Messages from AnonyTITS


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"Ohh. Ohh" she moaned. She laughed and said, "I'd thought you might appreciate my unexpected visit. I didn't expect this type of welcome."

They rutted, fucking frantically. The quickie produced searing climaxes, and the couple moaned and sighed and smiled and giggled. They cleaned up and got dressed.

Mrs. Burley smiled, brushed some loose strands of hair out of her eyes, and said, "I'll have to stop by more often."

^^^Back to the present. Uncle Ernie, TJ, and his friends are in the backyard drinking beer^^^

"Why are we talking about Emma?" Ernie asked.

"She goes to my school, and our paths crossed today. She spewed venom on me and shouted, 'He's a sexual predator. He beat up his date to his high school prom.' Lots of people heard her. It's not true, but once a statement like that is out there..."

Uncle Ernie said, "You can't let her get away with that."

"What can I do?"

"Fight back."


"By implementing the strategies of Sun Tzu?"


"Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, and writer who lived in the sixth century BC. He's the author ofThe Art of War, the most influential book on military strategy. He said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

"What? How is a book on war going to help me? TJ asked.

"It's more than a book on war. It's about strategy. About winning. Whether the conflict is on the battlefield or between two individuals. If you follow his advice, you'll crush Emma and regain your reputation."

"I'd like to knock her down a peg or two."

"I'd like to fuck her," Harry said and laughed. "She's hot."

The others ignored his comment.

Uncle Ernie said, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete."

TJ gave him a confused look.

Ernie dropped one more pearl of wisdom. "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."

"Speak English, Uncle! I don't understand your kung fu mumbo jumbo."

"You want this girl to have her comeuppance, right?"


"We need to know some things about her. You say she's a buttinsky and drawn to feminist causes. She's a woman, so we know she's more emotional than rational. Step one is complete. We know our enemy.

The guys nodded.

Ernie said, "Step two is to know the state of affairs in our country. What are the hot button issues? What's happening now? That's what General Tzu meant when he said heaven and earth."

The young men offered no answers to those questions.

Ernie supplied them. "The country is divided and partisan. People don't listen and consider the other side's arguments. It's 'You're wrong, you stupid racist.' 'No, you're wrong, you socialist environmental wacko'.

"What that tells us is that people are deeply committed to their point of view and when provoked are ready to fight. Considering Emma's high school protest, feminism is her hot button. That's where we can get the best traction.

"Two current major issues for feminists are the MeToo Movement and Topfreedom."

"MeToo I know about," TJ said. "Harvey Weinstein and other creeps sexually harassing women. What's Topfreedom?"

Ernie chuckled and said, "It's a movement seeking changes in laws to allow women to be topless in public places where men are permitted to be barechested. It's a form of gender equality. Maybe you're more familiar with the term Free The Nipple?"

"Yeah," TJ snickered and said, "Crazy bitches want the right to walk around in public showing everyone their boobies."

"How would you like to see Emma's boobs?" Ernie asked

"That'd be great," Harry said. "She's stacked." He raised his hands to his chest and cupped them in the well-known gesture that a woman had big boobs.

"I'd like to see her tits," JT said. "It's kind of hard to be all high and mighty when the world is scrutinizing your areolas."

The guys snickered and laughed.

"We'll use her nature against her and get Miss High and Mighty to show her breasts to white trash scum like you and Harry!" Ernie said.

"How do we do that?"

"We get her so riled up she can't stop herself from protesting topless. So here is the plan..."

^^^Friday August 20th, 2021^^^

The following emails were sent to members of the Feminist Student Association and The Feminist Law Forum at Indiana University. Emma Carlisle was a member of each organization.

"Sometimes, all it takes is one person to spark a nationwide movement."

Five minutes later, this one was sent. "I got arrested for fighting for Gender Inequality," Tiernan Hebron said. Google her and read the story written by Ms. Hebron describing her experience being arrested for indecent exposure outside a campaign appearance of Senator Bernie Sanders.

"I'll give you one more quote from Ms. Hebron. 'As a woman, I have never felt more enraged. The female body is so sexualized in our culture that I was arrested for showing something (her nipple) that men do every single day. As an activist, I have never felt more empowered to cause so much conversation on a topic that desperately needs to be discussed.'"

