Maurice Ch. 10


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I planned to send her flowers later and add that extra sentiment that I mentioned earlier and there was no time like the present. I called the florist and asked that they stop by the hotel first; I wanted to write the note myself. The woman at the shop told me to expect them within the next two hours as the drivers hadn't arrived yet. That was plenty of time for me to put my thoughts into words.

"My dear Regina,

I thank you for allowing me to get as close to you as I have. I have never denied what I want and feel for you even though I have never said it until now. Regina, I love you.


How was that for short and to the point? It turned out to be closer to the two hour mark when they came to pick up the note. I gave them strict instructions to be sure to tell Regina to read the note. When they were gone, I walked over to our home and sat in what would be our living room.

Did you notice that I said our? That's because the battle was half over I had already won.


I didn't even bother to change out of my nightclothes, I wasn't going anywhere. I didn't really sleep much last night for several reasons, one I was as horny as hell and two I had to examine what I was feeling for Maurice. The one issue was easily solved, the second issue wasn't.

Was part of my hesitation because of Micah Lannister? Initially yes but that was no longer a factor and besides the two of them was as different as night and day. Micah would never have shown me the patience that Maurice had and was still showing me.

Was I afraid of falling in love? I didn't think so but then again I had never really been in love. Did I want to be loved? Well sure I did and .... I know that Maurice loves me and not because Annie told me so but because of the way he treats me and before you say it I'm not talking about the fancy restaurants and all of that. I'm talking about the way he treats me as if I'm the most important thing in the world to him.

It was getting time for me to start facing some facts... I wanted Maurice Delgado.

I jumped when the doorbell rang and opened it to the biggest floral arrangement that I had ever seen. I took the flowers and heard the delivery person say something about a note. I carried the bouquet to the dining room which had the only table big enough to put it and found the note stuck at the top.

I read the note and then reread it and realized that he was right in that he never denied or made a secret of what he wanted from me. But what did I want? The vampire thing was no longer at the top of my list of concerns; I suppose that was a step in the right direction.

"What do I feel for him?" I asked myself out loud as I reread the note.

I was falling in love with him and had been for a while but I was just too busy reminding myself of what he was to recognize it. And when I did I was too busy trying to keep him away to acknowledge it. So there you have it but I wasn't ready to admit it to him.


The day and evening passed slowly and to occupy myself, I began decorating the bedroom. I got a feel for Regina's likes and dislikes from being at her home. I went to several stores before I found the type of bed I thought that she would like and actually ended up buying the entire bedroom set. I had assurances that if she didn't like it that it could be exchanged with no difficulty. I arranged for the furniture to be delivered that night and offered to pay extra since it would be after hours.

My next stop was at an art gallery where I purchased several paintings for my office at the house; those would also be delivered that evening. My final stop was at an office supply store where I purchased my desk, chair and everything else that I wanted and needed. By the time I was finished, it was past supper time and I was famished, I went to my room and ordered room service and settled in to spend the evening alone.


I spent the day cross stitching and watching some of the videos that Maurice bought the night before. I spoke to no one and didn't even send emails. For lunch and dinner I ate the leftovers from the night before and finished off the chocolate covered strawberries. By ten I was in bed and wide awake, it was well past midnight before I fell asleep.


The end of week two

Maurice still came for lunch during the day and we saw each other in the evenings. He never mentioned the note and neither did I as a matter of fact I didn't talk about my thoughts and feelings at all. During that second week we went to the movies-the early showings, we went out to dinner and had a picnic once but I avoided being alone with him in my house until the weekend.

I invited him over for dinner and this time I cooked, if you want to call peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cooking. I was tired of all of the rich foods and just wanted something simple hence the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches along with fresh fruit, potato chips and milk. For dessert I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch and managed not to eat too many of them.

I didn't dress up but wore a simple sun dress and flip-flops and told Maurice to dress comfortably. I even went back to the Wal-mart and bought some movies that some of my co-workers had suggested. I knew that I surprised them with the question and I knew that they were wondering what was happening with me because I was so much more laid back but they didn't ask. I guess they didn't want me to tell them to mind their own damned business.

Maurice showed up around six with the usual bouquet of flowers, purple ones this time and a small sack that he set out of view when he came in.

"So what's for dinner?" he asked.

"Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches." I replied and watched his reaction.

"Really? With grape jelly?" he asked.

I really don't know how I thought he was going to react but apparently peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was one of his comfort foods and he ate four of them one right after the other.

After dinner we cleared the dishes together -there weren't that many and I showed him the movies I bought.

"You bought 'death at a funeral'?" he asked surprised.

"The people at work said that it was funny and....."

"Regina, its fine and it is rather amusing." He said, "Let's see what else you bought."

I bought a total of six movies all of them recommended to me by people at work. I was actually quite proud of myself.

I let him pick the movie and I wasn't surprised when it was 'death at a funeral'. I offered dessert but he declined saying that he was still full from dinner. A short while later, we were watching the movie. This time I was aware of when he put his arm around me and I was aware of snuggling closer into his side. Believe it or not I was getting to like this, it felt normal and not once did I think about him not being human.



