Maryann Becomes A High-Class Hooker


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"Oh yes and I planted that thought on purpose. I figured it might give me an edge. Did you come into today's game still thinking I was a hooker?"

Jackson smiled and answered, "Fraid so. Does that bother you."

MaryAnn beamed right back, "It should, but it doesn't. I'm flattered, I think."

"You have every right to be flattered. High class hookers are an honored part of the Strip, and I made you for a high class hooker."

MaryAnn felt herself flush and hoped it didn't show. Perhaps in the neon jungle of a top casino it wouldn't. She managed a smile and asked, "You know what is the irony of ironies?"

Jackson asked, "Do I see you blushing?"

At this MaryAnn really blushed. "Flattery always does that to me. And I asked a pertinent question."

"What's with the irony of ironies, MaryAnn?

She held her breath to stop her heartbeat then answered, "I just spent a couple days on the assignment of my life. I was interviewing a woman who moonlights as a hooker. Hell I even interviewed a couple of her customers. The thing that surprised me is that most of the so-called hookers on the strip aren't young girls but women about my age. This one was just over forty."

"That's why I was hoping you were one. Again my apologies if I offend you."

"And, do you think I'm offended?" MaryAnn paused, "How much were you going to offer me, and what did you expect me to do?"

Jackson leaned over and in a low voice asked, "Goodness don't tell me you might consider it?"

"No but it might work as good research for the story. By the way I will write two pieces based on the interview. One goes to my warm, fuzzy magazine. The other to one of our most popular 'men's' magazines. The latter will be much more descriptive of what goes on between a hooker and her customer. In both cases I learned that, in her case at least, being a hooker isn't a degrading job and this woman enjoys it completely, even the sex. Although much of the public insists it is otherwise, I'm going to call it as I see it."

"Do I detect a bit of envy, or, maybe curiosity MaryAnn."

"God I hate to try to fool a professional poker player. Perhaps. I admit it does intrigue me, and, to be sure, sex isn't something I shy away from. But for now what would I have to do and what would the reward be?" MaryAnn herself wondered where she was going with this, but her heart was beating as rapidly as the night she went to the interracial club in New York. She knew what she was hoping to happen. Her conversation with Ron had done its thing.

Jackson answered her questions, "To start with you would be paid handsomely and for good reason. As your friend told you the most sought after hookers are women your age. They know exactly what is going on, and they are at their sexual peak. They respect the situation and the customer. I'm sure your friend didn't refer to them as 'Johns.' " MaryAnn nodded. Jackson continued. "I was prepared to offer you back some of what you lost, five hundred for less than an hour's work."

MaryAnn tried to keep her voice even, "And for doing what?"

"Well let's see what your limits might be then right now. Do you like to be watched having sex?"

"Do I have to answer that?"

"Only if you're considering my offer."

Jesus, talk about being between a rock and a hard place! MaryAnn had allowed herself the luxury of thinking of accepting the offer. In fact the talk about it was arousing, as if it were foreplay. Now if she said "no" it would be all over. If she said "yes' it would be fait accompli. She gulped down the lump in her throat and whispered, "Yes I do. It was a thing with my husband and me. He loved watching and I got off knowing he, and sometimes several others, were watching." Then she asked, "but who be doing it?"

This was Jackson's time to show a bit of embarrassment "I would be watching. I lost a bet with a friend and I made a promise to him. Also I suppose I'm a voyeur. I get a huge thrill out of watching. I promised my friend a special date with the sexiest woman he ever saw."

MaryAnn simply smiled an continued looking at him.

Jackson looked at his watch, "He will be here in about five minutes. You can see for yourself. Let me suggest you meet him, then take your leave and I'll call you within a half hour for your answer."

With that the preliminaries were over. Jackson bought them both another drink. MaryAnn ordered a Chablis. She found herself strangely aroused. She even hoped the other guy (and was it a guy?) was handsome. This could be an experience to rival that at Smitty's Colorful Club for an evening of interracial dating. Her hand shook slightly as she sipped the wine.

Then, Jackson said, "Ah here he comes now."

MaryAnn looked up to see a big black guy gliding striding towards them as gracefully as a huge panther making his way through the jungle. "My god," she thought. "He's beautiful."

Jackson introduced them, "MaryAnn I'd like you to meet my good friend, Eddie ." She held out her hand and it disappeared into the hand of the guy called Eddie .

