Lyon's Den Ch. 11

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Wine, women, and wrong.
2.9k words

Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/03/2006
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Bruce entered the kitchen to find Jenifer holding a bottle of wine in each hand.

She lifted them up, and said, "Hey, Stud, all we have to make sandwiches is peanut butter and jelly. Which goes best with P. B. and J., red or white?"

"Hmm, good question." He pondered the dilemma for a few seconds, and decided, "I say we take the white, only because it won't stain your skin when I lick it off you."

"Good point, very logical and, may I add, seriously arousing," she said, wrapping the bottle in the blanket for protection before slipping it into the backpack.

"Do we need this Rodney King in here?" She pulled out the heavy, 4 D-cell flashlight that looked and felt like a nightstick.

He laughed, "Rodney King? I don't expect to club anyone, but I do expect to be walking home in the dark. Leave it."

"Okay, you're the Stud Guide. I guess we're ready, let's hit the dusty trail." She handed him the backpack and swatted his butt on the way by.

Bruce smiled, picked up the pack, and followed Jenifer out the door.


"I'm telling you, dude, she's the hot piece of ass that got me fired. I owe her a bitch slap, and she owes me at least a blow job." Carl looked in the rear view mirror to make sure the coast was clear, and said, "Gimme some."

His best friend, Lou, or what passes for a drug pig's friend, reluctantly handed over the crack pipe.

Carl took a deep drag, held it in a while, and blew the smoke sideways through the half open window.

"Working security for the porn studio was an awesome gig, until she popped me for doing a little blow on my break, the bitch."

Lou watched the pipe with a soul felt need. Carl didn't look like he was giving it back anytime soon, so he pulled out a bone of his own and fired it up.

"Man, how do you know where she lives?"

"I spotted her in the city walking to her car and followed her home. She's all alone, too. We are going to have some big fun tonight!"

He slowed the car, and said, "This is her crib -- in the middle of fucking nowhere. Gotta love it."

Ever observant Lou, said, "There's a truck and a car. I think she's got company."

Carl pounded on the wheel. "Shit!"

Driving by, he spotted Bruce and Jenifer cresting the hill behind the house. "Looky there! Just the two of them out for an evening stroll. We should pay them a surprise visit."

"That's a long walk," said Lou, not feeling Carl's motivation. "Let's just wait for them to come back."

"No, this is perfect. We can keep an eye on them, like wolves stalking a couple of sheep, waiting for the perfect time to strike."

A mile up the road, Carl made a clumsy five-point turn, drove back, and parked in the driveway, blocking both vehicles. "Dude, grab my gun and knife out of the glove box. Nobody's leaving until I say so."


The red and gold foliage reflected brightly in the mirror surface of the pond.

Jenifer moved close beside Bruce and hugged his arm as they walked. "Wow, it's so quiet back here, so peaceful and private."

Bruce turned and kissed the top of her head. "It's a beautiful spot."

"How deep is the water?"

"The realtor said it's about 15 feet deep in the middle. It's spring fed, so the water's clean and stays pretty cold until the middle of June. We'll have to go skinny dipping next summer."

She let go of his arm and put her hand in his back pocket, giving his ass a squeeze. "I'm not a very good swimmer. In fact, I've never swam in water without chlorine."

"You never went to the beach when you were a kid?"

"Well, once we almost made it to the state park, but Mom's boyfriend at the time ran a red light, got pulled over, and failed the sobriety test." She shrugged, and said, "Life's a bitch and then you die."

"Life is what you make it, so let's make it worth living."

"Having kids will do that?"

Bruce put his arm around her shoulders as they walked while contemplating his answer.

He thought, 'Together for almost two years, and we've never talk about things like this before. I've been an idiot, thinking with my dick.'

Aloud, he answered, "Well... for me, yes. I think it will make me unselfish. Instead of focusing on what I want, I'll be focused on being a good father. I'll focus on your welfare, our children, and their future. There's no more important job than that. They'll be our legacy, our contribution to a better world."