The day apart was what we needed as difficult as it had been. Any questions as to whether I had compelled her as Micah had were answered without her needing to ask me. When I got excited over peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? That excitement was real. I love the things but Olivia- remembers her? Olivia refused to make them so I made them myself although it had been a while.

Regina was much more relaxed and I wondered what people at her job thought about the change. I knew that they attributed it to me; I would hear the whispers whenever I went to her office for lunch. So there we were watching a movie like any couple on a date. As the movie played, I wondered how far we would get tonight with my goal of not totally taking her in mind.

I let Regina choose the second movie while I went to the restroom to adjust myself. By the time I got back, she had set out the cookies and a pitcher of milk with two glasses and the opening credits of the movie were playing. I sat next to her and settled her back against he and we started the movie. I watched her out of the corner of my eye and began to lightly stroke the side of her face with the tips of my fingers. It wasn't too long before she was squirming in her seat and then I got a very nice surprise.... She kissed me on the cheek.

I know that it doesn't sound like much but this was huge! It meant that she had been thinking about us and our relationship. I didn't comment on the kiss but continued to stroke the side of her face still watching her from my peripheral vision.


I have to agree that I found the movie 'Death at a funeral' disturbing and funny at the same time. Maurice was right; I needed more laughter in my life. Annie had provided some of that but now that she wasn't here I laughed less... a lot less.

After the movie he excused himself to the bathroom, did vampires still use the bathroom? Hmmm, I'd have to ask Annie the next time I talked to her. I took the opportunity to bring out the cookies and milk and to put the next movie in. I was all set up by the time Maurice came out of the bathroom, when he sat down next to me and put his arm back around me I didn't resist.

The movie started and he began to stroke the side of my face and I don't know why but I kissed his cheek. I was expecting him to say something but he didn't, he only smiled and kept stroking my face. The movie was about a quarter of the way through when he turned to face me.

"Did you read my card?" he asked.


The one question I had was whether she read the card. I wasn't expecting a response other than yes or no and was surprised when I got more than a one word answer.

"I read it." she said, "but I'm not ready to respond to it."

"Fair enough." I replied, "But I hope that you won't object to my verbalizing my feeling for you."

Now it was out in the open.

"I.... it's a free country." she replied.

"I'm taking that as a yes." I said and then for the first time I told Regina that I loved her. I watched as she struggled with the open admission of love. She wanted to say something, I could see her debate on whether she should say it or not. After a few minutes it was clear that whatever it was she was going to say, it wasn't going to be said at this point in time.

The movie was forgotten as I kissed her and then eased her back on the couch sliding her skirt up as she lay back. If you will recall that was as far as we had gotten the week before. Later when I thought about it I wondered if I should have asked if it was alright for me to touch her in that manner even though there were no signs that she was uncomfortable with it. So this time, I asked.


Its one thing to read a note that says I love you but a horse of an entirely different color to hear it. I heard the truth in his words but even so I wasn't ready to share my feelings verbally but I wouldn't and couldn't stop him from sharing his.

When he asked if he could touch me I realized that he thought that was why I stopped him last week but that wasn't it and I'm still not sure of why I stopped him and really, it no longer mattered.

"Regina, may I touch you?" he asked again.

I hesitated for just a moment, if I said yes then our relationship would change if I said no we would remain as we were. It was time for a decision, I said yes. As soon as I said it, something changed; our relationship as it was had become a thing of the past.


It was another step toward total acceptance. I ran my hands up and down her legs with my eyes glued to her face. I leaned forward and slipped my hands under her shirt and cupped her breasts gently squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

"When were you last made love to?" I asked.

"A long time ago.... I don't remember." she said softly.

"Will you allow me to love you?' I asked.

"Here?" she asked.

"Wherever you wish." I replied although a bed would have been more comfortable.

I kneaded her breast in my hands as I waited for her to decide if and where we were going to make love for the first time.


I know what I wanted to say when he asked about making love but was it what I should say? Then I had a moment of clarity, our relationship had already changed so what was I waiting for?

"The bed." I whispered although I didn't want him to stop touching my breasts.

He stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

"Lead the way." he said.

He followed me to the bedroom that no man had ever been in and waited for I don't know what. Maybe it was like a time out to give me a chance to reconsider but I didn't need to think anymore. It was time that I start accepting what we both knew to be true even if I didn't say it.

"It's alright "I said giving him the go ahead.


The bedroom just as I had hoped. I helped her up and followed her into her bedroom. Like the rest of her house it was immaculate with the bed being more than large enough. Remember when I said that I wasn't going to take her? I was no longer sure that I could keep that promise to myself once she took her top off. She was about to take her bra off when I stopped her, I was always more intrigued by what I couldn't see and I wanted to remove it myself. I stopped her again when she was going to take off her panties.

I stepped back and looked at her; she was every bit as beautiful as I thought she'd be. She didn't move when I walked toward her still fully dressed. She gasped when I pulled her bra down over her breast and touched each nipple before rolling them between my fingers and giving them a firm but not painful pinch.

