Midwinter's Eve


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"Oh thank god. We thought you were dead and, and... and...!" The screeching voice said and started bawling.

"Damn Maddie, can't a guy get some sleep?" John bitched at her just to shut her up. He finally could start seeing things when he realized he was in a hospital bed and people were surrounding him. He saw Madison and his memory came rushing back. The fact that she was obviously pregnant wasn't lost on him either.

"Oh Jonny, I'm so sorry, I love you so much and I'm so sorry...!' Madison stated babbling at him and tried to get close.

"Where is Dale? And whose is that?" He pointed to her stomach. "I know it ain't mine! Remember, someone thought it was a good idea to not have sex until after we were married. Some shit about making the honeymoon better?" He was instantly pissed and it showed.

"Sir, you need to calm down." The nurse, doctor, or whoever, told John and then turned on Madison. "Ma'am, we let you in because you said you were his fiancé. You need to leave now so we can evaluate his condition!" There was no give in her voice.

"But I am...!" Madison whined. "This is all just a huge misunderstanding." She pleaded her case while she was ushered out. As soon as there was relative quiet, the nurse came back into his field of view.

"I need to know what you remember." She asked, looking at him and reading his vitals.

"I remember catching her and Dale fucking in my living room when I walked in." John started telling her still pissed, making his voice loud.

"Language please, this is a small hospital and there are kids in the hallway." The nurse scolded him.

"Sorry... I caught them in flagrant delecti, sans apparel, mid copulation, on my new leather couch. She 'was' my fiancée just like Dale 'was' my best friend. Dale was supposed to be taking me out for a stag party. But, I had to work out of town and was going to meet him once I got home. So anyway, I let them know I was not pleased with their activities and left the area before I lost the battle raging in my head and killed them for their betrayal." John wiped a tear. "I got into my car and headed out of town, not caring where I went. I got lost trying to get away from them. It was snowing really hard and I almost hit something or someone." He sighed and tried to remember more. "The rest is a bit fuzzy."

"That was over four months ago. Closer to five in all reality" The nurse said in a no nonsense voice, not agreeing with the stupid youngster who was the new hospital shrink. "Do you remember anything else?" She watched his vitals and put a warm blanket over him.

"I remember being warm." His eyes lost focus until he shook his head. "Then the long walk down the mountain. I remember seeing dogs all over my car. I remember asking what they were doing." He thought hard. "And then, I remember now."

"That was over two weeks ago. You've been in a coma like state for over two weeks." She said, watching him for his reaction. "I know it wasn't a coma, because you kept calling for someone and reaching for them in your sleep. But, you refused to respond to any other outside stimuli." She bit her lip and closed the door. "We thought it might have been her." She motioned with her thumb over her shoulder, "but I knew that was wrong as soon as you called her something else. Do you remember this other person who might be able to fill us in? She might be able to fill in some of the details." She was flicking a pen in her large hip pocket.

"Not right now." John looked confused. "There was something... two women, one tall and skinny and the other... I just don't know. I just remember being warm and safe." He was trying so hard, sweat was breaking out on his brow.

"It's okay, just relax. It will come back to you in time." She patted his arm. "You were dehydrated and your clothes were basically rags hanging off your body. But, you lipid count was high enough to stave off brain damage. You had to be getting some kind of fat and nutrients into your body during the long winter, or you'd never have survived. Your muscle tone is impressive and there is no neuropathy, but your body mass index is less than 5% body fat." She read the chart. "You need to get some rest and good high protein food. I know everyone and their brother is going to want to talk to you. You're big doings around here." She smiled and put a shot into his IV.

John felt the warm fluid go up his arm. He looked at it and his eyes got blurry. "Where's Doni?" He asked the nurse seconds before he found oblivion again.

"I was hoping you could tell me sugar." She smiled at him as the drug took effect.


"In further news tonight, John Morrison, the lost driver who walked out of the back mountains, is still recovering from his ordeal. He says he still can't remember where he was over the winter, but that he was warm and safe. On a side note, the person who drove his car down from the mountains is now under investigation. John Morrison said he recognized the man from the cave he was in. It is unknown if he has legal counsel and refused our request for an interview. In the weather, we are having one of the most spectacular springs in many years, even if it is coming a bit late. Back to you in the Weather Center, David."

