Michelle's New Boyfriend Ch. 02a

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Michelle continues her relationship with Shaun.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/09/2015
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I lay in bed awake listening to my wife and Shaun making love in our guest room. I thought I could actually go to sleep but should have known better. I have no idea how long I listened, enjoying every second. I heard kissing, moaning, giggling and finally quiet. After the quiet I waited a little while then tiptoed out into the hall to peek in the guest room. Michelle's head was on Shaun's bare chest, kind of in the crook of his neck with her arm draped over him. Shaun's right arm was wrapped around her back. Both were sleeping in the very picture of contentment.

I slipped back into bed, wishing that Jacqui was there with me. To be honest, I briefly thought about Trisha and smiled at the thought. I wonder what Michelle would think if she knew I was fantasizing about our waitress. Their work uniforms were very modest, which made me wonder all the more about what she looked like without it. Even under her demure blouse it was apparent she had very nice breasts. Her knee length skirt and flat, comfortable shoes didn't especially compliment her legs, but they had still looked very nice under her nylons.

This is stupid! I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful girlfriend. Why is my brain undressing a waitress we'd just met? That was the last thought I remembered having that night before I went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with a serious case of morning wood. Wonder how that might happen after last night! In my sleepy stupor, it took me a few minutes to remember why Michelle wasn't in bed with me. When I realized she was in the guest room with Shaun, I quietly got up so as not to wake anyone and peeked into the guest room. I was glad we had a nice carpet floor so I could walk quietly.

Obviously Michelle and Shaun were both awake as they were in each other's arms kissing. I snuck back into my room and got dressed. Then I quietly went into the kitchen to fix some breakfast, assuming that Michelle and her cowboy would join me in a little bit. I almost automatically, every Saturday night mix up some sourdough for breakfast. I had last night before we left to pick up Shaun. There's nothing better than the odor of fresh sourdough in the morning. Well, maybe it's second best after the odor of a woman after she's been well fucked! I hoped to enjoy that odor in a few minutes.

After I mixed up the waffles, I sat down at our table with a glass of ice tea. I sat at the table, remembering what I'd thought Shaun and Michelle last night. I still felt the same way, I wanted Michelle to love this man, her cowboy. My cock hardened in response to the thought of watching the love grow between my wife and Shaun over the next weeks and months.

I thought of the double dates we'd have, me with Jacqui; Michelle with Shaun. Perhaps sometime we'd share a motel room with double queen beds. Other nights after sleeping with Shaun, she'd come home to me, glowing with her love for him, telling me about her evening with him, then the two of us making love together. .

Michelle and Shaun finally joined me about forty five minutes later. Shaun was dressed but Michelle only wore one of her flimsy blouses with no bra and a pair of lacy, pink bikini panties. Michelle certainly had a glow about her, the kind she often has after an especially nice love making session. Seeing her like that definitely made me very aroused. I don't think she was making any particular effort to look sexy, but she didn't need to try.

I had the sourdough waffles mixed up and the griddle hot so all I needed to do was ladle a couple spoonfuls into it, close the lid and wait. I bid Shaun good morning and kissed my wife, telling her how nice she looked.

We sat down at the table and I didn't know how to start the conversation with the guy who had just slept with my wife in our house. I didn't want to address the obvious elephant in the room, so I simply asked him, "Have you eaten sourdough before?"

A simple answer, "No, I haven't."

That surprised me with the cowboy crowd he spends his time with. Sourdough was a staple of the old west and I presumed he'd probably be using it himself since Michelle said he was a good cook.

"Well, you're in for a treat then. It's about time you had some." I have to admit that my sourdough waffles and homemade syrup are pretty fantastic. When he commented how good they were, he asked how to make it. I've never been shy about sharing my sourdough expertise, kind of proud of it actually. I told him how to make the sourdough, but said I'd give him some starter so he didn't have to go through that. Besides, the older starter is the better. I originally made mine several years ago. Some people's starter has been handed down from generation to generation and likely was started on a wagon train or by cookie to feed the ranch crew on the open range generations ago.