Unable to resist any longer, I lifted a breast and sucked a large hard nipple into my mouth. Regina cried out and grabbed my waist to steady herself. I went from breast to breast before putting them together and sucking on both nipples at the same time. I was in heaven! With a thought I was as naked as she was and very, very hard.


For just a minute I thought that he had changed his mind as he just stood there and looked at me. I did wonder why he was still dressed but I didn't ask especially after he started playing with and then sucking on my nipples. It had been way too long since I'd been touched like this.

Suddenly he was naked; it had to be one of the vampire things that he could do. I felt him gently pushing me backwards until we reached the bed and then the next thing I knew he had lifted me onto the bed and was laying on top of me grinding against me while he sucked and nipped at my breasts. I was going to come if he wasn't careful but then I believe that's what he wanted so that we could get the urgency over with.


It wasn't going to take long for either of us. As I ground against her wetness, I slid in and almost released right then and there. Regina's arms were wrapped tightly around me and her legs were wrapped around my hips, she met my thrusts with her own and began to scream as her orgasm began, she thrust against me wildly triggering my orgasm.

So much for waiting to take her.

I rolled off of her taking her with me and held her tight as she slowly regained control of her breathing. Several minutes later I heard her softly snoring, I kissed her and settled in to wait for her to wake up grateful that the next day was Saturday.


Oh my God! I don't know who said that a man had to have a big cock in order to please a woman but I sure would like to talk to him or her. I grant you that maybe part of why I had such an intense orgasm was because it had been awhile but I don't think that it was a big part of it. I think that those two weeks before that night were nothing more than prolonged foreplay whether that was his intent or not.

By the time we were finished with round 1 I felt like a rag doll. I barely remembered him moving off of me before I fell asleep. When I woke up, he was lying on his side watching me, to be honest; I didn't know what to say to him so I said nothing as I moved closer to him and kissed him.

I lost count of how many times we made love that night but by morning I was exhausted. I woke up around one and smelled food cooking and my stomach growled. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen to find Maurice already in clean clothes.

"I ran back to the hotel while you slept." he said answering my unspoken question, "are you hungry?"


That night was worth everything that I had to go through to get to that point. The question was did I tell her that we were now mated or do I wait? We had two more weeks together so it could wait. Do I think that she already knew? I would have to say yes but like so many things, she had to come to that conclusion herself... I decided to wait.

I pulled out a chair for her and kissed her before she sat down, "You don't have much by way of breakfast foods but I found ingredients for an omelet." I said as I sat her breakfast in front of her.

"What would you like to do today?" I asked hoping that she wasn't going to tell me to go home.


Another first! A man in my bed and he cooked breakfast to boot. What did I want to do? I had no idea and left the decision up to him. He spent the rest of the weekend at my house and still I didn't tell him that I loved him. Why? I don't know. What I do know is that I was dreading Monday more than I usually did. Maurice left the house when I did and actually wanted to drive me to work but I wasn't ready for that just yet and was honest enough to tell him so. When I got to work, everyone looked at me and then smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You finally got some!" someone said.

"What?" I asked again but in a different context.

"You're either on medications or you've been getting laid." Myra the receptionist said, "So which is it? My money's on the getting laid."

I didn't reply as I went into my office and shut the door behind me, had I really been that difficult to get along with? Apparently so. I stayed in my office until someone knocked on the door to tell me that my fresh flowers had arrived. I thought about leaving them out there but I had to leave my office sooner or later. I carried the flowers from Friday out to the counter and exchanged them with the new ones.

As always there was a note attached to the flowers but this time someone had opened it.

"Who in the hell read my note?" I bellowed.

It didn't take me long to find the culprit.

"Do you have nothing else better to do besides read personal messages?" I asked Leanne the office manager.

"It was open and fell out of the envelope."

She was lying, Maurice always sealed his envelopes but I didn't say that. I took the note and the flowers into my office and shut the door. I didn't open it until my first appointment of the day came in around nine-thirty; it stayed open until Maurice came in bringing lunch with him.


She's angry. I can see it in the way that she was sitting and I wondered what happened.

"Regina what happened?"

She told me about the note being read, I really didn't see what the big deal was. I agreed that the note shouldn't have been read but it wasn't worth being so angry over. It was then that I learned something else about Regina, she was a private person. She had gotten used to the flowers being delivered and me bringing her lunch but emotional sentiments were a very private thing for her.

"Regina, it's nothing to worry about, I don't care if they know how I feel about you."

"It's not about that! If she's reading notes that aren't meant for her what else is she doing?" she asked.

"Alright, so what are you going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know." she mumbled, "Why can't people just mind their own fucking business?" she grumbled.

As we ate I heard the conversations that were going on outside of her office and the rest of the puzzle fell into place. Her workplace was a hotbed of gossip; someone had googled me and knew who I was. They were wondering if Regina was "fucking me for money." Someone else was commenting on how much Regina had relaxed since I started fucking her. No wonder she's pissed off! When we finished lunch, I kissed her and told her that I would see her later. I closed her door as per her request and went in search of the office manager. I found her sitting in the break room eating her lunch.