand. Anyway, I'll pick you up as we arranged.'

She was silent for another couple of seconds and I really wondered if she was having a change of heart. Then she replied. 'I'll look forward to seeing you then.'

After we'd hung up I sat there for a while, hardly daring to believe what had happened in such a short period of time. That I could be so incredibly lucky.

Then I shook myself, and having cleaned the mess off the carpet, I started thinking about the following evening, deciding which restaurant to take her to, then trying hard not to imagine what might actually follow.


Chapter 4

Thai Food

I called in at my office the next morning, spending a few hours doing things that needed to be done, and letting them know I would be out of reach until the following day. In the hope that Lucy might just agree to returning home with me I did some shopping, then filled in much of the afternoon by doing a few chores around the house, then put fresh sheets on the bed before showering and shaving.

I was so eager to see her again I felt like a kid anticipating some special treat, and, unable to curb my impatience, left the house far too early and so had to kill time by sitting in the car outside her block of flats for quite a while. On the dot of seven o'clock I was ringing her door-bell and a few seconds later, with the door closed behind us, had her in my arms.

After several feverish kisses she managed to break from my hold. 'Let's both wait a bit Jack.' she said as she pushed me away from her.

'I might not have another chance, unless you've decided to take up my offer?' I said in defence of my actions.

'Common sense is telling me not to, and it's not something I've ever imagined myself doing Jack, but... And anyway, I haven't eaten yet.' she added with an embarrassed grin.

'So, is that a yes or a no?' I asked hopefully.

'A yes I suppose.' she replied, sending my hopes and expectations sky-high.

Even as I was coping with the rising excitement I felt bubbling up inside me I had a thought, the restaurant I had booked at was in the city, but not far from where I lived there was another, equally good, and having asked if I could use her phone, quickly changed the reservation.

'This one is more convenient.' I explained, then sat down while she finished getting herself ready.

A little over half an hour later we were starting to enjoy a tasty meal and a good bottle of wine. Neither of us had said very much during the drive, I had asked her how her day had been and how her relations with her supervisor were progressing. She had said both were fine, then we'd fallen into an odd silence.

Thoughts and words had been bubbling up inside me, there were so many things I wanted to say to her. I wanted to tell her how many, many years it had been since I felt as I did. How beautiful she was. How exciting. How aroused I got each time I thought about her. How fantastic it was to make love with her.

But in case she didn't want to hear that, or feel quite the same way about me, I didn't have the courage to let them pour out.

Initially our conversation in the restaurant had been equally perfunctory, limited to questions as to preferred dishes, other types of food we each liked, restaurants we loved, or hated, that kind of thing. It wasn't until we were most of the way through the main course that Lucy suddenly put her knife and fork down, reached across the table and rested her hand on the back of mine.

'What's wrong Jack?'

'Nothing's wrong.' I replied automatically.

'There must be, you've hardly said a word.' she replied, her eyes locked on to mine.

I paused, I could see the look of concern on her face and the anxious look in her eye.

'I'm nervous about saying what I'm feeling.' I finally admitted.

'Nervous? What about?'

'About you, you're reaction I mean.' I replied, then the rest of words just tumbled out. 'Lucy, I haven't felt like this since I was a teen-ager, and that's a very, very long time ago now. I can't get you out of my thoughts and I want to make love to you so badly it hurts. It's all a bit overwhelming.'

Her fingers tightened, squeezing my hand. 'Oh thank heavens! I thought you were thinking the opposite, that you realised you'd made a mistake asking me out.' she replied excitedly, and I could see from the way her face lit up that she was experiencing exactly the same feeling of relief that I was.

Her eyes stared deep into mine for a few moments then, as she gripped my hand even harder, she added throatily. 'I think I've had enough to eat Jack.'

'Me too Lucy, let's get out of here.'

We were both in such a rush to leave we startled our waiter, but the money I thrust into his hand turned the worried expression on his face to one of beaming gratitude.