Eddie said, "Well, my friend Jackson did indeed find most beautiful woman in town." MaryAnn was used to men staring at her, but this stare undressed her. He even bent forward a tad to look down the front of the dress, and he wasn't a big shy about doing it. She wasn't sure if she should be offended but she was positive she was going to accept the offer.

The conversation was brief. She learned that Eddie was a newly retired professional football player and was now back in college pursuing a law degree "just like Alan Page."

She remembered Alan Page had a long career in the guise of a mean bastard with the Minnesota Vikings. Then he became a lawyer and ended up on the Minnesota Vikings. Whatever Eddie was, he had chosen a great role model.

Soon she stood. "I have to go now. Here is my cell phone number. I look forward to your call Jackson." Then she bent over, her titties directly in front of Eddie 's face, circled her cell phone number, and handed her business card to Jackson. She hoped her little act would help Eddie make up his mind, in her favor.

In her room she ordered a sandwich. Whatever lay ahead she didn't want to face it on an empty stomach. She could cure her hunger but it would take something more poignant to cure her jitters. God the similarities to her visit to Smitty's Colorful Club in New York were tantalizing.

MaryAnn later reflected that she hardly noticed what she ate. She was waiting on an important phone call and she hoped against hope she wouldn't be disappointed. Then she checked her watch two or three times a minute to see when the half hour would be up. For all that, when it did ring she jumped.

Jackson had the news she was waiting for, "You impressed the hell out of Eddie . He would like to come along to our affair. And, was I reading a bit of excitement in your eyes when you saw him, or is my intuition failing?"

MaryAnn couldn't help but smile, "I was afraid my interest might make you jealous. I'm sorry if it did."

"It's the old big black man/petite white woman thing. I can't explain why it happens but I think it's catching. But what is your answer."

"I don't think I'll have to fake an orgasm. What time?"

"Eddie will be here pronto at eight thirty. He has to leave in about an hour. That okay with you?"

"If I can control my emotions long enough to get dressed. By the way I have a super sexy dress, made for me special by a top designer in New York. I think I'll wear it. And I'll be there at half past eight on the dot. Can you have the door unlocked so I can just make my grand entrance?"

"I'll leave it slightly ajar. Look forward to seeing you in – and out of – your sexy dress."

MaryAnn hung up. Her hands had stopped shaking. She recalled the famous line by Sherlock Holmes "The game is afoot," and she was ready to play. She took a warm bubbly bath. That always made her feel sexy. Then to further enhance the feeling, she added a touch of white shoulders perfume behind her ears and on the small tuft of hair atop her pussy. Then she dried herself off completely, dashed a bit of white shoulders power on her body, and slipped into the same dress she had worn to Smitty's Colorful Club in New York. My god it excited her to put it on. She hadn't gained a pound and she hadn't sagged a bit. If this didn't excite her two paramours of the evening nothing would. And to top it off she decided to leave her undies behind. There would be nothing under it except herself, a red garter belt and a pair of black stockings.

The door was ajar as promised. She pushed it open and with a big smile walked into the living room of a plush suite. Her hosts were waiting, drink in hand. Each was wearing an expensive robe, and a pair of slippers. She couldn't tell if they wore anything else. "I declare, Hugh Heffner times two," she said.

The looks from Jackson and Eddie told MaryAnn she had passed her first test. Then she added to the ambiance by the simple act of walking across the room to take off her shawl and place it on an empty chair. MaryAnn knew that there was much more to good sex than the push-push, grunt-grunt of the actual act. The dress she was wearing, when viewed from the front, was designed to excite men. She turned her back to two new friends, walked to a chair, knowing that her ass jiggled just so. Then she took the shawl from her shoulders and turned around.

She could hear the gasp as they saw a lovely woman in a dress with a vee-cut down to below her tits. Each was one almost, but not quite, completely bare.

"Well fellows, Is the party officially underway?"

Jackson brought her a glass of wine, and gave her a quick kiss. "It's underway, and you're lovelier than I thought possible. It will be a shame to take that thing off you."

MaryAnn gave with a huge smile and said, "Then don't. Why don't you cede that honor to your guest?"

She sipped the wine, looked at Eddie over the rim of the glass, then asked, "How about you Mr. Football, like what you see?"

Sure she would soon be needing both hands, she quickly set the wine glass down. Showing a delicate move he never showed to a ball carrier, he glided over, "Oh my god yes." He put an arm around her and gave her his own kiss. It was a nice sweet kiss at first but when she felt his tongue on her lips she opened her mouth. When the kiss became a Frenchie his hand went to her ass.