The subject Shaun and I avoided was Michelle, quietly sitting there looking like a goddess watching her guys starting to become friends. My eyes couldn't help but wander to her beautiful face and nipples poking through her blouse. I thought about watching Shaun's mouth on those nipples last night. Back to this morning Robert!

Michelle said very little during breakfast. I think she enjoyed the friendly banter between Shaun and me. I know she wanted her husband and her lover to like and respect each other. I never said anything to Shaun about my feelings about him and Michelle. I wanted to watch their relationship evolve on its own without any interference from me.

The more I was around Shaun that morning, the more convinced I was that I truly wanted him with Michelle. He seemed to be everything a woman could ask for in a man. Good looking, smart, very nice and friendly, successful and exciting career, deep masculine voice and obviously very good in bed! I simply couldn't imagine why his wife might have left him and didn't want to bring it up. I knew I wanted Michelle to have a lover and I wanted it to be Shaun.

If you asked me why? As I sit here trying to explain it, it seems almost impossible to explain. There's the excitement of knowing she's enjoying someone so much; the added intensity to our own lovemaking; her happiness; that glowing face after she's been with him. None of it seems adequate to explain my feelings, my love for her is so deep.

In the light of day, I thought again about the possibility that Michelle could someday leave me for this guy. I know that emotions can sometimes take over rational thought, knew it only too well! But I still had every confidence in my wife. One thing that Shaun or any other guy can never have with Michelle that I have is our history. Besides our love, that history binds us. The fear is still there, especially with him living so close but it adds excitement and almost seems to push me, I guess to prove to myself how much my wife actually does love me. I know there are things Shaun can do for Michelle that I never could and her for him, same with Mike. That's a lot of the attraction for me. I love Michelle being outside her comfort zone. Although, I must admit that comfort zone apparently has widened significantly in the last weeks!

After breakfast, we cleaned up the dirty dishes. Shaun impressed me by getting up and helping even though he's a guest. When we were done, he said he needed to go home and Michelle offered to take him. I suggested that she might want to put on something a little different first.

She did. A pair of shorts over the panties. That's all, still braless. On her way out the door behind Shaun, she kissed me and told me she might be a while. After she left, I checked my watch, a little after ten. Jacqui would have just opened the store a few minutes ago. Too early for a break or her lunch, so I just sent her a little text, "I love you."


A few minutes later, I received some smiley faces and a pair of nice red kissy lips on my phone. I replied with, "lunch later?"

"Lunch break at two."

"See you then."

I had almost three hours till meeting Jacqui so I decided after last night a little nap seemed like a nice idea. I had no idea when Michelle might get home and didn't really expect her for quite a while. I lay down with visions of that kiss at the Black Angus last night.

It's funny how your thought process can evolve over time. I remember when I was listening to Michelle and Alec kissing after making love that night in Kodiak how jealous I was. Even more so than watching her making love with him. Then watching her and Mike kissing turned me on. That kiss last night was in a completely different ballpark! I think Michelle was giving me a message how much she cared for him during that kiss, something that was completely different than the other guys she's kissed. Maybe it was my imagination, but I don't think so.

Now, I'm hoping she's at Shaun's house giving him a clear and understandable message with her kisses, one that he won't ever forget, the same message I want to send to Jacqui at lunch today. I want her to know how much I love her.

My little internal alarm clock woke me up in time to get cleaned up and change my clothes to meet her. When I arrived at Victoria's Secret, Jacqui was helping a customer. I wandered around the shop, remembering the first time I was there and Jacqui wasn't anything more than one of the sales girls to me. It's incredible how much has changed since then!

When Jacqui finished with the customer she walked out the door with me. The food court is a hundred yards or so down the mall from her store. We picked up some Mexican food and sat at one of the tables. Jacqui knew we were meeting Shaun last night and wanted to know all about him. I relayed what I knew, especially how Michelle felt about her dreamboat, then went into a little description of the night's activities. She was more than a little flabbergasted (is that a cool word or what!) with Michelle's game.

I told her that Michelle said she'd fallen hard for the guy. I didn't know if it was really love or lust, but whichever it was, it had taken hold of her like an iron vise. Jacqui had some misgivings about a relationship that strong, but I reminded her of our own relationship and how that was working out.

