Madelaine's War


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I knelt with my back against the headboard and Evelyn's distressed face between my thighs and then something altogether unexpected happened. The Viscountess, herself barely recovered, gently kissed her step daughter on the forehead.

Seeing this, Madelaine placed her hands on their heads, gently coaxing. I could see their eyes locked as they waged an internal struggle but they were already melting as Madlelaine began to lull them, slowly but surely bringing their hesitant mouths together.

Once they were engaged, and lost in one another, she caught my eye and looked towards my discarded clothes.

As inconspicuously as I could I slid from the bed and quickly began to dress but my eyes were riveted. Madelaine was still guiding them with the stroking of her hands easing the Viscountess slowly downwards until her mouth began to seek out Evelyn's sex.

Like a mother quietly taking leave of her sleeping children she slowly moved away and recovered her own clothes but, even as she dressed, she had the presence of mind to signal me silently.

I had almost forgotten our purpose but now I took out my Russian made Minox camera. Small enough to fit in the palm of my hand it was loaded with a low light film especially developed for SOE and I proceeded to shoot the whole roll.

Chapter 4

From the outset our intent had simply been to pose our victims for a series of incriminating photographs and I had no doubt that Madelaine would have quietly made them public.

As things turned out she was happy to leave them with the simple anguish of knowing that the photographs existed. She thought it revenge enough that she had revealed to them a hidden nature that they would now find it impossible to deny and would forever seek to satisfy.

The irony, of course, was that I had been compromised in the same way. My concerns were so great that I asked to be replaced on the mission but as I could not reveal the true reasons for wanting to stand down I was ordered to proceed.

In the beginning I had intended to let Madelaine know as little as possible but now, dangerous as it was, I felt the need to be as open with her as I could. When her scant training was completed I met with her at Wanborough.

"A few weeks ago we lost contact with one of our best field agents. She was investigating a BMW research centre near Freiburg im Breisgau. She believed that they are developing something there that will change the course of the war."

"You speak of her in the past tense. Do you think she's dead?"

"We just don't know but if the Gestapo have her she would be better off that way."

I was pleased to see a hint of fear in her eyes. I could not ask her to do this without a full understanding of the possible consequences.

"Security at the facility itself is strict, German nationals only, in short, no way in."

"So what did your agent know?"

"Materials for the facility are transported by train. The Germans have built new marshalling yards and they are managed by one Obersturmfuhrer Greta Heinzer. She runs an office from the former police station and she lives above it.

Our agent was trying to infiltrate her staff in the hope that the transport manifests would give a clue to what was going on at the facility."

"And now you want me to take her place?"

I hesitated before answering but my silence was enough. She raised an eyebrow and then continued.

"Would I be correct in presuming that Heinzer has certain sexual proclivities?"

Again, she gave me no chance to form an answer, evasive or otherwise.

"She likes young girls?"

I nodded an affirmation and then tried to keep my voice as neutral as possible.

"She uses her housekeeper as a procuress, usually local girls. We want you to hide your lack of German by acting simple. Hopefully this will work to our advantage in two ways. Firstly, we think that it might make you even more attractive to her but secondly, and more importantly, I will act as your older sister and guardian. If they take you they have to take me."

She paused for a long time and, for the first time since I was introduced to her, I sensed an inner vulnerability.

"When would we have to go?"

"It has to be tomorrow night when there's no moon."

Chapter 5

The Lysander brought us down in the open countryside near La Bresse where members of the resistance picked us up by truck and took us to the border. The last few miles had to be negotiated on foot but Madelaine proved a hardy walker.

Our papers showed us to be refugees from Dresden and our cover was that we were seeking relatives in Freiberg im Breisgau. In fact our "relatives" were already known to be dead and so we could justify temporary lodging in a worker's hostel.

We were just two new faces in a very transient population and we were allocated beds with only a cursory check

I wanted Madelaine to sleep in and recover but we knew that the housekeeper looked in each morning to cast her eye over any new arrivals. So it was that we joined the queue for breakfast at six-thirty.

