Making You Shiver

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Breakfast at Silk's is much nicer than Tiffany's.
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"You displayed many talents with your exploits in my dreams last night, my dear young lady," he grinned, slipping off his jacket, kissing the back of her neck. Then he sat down to join her at the breakfast table on the veranda.

The sun was shining for the first time in several days, but he was pleased to see that its shining raised had not roused her to dress early. She was still in a thin, almost diaphanously white gown, that barely cloaked the camisole and French knickers that she wore beneath them.

Looking up from her nicely exposed thighs and barely concealed cleavage; he saw that she trembled at the unexpected kiss. And the last tremors caused him to add, with a reminiscent smile: "And, yes, I really do hope that made you shiver!"

"I'll try not to spill anything if you don't mind my lack of swooning at your approach, sir," Silk looked up in a business-like way, before turning back to her service.

He loved the way her radiant grin lit up his world whenever she glanced briefly at her master. And he loved the cut of her hair and the submissive nature of her pose as she looked down towards the table, concentrating on pouring out little cups of coffee for them both.

He sat across from her silently, watching the steaming liquid slip into her china cup. He really enjoyed observing the minutiae of her every action. In fact, he could have spent an age observing how she held the pot up for a while after each cup was filled.

"I've spilled all I have to spill this morning, pet."

"That may be just a teensy-weensy too much detail at breakfast, sir."

"Is it?"

"If you will allow my judgement in this for once, sir."

"I'll go with your flow."

"You are too generous as ever, sir. Would you like me to have a boiled egg and marmite soldiers prepared for your delicate, yet liberal palate?"

"It's never too early on a sunny morning to spank a seditious pet, you know."

"I know all that you've taught me sir, but, if you might allow me to be so bold, I'd be grateful if you would shush and let me listen to the morning for a moment."

"Very well."

In point of fact, Silk was listening out for the chirrup of a bird that had been delighting her every morning for the past week. It habitually perched out of sight just beyond the terrace of the little apartment. It must be hanging on the clematis vine, she decided, watching the mauve flowers that reached up onto the balcony swaying slightly, even though there was no breeze.

"Have I listened enough, pet?"

"You've been a very good sir, sir. The world could learn from your patience."

"I wonder what I have really learnt from my dreams last night?" he wondered, reaching over to touch her shoulder and, denied that by the distance between them, managed to squeeze her arm affectionately: "other than the fact that you are a quite delightful companion in my fantasies and dreams."

"Had you taken refreshment, then you could have learnt to like the taste of the freshly brewed coffee as well."

"I could and would have had to say that you make a damned fine cup of coffee, but I was too busy fucking you."

"Far be it for me to impose an obligation upon you, sir, or disrupt the powerful thrusting of your thighs."


"For where would my poor unused cunny be, without a nice virile cock pressing deep into it?" Silk added mater-of-factly, whilst buttering a slice toast and then dipping a teaspoon into the marmalade pot. She spread her legs teasingly and then added: "And it does so beg to be filled, doesn't it, sir?"

"Cunnies be buggered. Your coffee fills my belly with new warmth."

"I thought you'd had your fill of me last night?" Silk giggled and crunched into her toast, before responding: "And I had heard it was bottoms that were buggered not cunts."

"Since you are a bottom, I will bugger you until the cows come home."

"I hope they hurry home soon, because we are running rather low on milk," she said, staring disappointedly into the cow creamer, realising that there was only enough milk for one.

"I'll take mine black," he volunteered gallantly.

"I hope never to see you take a black girl, sir. Is there a big difference?"

"I wish you wouldn't be so prudish, pet. You know very well that I will take who I wish to take."

"And you love it, sir."

"I do."

"Don't say that too often; I may take you up on your vow."

"Love, honour and obey?"

"I do that in spades already, sir, as well you know."

"Would you rather I didn't dig in to your spades?"

"You can enjoy whatever suits you choose sir, so long as you don't share all the horrid detail with me."

"It would be even better were your tongue to lick my balls as I fuck."

"Try not to add to my neuroses more than you have to, sir."

"Fucking any woman into the pitch black of her neuroses is always an added pleasure, is it not?"

"I prefer the night to the neuroses, sir."

"If I meet you on a moonless night, will I have both, pet?"

"You can have what you wish as far as I am concerned."

"Lucky me: to be served so very well."

"Would you prefer it to slide down towards your arsehole and lick there, sir? Then I could give you a licking for once as you engage with whatever colourful slut you have found to enjoy on a chill autumnal night?"

"Yes. And you know it."

"I'm a clever bitch, aren't I, sir?"

