Megan & Bill


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Megan jumped up and hugged me close to her. Her tears began to fall on my shirt as she held me to her. I could feel her heart beating as I stood there. Looking into her eyes I could still see that love she had for me I had once taken for granted.

Her arms stayed around my body as I slowly brought mine up to hold her. I was numb yet though, and not sure of what I really felt towards her. I knew there was some anger in me yet and pain. What else I didn't know.

We stood there for a bit hugging each other. Then I broke away and asked her to sit in front of my desk. I had to know. The hardest questions were about to be asked by me. I hoped that Megan would be honest and straight forward.

‘Megan, I . . . I need to know. When and how it all started.'

‘Oh. I'm so ashamed Bill. Don't get angry at me please? This is going to be hard on both of us. I don't know where to start.'

‘Try the beginning. When did this all start and how did he get you to do these things?'

‘Remember that barbeque Greg had summer before last? The one that you missed because you had to go to Texas at the last minute to talk to clients?'

‘That long ago? Oh God Megan. That long and I never knew, never even had an inkling of what was going on?' ‘Well, to get on with this, you called me and said I should go to it without you anyway. You thought I would have fun. So I went. I wore that yellow sun dress that day. When I got to the barbeque I saw that there were only a few people there. I almost left, but Greg smoothly persuaded me to stay. I had a few drinks and then we ate. I ended up visiting with almost everyone and was actually having fun. Then, as the day drew on I knew it was time for me to be going. Several of the people had left already and it was getting late.

Greg had been keeping my drinking glass full all afternoon and when I got up to go to the bathroom prior to leaving I found out that I was quite woozy. I knew that I had too much to drink and didn't know what to do. I couldn't drive home like I was. Greg must have known that I was real drunk, especially since he had been feeding the drinks to me all afternoon.

After I got out of the bathroom I mentioned that I should be going home but I needed to call a cab. Greg insisted that he would drive me home if I would wait until everyone had left. Seeing as most of the people had left already and only a few diehards were remaining, I said that I would appreciate a ride home.

Soon, everyone had left. I had thought that one man had gone in and not come back out of his house, but then I could have missed seeing him leave anyway. Greg cleaned up a few things and put away the barbeque grill. Then he called me into the house to see something. Since he had been such a gentleman so far I had no idea of what he was about to do.

When I got in the house he was making me another drink. I accepted, even though I wanted to go home, mostly I accepted it because I didn't want to offend him. As I drank it I began to feel hot and, well, horny. My pussy was tingling and my nipples began to get hard and sensitive. I didn't realize it at the time but he had drugged the drink I was having. It was making me so horny and sexy feeling I just felt like I had to let loose.

He then asked me if I had time for a short dance. Feeling the way I did and being slightly out of it I accepted. As we danced he felt me up and held me in very sexual ways. We went from one song to another and then another.

At one point we were doing a real sexual bump and grind and I actually began to hump his leg as we danced. This made me hotter and hotter. I knew deep down I should be going, but my body had other ideas.

Greg had been feeding me compliments all afternoon and he was really pouring it on by then. I felt so sexy and so horny I just went along with his suggestions and pretty soon he sat down and talked me into doing a strip-tease.

When I got down to my bra and panties he got back up and started to dance with me. As he did he would reach out and tug on my bra or panties here and there. Since he wasn't attacking me, and I was still under the influence of whatever he had given me, I never paid any attention. Until I realized that he had gotten my bra undone and it was falling off of me. I tried to stop at that point but his words and the music and how I was feeling made me easily do what he wanted me to do.

Pretty soon my panties followed my bra and we were dancing with him dressed and me naked. His hands started to work on my nipples and pussy, and pretty soon I was begging him for relief. He took off his shirt and jeans. Since he wore no underwear, I immediately saw his huge hard cock. I was so hot and bothered by then I just reached out and touched it. As I held it he asked me to kiss it. Soon I was on my knees sucking him. He was gentle and didn't press me to do anything I didn't want to do. He held my hair as I sucked on his cock, taking only a little bit in.