John flicked of the news and turned away from the window. "It's that time of day again John." The older nurse came in stopping just inside of the door.

"No, no and NO!" John snapped irritated. "I do not want to see her unless Dale is with her and they can explain it to me together." John looked at her and prayed she was still on his side.

"Well, look at that spike in your vitals... I'll let the doctor know. The Sherriff is here again." She warned him as she opened the door. "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's the same answer as yesterday. Until he is totally stable and calm, we just can't risk his recovery. Sir, you can go in, but for no more than ten minutes." She let the officer in.

"Good morning John. Nurse Ratchet tells me you're doing better." The cop set his hat down and smiled. "You know you can be charged for assault if he wanted to." He sighed. "But, let's table that for now. Do you remember anything new? You've got that guy doing the pee-pee dance when you said you saw him before. He is in full denial mode and well with everything else." He looked at John to gauge his reactions.

"I know, but I just can't tell you what I don't remember." John sighed frustrated. "I do remember seeing him. He walked into where I was and then backed out. But, that is all I remember. Hell, I can't even tell you at what point it happened. He was wearing a yellow backpack and blue shoes. He had a bright orange cap and black gloves. But, that is all I remember." John was getting frustrated.

"And you said you were with this Donny person and maybe another woman." The cop checked his notes. "Anything new on them?" He wrote down the description in his note pad.

"No, just the name I call out in my sleep, and the memory of being warm and safe. It is Doni, not Donny and it's a she, I think."

"A Doni woman you say?"An old wrinkled person was walking by. "A spirit woman?" He stepped in.

"Hey Tallbear, I'm glad you could stop by. This is the guy we had you tracking but you could never find." The cop smiled at the old man.

"I should say not, if he was with a Doni woman. He was in the spirit world. They are nature sprits." He looked at the white man laying there. "He has heard this before, you can tell by his eyes." He pointed to John who was sitting up.

"What do you mean?" The cop looked at the old guide.

"Yeah, that... how, who are these Doni women?" John sat up, listening with every fiber of his being.

"Duna, Doni, Mudo, Mut, and other such legends, are all about the great mother spirits. They are the life bringers. Some call her Gaia, or Ursa the Great Mother. Some call her the Great Bear, or Otter or Deer. Every tribe I know of has legends of these women." Things started tickling the back of John's mind.

"Some mate for life and others are to make enough lust to ensure the survival of the..." It was right there.

"Why do they get to go in and see him?" A voice screeched, interrupting the fleeting memory.

"Damn it, just when I was getting something new." The Cop sighed. "I'll go deal with her. See what you can get out of him please." He walked out of the room.

"You have heard of these things before?" The old man looked at John.

"I don't remember, but they sound right. I was in a snow storm and something big and brown crossed in front of me. I remember a scraping sound and a harsh voice. I remember being warm and snuggled. I remember drinking something that kept me alive." John was trying so hard to remember details.

"If, and I do mean the big if... it was a real Doni woman, she has the power to make you forget." He shrugged. "But you are right about some of it. We find many men naked and dead in the mountain after the midwinter's snow. They all have this strange look on their face and are still hard down there."

"Too much elixir of life can do that." John murmured.

"What was that?" Tallbear asked looking at the man in the bed.

"Too much... too much of something. Damn it, it was right there." He shook his head. "This is so fucking frustrating. It's just out of my reach, but I know I'm not crazy." John insisted, getting angry.

"Touched by the spirits is what you are. You're very lucky." Tallbear smiled as they listened to the screeching out in the hall. "Well, in some things anyway." They laughed as Madison kept yelling at the cop.

"I am his next of kin as much as he has one and I want to know what is going on right now!" Madison was yelling loud enough that everyone was looking at her.

"My God, she was always such a selfish bitch, just like Doni's sister!" John shook his head.

"Who's sister?" Tallbear asked quietly.

"Doni's sister, the lust spirit." John looked shocked. "Wait, what did I just say?"

"You tell me." Tallbear held his gaze, his spine going chill.

