Michelle's New Boyfriend Ch. 03


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Shaun pushed his pants down, turned Michelle around against the wall which just happened to have a full height wall mirror and pushed Michelle's legs apart. She was standing in front of the mirror, supporting herself with her hands, her stocking clad legs spread apart, still wearing the crotchless panties and high heels. I don't know when I've seen a woman looking so blatantly sexual. Shaun didn't even hesitate as he rooted himself deep into her from behind. Trisha had obviously done her work well as Michelle's pussy lips were well lubricated and didn't offer any resistance to Shaun's hard cock. Michelle was literally screaming, I have no idea what her words were, mostly just grunting and other noises as her hips were bucking back trying to take Shaun deeper and deeper.

I was standing in the hallway with a very naked Trisha standing in front of me watching my wife being fucked by her boyfriend. I had leaned down with my cheek against Trisha's and my hand between her legs with three fingers as far inside her as I could reach. Trisha's seemed to be having a little trouble breathing and was pumping her hips against my fingers, but I just kept them there with a little slight movement so she wouldn't forget.

Michelle was panting hard and the moment she finally orgasmed will be embedded in my mind forever. Her gorgeous face drained of its color, her body shook and I saw wave after wave of orgasmic frenzy on her face as she screamed out her ecstasy! Shaun continued to ram in and out of her throughout and her orgasm seemed to go on forever.

When it finally seemed to have ended, Shaun withdrew from her, still as hard as he was when he began and gripped her around the waist to support her from from falling when her limbs had turned to jelly. When she finally was able to stand on her own again, I heard Shaun ask her, "Do you have any lube?"

I had no idea what he wanted with lube. She was already so slick from her juices that Shaun certainly didn't need any lube to finish himself inside her. I didn't understand why he hadn't. I could see the look of inquisitiveness on Michelle's mind as well as she mumbled, "Kitchen, corner cabinet, above the counter, Vaseline."

Michelle waited, staying in the same position until Shaun returned about fifteen seconds later. Shaun slipped her panties down off her legs and she stepped out of them. Then he pushed her legs apart again and smeared the Vaseline over his cock. When he was finished, he took her hip in one hand and with the other, guided his cock to her rear, pressing himself against her. I was shaking, finally understanding what he intended. When Michelle understood, she started to cry, "No Shaun! I've never, we've never."

Shaun simply began to push, gently at first, then a little harder. Michelle was nearly begging, "No, please, it hurts!"

Shaun backed off just a little and told her, "Relax babe, you'll like it, I promise."

I saw Michelle's face in the mirror gritting her teeth and looking down, "I'll try."

Shaun started to push a little more and I saw the head of his cock penetrate her as Michelle was whimpering. Shaun pulled back once again before pushing once again, this time slowly burying himself completely inside her. I couldn't help but remember the time Jacqui and I had done the same thing in an old Virginia City whorehouse converted to a hotel.

Michelle was moaning, "Ahh, Ahh, go slow, I've never done this before." But she was allowing Shaun to fuck her in the ass. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised by this. Michelle's inhibitions have been falling one right after the other, things that she's never done with me. We tried it once not long after we were married but neither of us liked it. Of course we didn't use the lube either, didn't know we were supposed to. I watched Shaun's cock sinking slowly, pulling back out of her and sinking back in as my wife closed her eyes and moaned.

It was only a moment or two until Michelle's reaction started to change. She was thrusting her butt out to him as he pushed in, her head thrown back in bliss as her beautiful hair was spread across her back. Shaun's hands were on Michelle's hips, holding her as his cock plunged in and out of her. This went on several minutes as Michelle threw her head back and forth, arching her hips out to him over and over again and reached one hand down to furiously rub her clit, in and out of her pussy. Once again I was watching as another huge orgasm started to build inside her. Shaun and Michelle's bodies were covered with a sheen of sweat from the furious fucking. Shaun fucked my wife harder and harder until he finally let out a loud, gargled groan and pushed himself as deep into her as he could, holding himself there. Just as her orgasm hit, my wife caught my eyes in the mirror for just a moment before she closed them and her mouth formed a silent scream that seemed to go on forever.

When Michelle's orgasm finally ended, she literally collapsed onto the carpeted floor and curled up in a little ball with Shaun right behind her, his arms around her. Both lay on the floor trying to recover.