Then he just picked me up and laid me on his bed. I spread my legs . . .oh God this is hard to tell Bill. I'm so sorry. I . . . I spread my legs and he mounted me. His cock filled me so full. I came almost immediately and kept cumming as he began to fuck me. I came several strong times and then lots of little ones. I couldn't understand why I came so much and why I was so horny. Afterwards we lay together and I fell asleep. When I woke up I was home in our bed. I was naked and I also had fresh cum running out of my pussy. I think he fucked me while I was passed out on our bed too.

After that, when I realized what we had done I didn't know what to do. I was mortified that I had cheated on you. I hated myself and him for allowing me to betray you like I had. But to my shame, I remembered how good it had been and how I had encouraged him too.

Then a few weeks later while you were once again out of town, Greg stopped by. He wanted to take me to lunch and talk to me about what had happened. I hadn't realized yet that he had drugged me. I figured I had to much to drink and it just happened.

I knew we had to settle what we had done that day and I needed to make sure he understood it had been a mistake and could not happen again. We went to this out of the way bar. As we ate he got me a drink and pretty soon I was getting woozy again. I knew that this was wrong and trouble, but the effect of the drink soon had me hot all over, just like at his barbeque.

He ended up taking me to his place and this time he was rougher with me. I found that I loved the rough sex. His ‘ownership' of me caused something deep inside me to just let go and let him take charge.

When he jammed my head down on his cock and held me so I couldn't get away I panicked. I was choking and couldn't breathe. He calmed me down by talking to me and telling me what to do to breathe and relax my throat. Pretty soon I was proud of the fact that I could take all ten inches of his hard cock to his balls.

I thought at first that you would be so surprised when I gave you deep throat like that, then I knew I could never do that because it would cause you to ask questions about how I had learned to do that. Greg took my pussy hard that time too. At first it hurt, but then after a bit, I really started to love his cock ramming me deep as it was.

Later, he took my ass even though I put up a hard fight. He had a grip on my hips and held me there as he forced his cock all the way into me. Again, like the deep throat and hard driving fucking we had just done, I was soon begging for his cock in my asshole. I loved the feeling and the pain went away leaving a delicious feeling of nastiness that caused my orgasm to be the biggest one I had ever had. I was cumming for the umpteenth time when he pulled out and rammed his cock into my throat again. I was so lost in my fuck and suck trance I just let him fuck my throat and then I . . . I cleaned him up with my tongue and lips. After he had been in my asshole. I knew that was something only a dirty slut would do. He reinforced that thought in my head and ever since he has called me his slut. Either that or his whore. He rarely called me by my given name. Just slut or whore. The weird thing was the more he called me slut the more I wanted to be one.

I fell into his trap, and he took me, used me, and left me wanting more. By the time you knew, when you saw . . . when he stripped me at the party that night . . . I had become his slut and I would do anything for him. Even though I loved you as much if not more than always, he had me twisted up in his little scheme so that I hardly knew who I was.

All the sneaking around we did added excitement to it too. He kept up with the words and knew what to say and when to say it to keep me hooked on his sexual pleasure trip. That is how it started and how he kept me Bill. No secrets from me. Is there anything you need or want to know other than that?'

‘Why did you keep doing it for him though. When you were home you would be so loving to me and so straight and narrow. How could you do that and be . . . well such a slut for him?'

‘I don't know Bill. He has this way with words and actions that caused me to want more. So many times I started to tell you. So many times I would look at you and realize that if I did tell you, you would hate me or leave me. Greg had reinforced that impression on me too. I never knew that I could have told you and we might have survived even then. Not until it was really too late. Also he usually slipped drugs into my first or second drink quite often. Those would make me so horny and hot that I had to have relief.

Yesterday I finally realized that he was using me for sex only and that he would toss me aside when he tired of me. I also saw that I had broken your heart. Greg had me convinced that you would buy into the life style I was doing. He had worked on me the whole time with little things here and there.