It was meagre fare, a small hunk of bread with a scrape of jam and a cup of ersatz coffee, but it was good to know that the Germans were suffering deprivations.

We sat at the end of a crowded trestle table and had almost finished when the woman appeared. Corpulent hardly described her. She was quite tall with corn blonde high drawn tightly back from a round face in which all her features seemed too crowded towards the centre. I guessed mid thirties though maybe younger.

Overweight people tended to stand out at this point in the war but her clothes were well cut and helped to smooth her silhouette.

She spoke to the warden who nodded in our direction and I could see immediately that she had taken the bait. She walked briskly to our table and addressed herself to Madelaine.

"Your name?"

"Her name is Madelaine, Madelaine Hausmann, we are sisters."

"She can't speak for herself?"

"She is afflicted."

Madelaine looked up at her and flashed a smile which was imbued with both childlike innocence and a hint of mischief.

"How old is she?"

"Fifteen, we're together looking for work."

I saw the glint of excitement in her eye as she imagined introducing this unlikely treasure.

"Get your things and follow me. I may have something for you."

Ten minutes later we trailed in her wake as she led the way across town where the reason for choosing the police station was immediately obvious. It stood hard by the multiple railway tracks and adjacent engine sheds.

She took us into the back of the building and through a kitchen where a large table groaned with food. To her credit Madelaine gave a joyous whoop but I think it was imbued with a genuine craving. I guessed that the Obersturmfuhrer was helping herself to supplies before they were routed through to the facility.

Having tempted us she led us up to the top of the building and a series of attic rooms.

"This will be yours."

The room was nicely furnished with twin beds and the luxury of an ensuite toilet and washroom. We gazed in awe as would be expected of us.

"How many others work here?"

She ignored my question. Instead, she closed the door and locked it before turning to face us.

"What can your sister do?"

"She is strong. She can do manual work."

"But what else?"

Her German was slightly accented, and I guessed at an Austrian origin, but I did not miss the nuance in what she was asking. It cut across all of the social mores that governed my life but Madelaine had been an inhabitant of this netherworld and had long since mastered its workings.

Keeping in character she slipped her arm around my waist and leered as she rested her head on my shoulder.

The housekeeper actually laughed out loud and I could imagine her joy at not only finding this prize but with no necessity of breaking her in.

"I want to watch..."

I readied the knife concealed in my coat sleeve but Madelaine stroked my hand. Things were moving much faster than I could ever have planned for but she was letting me know that she did not feel threatened.

She giggled as she eased off my coat and started on the buttons of my blouse. She undressed me as a child would a doll and soon had me naked. I looked at the housekeeper with a smile which, I hope, conveyed the sharing of a guilty secret but I had not planned for this.

She settled heavily on the room's single chair and, with the gesture of an open hand, invited me to carry on. Not knowing what she expected to see I remained still whilst Madelaine began to caress my breasts as if they were a complete novelty.

In fact, whilst her movements appeared gauche, she was finding all the correct points of contact and my nipples were soon responding.

Once they stood rigid she reacted as if she had achieved her aim and, almost perfunctorily, she knelt in front of me.

In some strange way I felt cheated. Remembering the curious intimacy of our first encounter this was far too mechanical but she knew the character she was playing far better than I.

She began to lick my sex with broad sweeps of her tongue uttering loud moans of appreciation as if it were an exotic fruit. For a moment or two I looked down at top of her head wondering what might be expected of me but her pantomime had had the desired effect.

When I looked up it was to find that our personal voyeur had unfastened her coat and now had her fingers busily at work beneath the heavy material of her skirt.

Just weeks ago I would have found the idea appalling but, as I watched, I felt a shameful frisson of excitement. This must have transmitted itself to Madelaine because, every now and then, she interspaced her apparently unsophisticated technique with a touch that raised my heart rate.

I found it incredible that, even now, she could be mischievous but perhaps it was just her own way of overcoming fear.