Even after watching my wife do this with Shaun, I don't think I ever could with her, she was my wife, the woman who nurses me when I'm sick, who wears a flannel nightie and snuggles me when she's cold. Even with her opening sexuality in the last year, I know this is something that'll always be off limits between the two of us. But watching her with Shaun, I felt my jealousy toward him rise tenfold! I don't think I've ever seen anything so arousing as my wife panting and thrusting her butt out to take more and more of another lover inside her ass!

When it was obvious Michelle and Shaun were finished, Trisha and I retreated to the bedroom and shortly I heard the door to one of the guest rooms close. Trisha and I were both extraordinarily horny and made love once again. This time it wasn't the mad fucking like earlier, we were in the missionary position, kissing and fondling each other as we made love.

Afterwards, as we lay in bed spooned together, I couldn't help but ask her, "The first time Michelle and I met you, you mentioned a boyfriend. Is it serious between you and him?

She snuggled her body back tighter against me. "I said that because I didn't know what else to say. I've had a few dates since our divorce, but never anything serious. There isn't any boyfriend."

I was actually quite thrilled with what she'd just said. "And if someone asked you that same question now, what would you say?"

Trisha rolled over and kissed me, "I'd definitely and truthfully say I have a boyfriend." I smiled at the thought, then she added, "And a couple girlfriends." Then she giggled in my arms. My last thoughts before I went to sleep were that the evening and night had turned out far beyond my wildest expectations!

I woke up late the next morning with the lovely Trisha's arm spread over me and her breast pressed against my chest. I gently slid out from under her and dressed. Trisha continued to sleep with her bare back exposed above the covers. Watching her for a moment and thinking about last night caused my little man to start to swell once again, although not enough to climb back into bed with her. As well as he'd been sated last night, it might be another week before he could do it again. I hoped not!

I padded softly down the hall, stopping briefly in front of the door where Michelle and Shaun were sleeping. Do I look? Nah, I pretty much know what I'd see without looking. Michelle would be naked, scrawled across Shaun's body. I decided I needed to honor my wife's privacy so I only pushed the door open a little, just enough to peek. I was wrong, she wasn't scrawled across his body like I'd imagined, she was sitting up on his waist, slowly riding his cock up and down while he had his arms around her waist and was sucking one of her breasts. I slowly pushed the door closed, a smile on my lips.

Pancakes were ready and bacon was on the pellet grill when the rest of our foursome joined me in the kitchen in a little while. We ate in companionable silence as I think we all were a little afraid to broach the subject of the night before. After breakfast, Michelle and I carted the dishes into the kitchen to clean up. I was anxious to talk about last night with her alone, but she simply told me, "Shaun's taking Alyssa (his daughter) to the mall and then out for dinner and he's invited me. I'm going to go home with Shaun this morning."

My disappointment must have shown on my face as she quickly added, "It's okay honey, I love you but Shaun invited me and I couldn't refuse. Besides, I know you'll want to spend some time with Jacqui when she gets home."

"Will you be home tonight?"

"No, I don't think so. Spend the night with Jacqui. I'll call you later."

She kissed me, returning to the dining room and took Shaun's hand. Shaun thanked me for the great breakfast and said they were leaving. I watched as Shaun escorted my wife to his car, his arm possessively around her waist as she kissed him right before sliding in his car on the passenger side.

Trisha was still sitting at the table when I returned to her but told me that she also needed to get home to get ready for her shift at work. Her car was still at the Black Angus so I drove her there. Before she got out of my car, she kissed me very sweetly on my lips and thanked me for a wonderful evening. I asked when I could see her again and she said she was off work Tuesday and Wednesday. I told her I'd call her when I had a little more idea about my own plans.

Jacqui was due in at the airport in a couple hours so I drove on over to her house to wait a little bit before picking her up. While I waited, I thought again how much our lives had changed in such a short time. I'd always been so shy around girls and smiled that at least that little problem seemed to have cleared itself up. I wondered what would eventually happen between me and Michelle. I have to admit that as much as my love for her has only grown, I was starting to feel a little uneasy and very jealous of her relationship with Shaun, not that I hadn't encouraged every bit of it - and knew I'd continue to do so in spite of my reservations.

I also couldn't help but wonder about my own relationship with both Jacqui and Trisha. I didn't want to lose Jacqui as I'd definitely grown to love her very much, but her moving to Montana was certainly going to put a major crimp on continuing our bond. I wondered, with the distance between us, would she be more inclined to date and find a man she could marry. My heart nearly broke at the thought at the same time what logical part of my brain still existed hoped that's exactly what would happen.

