Maid to Order, Made for More


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I had to admit, Gabby had started to grow on me. She had improved immensely as a worker, so I didn't have to stand over her shoulder as much. Even her girly, naïve charm had started to grow on me. And her infuriating perfect body didn't bother me as much as it used to. I began to trust her with all the chores and I even let her take my car out for errands.

The only thing that occasionally set off alarm bells was her wardrobe. Occasionally, she would wear something that flattered her a little too well. It was never over the top or slutty, but every so often, she would wear a shirt that was a little too tight. A little too low cut. She would wear jeans that hung a little too low. She was admittedly a gorgeous girl, and typically, a woman wouldn't want a girl that beautiful around their house, and around their man. But, it was hard to view her as a threat. She was so shy and introverted and naïve that she didn't come across as a sexual being. She was just a quiet, shy girl, but with giant breasts, a gorgeous face, and a perfect ass. I agreed with Troy's assessment of her: she was like a little sister. So I was never worried about leaving her alone with Troy. She was not a threat to me.

She was happy to help prepare a good meal. I told her to make sure things looked extra nice around the house, and she had done a great job. She had a meal roasting in the oven, the table was set, and we had spent some money to buy her a very nice dress. We had to play the game and make a good impression on Dan, even though we were pretty sure this was going nowhere.

The doorbell rang, and I joined Troy at the door as he opened it. There stood Dan, looking as portly and blusterous as ever.

"Troy! My boy! It's been too long! And Irene! You look as lovely as ever." he said, gesturing widely, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. I had to smile and hide my creeped-out shivers. He slapped Troy on the back as we led him in. I grabbed some beers as Troy and Dan talked shop. I smiled at Gabby as she was hard work, glad that I wasn't the one having to cook.

Dan was still as full of shit as ever. Talking about his worldwide exploits, and his luck with the ladies. He struck me as the type to leverage his power into getting women. I had to hide my dislike with his pig-like ways. We sat at the table as we caught up a bit. A rustling from the kitchen caught his attention.

"Is there someone else here?" he asked, confused.

"Uh, yeah, that's Gabby, our maid." I told him.

"Maid huh?" he said with a wolf-like smile. I looked at Troy and he looked at me. We both knew what was about to happen. Our little lamb Gabby was about to meet a wolf.



Dan was the same blowhard as ever, and as soon as I put together that Gabby and Dan would be in the same room, I knew what was about to happen. Pervy Dan would emerge. And as soon as Gabby emerged, bringing our dinner to the table and setting it down, Dan stood to greet her.

"Why hello there. I'm Dan." he said, speaking in a low, husky voice. He grabbed Gabby hand and kissed the back of it.

"Hola. I'm Gabby." she said, smiling naively.

"Well, I tell ya, you are gorgeous." Dan said, glancing at her cleavage. Both me and Irene rolled our eyes.

"Oh, gracias." Gabby said blushing. I don't know why, but this was making me upset. Seeing this guy who I didn't like hitting on my maid was like seeing some douchebag hitting on your sister. And she was going along with it. It made me see red for some reason. Dan let Gabby resume her work as he snickered at me, as if letting me know this girl was the ticket to us doing business together. I gulped deeply.

I guess I could understand why he had noticed her. Her dress was very flattering do her curvy form. I had to admit, after the incident by the pool, where I saw my maid's bikini body, I couldn't stop noticing the fact that Gabriella, this sweet, innocent maid, had the body of the porn star. She had these huge boobs, that jiggled just slightly when she walked. Her nipples would tend to slightly show through her top, in whatever she wore. Her butt was firm and round, set off by her otherwise thin frame. And she was in reality, shockingly beautiful. And that was great. I wasn't, like attracted to her, or anything like that. I could acknowledge she had huge boobs, a round butt, and a gorgeous face without being attracted to her. She was so sweet and innocent. Not my style of girl. But for a wolf like Dan, she was perfect.

I tried to keep the talk on business, but every time Gabby emerged, Dan would stop everything and talk to her. It was just so slimy. He would ask about her where she came from, how long she had been working for us, stuff like that. And Gabby didn't know better, so she kept engaging him. For someone If she had any experience with this kind of thing, she would know better than to interact with this type of guy and let him keep thinking he had a chance with her. She just naively kept chatting with him, even though he was obviously checking her out and making comments about how beautiful she was. She would blush and thank him. This whole thing was making both me and Irene nervous.

