Maddy and Mr. Sloane


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"Well, then. To that I say...let's go." I bounded up from my seat and we gathered ourselves and headed for the door. I could feel more than a few glances in our direction as we exited onto Bow Street.

Maddy grabbed my arm as we headed the few blocks toward her apartment. She kind of put her head against my shoulder and squeezed my arm. We had had enough to drink that leaning on one another for support seemed like a good idea. I could feel the soft flesh of her bosom mashing against my right elbow, making it the happiest elbow in Portsmouth.

We weren't drunk, but the alcohol we had consumed had done its job. Neither of us was feeling any pain and the night seemed full of promise as we held each other up and made our way back to Maddy's place. I didn't know what she had in store, but I was eager and willing to find out. A dance tape, indeed.

We neared her house and walked down the sidewalk alongside the main house to reach her small studio apartment in the rear. She fumbled with her keys, but got the door open and we entered - alone at last.

I looked around as she turned on the lights and admired the taste she displayed in decorating such a small place. She obviously had a good eye and the main space had a nice balance of crisp, yet homey. It was a small one bedroom apartment with the kitchen in a niche off the main living space. Given the number of window, it must have good light in the daytime.

"Anything to drink? Or have we hit our limit?" she asked.

"I'm good for now. A sparkling water would be nice, if you have one?"

"I do," she exclaimed. "Coming right up."

She returned with two tall glasses of sparkling water on ice and then turned on her stereo and seemed to be dialing something up on her phone.

"The infamous dance tape?" I queried. She smiled.

"It is, indeed," she replied as the first notes of an old Motown song filled the apartment.

"You're trying to get me up already?"

"You bet I am," she said giddily as she began to dance and sway to the music. How could I resist? She had removed her shawl and was shaking and shimmying in a most provocative manner. I wasn't sure I could match her technique, but I planned to make up for it in enthusiasm. As the second song kicked in - something with a much more contemporary and sexy beat - Maddy began to dance with a sensuous slinky movement. She'd turn and shake her hips and butt and I was agog at the shapely nymph performing what almost seemed to be a mating dance. It wasn't going to take much for me to bite. The way she shook her tight little butt in that black dress bordered on sinful.

We spun around one another and tried to avoid knocking into any furniture as we broke out our moves and laughed along with each other.

"Best dance club in Portsmouth," I announced.

"Bar none," she replied.

I was expecting another fast song as she segued into song three. But instead a soft slow Johnny Mathis tune came on. She stood and looked at me expectantly.

"I think I remember making out with my high school girlfriend to this song," I announced, as I held out my arms and invited her to join me.

She sidled over and put her arms over my shoulders and held her wrist behind my head.

"What was that like?" she purred.

She made no attempt to ease into a slow dance. She pressed her body against me confidently, knowing that we didn't need to waste time with formalities at this point in the evening. Her hips matched up with mine and we molded our bodies together and swayed to the slow beat of the tune - our faces inches apart.

"Nothing like this," I replied. I felt her pressing against my groin and could feel my lower extremity starting to respond. It needed very little encouragement.

"Was she a good kisser?" she asked. I could feel her warm breath in my ear.

"Hmmm, compared to what?" I whispered back. My hands slipped down from her waist and rested on the upper slopes of her cute little butt. I could feel the tiniest hint of a thong stretching over the upper curve of her ass. She looked into my eyes as we swayed slowly to the music.

"To this," she responded, as she tilted her face up and offered me her lips.

She smiled and we looked into one another's eyes as the soft light and softer music spun a web around her bodies. Our lips eased together with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. As I suspected, she had the softest lips imaginable. As Johnny crooned, we kissed. And it was one of those long soft tender kisses that could literally go on forever - portending the promise of an unfolding magical evening.

Our kiss broke, but our lips remained close as we looked into each other's eyes to try and consider the magnitude of what was happening. The magnetic pull brought us back together almost immediately as our kiss intensified. Her lips felt so soft and pliable and I couldn't tell if the little whimpers I kept hearing were coming from her or myself.

As I felt the tip of her tongue graze my mouth, my own crept forward to engage in the play. What is it about that first moment when two lovers' tongues touch for the first time that is so wildly erotic?