Jenifer rested her head against his shoulder, and said, "Sounds like hard work. And how many children are you talking about, exactly?"

He laughed, and said, "Let's just take it one at a time. But twins would be cool."

Jenifer groaned, but playfully squeezed his ass again.

They reached the gently sloping bank of the pond. Bruce removed the blanket and wine bottle from the backpack, and spread the blanket out in the sunshine.

"Uh oh, how are we going to open it?"

Bruce looked up, and his breath caught at the vision of Jenifer in the low angled sun. Loose strands of hair fluttered in the soft breeze against her radiant smile. Her left hand rested saucily on her canted hip with the wine bottle held up in her right, the shadows of her nipples elongated in profile to the light.

Jenifer grinned knowingly, and said, "The bottle? Focus, Daddy."

Snapping his thoughts back to the left hemisphere, Bruce unzipped a side pocket of the backpack. Holding up the shiny red survival tool, he said, "Swiss Army knife. Don't leave civilization without it," and unfolded the cork screw accessory.

They sat side by side facing the pond. Bruce worked the cork out of the bottle.

Jenifer unwrapped the sandwiches, saying, "This is nice. Very relaxing and the air smells so fresh and clean. The tree colors look neon with the water reflecting the sunlight on them."

"And the company couldn't be better."

"Aw," she leaned over for a kiss.

Bruce met her in the middle. When they broke apart, he offered her the bottle, "Ladies first."

"Thank you," she said, accepting the bottle and handing him a sandwich.

"You cut your sandwiches in half diagonally."

"Wow, very perceptive." She sipped some wine and set the bottle between them. "Something wrong with that?"

Bruce picked up the bottle, took a swig, and said, "No, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just a psychological indicator that you like to have sex outdoors."

She covered her mouth and snorted a laugh. "Stop! You almost made me pass PBJ through my nose."

They finished the sandwiches without the need of medical attention, quietly enjoying the warmth of the company and the relaxing effect of wine.

Bruce stood. "It's getting chilly. I'm going to start a fire."

Jenifer pushed the cork back into the bottle and got up to join him. They walked to the edge of the woods, picked up armfuls of dry deadfall, and carried it back to the picnic site. Bruce collected rocks from the shoreline, made a ring, and stacked the wood in the center. From another pocket of the backpack, he pulled out a lighter and ignited the tinder at the base of the stack.

"That should do it."

When he stood and turned, he was surprised to find Jenifer next to him.

"You're very quiet tonight."

"I'm just enjoying my husband's resourcefulness."

The softness of her voice, and the sweet smile, touched his paternal nature in a new way. The thought that he could be the first nurturing male in her life combined feelings of both joy and compassion.

Carrying wood for the fire left dirt and crumpled leaves clinging to Jenifer's chest. He lazily brushed it off, saying, "I'm enjoying my wife's appreciation."

Jenifer closed her eyes and shivered. "Thank you."

From another backpack pocket, Bruce removed a blue plastic box that held a bar of soap. He took Jenifer by the hand and strolled down to the pond, where they squatted and washed in the cold water.

"I love you," said Jenifer, turning to him with puckered lips.

"I love you too." Bruce kissed her, and then recoiled at the jolting touch of an icy wet hand on his neck.

Laughing, Jenifer ran away, back toward the blanket.

After plunging his hands, he gave chase, shouting, "You're in trouble now! Come here Sweetheart."

Diving onto the blanket she rolled herself up for protection. "I'm sorry. Really. Forgive me."

Bruce grabbed the edges of the blanket and pulled it open.

Jenifer squealed and curled up in a ball.

He forced her onto her back, pulled her arms apart, and grabbed her breasts with his wet hands.

"Oh, that's so cold!" she yelled, pulling on his wrists.

"You started it," he answered, letting go to witness her distended nipples in the middle of his hand prints.