Then Trisha, I'd realized that I can't sleep with a woman without developing deep, emotional feelings for her. I wasn't the kind of guy to 'love-em and leave-em'. I'd been out with Trisha twice, both times ending in our bed together. I remembered how Jacqui and I had done the same thing in the beginning but then reverted to simply dating without the sex. Maybe I'd propose the same thing to Trisha unless Michelle objected. Maybe Trisha would want to move on to someone else, someone who was a better marriage prospect than I'd ever be. Maybe after watching Trisha and me making love last night Michelle wouldn't want me to see her again. If so, I'd honor her wishes.

The time came to drive to the airport and pick up Jacqui. I put my ruminations aside and simply looked forward to seeing her again. It seemed an eternity since she'd left on Wednesday. There'd been lots of times we'd gone much longer than that without seeing or talking to each other, but this was completely different. She'd always been there, a short drive away but this time she wasn't. My eyes started to get teary thinking of her actually living five hundred miles away.

Her big grin was the most welcome sight on earth when I first saw her walking toward me in the airport waiting area. We wrapped our arms around each other and kissed like long lost lovers when she reached me. When our kiss broke, she had to wipe tears from her eyes as well. Both our eyes were red knowing what was to come shortly.

We picked up Jacqui's baggage and rolled them to my car. The Pasco airport is relatively small so it's only a short walk to the short term parking. Once we were in the car, the only thing I was interested in was what she'd found out in Montana. When I asked, Jacqui gave her answer away when she hesitated in answering and looked away.

She turned back toward me, "They don't want to wait. They want me there right away."

I glanced over at her, "Right away, as in next week, two weeks?"

"No, like Tuesday, day after tomorrow."

I know my face turned white and I gripped the steering wheel hard. It'd only been eight days ago that she found out about this. They had said six or eight weeks, time for both of us to at least try to emotionally prepare, but Tuesday, day after tomorrow, no way!

Jacqui went on, "I found a little apartment I liked a lot and it's already rented. The company is going to hire a moving company to come in and pack and move everything for me, then they'll help working with a realtor to sell my house so all I have to do is pack a few clothes tomorrow and leave Tuesday morning." Jacqui was talking as fast as she could and when she stopped she started sobbing, "I don't want to do this! I don't want to leave you!"

I found the nearest driveway and pulled into it, pulling Jacqui into my arms, letting her cry. I was trying my best to keep myself from crying to be strong for her. When her tears subsided a little, she pulled away from me and I wiped her cheeks, telling her, "Jacqui, sweetheart, yes you do. This is the opportunity you've been waiting for, what you've been working toward. We'll be okay. We'll still get to see each other. It'll be different but we'll work it out." I said the words for Jacqui's benefit but inside I knew they weren't true. I didn't want her to go! I knew our relationship would never be the same.

I backed out of the driveway. I wondered what the owner thought of this strange car pulling into their driveway and stopping there before leaving. I held Jacqui's hand tightly on the rest of our drive to her house. When we arrived, I unloaded her suitcases and we went straight into her bedroom, lying down on her bed together, kissing and simply loving each other, fully clothed. We didn't make love, it was too emotional even for that. We held each other and caressed each other's faces, wiping our tears away.

Later in the evening, we went to dinner at the Olive Garden, ordered pretty small servings and took much of it home with us. We made love that night, slowly and very sensual.

I hadn't even realized that Michelle hadn't called until the next morning when I was getting ready for work and my phone rang. She said she was fine and I didn't want to tell her about Jacqui over the phone. When Michelle asked if I could meet her for lunch I didn't hesitate. I desperately needed to see my wife and talk to her! We agreed on McDonald's at twelve.

It wasn't a good morning at work. I had a mad customer who was angry that one of our inspectors had found him putting an addition on his house without a building permit. He was angry at the Communist regime that wouldn't let him do what he wanted on his own property without a damn permit! I tried without any success to convince him that our permit process wasn't that difficult and we wanted to help him through his project. He stormed out of our office telling me in no uncertain terms, "You'll see me in Hell before I get a God damned building permit!"

Ah well, I guess you can't win them all over. I'd send him a letter explaining our compliance process tomorrow.

By lunchtime, I was ready to get out of our office. I drove to McDonald's and saw Michelle sitting in a booth waiting for me. It honestly seemed a little weird seeing my gorgeous wife in her relatively conservative business suit, a blouse and skirt just below her knees, after the weekend we'd just had.