Not to be outdone, our bodies were also testing the waters and while the grinding taking place was subtle and exploratory, there was no doubt that there was a coming together in the works. I couldn't have hidden my arousal if I tried and Maddy didn't seem to mind. I could feel her groin pressing against me as our hands wandered and our tongues danced.

She leaned her head back and looked me in the eye with a lascivious look.

"Still remind you have high school?" she purred.


"Hmmm. Speaking of, someone is quite hard, I can see," she responded.

I smiled and looked into her gorgeous lustful eyes; just enough make-up to give her eyes depth and allure.

"Actually, I can't see it," she continued. "I can only feel it at the moment. But I do want to see it...and taste it."

I smiled at her wickedness as we continued our dance. I had lost any inhibitions about her feeling my erection. I wanted her to feel it - let her know what she was doing to me.

"I should warn you," I continued as we swayed to the music, our lower bodies locked together. "I don't have a motorcycle...or tattoos."

She smiled and cradled my face in her two slender hands as she replied. "That's okay. I have vibrators over in my side table drawer if need be. And I have a tattoo so you don't need to worry."

"You do? I didn't know," I answered. "Where?" I blurted out. She smiled, leaned in for a gentle wet kiss and then turned her back to me, answering me over her shoulder.

"Stick around and you might find out," she cooed. She pressed her bottom against me as I wrapped my arms around her tummy, pulling her to me. My lips gravitated straight for her neck as she reached up and back to caress my head with her hands. She let out a soft sexy moan as she felt my hardened cock nestled against the soft flesh of her curvy bottom.

Now I was looking over her shoulder from behind and admiring the fullness of her décolletage. There was nothing I wanted more at that moment than to cup her breasts in my hand, but I resisted the urge, knowing that that moment would come...soon. Instead my hands wandered up and down her body without touching anything inappropriate. My erection, however, was anything but appropriate at that moment.

She moved her hands to cover mine as I folded them over her lower belly, just above the rise of her mons. The position required Maddy to pull her upper arms in, pressing the generous flesh of her breasts together in a way that made them bulge out and above her dress.

"Oh, Maddy," I groaned. "Your body..."

I was at a loss for words, but not for action. I slid my hands from under hers and reached up to her shoulders. With a hand resting on each side, I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"I want to see them. I need to see them," I corrected. As I finished my statement, my thumbs slid under the thin straps of her dress, avoiding the bra straps, and gently eased them over her square shoulders and down. She shrugged slightly to disengage her arms from the dress straps as I pulled the upper part of her dress down to her waist. The view awaiting me as I re-engaged with her neck and looked down the exposed upper slopes of her bosom was astounding.

A thin lacy low-cut bra cupped the jiggling globes of her breasts like its job was to serve them up in an enticing way for the nearest admirer, which fortunately, was me. I gasped as I looked down into the most intoxicating cleavage I had ever had the good fortune to be so close to.

"Oh, Maddy. I've been dreaming of this moment. So beautiful," I groaned.

"They're all yours, Mr. Sloane," she cooed.

"You know you don't have to..."

"Shhh," she quieted me. "I want to."

My first instinct was to grab her bra-clad breasts and squeeze them. But I resisted my initial urge and decided to take this impossibly slow. With permission clearly granted I engaged with the last line of defense - her bra. With a slow confident movement, I again hooked each thumb under a delicate black strap and eased it off her shoulder and down. Both of us looked down at the unfolding of her generous bosom. As I eased the straps down her upper arms, the cups of the bra began to slide with them. Ever so slowly I pushed the bra down until her pert stiff nipples popped out from their confines to say hello.

"Fuck!" I uttered, ever eloquent at the most important times. I pushed the bra further down and out of the way, then reached behind to unhook it and let it fall unceremoniously to the floor in a silken heap. I reached around again to continue my exploration in my new favorite position: erection pressed against her ass, hands on her flat tummy and my face nestled into the crook of her neck.

Her breasts almost defied description. They were round, soft and full and jiggled imperceptibly with the slightest movement. But it was their shape that made them stand out - literally. Her large light brown nipples stood on the upward slope of her tits, accentuating the full curvature of flesh below. They were perfect. The tips of her nipples stood at full attention, almost begging to be tended to. I would do so soon enough.