He would say things like, ‘Wait until you show your husband how good you are with three men at a time.' Or ‘Your husband would love to watch you fuck other men. He would even join in.' Pretty soon I was believing him about that too. Especially since we had talked about bringing in others to our relationship at one time. I knew that you hadn't really wanted to, the conversation had been about others doing that.'

‘Since you are being open here, Megan, I have a confession to make too. When you were in that conference room with those men, when they were all on you, in all your holes, I . . . even though I was angry and hurt like you wouldn't believe . . . I had . . . I got . . . an erection. In some sick twisted way, it did turn me on. But I don't now nor did I then want to watch you having sex with others. Not like that anyway.'

‘Bill, it was naked people having sex right in front of you. Kinda like a porno movie like we watch from time to time. You couldn't help yourself. Naked people having sex like we were . . . well, it doesn't surprise me.'

‘It surprised me Megan.'

Megan hung her head. Tears fell again. I could see that she was struggling with all of this. I reached out and took her hand. Looking at me she smiled a rueful smile and then wiped her eyes.

‘Oh Bill, I so love you and I have driven you away from me. What do we do now? I can't live without you. I want to make it up to you somehow if it is possible. Can you ever love me again like we were before?'

‘I honestly do not know Megan. I want to love you like before but the memories of yesterday and the party . . . you have to admit you have been very harsh towards me. I have been cut to the bone with your words and actions in front of others. All I know is too much has happened too fast for me to digest it all logically right now. Lets go home, get something to eat, and see if we can put all of this behind us.'

‘You want me to come home with you Bill?'

‘Yes, if we are going to try to fix this you need to be with me at home. I don't know what we will do or how this is going to go yet, but I do know my love for you is still in me. It has been pushed back and down, but I can still feel it there.'

‘That is more than I deserve. I'm so sorry about all this Bill.'

I stood up and took her into my arms. Hugging, I found myself kissing her. I didn't know when did it, I just did. I held her for quite a while, then broke away. I could feel anger in me yet too. This was going to be a very hard thing to get over.

As we left the office, I saw Jan smiling towards us. I told her we were headed home for the night. She leaned over her desk and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

‘Remember Bill, it isn't going to be easy to forget, but Megan does love you still. And I think you love her too. Just take it slow and easy. If you start to feel angry or mad, get out and away from her and let your feelings subside before you go back. Trust me on this. Both of you will have strong feelings that need to be aired, but cautiously with lots of care.'

‘Thanks Jan. I will take your advice to heart. I just don't know where this will go from here now though. Um . . . I will be gone for a while. Probably three weeks or so. If anything comes up have Ted take care of it please. Megan and I are taking a little vacation to sort things out.'

‘Ted to handle any problems. Got it. You and Megan try to have some fun while you are ‘vacationing' too Bill. God knows that at least you deserve some fun, and it wouldn't hurt for Megan to have some fun too. See you when you get back.'

Megan and I went home. Once there, we stayed apart, each thinking about our demons. I made up some dinner while Megan was in the bedroom. I had walked up to knock on the door when I heard her crying softly. I just asked through the door if she wanted anything special to eat. She told me whatever I was having would be fine.

I could tell that there had been a wall built between us that was going to be hard to knock down. She was probably sure that at some point I was going to leave her or perhaps get violent with her. To be honest, I didn't know myself what I would do. My thoughts at first had been to leave her and go away to somewhere I wasn't known and start all over. Jan and Albert had convinced me to at least give Megan one more chance.

I made a simple meal and called Megan when it was ready. We ate in silence, me because I had no idea of what to say or do now. It was like two strangers eating at the same table. That discomfort of not knowing how to act or what to do.

After eating, I took the dishes in to the kitchen to wash them and Megan followed me to help. We cleaned up with small talk about the weather and life in vague general terms. Afterwards I went to the living room to read. She followed me and sat as close as she could. I could see that something was on her mind.

I put the book down and waited for her to start the conversation. I knew that we were about to explore all the pain and trouble we had. I hoped that I would be able to control my temper and not over-react.


Megan spoke so softly I had to listen hard to hear her.