She had a fairly short lunch break, so it was back to the drudgery. I walked in with her and since there wasn't a customer in the store, took her in my arms and kissed her hard before I left.

I was in an exceptionally good mood walking out of the mall. A beautiful young lady and I were in love with each other and my wife was in love with both me and her dreamboat. What could be better?

I swung by Fred Meyer on my way home to do a little grocery shopping and check out a couple things I needed for the yard so it was after four by the time I got home.

I watched a couple episodes I'd recorded of 'The O'Reilly Factor' and 'Megyn Kelly' on Fox News. Now there was a celebrity that would be at the very top of my 'to do' list if I had such a list, right below Daryl Hannah! But no, I don't have a list like that. Michelle has Robert Redford at the top of the list she doesn't have.

Michelle finally got home about eight that evening. She looked like she was probably freshly showered and smelled wonderful with her perfume. I kissed her and asked how her day had been?

"Wonderful, we picked up Alyssa from her mom's and went for lunch at the Olive Garden then back to his place and watched the movie, "The Gods Must be Crazy." I haven't laughed so hard in ages."

I remember Michelle and I watching that movie probably ten years ago. It's definitely a hilarious movie. To be honest, I was interested in other things though. I asked her, "So, how is it with Shaun? You think you like him pretty well?"

She got a serious look on her face and paused a little bit before she asked me, "Were you serious last night, that you want me to love him?"

"I couldn't have been more serious. I'm definitely hoping for the two of you to fall in love with each other."

She took my hands in hers, looked at me and said, "Remember I told you we accidentally met, then went out to dinner? I think I fell in love with him that night. The first time he touched me that night, just his fingertips, it felt like a lightning jolt through me."

"Did he kiss you then?"

"No, but I wanted him to. We went to lunch twice more before he finally kissed me. When his lips touched mine, it was like fireworks going off in my head. I'd anticipated what it would be like, but it was so much more than I'd even dreamed. I remember being completely breathless after the first time. His kiss just consumed me! I can't even think of words to describe how it felt."

"But you still didn't make love with him?"

"No, I really wanted to, but I didn't think I could until you knew about him."

"And then when you finally did?"

"I was crazed for him, when he was finally inside me that first time after the strip club, I felt like I was flying in a cloud! By the time we finally made love that night, my wanting of him had gone from a wildfire to an inferno."

"So is it lust or love you feel for him now?"

"I think both. I can't get enough of him."

"What about Shaun, does he feel the same way?"

"He told me this afternoon that he loves me and the way he makes love with me, I know he feels the same about that."

I'm trying to digest what she's telling me, how wonderful Shaun is, how good he is in bed with her and how much she thinks she's in love with him. I wonder to myself, is that what I want for her? Damn right it is! I think about her in that passionate embrace with him and loving him. I've already ruminated on my feelings about that and don't really need to do so again. Suffice it to say that I know Michelle won't ever be monogamous with me again so I want her to be with someone else that she really cares for and that guy is obviously Shaun. He's perfect for her!

"So what's next? I assume you're not moving in with him?" Heaven forbid! I don't want to go quite that far!

"No, I'm not moving in with him! I told you, I love you! But I definitely want to spend lots of time with him. As a matter of fact, he's going to Casper Wyoming to the college national finals rodeo this weekend and asked me to go with him. Would that be okay with you?"

"Leaving when? Friday?"

"Actually, no, he has to fly out Wednesday. The rodeo starts Thursday and he's the announcer so has to be there first thing Thursday morning."

I did a little quick counting in my head, "That sounds like it'd be fun for you. Four nights with him, probably lots of lovemaking."

I got a nice big grin out of her for that, "Lots of making love and lots of time during the days to spend with him too. I'm not going to hold back my feelings for him either like I did with Mike."

We were both tired from not getting much sleep the night before, so I suggested we go to bed. Our conversation had made me excrutiatingly horny. Thinking about Michelle spending that much time with Shaun, sleeping with him four nights and how she'd feel about him after that long weekend had me so hard I was worried I might tear a hole in my pants.