She was so clever that it was sorely tempting to see how far she would take things but I knew we had done enough to pass the audition. I placed my hands on her head, closed my eyes, and began to moan. Sadly, I had had more than enough experience of faking orgasms.

I helped Madelaine to her feet and bade her to sit on the bed whilst I quickly got dressed but the housekeeper seemed in no particular hurry to leave.

I was relieved when she finally struggled out of the chair but then realized, with alarm, that far from adjusting her clothing she was actually getting undressed.

I dared not look at Madelaine as I frantically weighed my options. I could disable the woman and we could flee but that would leave the mission over before it began with a strong possibility that we might be pursued.

She smirked, mistaking my stare as an expression of interest as she shed her voluminous underwear to stand naked before me.

My unarmed combat training made me instinctively evaluate her body mass and I concluded that, as a younger woman, she had probably been quite svelte. Fat had rounded her arms, legs and hips but her breasts had retained their firmness and her nipples had not yet surrendered to gravity.

She was lucky in that her natural height and a long neck still lent her a certain shapeliness but it was obvious that she no longer cared; but then, why should she? She clearly had a common interest with the Obersturmfuhrer and they were in an ideal position to lure their prey.

I had wrestled with my conscience and was filled with self-loathing when asking Madelaine to prostitute herself, especially now that I knew so much more about her, but the plan had only ever been to ensnare the Obersturmfuhrer.

My mind was still in turmoil but my body was already tensing ready to strike. I flexed my hand and drew back my arm but Madelaine touched my elbow and held me in check.

I could feel the slight tremor in her fingertips and, when I looked in her eyes, I could see how frightened she was but there was also a steely spark of determination. Without speaking I tried to convey that she need not do this but she was already crossing the room to where the woman had seated herself once more.

As Madelaine approached she lifted her breasts and I saw that her nipples were larger than they first appeared. They were a very pale pink with no distinct circumference and she brushed them roughly with the edges of her thumbs.

Madelaine giggled as she placed her hands upon them and began to knead the firm flesh but I could feel her inwardly squirm as the woman reached forward to reciprocate none too gently.

I sat on the bed and tried to appear relaxed, even managing a conspiratorial smile when the woman looked over at me, but deep inside I felt a seething rage.

After a moment or two she tired of mauling Madelaine's breast and she put her hand to the back of her neck before pulling her down against her chest.

I thought that she was going to fall but she recovered herself and finished up kneeling between the woman's parted legs with her face mashed between the pillows of her breasts.

How she did it I do not know but she found the presence of mind to squeal delightedly and then she took one of the engorged teats into her mouth. The woman found this much to her liking as she closed her eyes and exhaled loudly.

She twined her fingers in Madelaine's hair and, from time to time, tugged her across so that both breasts received equal attention. At one point I nearly reacted as the woman yelped and then proceeded to slap Madelaine on the cheek something more than playfully.

Madelaine laughed and I understood that she must have nipped her with her teeth. The woman laughed with her, maternally rubbed the injured cheek, and then put her back to work.

The next few minutes were agonizing. I watched Madelaine playing her part in the full knowledge that she was only here because she had been wrongly accused in the first place and I had used that to my advantage.

Suddenly the woman told Madelaine to get up and I hoped that she might have done enough for now but there was to be no remission. She adjusted her position in the chair and then, with an effort, hooked one leg over the arm which creaked in protest.

Her sex was now lewdly displayed with its dressing of blonde hair so fine as to be almost invisible. She proceeded to rub her hand over her meaty labia which, themselves, had a surprisingly dark colouring given the paleness of her skin.

For a second I dared hope that she only wanted Madelaine to watch but it was a hope cruelly dashed. She pointed to the floor and Madelaine slowly dropped to her knees.

Trapped in the canyon of the woman's thighs Madelaine looked both small and vulnerable but she kept up her pretence of naive enthusiasm and fell upon her as if starved.

The woman relaxed and looked almost sleepy as, from time to time, she murmured encouragement and rubbed Madelaine's head as if she were a pet.