"Oh, Maddy. I' awe."

"You like them, Mr. Sloane?" she asked, in the most innocent voice, like she was asking me about a pair of shoes.

"Oh, yes. They're magnificent. I'm so glad they decided to join the party."

She giggled and arched her back a bit more. Her breasts protruded sinfully from her slender torso; defying gravity. Looking was not enough at this point. I needed to caress.

"I'm glad you like them," she cooed in the sexiest whisper. "They've been wanting to come out and play all night."

"Well, better that you waited until the dance party instead of in the restaurant," I joked. That was followed by a deep-seated groan as my hands touched her for the first time, lifting the weight of her breasts in my cupped hands. "Oh, Maddy."

They were the softest things I had ever touched or felt. They were squishy, full and heavy. I jostled them ever so slightly and watched how they shook with impunity. These were the same tits I used to admire when she was bounding and bouncing around the soccer field in high school. Now, years later, I was actually cradling them in my hands.

I let them go and grazed the stiff tips with the pads of my fingers. She moaned softly as I pinched her nipples and rolled the tips between my fingers. My hands were on a mission - trying to feel them in their entirety, even though they were far too big to fit in my palms. Her tit flesh oozed between my fingers as I massaged and kneaded her bosomy wonders.

The music continued unabated and the Maddy Dance Party was certainly the best dance hall I had ever been to. As I caressed her lovely breasts, she continued to press her bottom against the gigantic bulge in my jeans. As we continued to sway to the music, I felt her push her dress over her hips and down her legs. The dress she had hemmed and hawed about was cast off to the side. She was now in just the tiniest black thong and high black heels.

"If you're getting tired on the dance floor," she joked, "you could sit down and rest on the sofa for a bit."

"You know, that's not a bad suggestion," I played along. "Perhaps we should sit the next one out."

She took my hand and led me a few short steps to her sofa.

"Have a seat," she offered. I sat down and looked up at this gorgeous semi-naked creature standing before me. Her body was awe-inspiring.

"Do you need anything from the kitchen?" she queried.

"Not really. But I think I should make something up just so I can watch you walk there and back." She giggled before turning to walk into the kitchen. "Just a little more water, please."

"Coming right up," she answered over her shoulder. I harkened back to watching her walk out the door in her nurse's garb that first day at Profile many months ago. Now I was in her tiny apartment and she was practically naked and I wasn't going to be far behind if I played my cards right.

She had one of those naturally sexy walks. There was nothing fake about her movements or the way she strutted her body. Her stature was regal and classic, but all the body parts that should be in motion, were. Her ass jiggled almost imperceptibly as she headed to the kitchen. The heels gave her entire body a lift that was subtle, but incredibly erotic at the same time. Her long lean legs were toned and well proportioned, along with the rest of her.

And that is when I noticed the tattoo on her lower back, just above the thin triangle of her thong. It was a small, but ornate symmetrical design and something that would only be seen at moments like this. Perhaps it would show if she were wearing low rider jeans and bent over or leaning forward. I thought of her on the back of a motorcycle and smiled.

I reached down and absent-mindedly rubbed the gigantic bulge in my pants as I watched her pour two more glasses of water and return to where I was sitting. I was leaning back against the sofa, my legs spread and my hand casually resting on my cock. Her boobs swayed and jiggled so firmly as a smile crept over her face.

"Getting a handle on things?" she asked. She handed me a glass and leaned over, putting her hands on my knees. Her breasts hung heavily and swayed seductively as she parted my knees and knelt down on the carpet. "Let me see what we have here," she said with a wicked smile.

She removed my hand from its resting place and put her hands high up on my thighs, framing the massive bulge in my slacks. She didn't touch me right away, but I could be patient while she played out her little game.

"Yes. I think I need a nurse's perspective here," I joked.

"Hmmm. It looks quite serious in my professional opinion. Is it always this swollen, Mr. Sloane?" She began to palm it lightly with her slender hand, slowly moving her fingers up and down the length of my erection.

"Only since I arrived here and started dancing with you," I answered.