Another five minutes passed. This mass email was sent. "Did you know that intentionally appearing in public nude, with your pubic area, posterior, orfemale nipples exposed is illegal in the state of Indiana? It is not illegal in forty-eight states. However, in Tennessee and Indiana, a topless woman can be arrested. Of course, topless men are not subject to arrest."

Five minutes later, there was another email. "Did you know that just the other day, the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on a TopFreedom case out of Illinois and knowing upheld a law that discriminates between men and women?

"They admitted that under the law males are treated differently than females and said it's okay!

"According to a Chicago ordinance, male breasts are free to be bared in public parks, playgrounds, on beaches, or in the waters adjacent thereto, in school facilities or any municipal building. Female breasts — or at least the portion at or below the upper edge of the areola — are not. Offenders face a fine of $100 to $500.

"The majority opinion of the court said that protester, Sonoku Tagami, was not exercising her first amendment rights when she was ticketed for being topless at a women's rights event at a Chicago waterfront.

"She and others were carrying signs and protesting the current double standard that's it's okay for a male to show his nipples in public, but if a woman does it, she must be stopped, fined, or arrested.

"How could the court ignore the obvious inequality?

"The court said that the activist could have made her point with her clothes on. And went further and wrote that it was 'self-evident' that the ordinance upheld 'traditional moral norms and public order.'

"A judge explained that this discrimination against women is constitutional because it 'serves important governmental objectives.'

"Another judge disagreed and argued that upholding laws simply because they have been 'part of our culture' would have denied society women lawyers, women jurors, women estate administrators, and women military cadets.

"This judge also wrote that any invocation of tradition and moral values in support of a law that discriminates among classes of people calls for a healthy dose of skepticism, as historical norms are just as likely to reflect longstanding biases as they are reasonable distinctions.

"This judge was outvoted two to one! Equality denied!

"For crying out loud people! This ruling was handed down in 2017! It is unimaginable that we women allow this outrage to go unanswered! We must make our voices heard. We must protest and demand equality! It's time to put an end to all discrimination including Gender Discrimination!"

Minutes later, another email arrived. "Sometimes, all it takes is one nipple to spark a nationwide movement. Who will step up and lead us?"

All these emails were signed 'AnonyTITS'. This was the pseudonym Uncle Ernie and TJ had selected for their campaign against Emma Carlisle.

Discussions ensued on various social network sites. A final email from AnonyTITS said, "Emma Carlisle ran a successful protest while in high school for women's rights and equality. She's currently a student at Indiana University. She should lead the protest at IU. Emma, your sisters need you! Your country needs you! Please answer the call!"

Emma was bombarded with messages about her high school campaign and asked to lead a campaign at Indiana University to decriminalize the female breast and allow women to go topless in the same public places as men.

She agreed and became part of the group to organize the protest at the school while other women organized protests in other areas of the state.


On Sunday, August 22nd, a crowd numbering more than a thousand protestors gathered at one o'clock on IU's campus to support the feminist cause.

It was a sunny warm day, eighty-two degrees. Women carried signs that read: "My body is not a crime." "God made me this way!" "Stop sexualizing my body!" "End the double standard!" "We want Equality & We Want it Now!!" and "How far will you go for equality? Join us and Free The Nipple!"

They listened to fiery speeches that decried the blatant discrimination of women. Emma spoke. As well as activists, alumni, local female politicians, and Peggy Penge, an IU alumna and member of the University's Board of Trustees.

Here are some highlights:

The opening speaker said, "It's time for society to quit objectifying our breasts! Our breasts are for nurturing children. They are not sex objects."

Emma ended her speech pleading, "Free our nipples because it's the right thing to do right! Men can run around topless. Women should have that right too."

A feminist and TopFreedom proponent said, "In the 1920s on the public beaches, it was not only considered indecent for a woman to show her legs, but it was illegal! Many local governments issued standards for women's bathing suits that prohibited them from showing too much leg. They had law enforcement officers patrolling beaches with measuring tape enforcing the law."