That did it. As always when a man felt nothing but firm buttocks under a dress his interest soared. He cupped one cheek of her ass as they kissed. Eddie was clearly excited and he wasn't the only one. MaryAnn was in the arms of a man any women would kill to be with.

He broke off the kiss and backed off. Then his finger traced a path down between her titties. She looked him in the eye and licked her lips as they did so. She wanted this man!

Then he was able to reach inside and grasp one titty. Naturally, being paid and all, MaryAnn would not stop him. She reflected that she didn't want to either. As he gently squeezed her right titty. he again kissed her. The thought went through MaryAnn's mind that sex was much more enjoyable after the line had passed where both parties knew it would happen. At that point both could relax, perhaps innovate, and enjoy their freedom from reluctance in order to let themselves go and savor a wonderful experience. That line had been passed when she agreed to fuck for money.

It was a nice thought, so much so that as Eddie groped her titty she unfastened the belt on his bath robe and put her hand inside, feeling nothing but bare skin.

Then Eddie said, "I almost hate to take this beautiful gown off you."

"I know but we have more adventures to come. Do it."

She felt him unfasten the zipper. Then Eddie pulled the dress off he shoulders and let it slide down her body. Now she wore nothing but the red garter belt, black stockings, and shoes. She reciprocated by pulling the robe off his shoulders and letting it drop. He was stark naked. She ran her hands over his chest, then over his arms. My god, the man was all muscle, hard as a rock. And that wasn't all that was hard. She reached down and grasped his cock, then squeezed his balls a bit.

Another kiss, this time their bodies hard against each other's, his erection pressing into her belly. MaryAnn backed off a tad looked into at Eddie 's eyes and said, "Carry me to the bedroom. I like that."

He picked her up as if she were a fluffly pillow. She put her arms around him and held tight. The bedroom was a creation of an artist, obviously an artist with sex on his mind. Everything was done in muted pastel colors, a huge mirror was on the ceiling over the bed, another was alongside it. Clearly lovers with so much to see would want to leave the lights on. And what a light it was! An azure glow illuminated everything. MaryAnn reflected that if a person didn't have a lover she would surely find satisfaction in masturbating in such an environment. Eddie laid her down on the huge super king sized bed, the covers turned back. Lying on satin sheets she looked up at her prospective love then at the ceiling. She felt rewarded at the double image. She was ready for him.

And he appeared ready for her. He stood over with his large (but not chat room sized) cock standing straight out. Then he lay beside her and took her in his arms. Both were naked except for MaryAnn's red garter belt and black stocking. Eddie didn't seem to mind the exception a bit. As he kissed her he reached down and ran his hands over the texture of her stockings. Soon while still kissing his hand moved up between them. She spread her legs and he placed a big finger on her clit. Oh god this was it. She was already wet, now she was even more excited. It seemed that everything from the time they met in the bar was foreplay. She gyrated her hips in rhythm to his finger.

Eddie backed away, looked at Maryann, and said, "My god you are beautiful. I hate to start fucking you because it means I will eventually finish and have to stop." For once in her life MaryAnn was at a loss for words. She could only look at her lover and continue to gyrate her hips. Finally she pulled his head down to her tits and felt his tongue on her nipple.

"Oh my god Eddie , that feels so good. Can you suck it?"

His answer was indistinguishable but his actions showed he heard. He moved his wet finger from her pussy, held her titty with it, took a nipple in his mouth, and gently sucked it. Combined with the image on the ceiling it was awesome. She also saw Jackson, completely naked come into the room. He too was erect. She wondered, but only briefly, what he intended to do with the erection.

As Eddie sucked her titties, one after the other, she just lay there and luxuriated in the glow of pure sex. "Could anything get better than this?" she wondered.

It could and it did. Eddie gave her one more open-mouthed kiss. Then he slid down her body, kissing and licking as he went. When he got to her crotch he ran his tongue all around it then licked her vulva. MaryAnn reached down, held his head and spread her legs, inviting him in.

And in he went. Soon MaryAnn was writhing in ecstasy as he held her ass in his huge hands and his tongue over her clit. then inside, then up and down her vulva. He treated her body as if it were a temple to be worshipped, each ministration more brought his goddess closer to his goal. Then when she wrapped her legs around him, pulled his face tight to her, and moved up and down it while murmuring "OHHH MY GOD EDDIE THAT'S SO WONDERFUL YES, YES, YES," he knew it was time.