"I see. Well, perhaps we can find a way to get rid of this pesky growth," she smiled, as she gently squeezed my girth and assessed its mass and length. "It seems very confined and compressed. Perhaps a little fresh air would help the situation," she commented in the calm way of a nurse in control.

"You're the expert," I replied. "I'll do whatever you think is best for this particular condition."

"I think we should release it," she simmered, as she began to undo my silver belt buckle. "Perhaps a little fresh air and a few well-placed kisses will help alieve the stress."

"Yessss. I believe you're right," I barely stammered as she carefully grabbed the zipper and began to lower it over the mass of hard flesh hiding just below. The zipper hit bottom and she reached up to grab my trousers. I lifted up my hips so she could lower them down my legs, leaving my black boxer briefs in place.

"Hmmm. Still far too many clothes on, Mr. Sloane."

I needed no further prodding. My shoes and socks were gone in a second, followed by my shirt. She helped me remove my slacks and I leaned back on the sofa and spread my legs. My erection was prominently stretching the tight briefs and we were both near naked now.

I watched with a smile as Maddy kneeled between and placed her hands on my thighs.

"Mmmm. Quite impressive, indeed, Mr. Sloane. I do think the fresh air will do him good, Don't you?" she said so innocently. She gently palmed the throbbing bulge in my briefs as I moaned something unintelligible.

"Yessss." Words were not forming easily for me at this juncture.

Slowly and methodically she grabbed the waistband of my briefs and began to lower them. My erection was caught in the downward tug of cotton, then suddenly sprang with a stiff bounce up onto my stomach as it revealed itself happily. She tossed my underwear over her shoulder with a giggle and returned her hands to my thighs.

"Oh my, Mr. Sloane," she crooned. "I had a suspicion you might have a nice big cock."

She brought her hands together, one curving upward to gently cradle my ball sac, the other grabbing my thick throbbing shaft at the root. I looked down as she happily assessed the massive erection in her slender hands. She leaned to the side and rubbed my stiff cock on the side of her cheek as she smiled up at me.

"I think he likes the fresh air," she opined. "Perhaps a little TLC is also in order," she whispered.

I grunted in agreement as she turned her head and planted a kiss or two on the rigid veiny shaft. I've always been a sucker for a soft touch and Maddy's hands and mouth felt like warm silk. As she lovingly squeezed my ball sac, she tended to my towering cock. She gently kissed the length, continually looking up at me with a smile full of wanton lust.

She moved her head so my cock was sticking up straight in front of her face. With a sweet smile she pursed her lips and carefully kissed that spot on the underside just below the head. Her eye contact was intense and focused. I watched with what had to be a look of total ecstasy on my face. Slowly and surely she kissed her way down the length of my shaft. When she got low enough, she cupped my balls and pulled them to her mouth for a few soft kisses. I was so happy I had shaved them smooth earlier - just in case.

"Oh, Maddy," I groaned. "Yessss."

She giggled as one my testicles popped out of her mouth. "Mmmm. You like, Mr. Sloane? You like it when I tend to your balls?"

I didn't need to answer. My sprawled position, incoherent moans and throbbing erection were answering that question. I felt her kiss her way up my shaft and then engulf me with a deep dive that made her gag and me react with a gasp. I opened my eyes to watch her suck my cock like there was nothing - absolutely nothing - that she'd rather be doing. I urged her on, not with words, but with grunts and groans and a hand on her head.

I'd gotten some good head since my divorce, or so I had thought. Nothing I had experienced, before or after my marriage, held a candle to the young lady whose mouth was stuffed full of my cock at that very moment.

She disengaged for a moment and came up for air. My erection shone with her saliva as she jerked me with her right hand; her left still cupping my ball sac. She lifted up over my cock and I watched in amazement as she let a huge gob of saliva drip from her mouth to the bulbous head of my cock. She smiled as she returned my gaze, spread it around the head a bit with her tongue, and then re-engaged with my cock.

She made the softest muffled whimpering sounds as she stuffed my hard cock into her mouth. The slurping sounds emanating from between my legs were a testament to her oral enthusiasm. I could easily shoot my first load deep down her throat. I was tempted. Maybe later. But right now I had a burning desire to turn the tables and taste her sweet pussy.