"You certainly have a clever tongue in your slutty head."

"High praise indeed, sir."

"And it would be wisely employed rimming my arse before too long."

"But wouldn't that distract you from your croissant, sir? Would you like a little jam with it?"

"No, I prefer it presented without any clothing of condiments, as I prefer you without too much clothing."

"I hope my lack of clothing pleases you this morning then, sir?"

"Of course it does. It is pleasingly distracting."

"Your distractions are my attractions, sir."

"Very clever pet."

"Two clevers in a morning of service. Does that make me a clever-clever?"

"Your service is always a welcome distraction, but returning to the thought of your tongue in my arse...

"Would you like chocolate paste instead of jam?"

"Returning to the thought of your tongue in my arse," he repeated resolutely, despite the relentless onslaught of her teasing. "It would have the benefit of making you shut you the fuck up, pet."

"Have you quite finished being coarse?" She pouted.

"We have barely begun, my sweet."

"You have barely begun," she mimicked him archly, "but I may have already finished."

"That is a matter of perspective," he complained. "I would be very disappointed indeed if your 'may' became a reality."

"I don't always like your one night stands either," she admitted, with a shrug of her shoulders, "but will your pandering to prospective disappointment offset the debts on my master card and visa?"

She frowned and looked down at the amassed pile of bills on the breakfast table. It had been rather rash of her to have spent all that money on the dress for Saturday's party.

There again, he could be very munificent. If she were to ask very nicely, he might sort her out properly; and what was the point of having a dominant to own one, if he couldn't sort you out properly every once in a while?

"You know very well that I'll look after you, my dear," he soothed her, stranding up and walking round behind her, before reaching out to stroke one finger lightly across the nape of her neck.

"Thank you, sir," she smiled looking up over her shoulder at him.

"And you also know that you certainly created a hard card in me."

"I've never heard of one of those before," she smirked. Then, she leaned her head on one side and added quizzically: "does it give good interest?

"It only seeks your interest, Silk."

"My interest is hardly the point."

"Your interest should be on my point. In fact you should be on your knees and pleasing my point with your wonderful mouth, rather than devouring croissants and toast."

"Wouldn't that distract you from your orange juice?" She said reaching out for the jug and pouring him a glass obligingly. "We must have our vitamin C to be a big strong dominant today, mustn't we?"


"No is not a word in my vocabulary, sir. You taught me that yourself over several punishing sessions."

"It would give every sip a little extra zest to be able to look down at your lovely wide opened eyes as you sucked my cock and teased my balls."

"I'm very good at teasing, sir."

"You are my number one teasing cunt, pet."

"Is there a number two?"

"Appropriately enough she will be engaged in my arsehole, as you pleasure my cock and, together, you will relieve me of my cockstand."

"That's very good of us. And that was a terrible pun, sir!"

"I am terrible and utterly awesome, as well you know."

"Shouldn't one of us go and rouse your little black girl, so she can abuse your awesomeness's fundament as you previously proposed, sir?"

"I'd rather sit down again, drink the orange you have so thoughtfully poured and gaze at you, pet."

"That's a good, sir."

"And stop encouraging my nefarious tendencies."

"If I didn't do it, then who would?"

"You have a valid point there."

"That's quite reassuring, sir."

"Which: my gaze, my need for your encouragement or your valid point?"

"All three."

"Good. I like you reassured. And with that in mind, remember that your primacy is my personal voucher."

"I hate to sound as if I am whining, but I don't think your voucher alone will regenerate the wild woods of my bank account; now will it?" She sighed, tipping the juice jug again to let the final dregs of orange pour slowly into her glass, before picking up another croissant from the breadbasket on the table; and biting into it as if famished.

"You'll get plump if you breakfast so heartily every day, pet."

"You always say you like certain parts of me plump, sir."

"Plump tits and thick labia are fine. A distended stomach would be a more acquired taste though."

"You don't like the idea of making love to a pregnant pet then, sir?"

"You're not...?"

"No, I just wanted to see the wild-eyed look in your glance as you believed my fabrication for an instant."

"Witch," he smiled and then leant forward to pick up three of the bills on the table between them. He perused the various charges quickly, tutting lightly at her extravagance. Then, he slipped the bills into a pocket of his jacket and looked up at her: "Does that help, dearest?"

"It most certainly does secure me, you darling man."

"I felt quite secure last night, though you were extremely wild at times."

"That seems to be a contradiction in terms," Silk giggled.

"My terms can be very complimentary, as well you know."

"But can they be negotiated?"

"I've heard everything is negotiable, pet."

"You have a very good grapevine."