A UI alumna and lawyer said. "Year after year, the arrests for toplessness at public beaches generate headlines and signals the start of summer. Newspapers run stories about the nearly naked outlaws, and leaders denounced the public display of nipples.

"No shirtless bather will be allowed 'to mar the high standard and fine appearance' of Long Island's newly created Ocean Beach Park, said local Police Chief Philip Kohut, after the trial of three men arrested for swimming topless.

"Yes. I said, men. In the 1930s, it was illegal in most states and cities for men to go anywhere shirtless, even at the beach. One hot August day in 1935, police rounded up, arrested, and fined 42 men who protested and swam topless on the beach in Atlantic City, N.J. City official Thomas Taggart logged their arrests and collected a $2 fine from each bare-chested man.

"The summer of 1936 was the summer of the men's no-shirt movement. There were more protests and arrests. The New York Times reported on March 29, 1937, that Mayor C.D. White of Atlantic City lifted the ban on topless bathing for men. A judge in New York overturned the ban the same year. And just like that male nipples were free. Ladies, it's our turn!"

The member of the board of trustees had the final word. She said, "Everybody should be able to be comfortable on a hot day like today, and if that means going topless so be it. No matter how you look, male or female, black or white, you should have the same freedom as the person next to you. It's about equality.

"Addressing inequality whenever and where ever we find it is important. It can make a big difference in how people are treated. I think the Free The Nipple movement brings us one step closer to our goal of living in a fair society. Judge us on our character, not on our anatomy!"

The grandmotherly-looking individual pulled her top over her head, unhooked her bra, and tossed it aside. She stood tall and proud and bare-breasted in front of the cheering crowd.

She had pale, heavy, saggy breasts with large areolas. She shook her shoulders and made them bounce and quake. She shouted, "Are you with me?"

The masses roared, "YES!"

"Free your nipples and join me in this protest as we march to the amphitheater where there's music, refreshment, freedom, and EQUALITY for everyone!"

Mrs. Penge came down from the stage and accepted congratulations left and right. Topless people fell in behind her, men and women, and they marched across the campus. Some protesters had tape over the nipples, and many, including Emma Carlisle, completely bared their breasts.

Emma smiled and walked arm-in-arm with her comrades.

Her firm big breasts resisted gravity pretty well. Her dusky rose-colored nipples pointed up the way forward.

She had tan lines. The top and center of her boobs were light brown, and the rest of her intimate flesh was an alabaster white.

TJ, Uncle Ernie, and Harry were in the crowd. They snickered and whispered crude comments as they ogled Emma and the other topless women.

When the column got to the amphitheater, it broke into small groups. Some people continued to walk around, chanting and waving their signs. Most chatted excitedly about the protest and the cause.

Emma's group fell into the latter category. After talking about their hope for gender equality, Agnes giggled and said, "I've never been topless in public before."

"Me neither," Emma said. "At first, I felt nervous. Jittery."

Dixie a small-breasted young woman with tanned tits, asked, "And now?"

"I'm comfortable," Emma giggled and said. "On a warm day like today, I'd have to worry about under-boob sweat."

The women around her who had boobs bigger than an A cup nodded.

"It's more than a feeling of physically being comfortable," Emma said. "I feel empowered. I'm making a statement. I'm saying, 'Fuck you world! These are my tits, and these are my nipples, and you can't make me cover up any more!'"

Dixie said, "Right on! I know what you mean. I have small breasts, and often I'm self-conscious about them. But today I'm showing them off! You can't make me feel inferior or inadequate or ashamed."

Peggy, a chubby woman with big hips, a thick stomach, and saggy breasts said, "I'm rarely naked. I quickly dress after a shower and only have sex with the lights off, so no one, including me, can see my stretch marks and sagging breasts. It's freeing to be open and honest about my body. No more hiding under layers of clothing or wearing a bra that hurts just because it lifts and shapes my boobs."

"I know what you mean," Agnes said. "I'm my own worst critic. I search for flaws and then feel shame." She giggled nervously and said, "If all of you weren't here and I didn't believe so much in the cause, I couldn't do this. I'm glad we've freed our nipples. I see my body isn't abnormal. I've worried about the size of my areolas, that they have bumps, and about my lazy nipple."