Bruce sat on his heels between Jenifer's splayed legs, the heat from the fire warming his back. The sun was now below the horizon, so she lay in his shadow, her chest heaving from exertion. Their eyes met, faces grinning. She made no move to get away or retaliate. She made no sound to express her thoughts. He felt as though another woman blossomed before him, like a dead leaf that falls at the end of its season is replaced by new growth in the spring. Bruce's heart swelled with the idea today might be the first day of Jenifer's spring. She seemed renewed, a softer, trusting soul waiting for direction.

Bruce bent down and kissed her stomach through the shirt. Biting the fabric, he pulled it up, exposing her navel. Kissing the exposed flesh, his hands moved to the small of her back, lifted, and pushed the shirt up until it caught on the swell of her breasts.

Jenifer moaned as his mouth caressed her stomach and his strong hands held her arched.

"You're salty. Now I'm thirsty." He lowered her flat, picked up the wine bottle, and pulled the cork out with his teeth.

Jenifer laughed, took the cork out of his mouth, and sucked on the wet end. Her body jerked when Bruce poured a little on her stomach and licked it off. He filled her navel and sucked it clean.

"Want some?"

"Yes, please."

He took back the cork, held the bottle over her open mouth, and poured in an ounce, then pushed the cork back in the bottle.


"You are very welcome," he said, leaning down for a kiss. His hands moved to her sides and pushed up the tee-shirt until he felt it finally break over her breasts. His lips left her mouth to suckle the left breast, while his hand fondled the other. Moving his hands down, Bruce worked open the button on her jeans and pulled down the zipper. He continued to pleasure her breasts with his lips while slipping a hand into her panties.

Jenifer's hands raked through his hair and around his ears, drowning out any other nearby sound. Her own senses captivated by his touch. Neither one heard the hushed steps of approaching danger.

Suddenly Bruce found himself retching on the ground from a kick to his stomach. Jenifer screamed. He tried to get up, and was kicked again for his effort. Breathing seemed impossible. So much pain, he couldn't move.

He heard Jenifer shouting, "Stop it! Leave him alone!" then a loud slap, followed by her distressed shriek.

"Shut up bitch, or I'll stick my knife in 'em next time. Lou, hold the gun on him while I have some quality time with May Flowers here. If he moves, shoot 'em."

Jenifer sat up, rubbing her cheek.

Bruce turned his head in the dirt and vomit to see what was happening.

"How do you know that name?" she asked, pulling her tee-shirt down.

"I'm hurt you've forgotten me after all we've been through. No, don't hide those tities. Don't give me that fucking modest act. You're a whore, so act like one. Take it off."

Bruce forced himself up onto his hands and knees, and with great effort croaked, "Leave her alone."


Instead of a gunshot, an explosion of white light flashed inside Bruce's head, as the butt end of the pistol met his skull. He dropped to the dirt and fought to stay conscious, as his vision blurred.

"Stop it, Carl!" Jenifer pulled off her tee-shirt. "There. You win. Happy now?"

"You do remember me. That's much better, but I'm not happy... yet." Carl squatted down and pinched her nipple hard while hold the knife in front of her face. "You got me fired. I want my severance pay."

Jenifer winced, and said, "What'd you expect? You were doing coke in the back seat of my car."

"All I wanted was a little party with you. That's all."

"I wouldn't party with a piece of shit like you."

The sound of another slap enraged Bruce. He fought hard to regain control of his body. His outrage fired adrenalin into his bloodstream. He had to stop this. Jenifer needed him. He couldn't allow her to be abused by anyone ever again.

"Be a good little whore. Give me and my friend a blow job and we'll be on our way. If you don't," Carl nodded at Lou, who kicked Bruce in the side, making him roll farther away, clutching his stomach.

"If you don't, things may go really bad for both of you."

Jenifer looked at her husband writhing in pain, and then at Carl. "You promise?"