"I tend it carefully."

"Then, you are a veritable horticulturalist, sir."

"Someone once said: you can take a whore to culture but you cannot make her think. I think it was Dorothea Parker."

"Breakfasts with you are so educational, sir," she purred teasingly and then looked at him seriously for a moment.

"What's the matter, pet?"

"Am I a whore, sir?"

"No, you are my silk pet."

"And your silk pet adores you, sir."

"Things grow with the right words and actions, as do emotional attachments."

"So I had observed. Now, what would you like to see?"

"Show me where the slot is for me to swipe my growth," he leered, reaching out to touch her through her camisole and then her shorts.

"Hey, leave my slot alone! Don't discommode my decorum before I have fully broken my fast."

"Then stop making my need to account for you grow firmer and longer."

"I can't help it if my terrain pleases you," she blushed lightly.

"I may be inclined to climb up your behind in a moment."

"It was kind of you to tell me of your intentions before you decided to jump me, but do let me finish my breakfast first."

"Yes. I'd most certainly climb your round behind, Silk," he mused, thinking about all the climbing they had done together over the past year. They had explored all kinds of interesting positions together and he felt the wealthier for all the enjoyment that she had afforded him.

"I'm sure you would," she simpered, breaking his train of thought.

"Would what?"

"Climb all the way up my mountainous behind and penetrate deeply into the snug little cave you find there, sir," she grinned and took a demure sip of first her orange juice and then the dregs of her coffee. "Do you like to climb it because it is there, like Everest?"

"I climb it because it is mine to do what I like with."

She shivered and looked down at the floor submissively.

"Don't be gauche, pet. You usually exude such confidence," he chuckled. "And you seem almost proud of your behind, on reflection!"

"Hardly as much as your vicarious pride in it, it seems to me," she retorted almost angrily and then her face softened: "Still, when I gifted myself to you, it became your property and is of course yours to do what you will."

"You present me with so many possibilities, pet. I hope you never take them away."

"It is for you to discard them, sir; not for me to take them away."

"Why are you so sure that I would climb your arse?"

"Because you said you certainly would and you love sodomising me; and a promise is a promise, isn't it, sir."

"I've been waiting for you to show me your treasured backside again for some time."

"You really are adding value there, sir," she laughed. "And you may be waiting some while longer this morning."

"Did I miss my opportunity, then?"

"It is true that you only had to turn me last night and you would have found all those treasures that you now crave."

"Adding is good..."

"...But multiplication is beyond you, sir?"

"Mathematics is not my desire; your rear is."

"I do like a man with a singular goal in mind."

"You, with your feet spread wide and bent over, would be a fine goal to aim for."

"Does the thought that others might enjoy such an image make you jealous then, sir?"

"No, the thought makes me erect."

"So, that's my fault too now, is it?"

"You want all the credit and none of the blame, I assume?"

"Do you plan to leave a deposit, sir?"

"That is my point to a large degree."

"Your angle of elevation would seem indicate that. Perhaps you need a cold shower before you leave my rooms."

"Do you like the width of my probe?" He leered, pulling his flies open and exposing himself as she sat at the breakfast table.

"My! You are an immodest man, aren't you?"

"No – I'm just confident."

"And is this the cause of your confidence?" Silk giggled as she let her hand hover lightly over his virility, close enough for him to sense her presence, without ever making physical contact with his erection. "You certainly do seem aroused."

"I am, but alas I must leave for work now," he sighed, tucking himself away with some difficulty.

"Never mind, sir."

"I do mind and I will return for further arousal later."

"Ooh! I love that thought: promises, promises, sir."

"A promise is a promise, as you yourself said earlier."

"That I did, sir. How wise you are to remember all of my glib little words."

"A little bird tells me that you, dear lady, are more of a tease than a temptress."

And that bird could still be heard as he turned away from her, chirping away in the near distance.

He scowled as he slipped his jacket on and walked away, for he didn't want to leave either of them: the little creature perched on the vine of that flowering clematis beyond the terrace; or the lovely submissive woman perched on the edge of her white metal chair, happily quenching her thirst, but leaving his very far from satisfied.

Silk smiled at his disappearing back, depositing her cup on the fleur-de-lis pattern of the breakfast table cloth. Fair's fair: it was the little bird's turn to listen now as her mind began to chirrup its own thoughts quietly to itself.

Yes, now he was headed for the door, she was quite happy to look gleefully after him and, for good measure (at least to herself, sotto voce and out of his hearing) to throw his words back at his unsuspecting form with a certain low-key panache: "And yet, both the teasing and the tempting seem to be making you shiver, sir."

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