So the night went as typical. After staying for too long, as always, we guided Dan to the door. He said a cordial goodbye to both me and Irene, and then went close to Gabby, grabbed her hand in his, kissed it again, whispered in her ear, then slipped her a piece of paper. She blushed again as he turned and left.

As soon as the door closed, both me and Irene spoke up.

"Gabby, stay away from him." Irene said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Why? He... very funny." Gabby replied, her eyebrows scrunched cutely, clearly not understanding the type of guy Dan was.

"Dan is not a good guy." I told her.

"But why you have over for dinner then?" Gabby asked.

"It was for work. I don't like him, but I have to do work with him, to try to make money." I told her.

"He did not seem bad. He was nice." Gabby said.

"Trust me." I told her. She shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

"He would destroy her." Irene said. I nodded in agreement.


I thought we had dodged a bullet there with Dan. But a couple nights later, for the first time, Gabby had plans for the evening. I noticed her getting ready, cleaning up and dressing up and I walked to her room to check in with her.

I glanced around her room for a second. It was strange. She had really not made this room hers. No decorations. No pieces of flair or little trinkets. It was like she was in a hotel room. A temporary pit stop. I saw Gabby at the dresser, checking her hair. I watched her check her top, then undo a button or two, making sure to show off cleavage. What? The innocent flower Gabby wouldn't do something like this. If a girl made sure to show lots of cleavage, she might not be so innocent. I looked at the mirror, and damn, she had a lot of breast exposed. Her round, soft breasts, pressed together. I shook my head.

"So, what have you been spending your hard earned money on?" I asked, looking her in the eye. Startled, she looked at me.

"What?" she asked.

"It's just, there's no decorations or anything here. No stuff. If you don't mind me asking, I was just curious on what you're using your money on." I asked.

"Oh. I... save money. For very important things." she said.

"Like what? The only thing I saw you buy was that bikini." I said.

"Yes, bikini...very important." she said with a laugh. I laughed before asking what I came here to ask.

"So what do you have going on tonight?" I asked,

"I have... date tonight." Gabby said with a small smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, is it with Dan?" I asked. She looked at me, blushed and replied.

"Yes." Gabby said. Unbelievable. That dirty fucker.

"Gabby, I don't think that's a good idea." I said, wanting to make sure she knew what she was getting into.

"Why? Dan seem very nice." she said.

"He can be trouble with girls like you." I said.

"I'm a grown woman." Gabby replied. "My choice." Fair point.

"Uh, sorry, it's just, if you are gonna go through with this, just be careful." I told her. She smiled. A car honked from outside.

"I can take care of myself." Gabby replied, walking by me, her perfume hitting my nose.


I heard Gabby return home very late, and the next day, she seemed as cheerful as ever, so it seemed like Dan hadn't done too much damage to her. Both me and Irene were extremely curious about what happened, but neither of us wanted to pry, so we didn't bring it up. But the next day at work, I heard something at work that made me have to ask Gabby what happened.

"Dan quit." I told Irene.

"He quit?" Irene asked in disbelief.

"Turned in his notice this morning." I said. Neither I or Irene was particularly broken up by this fact, but this only increased our curiosity about what happened on the date.

"Now I have to ask." I told Irene.

"Oh, yeah, of course." Irene said. "I'd love to stay and find out, but I really have to go."

"Okay, babe. I'll let you know what I hear." I told her, kissing her cheek as she walked out.

I made my way over to Gabby, who had stepped into her room. I walked in as she was folding clothes. She was bent over, her round, heart shaped ass pointed right at me. I shook my head.

"Hey, Gabby." I said.

"Hola Troy." she said cheerfully.

"So, I don't mean to pry, but I heard today that Dan quit, so I am kinda curious about what happened on your date." I told her.

"He quit?" she asked.

"Yeah." I replied. She took this in and shrugged. "Do you know why that might have happened?" I asked. She studied me a second before speaking.

"I have a surprise for you." Gabby said, reaching into her drawer.

"Surprise?" I asked, very confused. She smiled and pulled out a manila folder.

"Here." she said proudly, stepping close to me, handing me the file. I opened it up and studied the contents. As soon as I realized what was inside, I ripped my eyes away and slammed the file shut.