‘What are you thinking about right now?'

‘Well, I am just numb yet Megan. I have so much to say and ask and yet my anger and hurt are keeping me silent for some reason. ‘What are you thinking?'

‘How much I have hurt you. How much I wish that I had never done what I have done. How much I love you. Oh what I would give to go back to a year and a half ago and make far better decisions about things.'

‘They say that time will heal all wounds Megan. I know that I have some very raw open wounds right now. I also have doubts that they are going to heal at all. I have to be honest with you. What you have done. The ways you have acted. The things you did to me with him . . . them . . . it hurts more than I can stand.'

She moved her chair closer to me and reached out to take my hand in hers. I recoiled at first, then I relaxed a bit and let her hold it. I had mixed emotions about her touch, her nearness, her smell. She was still my Megan, but now I knew that she was a totally different person than I had grown to love and cherish.

Looking into my eyes, she began to talk to me. Her words cut me deeply at first, then I realized she was trying to tell me in her own way how much she truly did care for me.

‘You had begun to work more and more leaving me out of your life. I felt that you were married to your job more than to me. Always gone with this client or that client. Having to go here and there at a moments notice to save the day. I felt a bit neglected. I know that you were doing it so that both of us would benefit in the long run, but still I had that feeling that I was losing you to your work.'

‘I neglected you? I loved you with all my being Megan. Yes sometimes work did take me away for days, but usually I was home every night with you.'

‘You were home Bill, but you had work to do in your office for hours on end most nights. I could see you working over there at your desk, but you couldn't see me sitting right here needing just a few minutes of attention.'

‘Why didn't you ever say anything about your feelings Megan?'

‘I didn't want to upset you. I knew what you were doing was important for your work. After all, you were in the process of trying to save contracts that Greg had almost lost. That, and you were bringing in more contracts at the same time. Many people's jobs depended on you doing your job well. I knew that. I felt it best to suffer in silence and wait for the day that you could spend more time with me.'

‘I never knew Megan. If I had known, I would have made time for you each day.'

‘I know that Bill. I know that. Anyway, one day, matter of fact the day before Greg's barbeque, when you had to go to Texas, I sat at home feeling sorry for myself. I was alone, horny, and sad. I was a prime target for Greg's push the next day, especially after you pushed me to go to his party to begin with. Yes, I was even a bit mad at you for being gone. It all added up to my wanting that which you were not able to give me since you were gone. I can see now that Greg had made you be the one to travel so he could get his grip on me.'

‘Did he tell you that is what he did?'

‘Not in so many words Bill, just his actions after we fought about it all. After the third time, when he brought in other men and made me have sex with them, well, I should be fair and say that he didn't force me, but he did pressure me in his way, he said that he hadn't sent you to the ends of the country so that we would fight about what he wanted. I knew then that he had planned for me to have sex with him and become his slut. Then it got crazy. He had been feeding me a drug in my drinks, and one night he didn't put it in. I still felt sexy and horny. He was telling me what a slut I was and I found that I was responding to his words in ways that I had never dreamed I would find making me feel sexy at all.'

‘He was brainwashing you Megan. It's kind of like the Stockholm syndrome. After his control of you took hold, you began to believe he was a true friend and would protect you and also make you feel good. The sex he had you having also enforced that feeling. I have heard some stuff over the last few days. Someone felt I needed to try to understand why you did what you did in front of me.'

‘Deep inside I knew what I was doing was wrong and a terrible thing to be doing to you. When he told you about that promotion in the conference room that night I had been being fed little ideas about how much you would love to see me fucking other men. Greg had been putting that in my head all along but in the days leading up to the party he had really began to push those thoughts harder. Even though I was sure that I would hurt you, my mind and his suggestions made me hide that little flame of warning and accept those lies he fed me.'

Megan began to cry. I could feel hot tears on my cheeks as well. Greg had maneuvered, pushed, prodded, tugged, and pulled Megan into this. He had used drugs and alcohol to assist him in breaking down her resistance. He had done it all like a professional too.