"I don't remember. I just know it was right. But I can't remember the words." John looked at the old native man, not knowing how to say it again.

"I was right. You have walked with the spirits while you were away. But, they will never understand." He pointed to the cop who was trying to deal with his ex. "Tell them a reclusive old medicine woman found you in the mountains and kept you warm. When you get out of here, come look me up. I think we have a lot to talk about." He shook John's hand and left quietly.


Two days later, he had to let them in. Standing in front of him was he ex best-friend and ex-girlfriend. "How's the jaw?" John asked Dale none too kindly, flexing his hand.

"It will never be the same. I have three screws and a plate in to keep it together." Dale looked pissed. "I might never be able to have kids either." He hissed, his nuts contracting painfully.

"You mean besides the one she's carrying?" He pointed at Madison. "You know it's not mine right?" He wanted to laugh at the look on Dale's face. "I hadn't even fucked her yet, so the honeymoon would be special." He smiled grimly.

"You lying cunt!" Dale turned on Madison. "You said that..." He was ready to go off on her. She knew he wanted to know if it was his.

"Unless you were fucking someone else behind mine and Dale's back, Maddie...?" John stopped Dale's tirade.

"I wasn't fucking anyone behind your back. And fucking Dale was the biggest mistake I ever made. Hell, I don't even like the macho prick. I don't know how we ended up on the couch when you walked in. All I remember was him bitching about the latest woman to kick him to the curb and the next thing I know you're kicking him in the balls and slamming him in to the wall. I saw your face and knew I made the biggest mistake in my life and that I would do anything to make it better." She had a whiny pleading in her voice. "But you left before I could say a word."

"If I stayed, you'd both be dead, so you should be thanking me that I left!" He looked at the fuming Dale. "And you buddy, what's your fucking excuse?" He pinned Dale with a frosty stare.

"Hell I don't know." Dale sighed, feeling guilty. "I was half drunk, horny as hell, and she was giving me her usual bullshit. I just got tired of it and was going to put a stop to it. I figured if I put her against the wall and made her kiss me, she'd back off my ass. One thing led to another and then we were fucking like bunnies. Hell, the first time we never made it off the wall, she's the one who pulled me down so she could ride the magical hobby horse on the couch. Really dude, it wasn't my fault!" Dale insisted innocently.

"So, it wasn't you who was pumping his dick into my woman? What, you just tripped, it was hard, and it slipped right into her twat? All that thrusting was you just trying to stand back up, right?" He pinned Dale with a hard stare and then turned on Madison. "And it wasn't your cunt he was buried in? It wasn't you screaming for him to fuck you harder as you clawed his back and stained my new couch? I imagined the whole thing? Just like I'm imaging your belly swelling with not my child? Wow, I need to start writing fiction, if I have that great of an imagination!" He finished sarcastically.

"But it's not like that!" They said in unison.

"Bullshit!" He stopped them cold. "I call bullshit!" John was breathing fire. "Dale did or did you not, fuck Madison?" He waited until Dale nodded his head yes. "Madison is Dale the father of the kid that you are carrying in your uterus?" He looked at her until she dropped her eyes. "Did or did you not fuck each other, ending with me catching you getting Madison knocked up with Dale's offspring?" He pressed on waiting until they nodded yes to all his questions. "Okay, then don't ever tell me it's not what I think. Have you two fucked again since that day?" He could tell by the look on their face they had.

"It always starts out as a fight, but then something happens and I'm... well I just can't help it." Dale sighed. "Most of the time I can't stand the bitch, then when I'm not looking, we're fucking again." He didn't know why he said that. It would have been so much easier if he just lied about it. He knew that was Maddie's plan.

"You lying ass." She slapped him. "You know my hormones are all over the place. You come over looking for a reason to fuck me. I'm only human!' Madison shouted. "I do have needs you know. I'm not just some cum dump!" She turned away from Dale.

"Yeah, then why do you always need a hard dick in your mouth, pussy, or ass, twenty-four-seven? The last three times alone you started it with a blow job and I never pushed you to take it up the ass. You wanted that not me." Dale yelled back, his dick getting hard.