He moved up on top of her, dwarfing her small body. He held her tight, crushing her tits with his own body. Then he looked her in the eye and said, "I want to make you the happiest woman in the world for the next few minutes. You ready for that?"

God, MaryAnn was in the hands of an artist. She did her best to put her arms around her lover, "Yes my love. I want all of it."

She could feel his cock at the opening. She raised her hips and rubbed it up and down her pussy, she felt her pussy getting wet. She was indeed ready.

She slid the head of it in and paused. Then she moved against it while pulling on his ass as he moved back.

"A bit more, just a bit more." They gained a few inches.

"NOW, NOW, GODDAMN YOU." And she shoved hard. He shoved back and he was in her, all the way.

They held it tight for a second. It was big and it did hurt a bit, but it felt wonderful as well. Her face mere inches from her lover's she started moving slowly. Then she backed until they were almost disconnected, then "THAT'S IT THAT'S IT, NOW FUCK ME HARD.:" They pushed simultaneously then again and again. She was giving her money's worth and she reflected that she would do it for nothing. My god this was wonderful. She knew she'd come soon. Recently she had seen a video of a big black man and a small white woman. He was pounding her hard and she was screaming in delight. MaryAnn didn't think it possible for a woman to take that much and enjoy it. Now she knew better. She looked in the mirror on the ceiling and herself in action. Perhaps better said she saw he legs partially wrapped around a big black man who was saw him slamming her hard, over and over. The view from the side mirror was better. The closeup view of his cock sliding in and out of her along with her feeling the same thing was as close to awesome as a middle aged woman can get.

He grunted with each stroke. MaryAnn was the talker. "Oh my god Eddie . I can look up in the mirror and see you banging away at me. In the other mirror I can see your big cock disappearing in me. And I look inches from my face and see your face contorted as you fuck me hard."

Then she started to lose it, "EDDIE , EDDIE , Look at me. I'm going to cum, my god I'm going to cum, and you are doing it. Look at me as I do it."

Soon she dissolved into a babble. She whined, moaned, whimpered, then simply cried, with tears of ecstasy rolling down her cheeks, all while her ass was a good six inches off the bed and she was pushing back at his strokes as hard as he made them. Then he felt her hold him tight, while her whole body shook.

She had cum.

Eddie smiled down at her. "you liked that huh?"

"Oh my god yes. "

"Now help me." He put his left leg outside of her right one, making their now slippery connection very tight, and started moving again.

By this time MaryAnn was over her ecstasy and able to savor the sight and feeling of her lover getting off. At least she savored until he, himself, got caught up in the throes of orgasm. As he got close he held her tighter and started moving faster, then faster. His image in the mirror almost scared her. Could this be her on the receiving end of such wild fucking?

And as Eddie got closer MaryAnn again felt her own body responding. She wiggled hard under him. He slammed it to her harder. Then he started his own babbling, "Oh god, lovely MaryAnn. Oh my god I'm going to cum in you. Darling white woman ooooh god here it is."

He moved all the way inside her and held still, she raised her ass and moved against him until she felt it happen. Then both quivered and held each other tight.

They lay quiet, the only sounds their hearts beating almost in unison against each other. MaryAnn felt as if she had a wonderful dream. She said, "wow."

"Yeah, wow. It doesn't get any better than that. You were marvelous. You been here all along and I missed you. It was the best ever. How long you been in business?"

"About seven minutes."


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DenaliFXDenaliFXover 7 years ago

That was just incredibly, intelligently erotic - titillating and then breath-takingly sexual. I would love to be there- how I don't know but I will dream of this for years. A woman like that is scary, both in the verbal and sensual foreplay as well as in the mind-blowing act - as she complexly owns you and you wouldn't even care if you ever lived another day. WOW.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

awesome story

christine70christine70over 15 years ago
A+ as usual!

Well written and highly erotic! Maryann678 is without question one of Literotica's best writers!

Bushmaster73Bushmaster73over 16 years ago
When a writer takes on erotica....

This was a well written and nicely paced story. You develop your character well, and it makes the reader "hungry" to see more of her.

Bushmaster73Bushmaster73over 16 years ago
When a writer takes on erotica....

This was a well written and nicely paced story. You develop your character well, and it makes the reader "hungry" to see more of her.

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