I showered and slipped into bed beside Michelle, anxious to make love with her. Unfortunately, when I snuggled up to her back spooning her with my hand pushing her night gown up between her legs, she rolled over onto her back and told me, "Honey, I hate to say it, but I'm really sore and it hurts down there. Can we skip a night or two to let me recover?"

What could I say? I'm sure she felt my disappointment as I groaned a little and said, "Okay." I scooted away, rolling onto my back. I desperately wanted some release but had been in this condition before so I lay there night dreaming about making love with my wife until I finally dozed off.


In the morning Michelle wore a professional, but sexy silk skirt and blouse combination to work. I wondered what kind of sexy lingerie she was wearing under it. I loved how she was dressing more sexy than she ever had before, even to work. I presumed the guys in her office were enjoying it as well.

That afternoon I was in a meeting with an architect, discussing code requirements for a new three story office building when Michelle sent me a text saying she was going to be late getting home as she needed to do some shopping first. I smiled, thinking to myself that she was probably wanting something new and sexy for her trip with Shaun. Little did I realize how right I was!

True to her word, Michelle didn't come home after work. She normally was off work between four and four-thirty, so by seven thirty I was suspecting she was likely with Shaun. Her description of Shaun and how much she was turned on by him had made me more jealous than I realized. I couldn't help but think of her laughing and flirting with him, probably making out while I was home alone and horny. The more I thought of them kissing the hornier I got, growing more and more jealous of Shaun and how much she was attracted to him. It seemed to be a vicious circle with all my emotions become more and more intense and mixed up! I wondered how I was going to endure four days knowing her and Shaun were sleeping together and making love, falling deeper and deeper in love with each other both day and night. Made me question my sanity for encouraging it!

I thought about calling Jacqui. I knew she'd be more than happy to help relieve some of my tension, but somehow it didn't seem fair to her for me to go to her tonight just to relieve my stress. Besides, I was enjoying these emotions of horniness and jealousy.

Finally, after what had seemed like an eternity, I got a text from Michelle. She asked if I wanted to meet her at the Olive Garden for dinner. It took me about a second and a half to reply, "Yes! On my way."

When I stepped into the Olive Garden lobby, I was actually relieved to see Michelle sitting on a bench alone waiting for me. I'd kind of assumed that Shaun was probably with her. When I walked in, Michelle stood and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a very passionate kiss right in the middle of their lobby. This is something that she'd never have done before Mike and Shaun entered her life. The feel of her lips on mine and that silk fabric on my hands made me instantly hard. The last time we'd made love was that frantic 'fuck' the night Shaun spent the night at our house with Michelle in his bed. I hadn't even seen her undressed body since then.

When we broke the kiss, I was more than a little embarrassed by the tent in my pants. I tried to act nonchalant as the host showed us to our table. I held Michelle's chair as she sat, helping her slide it in under the table. I'd become more attentive to the little gestures of chivalry. We sat and talked about our day deciding what to order. Michelle always likes to experiment with something different. I did too, wondering if the lasagna would be even better than it was the last time we were here. I don't remember what Michelle ordered as it's always something different but I ordered lasagna. Not hard to remember that, it's my favorite food in the world!

While we were eating, I asked Michelle what she'd bought. She wouldn't say, only that maybe she'd show me later. Most of the dinner, we ate in companionable silence, which was comfortable for both of us.

After dinner, we drove our separate cars home. We sat on the couch with Michelle snuggling next to me and watched an episode of 'Rizzolli and Isles', then 'Blue Bloods' before going to bed. I'd been anticipating tonight all day, especially since that kiss in the restaurant so I was more than a little disappointed when Michelle came to bed wearing a long flannel nightgown. I took that as a hint that this was going to be another long, dry night. I'd even hoped that she would show me what she'd bought, but she had just put the bags in her closet without even opening them.

Tuesday was pretty much a repeat of Monday, a routine day at work. I fantasized during the day, hoping that tonight Michelle would be receptive to making love with me. I knew that tomorrow she would be leaving with Shaun for four days and I desperately needed some reassurance before she left.