"Shut the hell up, both of you!" John interrupted their fight before they were fucking on top of him. "Dale, take her home and pound the hell out of her ass if you want to. She's yours from here on out. I don't want to have a damn thing to do with either one of you." It was done and he was tired.

"But honey...?" Madison cried, fighting the urge to go after Dale.

"But Dude...?" Dale tried to relieve the pressure on his dick before his pant seam cut it in half.

"We had a good long run, but your dick is hard and her high beams are on, so get out of here and go take care of some business." He pointed at Dale. "But leave me out of it. Once I get out of here, I'll call so you two can be somewhere else while I get my shit from the house. I'll have my realtor sign over the paperwork so you two love birds can take over the payments on the house. I just want my shit. Dale you owe me two thousand for the engagement ring and you decide on the rest of the shit, like your favorite fucking couch. It's not like you can't afford it! Leave me a cashier's check." He held up his hand, shutting them both up. "Now, get the hell out of my room!" He pointed and shut his mouth before he really went off on them.

"But, I don't love him!" Madison shouted. Dale just shook his head while looking at Madison's tits.

"Yeah, that's why you're so hot right now thinking about not me. I can smell your twat juice from here Madison. Make it with Dale or not, we're through, finished, done, kaput!" John told both of them. "You knocked her up, you take care of her, or I'll come back and finish what I started." He warned Dale. "Now, take her home and fuck her into submission, but never come back here again, either one of you!" He watched as they both slunk out of his room and down the hall.

"I think you handled that really well." A taunting voice said from the corner of the room.

"Fuck you!" John spit out.

"Any time and any place, but remember what my sister said." She laughed.

"YOU...!" John looked at the woman and recognized her. "You did that to them didn't you?" He accused her.

"It was necessary." She flicked her wrist. "Contrary to what my sister might have told you, I do serve a purpose." Her doe brown eye locked onto his. "It was the only way they could have reproduced, and it got you away from them." She let slip and then looked mad at herself.

"Why me...?" John asked refusing to back down from her.

"Because human, you are special. I could have kept you. Ones like you come maybe once in a millennium. Someone who can accept us for who and what we are. Someone I could keep and not kill those who I mate with. I wanted you, so I took you. But, my sister got in the way. I haven't forgiven you or her for that slight. She wasn't supposed to be on that mountain that night. It was so I could have you!" She stalked closer to him as he reached up to fend her off.

"John, JOHN... wake up! John, it okay, but you need to wake up before you pull out your IV." A loud voice interrupted the fight he was in with the sister. "John it's me, Nurse Mel! You need to wake up!" She held his arm hoping he didn't break off the catheter.

"What the, why did you?" John was looking around for his adversary. "Where is she? I wasn't done with her." he looked around the room.

"They left two hours ago. The last time I checked you were sleeping peacefully. I think you handled them really well. I don't know if I could have done the same. Are you feeling better now? Who were you fighting with in your sleep?"

"She was right there. She was taunting me. She was..." He rubbed his aching head.

"Who was John? Who came into your room? I've had it watched to make sure that slut didn't bother you again. They're going to be releasing you in a couple of days and you'll need all your strength." She took a small syringe and put as much of the medicine as she was allowed. "You need one more good sleep John. Everything will look better in the morning."

"I miss you Doni." John said, the drug taking him past consciousness and into the land of dreams.

"I'm sure she misses you too John." She sighed and covered him and softly closed his door behind her as she left.


"Thank you Richard, I know you didn't have to do this." John was talking to his old boss.

"You know John; we can still use you back at work, if you ever change your mind." The older gentle man said, trying not to lose one of his best workers. "I knew you wouldn't just abandon us like that."

"No, and I thank you for that too." John sighed. "But, with everything that has happened, I don't have anything to really hold me here anymore. And the thought of seeing Dale and Madison somewhere would just drive me crazy." John rationalized why he couldn't stay where he was. He couldn't tell them he was being pulled somewhere by something or someone.

"I know how you feel John.' Richard sighed. "My first wife did something similar to me, but I didn't let it destroy my life. Now, I'm where I'm at, and they're in some dive trailer park. I hope she got everything she deserved, but me, I'm much happier with Linda. So what, if she's a trophy wife. We're both happy and that's all that counts."