Bravery and sacrifice come in many forms and my heart went out to her. I knew, from experience, that she could have transported this woman to new heights in the space of a few heartbeats and foreshortened her own suffering in the process but she continued to play the innocent.

The toll of a church bell told me that she had slaved for at least half an hour and the folds of the woman's flesh were now sheened in perspiration. She had doused herself which a cheap eau de Cologne which had long since pervaded that room and I could only imagine the additional olfactory assault that Madelaine was being subjected to at such close quarters.

I also saw that she was having to swallow with greater frequency and so I hoped that, even with feigned artlessness, she was achieving her aim.

Even so, it was another few minutes before the woman began to emit a series of grunts which culminated in an uncontrolled quivering of her whole bulk. She used both hands to keep Madelaine pressed to her and kept her there long after the final spasms had passed.

Chapter 6

When Madelaine stood up, unsteady on her feet, the physical toll taken was there to be seen. I desperately wanted to hug her but now it was my turn to act once again.

The housekeeper got dressed and told Madelaine to lie down and rest. She then instructed me to follow her.

Madelaine was silently pleading with me not to go but I had no choice and so, for the first time since we departed the airfield in Surrey, I left her alone.

I was taken back down to the kitchen and told to fetch a scrubbing brush and bucket. I was then put to work cleaning the floor. A while later I was joined by two young girls who sat down silently and began to prepare vegetables.

I made a couple of attempts to engage them in conversation but they remain stubbornly silent. The reason quickly became obvious. The housekeeper returned to examine the results of their labour and immediately began to berate one of the girls for paring the peel on the potatoes too thickly.

She went into the pantry and returned with a long rattan cane. The girl sobbed and pleaded but she was finally forced to hold out her hand. The housekeeper lifted the cane on high and then lashed it down onto the girl's vulnerable palm. She choked back a scream but immediately picked up her knife to resume her duties.

For my part I was given a broom and was led upstairs to a suite of offices. I could not believe my good fortune. There were at least a dozen clerks hard at work but, over the next couple of hours, such surreptitious glances as I could get availed me nothing.

As far as I could make out, they were marshalling trains for this whole area of Germany but no clues as to cargos. I was given lunch and then more cleaning until I was finally dismissed for the day.

As I entered the room Madelaine ran to me and hugged me close. We stayed like that for a long while until one of the young girls from the kitchen brought us a generous supper.

We were both exhausted, physically and mentally, and we were in our beds before it got dark. I lay and tried to plan my next move but I now had a new concern. The housekeeper had taken away our papers for checking and, whilst this was anticipated, it meant that we were vulnerable if we had to bolt.

I had just managed to quieten my thoughts when a soft noise brought me back to alertness. The bed shifted and suddenly Madelaine was beside me. As she spooned into my back I felt the heat of her naked body and, for a few seconds, I felt blissfully soothed and the war could have been taking place in another world.

She continued to nuzzle me, her breath warm on my neck, and then her hand found my breast.

Even now, I was uncertain. I suppose that I had tried to convince myself that it had been a temporary aberration, that everything would return to normal when my husband returned, but her touch did things to me that I could never have imagined.

I turned onto my back and hugged her to me but she began to kiss her way slowly down my body. I raised myself a little and took hold of her by the shoulders.

"We mustn't..."

She looked up at me her eyes pleading.

"Please...I want it to be beautiful again...I want it to be you."

Her words tugged at my heart. She was so desperate to expunge that morning's events of which I was the cause.

I made another half-hearted attempt to stop her but she squirmed away and resumed her downward path. As she kissed my hip she pulled the blankets overhead and closed herself in.

She took an age, kissing all the time and moving inch by slow inch, until she lay between my legs.

Still there was no urgency. She worked with her fingers until I could feel the wetness seeping from me to dampen the sheet beneath. Even with the blankets sealed I could smell my own excitement and I wondered how it must be for her enclosed in the cloying semi-darkness.

My answer came as I heard her groan with pleasure and then I felt her opened mouth upon me.