We kissed briefly, ordered and waited to pick it up. After we received our food, Michelle suggested we take it to her car where we have some privacy and can talk. Her tone was frightening me much more than my friendly customer that morning. After we sat down she got right to the point, "I'm going away for a little while, by myself. I need some time to think."

I looked at her and tried asking, "Why, what?"

She broke into my question, "This weekend scared me. I need some time alone to think."

"But I thought you enjoyed the weekend?"

"I did, too much, and it scares me, what I've become, what we've become. I practically made love with another woman on a stage in front of a crowd of horny men." Then she added, "And yes, I loved it. I watched my husband fuck another woman and I loved that. You watched my boyfriend, that I'm madly in love with by the way, fuck me in the ass to the biggest orgasm I've ever had! Honey, what's happening to us?"

I had no idea how to answer that before she went on some more, "I didn't tell you but after Nicole and I left the stage she asked me if I wanted to work there, every weekend." She looked away, out the window on her side, whispering to herself, "And I want to do it."

She turned and looked at me, tears running down her cheeks, "I want to do it. I want to be a stripper. Your thirty eight year old, loving wife wants to be a professional stripper! That's what's scaring me, why I need some time alone just to think."

I had no idea what to say. Everything Michelle had just said was true. Where was our life going? What did we want? How had our little sex games gone this far? The only thing I could think to say was, "Where, where are you going? How long?"

"I don't know to both. All I know is away and I'm going to turn off my cell phone so neither you or Shaun can call me. I'll be home when I'm ready." She finally added, "I do love you, so much it hurts. That's part of what I don't understand, how can I love you so much and want so badly to do those things?"

I still had nothing I could think of to say, "When are you leaving?"

"Now, after lunch. I told my boss that I some personal issues and I was taking some vacation leave. I'm going home to pack some clothes and no, I don't want you to go with me. I need to do this alone."

Neither of us had touched a bite of our lunch. As we left, I felt like our world was suddenly collapsing around us. Jacqui is leaving permanently, Michelle is leaving for who knows how long and I have no idea what will remain of our marriage when she decides to come home. The angry customer that morning seemed pretty trivial.

Michelle did kiss me before she left and told me, "It won't be forever, I will be back home." With that, I watched my beautiful wife, the woman I'm spending my life with, get in her car and drive away to I had no idea where!

I didn't tell Jacqui any of that on our last night together. I knew she'd be upset and she didn't need any more upset than she was already getting. Our last night was anything but ideal. We didn't have sex, simply spent most of the night alternating between crying and reassuring each other. I'm not going to write a lot about that night, except that it was very emotional and personal.

In the morning, we loaded Jacqui's suitcases into her car, wiped our tears away, held each other and Jacqui started the long drive to Great Falls, Montana for her new life.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Whorewife and cuck, the Bobbyl specialty.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
They are both playing close to the edge

The threat of losing Michelle is Rob's turn on. The sex is secondary and just a vehicle to fuel the threat of losing her. They are having fun, but with that goes consequences that he has been trying to prepare himself for. But, can you ever prepare yourself for something like this? A great erotic story with a lot of twists and turns. A 5 Star Rating.

Anthony1965Anthony1965over 4 years ago
Love the Story

I love where the story is going. Hopefully Michelle becomes a stripper and moves in with Shaun. But stays married to Robert and sees him occasionally. Can't wait to continue reading.

rustynail95rustynail95over 8 years ago
Good story

Well, this could be a good place to end this tale if you wish. This is erotic fiction, after all, and fantasy plays a major roll. That being said, your character development is quite a bit above most in this genre. This is more of a "hot wife" story than a cuckhold one because there is no humiliation, but the jealosy / turn-on issue is palpable. I like the reccuring heroin analogy. Simply put, our friend Robert has a fetish that is out of control and is in the process of destroying his marriage and his wife. In the real world, this couple needs to get some counseling fast, but in the world of erotic fiction, they will just probably find another set of partners who will fuck their brains out. I really hope that most of this tale is just your rich imagination and not autobiographical. But the characters and scenes are too vivid and obsessive to be a complete fantasy. That scares me a bit.

SteveWallaceSteveWallaceover 8 years ago
Fabulous twists and turns ...

... I love the complexities you have woven into this story. Pure five star material, and good fiction. / SW

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