"How did you get this?" I asked tersely.

"I get them... from Dan." she said.

"This is confidential information about his company. It is illegal for me to look at this!" I said.

"But... it very important. Help you make deal. Lots of money, yes?" Gabby said.

"If anyone knows I have this, I could be arrested!" I said, angrily. "How did you get this?"

"Dan... give it to me." Gabby said.

"Why would he give this to you?" I asked.

"I get it... to help you." Gabby said. I roughly handed the file back to her.

"Gabby! I don't want this! Take it. Give it back!" I said. Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"But Dan quit. He's gone." Gabby said.

"Where is he? Why did he quit?" I asked.

"I don't know." Gabby said, tearing up at seeing how upset I was. "I'm sorry."

She looked so fragile. So scared. I couldn't stay mad. I pulled her in for a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder, her soft breasts pushed into my chest as she pulled herself in tight. It was uncomfortable, but she needed some comfort.

"It's okay. Listen. Take this. Give it back. Destroy it. I don't care. If I am found with this, I could go to jail. You understand?" I asked. She nodded, but I couldn't help but notice her hard nipples were showing through her top. I met her eyes as hers met mine. Her eyes were wet with tears as she stared at me. I felt a jolt as we shared this moment. She looked so fragile. So desperate for some positive emotion. I felt the sudden urge to kiss her, but I quickly shook those strange thoughts out of my head. I pulled away and left her in her room, confused by what just happened. I contemplated what to do. I heard her go out and take my car, so I hoped she was taking care of business.

I couldn't sleep that night. I could go to jail if anyone found out what Gabby did. They would think I asked her to get the file. Even if she took the blame, I would come out looking sketchy. This could be the end for me professionally if I didn't find a way to work this out. I couldn't tell Irene about what Gabby did. I couldn't involve her in this.

I dragged through the next day, almost waiting for the police to take me away. Part of me thought I was over exaggerating what might happen, that if things got exposed, I could claim innocence, but I was still nervous about the whole thing. But it was starting to become clear I had to cut my ties to the whole thing. There was only one thing I could do to show I wasn't in cahoots with Gabby to steal that information. I had to fire Gabby. I know it seemed harsh. And she was such a sweetheart. But she had crossed a line that I didn't ask her to cross, and for my own safety, as well as my wife's, I had to cut ties with Gabby.

I made my way home, knowing Irene wouldn't be there, knowing she had an event going on tonight. Part of me was relieved, knowing I could confront Gabby face to face, alone. I made my way inside, and something seemed amiss. It looked like nothing had been done. Dishes in the sink. Dust on the tables. Garbage can's not emptied. Was Gabby even here? Then, I heard the click of heels from behind me. I turned and looked back at the source of this noise. There was Gabby. And my jaw dropped.

The first thing I noticed were her high-heels. They were black high heels, and they looked severely, uncomfortably high. This led to her black mesh stockings, which clung to her smooth legs. Typically, the top of stockings like these would be hidden under a skirt or a dress, but not these. They were left exposed to my vision as they snugly wrapped around her bare thighs. Black suspenders were connected to these stockings, leading the eyes upward, up to her skirt. And it was barely a skirt, since it went just below her ass. The skirt was ruffled, black in color with white lace around the edges. My eyes led up to the matching fancy and expensive black top, which seemed like it was half top half corset, made of a smooth and silky material , and it molded to Gabby's belly. My eyes widened as I took in her chest.

Her top was extremely low cut, to the point that three quarter of each of her large breasts were exposed. The bra cups of her top molded around the outer edge of each breast, just barely reaching the nipples while the rest of her breasts were pouring out. The rest of her smooth chest was left exposed. Only a small amount of fabric reached up to her shoulders, and the top had very short, frilly sleeves, leaving most of her smooth arms exposed. She had a duster in her hand, as if I just interrupted her dusting. I looked up at her face, more made up than normal, but her expression was unusually impassive.

"What are you wearing?" I asked, confused.

"What do you mean?" Gabby replied.

"Your outfit... is not normal." I stammered.

"How so?" Gabby asked.

"You, uh, you look like, uh..." I started, not sure if I could finish that sentence without offending her.

"Look like what?" she asked with a small smile, guiding me along to the word she knew I wanted to say.