The atmosphere in the car during the short drive to my house was completely different to what it had been earlier. Lucy immediately snuggled close, her hand resting on my leg, then slowly gliding up into my crotch as she spoke.

'I had to do it again after I went to bed last night. I couldn't stop thinking about what we'd done. Couldn't get rid of the image of you doing it to yourself. Then remembering what you'd done to me the other evening. You're not the only one that's a bit overwhelmed by this Jack.' she said, then, as her fingers found the already stiffened length of my cock, added. 'You're a very attractive man, and what you do to me is absolutely fantastic!'

'Lucy, you inspire me. And I'd like to think you find what we do for each other is even half as exciting as I do.'

'OK, we won't argue about who is happier or more excited, we'll just enjoy feeling that way.' she replied, giving my cock a few gentle squeezes.

When we got to my place we managed to keep our hands off each other while I took her around some of the house and showed her where things were. Although she was obviously more than slightly overwhelmed at the size of the house the first thing she had insisted on being shown was the leather lounge suite, and for a moment I thought about suggesting we initiate it more thoroughly than I had been able to do on my own. But although she gave me a knowing grin as she ran her hands over the leather I could tell that right then she was more keen on seeing the rest of the place.

I was obvious she was impressed by what she saw and when we finally got to the kitchen she stood looking around and said. 'This room alone is bigger than my entire flat.'

'Yes it's a nice house, but it's been a very lonely house for a long time now. But, let's not talk about that, how about I bring you a glass of wine while you unpack your things, there's plenty of space in the dressing room.'

'That's a great idea, and I especially love that part, having a separate dressing room, and the bath-room beyond it absolute heaven. I could live in just those three rooms.'

'If you did you'd miss the view from the lounge room, and you said that was marvellous.'

'Oh that's right. I can't wait to see it in daylight, the city lights look fantastic but I bet the view of the water and the boats is even better.'

'There's plenty of time for it all, go and get your things sorted out while I open a bottle.'

She gave me a quick kiss then hurried off to do as I'd suggested.

Carrying the open bottle, glasses and a shallow bowl, I followed her up to the bed-room. On one side of the room there was a large bay-window and in addition to a comfortable window seat there was a table and two chairs where, in the early part of our marriage, Mary and I had often eaten our breakfast.

I put the bottle and glasses down and then, although by no means certain I'd actually use it, while she was busy unpacking her small case in the dressing room I took the opportunity to get the dildo out of the bedside cabinet. Squeezing a fair amount of lubricant into the bowl from the oversized tube I'd bought during the day, I rested the head in the sticky pool and pushed the bowl under my side of the bed.

Once it was out of sight I called out to her. 'I thought we'd have the wine up here. Do you need a hand in there Lucy?'

'No thanks Jack, I've unpacked, I won't be a minute, I'm just going to the bath-room.'

So we could enjoy the view of the night sky and the city lights while having the wine, I pulled back the curtains, turned on a bed-side light and turned off the others, then filled two glasses and sat and waited for her.

The situation had a dream-like quality to it. In the bath-room, taking a pee, was one of the most beautiful young women I'd ever seen. Across the other side of the room was my bed, a bed that had been a very lonely place for far too long. But soon the young woman would be in the bed, with me. It was all too fantastic, almost unbelievable. But not too unbelievable for at least one part of me, as I sat there, sipping the wine and thinking about the situation, I felt a growing ache in my groin, and my cock slowly growing and stiffening.

'Oh that's lovely!' she said when she came out of the dressing room and saw the view from the window. 'The view is even better from up here isn't it?'

'Yes it is pretty on a clear night. I've poured your wine, come and sit down.'

She joined me but before taking her glass she took my hand. 'I can't believe this is happening to me Jack.'

I smiled and said. 'That's exactly what I was thinking while I was waiting for you Lucy.'


'Yes really. I was wondering what I've done to deserve such good luck. But at the same time there's a little nagging worry in the back of my mind.'

'What about?'

'That I'll wake up and find I was dreaming it all.'

She leaned across and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 'Then we'll wake up from it together.'