Carl drew an imaginary X across his chest with the knife. "Cross my heart and hope to die."

He stood, moved close to Jenifer, and said, "Be a good girl, and take it out."

She looked fearfully at her husband, and their eyes met.

Bruce mouthed the words, 'I love you,' before turning away. He couldn't watch, but he could still hear. The metallic sound of a loosening belt buckle rattled loud in the quiet night. The zzzz of a falling zipper and the rustle of falling pants told the horrible tale.

Regaining some bodily control, Bruce opened his eyes. He was staring into the open backpack. His flashlight, the Rodney King, sat only inches away. Slowly, he reached into the bag, hoping Lou wasn't paying attention to him, dragged the heavy truncheon out, and gripped it against his chest. He steadied himself, coiled his muscles to spring a surprise attack, realizing this may be his only chance to save their lives. Once Jenifer admitted she recognized Carl, he'd be stupid to let them go. It was up to him to save her, be her protector.

Fighting against the pain and dizziness caused by sudden motion, Bruce rolled over and swung the flashlight as hard as he could at the arm holding the gun. Almost simultaneously, there was the dull crack of bone and a loud bang. He stood and swung again, this time connecting with Lou's chin. One down, one to go. In his peripheral vision he saw Carl turning toward him with the knife, but his pants around his ankles made it impossible for him to move quickly. His cock swung lewdly as he turned back toward Jenifer, but she was faster, and punched him hard in the groin, sending him to his knees.

As she tried to back away, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her flat. He raised the knife for a deadly strike, shouting, "Fuck you bitch!"

"No!" Bruce yelled, filled with panic, knowing he could reach her in time to stop it.

Another gunshot rang out. Carl's body jerked from the impact, and the knife fell out of his hand. Jenifer pulled free and scooted away as he collapsed.

Bruce dropped to his knees with relief, feeling woozy and confused.

Then Daniel walked into the firelight, holding a smoking gun. Mary appeared just a few paces behind.

Daniel's concerned face turned to Jenifer, "Are you all right?"

Jenifer nodded, "I'm okay." Then she looked at her husband, smiled briefly, and then a look of horror marred her beautiful face. "Oh no!" She stood and ran to him.

A feeling of euphoria filled Bruce. She was safe. His beautiful wife wasn't hurt. But he felt so weak. Bruce sat back on his heels, and then toppled over.

Jenifer was with him now. Her hand pressed against his chest. Tears streamed down her face.

"Stay with me, Baby. You're going to be all right."

He saw blood on her hand. Concerned, he whispered, "You're hurt."

"No, Baby. You're hurt. Stay still."

Mary's face appeared above him. "An ambulance is on the way. Keep pressure on the wound."

Jenifer pressed hard on his chest and it hurt. Bruce tasted blood for the first time. "What's wrong?"

"Lay still. You're shot, but you'll be okay."

Bruce heard distant voices. Daniel yelled at someone to sit still or he'd shoot him, too. Good old Dan. He'd take care of everyone, like always.

"I love you, Jenny." He tried to raise his hand and wipe away her tears, but he didn't have the strength. So tired, he couldn't keep his eyes open. He heard Jenifer faintly calling him, but she sounded so far away.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Really really hard to walk through the woods without making noise. But, OK.

An ambush in an alley or dark street would be more believable. A squirrel foraging sounds like a large animal in the woods. A person? Takes real training and practice to walk quietly. And your two smoked up scum bags had to have sounded like a small deer herd. But, OK, you get a pass on lame plot device.

Still a good story. Hope you have a real good excuse why Daniel and Mary showed up, with a gun. P.S.: Guns haven't smoked since black powder was replaced in the 1880's with, smokeless powder. If the gun has recently been cleaned there may be some smoke produced by the gun oil residue being burned, but that dissipates quickly and happens only for the first few shots. Claiming to see a "smoking gun" is a distracting cliche', indicating the author has little experience with firearms. Get some advice in the future if you want to be credible.

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