She saw looks of confusion on her mates' faces and explained, "My right nipple faces forward, and my left one has drifted, like a lazy eye. It points to the side."

Agnes laughed, and the others joined her.

"Bodies and body parts come in all shapes and sizes," Dixie said. She looked around and said, "I see flat nipples, erect, puffy, and inverted ones in colors ranging from pink to brown to black. They're all lovely. I hope you learn to accept your body. It's the only one you get. Self-acceptance leads to self-confidence."

"I love that idea," Emma said. She hugged Dixie, crushing her tatas against the other women's tiny tits.

Emma felt someone tap her on her shoulder. She released Dixie, turned, and yelled, "Susie!"

The petite brunette and the busty blonde hugged. Susie stood on her tiptoes to avoid face planting in Emma's bust.

When they pulled apart, Emma smiled, checked out the short women's bare breasts, and said, "It's good to see you. Thanks for supporting the Free The Nipple cause. Do you go to school here?"

"No. I'm part of the lesbian contingent, supporting the fight for equality of women."

"I didn't know..." Emma got embarrassed and tongue-tied and couldn't finish her sentence.

"It's okay," Susie said kindly. "I didn't know I was a lesbian for most of my life. I finally figured it out the night of our high school prom."

"That must have been the worst nights of your life. TJ beat you."

"He didn't hit me."

"We all saw your split lip and black eye and heard you yell for him to stop."

"Didn't you see my video where I told everyone that TJ didn't hit me?"

"Yes. I did. I saw your bruises. Honestly, we all thought you had Stockholm Syndrome, and for some reason, you were covering for him."

Susie sighed and said, "You've got it all wrong. TJ's a great guy. A great friend to have. My hero. The whole school hated him after the prom. I wish I defended him better, but I had to leave town for my safety and sanity.

"I left him to stew in the mess. He never complained. He had my back and kept my secrets at a great cost to himself."

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"The first time he rescued me was when my prom date got sick and couldn't take me to the dance. He agreed to be a last-minute replacement. We went as friends and had a good time, and we attended the after-prom party.

"I sat under the stars with a girl I liked. We kissed and fumbled and touched each other. It was the first time I'd acted on my lesbian tendencies, and it was wonderful. Then, that night turned into my worst nightmare. My step-brother saw me kissing a girl, and he became enraged. He said that I was sick and a disgrace to the family. He's the one who hit me.

"TJ heard me scream and came to my rescue. He punched Kyle, causing him to run away. TJ wanted to chase him. That's why I shouted, 'TJ, stop'.

"Then, everyone else showed up. It looked like TJ had beaten me. Everyone yelled and called him all sorts of names, and some guys grabbed him.

"He could have set everyone straight by outing me as a lesbian and telling them about my dysfunctional family, but he didn't. He let everyone think the worst of him. I'm sure the rest of the school year was hard for him. I guess he was cursed, ostracized, and the butt of jokes.

"I say I guess because I was not there. I was embarrassed and ran away. I couldn't offer him any solace because I went to live with my father."

"Wow," Emma said. "I didn't know. I've treated him cruelly." She looked off into the distance, recalling their meeting at CultureFest. By happenstance, her eyes landed on TJ. Her face reflected the remorse she felt, and she said, "Speak of the devil. There he is."


"Over by the fence," Emma said. She grabbed Susie's hand, and the two women headed toward him.

"Shit," TJ said. "The jig is up. Here comes Emma."

Uncle Ernie and Harry scattered like rats leaving a sinking ship. TJ gulped nervously and waited, expecting a severe tongue lashing. Then, he noticed Emma's companion, and said, "Susie? It's been ages."

They hugged, stepped apart, and smiled at each other. TJ stared at her face and eyes ignoring her bare breasts. He said, "It's good to see you. How've you been?"

"Fine, but I've been a rotten friend. I left you hanging. You took all the shit, and you deserved none of the ill-treatment."

"It wasn't that bad. It's not like I was a popular guy. One good thing about being a loner is you don't notice when people are snubbing you. My world is complete with my family and friends. I don't care about the opinions and actions of people I don't have a real connection with."