"You, uh, look like a... slut." I said quietly.

"That's right, Troy. I look like a slut." Gabby said. I was shocked to notice her accent was gone.

"What happened to your accent?" I asked.

"Oh, Troy, that accent was a necessary evil for me to get to this point." Gabby said quickly and smoothly.

"What?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Do you think any woman would hire a woman as gorgeous as me, with huge tits like these, with an ass like mine, unless they think 'I a dumb Mexican immigrant.'" Gabby said, finishing her sentence with the strong accent I was used to.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Everything I said about who I am is true. I am Gabriella Garcez. Not Gabby. Gabby is the stupid Mexican immigrant. But I am not stupid. I'm as smart as you, smarter than your wife. I'm not Gabby. I'm Gabriella. I did immigrate from Mexico. My story is completely true." Gabriella said, walking around the dinner table, closer to me. She was right, this was not the girl I knew. She was completely different. A new woman. Gabriella.

"And what am I doing? It's simple. I'm cleaning." she said from over her shoulder as she turned around to face the table. Then, smirking at me, she bent over the table, as if to dust, keeping her legs straight as she did so.

Holy shit! As she bent over, the hem of her skirt raised, and just like that, Gabriella's ass was bared to me, arresting my vision. Gabriella's thong clad ass, I should say, the string from the black thong splitting the cheeks. Despite my previous efforts in the past to avoid this sight, I gulped as I saw my maid's smooth, round ass, with perky, jutting cheeks., I couldn't help but gaze at her taut thighs and the smooth stockings molding to her long legs. She stood up straight and faced me again.

"What are you doing? What's going on?" I asked.

"Troy, I was at the top of my class and high school. I had better grades than everyone. Everyone told me I was destined for great things. But I had no money. No money means no college. No college means getting a job would be very difficult. It's funny, I wanted to work with money. Like an accountant or a banker or something. I was always good with math and that kind of stuff. But no, here I am, a maid. Can you possibly understand how demeaning it is to cook and clean for people I am just as smart as... if not smarter! I was destined for great things! And here I am, a maid!" Gabriella said.

"Well, I'm sorry about that, but flaunting yourself like this is not the way to get ahead." I said. This caused her to smile.

"I tried to be a good girl. I did. But now I know how to really get ahead. It's got me this far, and it will get me even farther. I know how to fulfill my destiny. I know now that it has nothing to do with hard work. No, the way to get ahead is to be hot. To suck cock. To be sexy. To put out. Let men fuck you in whatever hole they want. That's how to get what I want." Gabriella said.

"That's not true. I worked hard to get where I am. So did Irene." I said.

"The only difference between you and Irene and I is fate. You were born into money. Irene wasn't, but fate brought you two together. Fate and geography. There are thousands of girls like her. But she's the one you met. She's the one you married. Fate is the only reason she is rich, because she met you. Fate is what brought you together. Fate is the only thing keeping us apart. If fate had put me in that coffee shop, you would have married me. I am everything Irene is. Everything that attracted you to her also applied to me. If I had been there, you would have chosen me, because I am just like her, only much, much hotter. I would be the one living in this house. I would be the woman in your bed. I would be the girl you would play jokes on." Gabriella said, stepping forward, towards me, her heels clicking. I backed up.

"Fate left us a country apart. You here in America, me in Mexico. Born on the same day, but a world apart. I was destined to live life in squalor, but then I changed my destiny. You know how? By fucking. Sick, disgusting, nasty fucking. I changed my fate, and I fuck so well, I'm about to change your fate as well." Gabriella said, backing me up till I hit a wall.

"What are you talking about?" I said nervously.

"Sex! It's the key to everything. It's the key to getting ahead. It's my ticket to the high life. And it's the ticket for you to live an even better life. Sex is what got me that file. Sick, nasty sex, stuff that that fat pig Dan couldn't handle. Trust me, after what I did to him, after I wounded his manly pride by fucking him till he couldn't possibly keep up, where he was begging me to stop, he won't show his face anywhere around here. No one will ever raise a fuss about that info I gave you. I read through it. That's some meaty stuff. Not only will that info let you practically put that company out of business, it will enable you to double your wealth, no questions asked. And in exchange, I want to be there at your side." Gabriella said.